scala-maven-plugin : ClassNotFoundException - scala

I am trying to run a simple Scala Hello World program using scala-maven-plugin from the command line in my Ubuntu VM running in Win-7 host OS.
I tried to execute in the following two ways :-
mvn scala:run -DmainClass=com.infoobjects.HelloWorld
Declaring the main class in a launcher tag in pom.xml and then executing mvn scala:run from the command line
But I am getting ClassNotFoundException in either case.
Directory Structure :-
Project > src > main > scala > com > infoobjects > HelloWorld.scala
Thanks in advance.
Here's my pom.xml

your pom.xml has schema's issue : <executions> should not be child of <configuration>. So everything under <executions> is ignored
see Maven Model


Quarkus - Generate rest clients from OpenApi

I'm using Quarkus with Kotlin and tried to generate Rest clients using this Quarkus extension
I included the dependency and the mentioned plugin into the pom.xml
When compiling everything gets generated correctly into target/openapi/quarkus/clients_json/api/
However, when trying to import the DefaultApi it throws an error that it can't find the class.
I've tried the suggestions from the following post maven can't add files in generated-sources for compilation phase and included
<source>${}/generated-sources/gen-java</source><!-- adjust folder name to your needs -->
into the pom.xml as well but it didn't do anything.
Does anyone know how to change the output directory of the generated OpenApi files with Quarkus?
Just an FYI:
I did the following, and it worked

How to generate Open API files on Bazel?

So we are migrating a Maven project to Bazel. In this project, we generated our Open API documentation from Java annotations and using the swagger-maven-plugin as follows:
Is there a way to generate this file using a Bazel rule?

Unable to import into a scala package in a mixed scala/java project

I have a mixed scala/java project. Why would the following import not work?
This error occurs both in Intellij and more importantly on maven command line using
mvn clean -DskipTests package
Here is the intellij SDK:
Here is the relevant section of the pom.xml showing the java/scala interaction - as recommended by :
Here is the error from maven command line:
[ERROR] /git/OCspark/tcpclient/src/main/scala/com/pointr/tcp/iotest/package.scala:2: object io is not a member of package
[ERROR] import
Update Based on a comment by # LuisMiguelMejíaSuárez I looked at the java sources. Note that java is not the root of the package hierarchy - which might have then been the more obvious cause of this problem:
But .. unmarking_ the java directory as sources does fix the problem..
Why would this fix it?

scala-maven-plugin compile failed For artifact {org.scala-sbt:compiler-bridge_2.11:null:jar}

Seems that something has changed in the scala maven repository cause I get a new error for a project that worked before. If I am running on my own machine it will work since I have .m2 folder that has the missing jar, but when running on a new machine (circle ci) it fails.
ERROR] Failed to execute goal net.alchim31.maven:scala-maven-plugin:4.0.0:compile (scala-compile) on project my-project-name: Execution scala-compile of goal net.alchim31.maven:scala-maven-plugin:4.0.0:compile failed: For artifact {org.scala-sbt:compiler-bridge_2.11:null:jar}: The version cannot be empty. -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
The pom looks as follows:
<!-- scala plugins -->
I think this is a new issue - if someone has a workaround I will appreciate
Problem was fixed by adding version to maven plugin:
<!-- scala plugins -->
"Added version tag"
I hav encountered the same problem, Thanks Ehud Lev for sharing his solution.

scala code-coverage tool Cobertura on jenkins

I have difficulties with configuring Cobertura code-coverage tool in Jenkins to work with mixed Java/Scala project. Java classes works ok, but Cobertura don't analyze Scala tests.
Scala-specific configuration in my pom.xml:
<!--suppress MavenModelInspection -->
<!--suppress MavenModelInspection -->
It works. It was some kind of proxy issue, once I made build healthy again and built it several times, correct code-coverage appeared.