I have this line of code, where I use the most idiomatic way I know, for destructuring an object coming back from a function:
val (a, b) = foo match { case MyObjectType(a, b) => (a, b) }
The object's prototype being:
case class MyObjectType(Type1: SomeType1, Type2: SomeType2)
Of course I could otherwise:
val returnType = foo
val (a, b) = (returnType.a, returnType.b)
But the latter is rather a different form of stating the same problem - this is really not elegant. Could a Scala macro come to the rescue to provide a succinct idiom? perhaps allowing syntax like either:
val (a, b) = foo deconstruct { MyObjectType(a, b) => (a, b) } // merely more shorthand, like scala allows e.g. within a map block
val (a, b) = tuplize(foo) // assumes tuplize can iterate the vals of MyObjectType
tupleResult(a, b) = foo // radical macro api exploring the limits of macro safety...
tupledVars(foo) // macro extreme
Kind of an answer, but that does not give you a tuple. Do you know that this works:
val MyObjectType(a,b) = foo
Also if you are destructuring varargs T* you can do Code such as follows:
val Array(first, second, _*) = Array(1,2,3,4)
val Array(fst, snd, _*) = Array(1,2)
If you want tuples directly see In Scala, is there an easy way to convert a case class into a tuple?
You may wish to explore generic programming with Shapeless
scala> import shapeless._, syntax.std.product._, syntax.std.tuple._
import shapeless._
import syntax.std.product._
import syntax.std.tuple._
scala> case class Foo(i: Int, s: String, b: Boolean)
defined class Foo
scala> val foo = Foo(1, "foo", true)
foo: Foo = Foo(1,foo,true)
Now with the help of Generic we can convert Foo to HList and back
scala> Generic[Foo].to(foo)
res0: shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.::[String,shapeless.::[Boolean,shapeless.HNil]]] = 1 :: foo :: true :: HNil
scala> Generic[Foo].from(res0)
res1: Foo = Foo(1,foo,true)
Or you can use nice syntactic sugar provided by syntax.std.product
scala> foo.toHList
res2: this.Repr = 1 :: foo :: true :: HNil
scala> foo.toTuple
res3: (Int, String, Boolean) = (1,foo,true)
See feature overview and examples for more information.
I toyed around with HList and the following works as expected:
val hl = 1 :: "foo" :: HNil
val i: Int = hl(_0)
val s: String = hl(_1)
However, I can't get the following piece of code working (let's assume for a moment random access on lists is a smart idea ;-)):
class Container(hl: HList) {
def get(n: Nat) = hl(n)
val container = new Container(1 :: "foo" :: HNil)
val i: Int = container.get(_0)
val s: String = container.get(_1)
I'd like to have get return an Int and String according to it's parameter. I assume, if possible at all, I have to use Aux or at but I'm not sure how to do this.
Try something along these lines,
scala> import shapeless._, nat._, ops.hlist._
import shapeless._
import nat._
import ops.hlist._
scala> class Container[L <: HList](hl: L) {
| def get(n: Nat)(implicit at: At[L, n.N]): at.Out = hl[n.N]
| }
defined class Container
scala> val container = new Container(1 :: "foo" :: HNil)
container: Container[shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.::[String,shapeless.HNil]]] = ...
scala> container.get(_0)
res1: Int = 1
scala> container.get(_1)
res2: String = foo
The first crucial difference here is that rather than typing hl as plain HList, which loses all specific information about the types of the elements, we parametrize over the precise type of the argument and preserve its structure as L. The second difference is that we use L to index the implicit At type class instance which is used to perform the indexing in get.
Also note that because there is an implicit conversion from Int literals to Nat's you can write,
scala> container.get(0)
res3: Int = 1
scala> container.get(1)
res4: String = foo
Imagine I have this class:
class Example {
val list = List(new Apple(), new Orange(), Banana());
def getIfPresent[T <: Fruit] : Option[T] = list.collectFirst { case x : T => x }
You use it like this:
val example = new Example();
match example.getIfPresent[Apple] {
case Some(apple) => apple.someAppleSpecificMethod();
case None => println("No apple");
Now, of course, this doesn't work in the JVM, because of type erasure. getIfPresent just matches on the type Fruit in the collectFirst partial function, instead of the actual type specified in the call.
I have tried to get my head around type tags and class tags, and really have no idea how I would implement the above method. The examples that I see are trying to do very different things. How could I achieve a method that does what I want, either with TypeTags or some other mechanism I'm unaware of?
Edit: m-z's answer below is the full solution, but here is how it looks with my example code:
class Example {
val list = List(new Apple(), new Orange(), Banana());
def getIfPresent[T <: Fruit : ClassTag] : Option[T] = list.collectFirst { case x : T => x }
Just needed to add : ClassTag!
You can do this using ClassTag, to an extent.
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
// Modify to apply whatever type bounds you find necessary
// Requires Scala ~2.11.5 or greater (not sure of the exact version, but 2.11.1 does not work, and 2.11.5 does)
def findFirst[A : ClassTag](list: List[Any]): Option[A] =
list collectFirst { case a: A => a }
val l = List(1, "a", false, List(1, 2, 3), List("a", "b"))
scala> findFirst[Boolean](l)
res22: Option[Boolean] = Some(false)
scala> findFirst[Long](l)
res23: Option[Long] = None
But there are some caveats with ClassTag, in that it will only match the class, and not the type:
scala> findFirst[List[String]](l)
res24: Option[List[String]] = Some(List(1, 2, 3)) // No!
You can use a TypeTag to get around this, but it won't work with a List[Any]. Here is one possible (sort of ugly) trick:
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.{typeOf, TypeTag}
case class Tagged[A : TypeTag](a: A) {
def tpe = typeOf[A]
implicit class AnyTagged[A : TypeTag](a: A) {
def tag = Tagged(a)
def findFirst[A : TypeTag](list: List[Tagged[_]]): Option[A] =
list collectFirst { case tag # Tagged(a) if(tag.tpe =:= typeOf[A]) => a.asInstanceOf[A] }
The only way I can think of to hold onto the TypeTag of each element is to literally hold onto it with a wrapper class. So I have to construct the list like this:
val l = List(1.tag, "a".tag, false.tag, List(1, 2, 3).tag, List("a", "b").tag)
But it works:
scala> findFirst[List[String]](l)
res26: Option[List[String]] = Some(List(a, b))
There may be a more elegant way to construct such a list with TypeTags.
For fun, you can also try to do this with shapeless using an HList and select. The difference is that instead of returning Option[A], select will return A (the type you want), but if the HList contains no A, it won't compile.
import shapeless._
val l = 1 :: "a" :: false :: List(1, 2, 3) :: List("a", "b") :: HNil
scala> l.select[Boolean]
res0: Boolean = false
scala> l.select[Boolean]
res1: Boolean = false
scala> l.select[List[String]]
res2: List[String] = List(a, b)
scala> l.select[Long]
<console>:12: error: Implicit not found: shapeless.Ops.Selector[shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.::[String,shapeless.::[Boolean,shapeless.::[List[Int],shapeless.::[List[String],shapeless.HNil]]]]], Long]. You requested an element of type Long, but there is none in the HList shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.::[String,shapeless.::[Boolean,shapeless.::[List[Int],shapeless.::[List[String],shapeless.HNil]]]]].
Update (2018): my prayers were answered in Dotty (Type Lambdas), so the following Q&A is more "Scala 2.x"-related
Just a simple example from Scala:
scala> def f(x: Int) = x
f: (x: Int)Int
scala> (f _)(5)
res0: Int = 5
Let's make it generic:
scala> def f[T](x: T) = x
f: [T](x: T)T
scala> (f _)(5)
<console>:9: error: type mismatch;
found : Int(5)
required: Nothing
(f _)(5)
Let's look at eta-expansion of polymorphic method in Scala:
scala> f _
res2: Nothing => Nothing = <function1>
Comparison with Haskell:
Prelude> let f x = x
Prelude> f 5
Prelude> f "a"
Prelude> :t f
f :: t -> t
Haskell did infer correct type [T] => [T] here.
More realistic example?
scala> identity _
res2: Nothing => Nothing = <function1>
Even more realistic:
scala> def f[T](l: List[T]) = l.head
f: [T](l: List[T])T
scala> f _
res3: List[Nothing] => Nothing = <function1>
You can't make alias for identity - have to write your own function. Things like [T,U](t: T, u: U) => t -> u (make tuple) are impossible to use as values. More general - if you want to pass some lambda that rely on generic type (e.g. uses generic function, for example: creates lists, tuples, modify them in some way) - you can't do that.
So, how to solve that problem? Any workaround, solution or reasoning?
P.S. I've used term polymorphic lambda (instead of function) as function is just named lambda
Only methods can be generic on the JVM/Scala, not values. You can make an anonymous instance that implements some interface (and duplicate it for every type-arity you want to work with):
trait ~>[A[_], B[_]] { //exists in scalaz
def apply[T](a: A[T]): B[T]
val f = new (List ~> Id) {
def apply[T](a: List[T]) = a.head
Or use shapeless' Poly, which supports more complicated type-cases. But yeah, it's a limitation and it requires working around.
P∀scal is a compiler plugin that provides more concise syntax for encoding polymorphic values as objects with a generic method.
The identity function, as a value, has type ∀A. A => A. To translate that into Scala, assume a trait
trait ForAll[F[_]] {
def apply[A]: F[A]
Then the identity function has type ForAll[λ[A => A => A]], where I use the kind-projector syntax, or, without kind-projector:
type IdFun[A] = A => A
type PolyId = ForAll[IdFun]
And now comes the P∀scal syntactic sugar:
val id = Λ[Α](a => a) : PolyId
or equivalently
val id = ν[PolyId](a => a)
("ν" is the Greek lowercase letter "Nu", read "new")
These are really just shorthands for
new PolyId {
def apply[A] = a => a
Multiple type parameters and parameters of arbitrary kinds are supported by P∀scal, but you need a dedicated variation on the above ForAll trait for each variant.
I really like #Travis Brown 's solution:
import shapeless._
scala> Poly(identity _)
res2: shapeless.PolyDefns.~>[shapeless.Id,shapeless.Id] = fresh$macro$1$2$#797aa352
scala> def f[T](x: T) = x
f: [T](x: T)T
scala> Poly(f _)
res3: shapeless.PolyDefns.~>[shapeless.Id,shapeless.Id] = fresh$macro$2$2$#664ea816
scala> def f[T](l: List[T]) = l.head
f: [T](l: List[T])T
scala> val ff = Poly(f _)
ff: shapeless.PolyDefns.~>[List,shapeless.Id] = fresh$macro$3$2$#51254c50
scala> ff(List(1,2,3))
res5: shapeless.Id[Int] = 1
scala> ff(List("1","2","3"))
res6: shapeless.Id[String] = 1
Poly constructor (in some cases) will give you eta-expansion into Shapeless2 Poly1 function, which is (more-less) truly generic. However it doesn't work for multi-parameters (even with multi type-parameters), so have to "implement" Poly2 with implicit + at approach (as #som-snytt suggested), something like:
object myF extends Poly2 {
implicit def caseA[T, U] = at[T, U]{ (a, b) => a -> b}
scala> myF(1,2)
res15: (Int, Int) = (1,2)
scala> myF("a",2)
res16: (String, Int) = (a,2)
P.S. I would really want to see it as a part of language.
It seems to do this you will need to do a bit type hinting to help the Scala type inference system.
def id[T] : T => T = identity _
So I guess if you try to pass identity as a parameter to a function call and the types of that parameter are generic then there should be no problem.
According to this question Spray uses sbt-boilerplate to generate ApplyConverter instances that implicitly convert A :: B :: ... :: HNil => R to the more traditional (A, B, ...) => R for ease of use. That question was asked over a year ago; can this now be done using, for example, macros or Shapeless's newer functionality so that an external code generation step isn't required?
This has been included in shapeless for a very long time. In shapeless 2.0.0 you can do the following,
scala> import shapeless._, syntax.std.function._
import shapeless._
import syntax.std.function._
scala> val f1: (Int, String, Boolean) => Int = (i, s, b) => i+s.length+(if(b) 1 else 0)
f1: (Int, String, Boolean) => Int = <function3>
scala> val pf1 = f1.toProduct
pf1: Int :: String :: Boolean :: HNil => Int = <function1>
scala> pf1(23 :: "foo" :: true :: HNil)
res0: Int = 27
scala> val pf2: (Int :: String :: HNil) => Int = l => l.head+l.tail.head.length
pf2: Int :: String :: HNil => Int = <function1>
scala> val f2 = pf2.fromProduct
f2: (Int, String) => Int = <function2>
scala> f2(23, "foo")
res1: Int = 26
(REPL result type rendering tidied for readability).
I think there is no way to do this in pure Scala, as there is no way to generically talk about the FunctionN interfaces. At the macro level it would be possible, but not in a way that makes use of the AST representation available; a macro to do this would probably be reduced to (effectively) doing string manipulation - in which case there's very little advantage over sbt-boilerplate.
Even if it did become possible, Spray is a fairly foundational library that needs to be usable in conjunction with other libraries (thus it continues to build releases against old versions of Scala and Akka) - something that will only become more important if and when Play is ported to run on top of Spray. So I would expect it will be a while before Spray introduces a hard dependency on Shapeless 2 (which is incompatible with Shapeless 1), and until then I imagine they'll try and keep the code for the shapeless2 build of spray-routing as close as possible to that for the shapeless1 build for ease of maintenance.
I have an heterogeneous List like the following one:
val l = List(1, "One", true)
and I need to filter its objects by extracting only the ones belonging to a given Class. For this purpose I wrote a very simple method like this:
def filterByClass[A](l: List[_], c: Class[A]) =
l filter (_.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass() == c)
Note that I am obliged to add the explicit conversion to AnyRef in order to avoid this compilation problem:
error: type mismatch;
found : _$1 where type _$1
required: ?{val getClass(): ?}
Note that implicit conversions are not applicable because they are ambiguous:
both method any2stringadd in object Predef of type (x: Any)scala.runtime.StringAdd
and method any2ArrowAssoc in object Predef of type [A](x: A)ArrowAssoc[A]
are possible conversion functions from _$1 to ?{val getClass(): ?}
l filter (_.getClass() == c)
However in this way the invocation of:
filterByClass(l, classOf[String])
returns as expected:
but of course the same doesn't work, for example, with Int since they extends Any but not AnyRef, so by invoking:
filterByClass(l, classOf[Int])
the result is just the empty List.
Is there a way to make my filterByClass method working even with Int, Boolean and all the other classes extending Any?
The collect method already does what you want. For example to collect all Ints in a collection you could write
xs collect { case x: Int => x }
This of course only works when you hardcode the type but as primitives are handled differently from reference types it is actually better to do so. You can make your life easier with some type classes:
case class Collect[A](collect: PartialFunction[Any,A])
object Collect {
implicit val collectInt: Collect[Int] = Collect[Int]({case x: Int => x})
// repeat for other primitives
// for types that extend AnyRef
implicit def collectAnyRef[A <: AnyRef](implicit mf: ClassManifest[A]) =
Collect[A]({ case x if mf.erasure.isInstance(x) => x.asInstanceOf[A] })
def collectInstance[A : Collect](xs: List[_ >: A]) =
Then you can use it without even passing a Class[A] instance:
scala> collectInstance[Int](l)
res5: List[Int] = List(1)
scala> collectInstance[String](l)
res6: List[String] = List(One)
Using isInstanceOf:
scala> val l = List(1, "One", 2)
l: List[Any] = List(1, One, 2)
scala> l . filter(_.isInstanceOf[String])
res1: List[Any] = List(One)
scala> l . filter(_.isInstanceOf[Int])
res2: List[Any] = List(1, 2)
As the OP requested, here's another version that moves the check in a method. I Couldn't find a way to use isInstanceOf and so I changed the implementation to use a ClassManifest:
def filterByClass[A](l: List[_])(implicit mf: ClassManifest[A]) =
Some usage scenarios:
scala> filterByClass[String](l)
res5: List[Any] = List(One)
scala> filterByClass[java.lang.Integer](l)
res6: List[Any] = List(1, 2)
scala> filterByClass[Int](l)
res7: List[Any] = List()
As can be seen above, this solution doesn't work with Scala's Int type.
The class of an element in a List[Any] is never classOf[Int], so this is behaving as expected. Your assumptions apparently leave this unexpected, but it's hard to give you a better way because the right way is "don't do that."
What do you think can be said about the classes of the members of a heterogenous list? Maybe this is illustrative. I'm curious how you think java does it better.
scala> def f[T: Manifest](xs: List[T]) = println(manifest[T] + ", " + manifest[T].erasure)
f: [T](xs: List[T])(implicit evidence$1: Manifest[T])Unit
scala> f(List(1))
Int, int
scala> f(List(1, true))
AnyVal, class java.lang.Object
scala> f(List(1, "One", true))
Any, class java.lang.Object
This worked for me. Is this what you want?
scala> val l = List(1, "One", true)
l: List[Any] = List(1, One, true)
scala> l filter { case x: String => true; case _ => false }
res0: List[Any] = List(One)
scala> l filter { case x: Int => true; case _ => false }
res1: List[Any] = List(1)
scala> l filter { case x: Boolean => true; case _ => false }
res2: List[Any] = List(true)
Despite my solution could be less elegant than this one I find mine quicker and easier. I just defined a method like this:
private def normalizeClass(c: Class[_]): Class[_] =
if (classOf[AnyRef].isAssignableFrom((c))) c
else if (c == classOf[Int]) classOf[java.lang.Integer]
// Add all other primitive types
else classOf[java.lang.Boolean]
So by using it in my former filterByClass method as it follows:
def filterByClass[A](l: List[_], c: Class[A]) =
l filter (normalizeClass(c).isInstance(_))
the invocation of:
filterByClass(List(1, "One", false), classOf[Int])
just returns
as expected.
At the end, this problem reduces to find a map between a primitive and the corresponding boxed type.
Maybe a help can arrive from scala.reflect.Invocation (not included in the final version of 2.8.0), the getAnyValClass function in particular (here slightly edited)
def getAnyValClass(x: Any): java.lang.Class[_] = x match {
case _: Byte => classOf[Byte]
case _: Short => classOf[Short]
case _: Int => classOf[Int]
case _: Long => classOf[Long]
case _: Float => classOf[Float]
case _: Double => classOf[Double]
case _: Char => classOf[Char]
case _: Boolean => classOf[Boolean]
case _: Unit => classOf[Unit]
case x#_ => x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass
With this function the filter is as easy as
def filterByClass[T: Manifest](l:List[Any]) = {
l filter (getAnyValClass(_) == manifest[T].erasure)
and the invocation is: