Powershell/bat - copy folder to multiple destinations - powershell

I have folder c:\tocopy that I would like to copy the content to c:\dest1, c:\dest2 and overriding the existing files
I am not sure what my script would need to look like to be able to do this.
(using win2k12)
Thank you

would use robocopy for this purpose.
In this particular case:
robocopy c:\tocopy c:\dest1 /MIR /Z
robocopy c:\tocopy c:\dest2 /MIR /Z
/MIR makes dest mirror tocopy
/Z makes it so that the copy is restartable (depending on the size of the things you are copying you may not need this, but you probably want it when transferring files over the network or doing large copies

To use powershell, try the copy-item cmdlet:
Copy-Item c:\tocopy -Destination c:\dest1 -Recurse -Force
Copy-Item c:\tocopy -Destination c:\dest2 -Recurse -Force


Fastest approach to copy millions of JPGs to destination with Robocopy and Powershell?

I want to copy all JPGs within a directory (including subfolders) to a target destination (flat hierarchy).
My Powershell Script seems super slow :(
Any ideas how to make the fastest approach? Is robocopy a faster solution?
It seems that Robocopy always also creates the folder of the JPG. But I want it flat like
Is it possible that only images are copied that arent already in the target folder?
Get-ChildItem -Path "R:\XXX\*" -Include *.jpg -Recurse | Copy-Item -Destination $targetpath -verbose

Robocopying multiple folders at one time

I have a folder per day in c:/place/, like C:/place/2017-01-01 & C:/place/2017-01-31
I want to use robocopy to move 2017-01-0* from c:/place to d:/place, what would be the proper syntax to move all of those folders at once?
I'm using PowerShell to accomplish the task, but I don't want to use a do/FOR as moving one folder at a time would take far too long.
$source = "c:/place"
$dest= "d:/place"
robocopy $source $dest /COPYALL /B /SEC /MIR

Move-Item from sub folder to second subfolder using variable destination

I'd like to move all the files in multiple folders into a subfolder within those folders.
So from C:\Desktop\Folder to C:\Desktop\Folder\cv.
I'm having difficulty targeting the correct destination, so far I've tried:
Get-ChildItem *cv -Recurse -Exclude "cv" | Move-Item -Destination {"C:\Desktop\$($_.Name)\cv"}
I'm using Windows PowerShell.
EDIT: For those interested I've found a way to do this using CMD:
FOR /D %G IN ("*cv") DO robocopy /move "%~G" "%~G\cv" "*"
I'd still like to know how to do this using PowerShell, though.

PowerShell implementation of xcopy

Is there a way to replicate an xcopy functional using powershell?
I thought it was an easy question until I tried some cmdlets.
Let's imagine I've got a folder structure like:
There're files in each folder of course. I need to copy contents of Src to some folder Dst.
With xcopy it'd be like this:
xcopy src dst\ /e /y
PS analog would be something like this:
copy-item src dst\ -force -recurse -verbose
Works great... the first time. The second time it creates a subfolder dst\src and puts files there!
I can't figure out any easy workaround. Can you?
p.s. I know I can use xcopy in PS.
copy-item c:\\src\\* c:\\dst -force -recurse -verbose
Here's another workaround I found here:
https://github.com/nightroman/PowerShellTraps/tree/master/Cmdlets/Copy-Item/Inconsistent-destination I've tried in the past to do this myself and would revert back to xcopy. This is "idempotent" and will have the same result the second time.
mkdir $destination -Force
Copy-Item $source\* $destination -Recurse -Force

Piping output from get-childitem to robocopy

I have an array of files that need to be moved to a backup locations. I am collecting the array of desired items using a get-childitem command. I am looking to use robocopy to move stuff once the list of collected items is ready.
$srcitems = get-childitem $paths
robocopy $srcitems $dest /move
Does this work?
If not what is the best way to pipe to each individual item to robocopy?
Usage :: ROBOCOPY source destination [file [file]...] [options]
source :: Source Directory (drive:\path or \\server\share\path).
destination :: Destination Dir (drive:\path or \\server\share\path).
file :: File(s) to copy (names/wildcards: default is "*.*").
Robocopy is expecting a source directory, a destination directory, and a file spec as arguments. It's difficult to give a definitive answer without knowing what your "list of collected items" looks like. If it's source directories, then you can foreach that list through a an ivocation of robocopy, and hardcode a wildcard spec for the file names. If you've got a list of files, you'll need to split those off into directory/file (I'd use split-path), and do an invocation of robocopy for each source directory, specifying the list of files in that directory.
Similar scenario, posting in case it helps:
I needed to copy (move) some folders all beginning with "Friday" and items within from a source to a destination, and came up with this that seems to be working:
Get-ChildItem T:\ParentFolder -Filter "Friday*" -Name | ForEach-Object { robocopy "T:\ParentFolder\$_" "E:\$_" /z /s /MOVE }
The "Get-ChildItem" portion lists the folder names (-Name) starting
with "Friday" (-Filter "Friday*").
This gets piped to the ForEach-Object where robocopy will execute for every instance found.
The robocopy /MOVE argument obviously moves the folders/files.
I'm fairly new to Powershell; not sure if there is a better way. The script is still running, but so far so good.
#walid2mi uses Move-Item which I'm sure works; I just like robocopy b/c it has a restartable mode (/Z).
Syntax that worked for me:
$srcPath = "C:\somefolder"
$dstPath = "C:\someOtherFolder"
$srcitems = get-childitem $srcPath #whatever condition
$srcitems | Select Name | ForEach-Object {robocopy $srcPath $dstPath $_.name}
(which is obvious according to the robocopy documentation)
Get-ChildItem $paths | Move-Item -Destination $dest -WhatIf