Get the envelope of a signal in Matlab - matlab

I don't know how to compute the envelope of a signal. I've already seen the mathwork solutions firstSolution secondSolution but they does not work in the signal I'm working with.
This signal provides from a pressure sensor and it's sampled at a frequency of 1kHz and it has 100000 samples.
I've read that with the hilbert transform I could get the envelope by doing abs(hilbert(data)) being data the values of the signal2.txt but it has not work. I've also tried with taking the absolute value of the analytic signal but it has not work either.
The solution I've tried is to find the peaks and put them together linearly but it does not work properly because I want a continuous and derivable function as result so as I need to derivate it.
I hope you knew the solution to my problem. :)


Masking Audio STFT Matlab

I want to implantation a masking time-frequency audio.
In first, I am using the function : S=spectrogram(x,window,noverlap,nfft) on Matlab, to extract the STFT of the noise+target signal (from WAV file). After that, I am forcing on some coefficients of the STFT(S variable) to be zero with decision of some threshold. But after doing ISTFT I get complex values ( not a real values like I am Expecting - like audio signal).
Can anyone explain where the problem is coming from? And what is the accepted solution to a problem of this kind?
If I were doing FFT and there doing manipulations on the signal, I would make sure that the signal has properties to be real in time, but how to keep the properties in the STFT plane?
Are you using the MATLAB function spectrogram() or stft()?
I think you should use stft() (because you can use istft() to go back to time domain).
Also whatever processing you do to the time-frequency domain, you should do the same processing to both positive frequencies and negative frequencies.

Suggestions for defining limits of frequencies in Matlab Spectrogram function?

I am new to Matlab and signal processing. I am having an issue with defining the frequency range in which the spectrogram is processed. When I am plotting the spectrogram of .wav audio data, the y axis, frequency, spans from zero to around 23 kHz. The useful data I am looking for is in the range of 200-400 Hz. My code snippet is:
[samFa, fs] = audioread('samFa.wav'); %convert audio to numerical data
samFa = samFa(:,1); %take only one channel of numerical output
spectrogram(samFA,2205,1200,12800, fs,'yaxis','MinThreshold',-80);
I don't want to be some noobie that runs into a problem and instantly gives up and posts a duplicate question to stackoverflow, so I have done as much digging as I can, but am at my wit's end.
I scoured the documentation for parameters or ways to have Matlab only analyze a subset or range of the data, but found nothing. Additionally, in all of the examples the frequency range seems to automatically adapt to the data set.
I know it is possible to just calculate the spectrogram for the entire range of frequencies, and then remove all of the unnecessary data through truncating or manually changing the limits in the plot itself, but changing plotting limits does not help with the numerical data.
I went searching through many similar questions, and found an answer all the way from 2012 here: Can I adjust spectogram frequency axes?
where the suggested answer was to import a vector of specific frequencies for the spectrogram to analyze. I tried passing a vector of integer values between 200 and 400, and a few other test ranges, but got the error:
Error using welchparse>welch_options (line 297)
The sampling frequency must be a scalar.
I've tried passing the parameter in at different places in the function, with no avail, and don't see anything regarding this parameter in the documentation, leading me to believe that this functionality was possibly removed sometime between 2012 and now.
When plotting spectrogram without providing signal frequency, Matlab provides a normalized spectrogram, which only provides a much smaller data window, which I can visually assess to cover the data from 0:5kHz (an artifact of overtones in the audio), so I know that matlab is not finding any data above this range to make the frequency range go to 20kHz
I've been trying to learn some signal processing for this project, so I believe the Nyquist frequency should be the maximum frequency that a Fourier transform is able to analyze, to be half the sampling frequency. My recording frequency is sampling at 44,100 Hz, and the spectrogram is ranging to around 22 or 23 kHz, leading me to believe that it's Matlab is noticing my sampling frequency and assuming that it needs to analyze up to such a high range.
For my work I am doing I am needing to produce thousands of spectrograms to then be processed through much further analysis, so it is very time consuming for Matlab to be processing so much unecessary data, and I would expect there to be some functionality in Matlab somehow to get around this.
Sorry for the very long post, but I wanted to fully explain my problem and show that I have done as much work as I could to solve the problem before turning for help. Thank you very much.
Get the axis handle and set the visual range there:
spectrogram(samFA,2205,1200,12800, fs,'yaxis','MinThreshold',-80);
ylim(ax, [0.2,0.4]); %kHz
And if you want to calculate specific frequencies range to save time you better use goertzel.
f = 200:10:400;
freq_indices = round(f/fs*N) + 1;
dft_data = goertzel(data,freq_indices);

Matlab noise in frequency response function (FRF)

I am calculating the natural frequencies and the corresponding FRF of a test sample that is excited with a hammer with an accelerometer attached to the tip as input signal and another accelerometer attached to the test sample to measure the response. The calculation of the natural frequencies works fine, however, when I am plotting the normalized FRF of 40 independent measurements, the noise makes it impossible to discern the natural frequencies as you can see below.
Then I found out about the hanning window and I applied this to my data, which gave me the following FRF:
This is an upgrade, but still way too much noise :-(
I am hoping someone can help me what to do next to remove as much noise as possible! Any help would be appreciated!
I am not sure this is a StackOverflow question, but I will still try to help you:
I would try to use autocorrelation or fft. This question could also help you:Determine frequency from signal data in MATLAB

FFT in Matlab in order to find signal frequency and create a graph with peaks

I have data from an accelerometer and made a graph of acceleration(y-axis) and time (x-axis). The frequency rate of the sensor is arround 100 samples per second. but there is no equally spaced time (for example it goes from 10.046,10.047,10.163 etc) the pace is not const. And there is no function of the signal i get. I need to find the frequency of the signal and made a graph of frequency(Hz x-axis) and acceleration (y-axis). but i don't know which code of FFT suits my case. (sorry for bad english)
Any help would be greatly appreciated
For an FFT to work you will need to reconstruct the signal you have with with a regular interval. There are two ways you can do this:
Interpolate the data you already have to make an accurate guess at where the signal would be at a regular interval. However, this FFT may contain significant inaccuracies.
Adjust the device reading from the accelerometer incorporate an accurate timer such that results are always transmitted at regular intervals. This is what I would recommend.

MATLAB, averaging multiple fft's ,coherent integration

I have audio record.
I want to detect sinusoidal pattern.
If i do regular fft i have result with bad SNR.
for example
my signal contents 4 high frequencies:
fft result:
To reduce noise i want to do Coherent integration as described in this article:
but i cant find any MATLAB examples how to do it. Sorry for bad english. Please help )
I look at spectra almost every day, but I never heard of 'coherent integration' as a method to calculate one. As also mentioned by Jason, coherent integration would only work when your signal has a fixed phase during every FFT you average over.
It is more likely that you want to do what the article calls 'incoherent integration'. This is more commonly known as calculating a periodogram (or Welch's method, a slightly better variant), in which you average the squared absolute value of the individual FFTs to obtain a power-spectral-density. To calculate a PSD in the correct way, you need to pay attention to some details, like applying a suitable Fourier window before doing each FFT, doing the proper normalization (so that the result is properly calibrated in i.e. Volt^2/Hz) and using half-overlapping windows to make use of all your data. All of this is implemented in Matlab's pwelch function, which is part of the signal-processing toolbox. See my answer to a similar question about how to use pwelch.
Integration or averaging of FFT frames just amounts to adding the frames up element-wise and dividing by the number of frames. Since MATLAB provides vector operations, you can just add the frames with the + operator.
coh_avg = (frame1 + frame2 + ...) / Nframes
Where frameX are the complex FFT output frames.
If you want to do non-coherent averaging, you just need to take the magnitude of the complex elements before adding the frames together.
noncoh_avg = (abs(frame1) + abs(frame2) + ...) / Nframes
Also note that in order for coherent averaging to work the best, the starting phase of the signal of interest needs to be the same for each FFT frame. Otherwise, the FFT bin with the signal may add in such a way that the amplitudes cancel out. This is usually a tough requirement to ensure without some knowledge of the signal or some external triggering so it is more common to use non-coherent averaging.
Non-coherent integration will not reduce the noise power, but it will increase signal to noise ratio (how the signal power compares to the noise power), which is probably what you really want anyway.
I think what you are looking for is the "spectrogram" function in Matlab, which computes the short time Fourier transform(STFT) of an input signal.