SELECT * except nth column - postgresql

Is it possible to SELECT * but without n-th column, for example 2nd?
I have some view that have 4 and 5 columns (each has different column names, except for the 2nd column), but I do not want to show the second column.
SELECT * -- how to prevent 2nd column to be selected?
FROM view4
WHERE col2 = 'foo';
SELECT * -- how to prevent 2nd column to be selected?
FROM view5
WHERE col2 = 'foo';
without having to list all the columns (since they all have different column name).

The real answer is that you just can not practically (See LINK). This has been a requested feature for decades and the developers refuse to implement it. The best practice is to mention the column names instead of *. Using * in itself a source of performance penalties though.
However, in case you really need to use it, you might need to select the columns directly from the schema -> check LINK. Or as the below example using two PostgreSQL built-in functions: ARRAY and ARRAY_TO_STRING. The first one transforms a query result into an array, and the second one concatenates array components into a string. List components separator can be specified with the second parameter of the ARRAY_TO_STRING function;
), ', ') || ' FROM view4';
where strings are concatenated with the standard operator ||. The COLUMN_NAME data type is information_schema.sql_identifier. This data type requires explicit conversion to CHAR/VARCHAR data type.
But that is not recommended as well, What if you add more columns in the long run but they are not necessarily required for that query?
You would start pulling more column than you need.
What if the select is part of an insert as in
Insert into tableA (col1, col2, col3.. coln) Select everything but 2 columns FROM tableB
The column match will be wrong and your insert will fail.
It's possible but I still recommend writing every needed column for every select written even if nearly every column is required.
Since you are already using a VIEW, the simplest and most reliable way is to alter you view and mention the column names, excluding your 2nd column..

-- my table with 2 rows and 4 columns
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t_target_table;
CREATE TEMP TABLE t_target_table as
SELECT 1 as id, 1 as v1 ,2 as v2,3 as v3,4 as v4
SELECT 2 as id, 5 as v1 ,-6 as v2,7 as v3,8 as v4
-- my computation and stuff that i have to messure, any logic could be done here !
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t_processing;
CREATE TEMP TABLE t_processing as
SELECT *, md5(t_target_table::text) as row_hash, case when v2 < 0 THEN true else false end as has_negative_value_in_v2
FROM t_target_table
-- now we want to insert that stuff into the t_target_table
-- this is standard
-- INSERT INTO t_target_table (id, v1, v2, v3, v4) SELECT id, v1, v2, v3, v4 FROM t_processing;
-- this is andvanced ;-)
INSERT INTO t_target_table
-- the following row select only the columns that are pressent in the target table, and ignore the others.
SELECT r.* FROM (SELECT to_jsonb(t_processing) as d FROM t_processing) t JOIN LATERAL jsonb_populate_record(NULL::t_target_table, d) as r ON TRUE
-- WARNING : you need a object that represent the target structure, an exclusion of a single column is not possible

For columns col1, col2, col3 and col4 you will need to request
SELECT col1, col3, col4 FROM...
to omit the second column. Requesting
will get you all the columns


How to describe columns (get their names, data types, etc.) of a SQL query in PostgreSQL

I need a way to get a "description" of the columns from a SELECT query (cursor), such as their names, data types, precision, scale, etc., in PostgreSQL (or better yet PL/pgSQL).
I'm transitioning from Oracle PL/SQL, where I can get such description using a built-in procedure dbms_sql.describe_columns. It returns an array of records, one for each column of a given (parsed) cursor.
EDB has it implemented too (
An examples of such query:
select col1 from tab where col2 = :a
I need an API (or a workaround) that could be called like this (hopefully):
select query_column_description('select col1 from tab where col2 = :a');
that will return something similar to:
Why? We build views where these queries become individual columns. For example, view's query would look like the following:
select (select col1 from tab where col2 = t.colA) as col1::numeric
from tab_main t!17/21c7a/2
You can use systems table :
First step create a temporary view with your query (without clause where)
create or replace view temporary view a_view as
select col1 from tab
then select
from (
table_schema = 'public' and
table_name = 'a_view'
) as t

select all except for a specific column

I have a table with more than 20 columns, I want to get all columns except for one which I'll use in a conditional expression.
SELECT s.* (BUT NOT column1),
CASE WHEN column1 is null THEN 1 ELSE 2 END AS column1
from tb_sample s;
Can I achieve it in postgresql given the logic above?
It may not be ideal, but you can use information_schema to get the columns and use the column to exclude in the where clause.
That gives you a list of all the column names you DO want, which you can copy/paste into your select query:
select textcat(column_name, ',')
from information_schema.columns
where table_name ='table_name' and column_name !='column_to_exclude';


Is there a way in db2 where I can replace the entire table with just selected rows from the same table ?
Something like REPLACE into tableName select * from tableName where col1='a';
(I can export the selected rows, delete the entire table and load/import again, but I want to avoid these steps and use a single query).
Original table
col1 col2
a 0 <-- replace all rows and replace with just col1 = 'a'
a 1 <-- col1='a'
b 2
c 3
Desired resultant table
col1 col2
a 0
a 1
Any help appreciated !
This is a duplicate of my answer to your duplicate question:
You can't do this in a single step. The locking required to truncate the table precludes you querying the table at the same time.
The best option you would have is to declare a global temporary table (DGTT) and insert the rows you want into it, truncate the source table, and then insert the rows from the DGTT back into the source table. Something like:
declare global temporary table t1
as (select * from schema.tableName where ...)
with no data
on commit preserve rows
not logged;
insert into session.t1 select * from schema.tableName;
truncate table schema.tableName immediate;
insert into schema.tableName select * from session.t1;
I know of no way to do what you're asking in one step...
You'd have to select out to a temporary table then copy back.
But I don't understand why you'd need to do this in the first place. Lets assume there was a REPLACE TABLE command...
WHERE col1 = 'a' AND <...>
Why not simply delete the inverse set of rows...
WHERE NOT (col1 = 'a' AND <...>)
Note the comparisons done in the WHERE clause are the exact same. You just wrap them in a NOT ( ) to delete the ones you don't want to keep.

Grouping data in postgresql

If I have a table with multiple entries with same name I want to group only the name, i.e., show as many rows present in table but the name should appear only once and other data should show in multiple columns. i.e., for other rows name should be blank:
table expected result
---------------- ------------------
col1 col2 col1 col2
a 5 a 5
a 6 6
a 8 8
b 3 b 3
b 4 4
I'm using PostgreSQL 9.2.
You could use row_number to determine the first occurrence of each group, and from there, it's just a case away from not displaying it:
ORDER BY col2 ASC) AS rn
FROM my_table
ORDER BY col1, col2) t
Firstly I need to say that I do not have experience in PostgreSQL, just some basic SQL knowledge. It is not right to change data in original table itself, what you want is some 'view' of the data. Usually such things are made after data set is returned to client, actually it is a matter how to display the data (representation matter), and it should not be made in SQL query but on client side. But, if you want to bother the server with such things indeed, so I would do following: created copy of the table (it can be a temp table), then cleared values in col1 which are not the first in the subsequent select ordering records by col2. By the way, your table does not have primary key, so you will have a problem to implement that, since you can't identify parent record within the subsequent select.
So, the idea to archive that you need on client side (via a data cursor), just traversing records each by one, has even more points.

select where not exists excluding identity column

I am inserting only new records that do not exist in a live table from a "dump" table. My issue is there is an identity column that I don't want to insert into the live, I want the live tables identity column to take care of incrementing the value but I am getting an insert error "Insert Error: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition." Is there a way around this or is the only fix to remove the identity column all together?
You need to list of all the needed columns in your query, excluding the identity column.
One more reason why you should never use SELECT *.
INSERT liveTable
(col1, col2, col3)
SELECT col1, col2, col3
FROM dumpTable dt
FROM liveTable lt
WHERE lt.Id == dt.Id
Pro tip: You can also achieve the above by using an OUTER JOIN between the dump and live tables and using WHERE liveTable.col1 = NULL (you will probably need to qualify the column names selected with the dump table alias).
I figured out the issue.... my live table didn't have the ID field set as an identity, somehow when I created it that field wasn't set up correctly.
you can leave that column in your insert statment like this
insert into destination (col2, col3, col4)
select col2, col3 col4 from source
Don't do just
insert into destination
select * from source