Where does Eclipse store file with Menu visibility? - eclipse

On the Eclipse setup I am about to work with there is no Window element in the top menu, therefore I cannot change the menu visibility (under the Customize perspective submenu).
Which Eclipse config file stores this information?

If you have the Quick Access search bar at the top of the workbench window you can type Customize Perspective there to access the settings. Otherwise you can pop up the Quick Search by pressing Ctrl+3.


VSCode "Open Editors" panel not showing

I don't know what I have done but I cannot see the "Open Editors" panel in the Explorer view
I note also that clicking on the three dots (Views and More Actions...) to the right of the word Explorer at the top of the explorer panel the word Folders is greyed out
Can anyone point me to the setting I need to change in order to rectify this situation?
Just in case anyone else has the same problem here is how I resolved my issue. I won't bore you with how I discovered the solution.
Right-click in the activity bar, this will bring up a context menu with the entry for Open Editors listed but not marked with a tick
Activity bar context menu.
Clicking on "Open Editors" in this context menu brings up a new icon in the activity bar that looks like an open book
Open Editor icon
Right-clicking on this new icon reveals another context menu that includes the option to reset the location of the Open Editors panel.
Open Editor context menu
Selecting this option resolves the problem.
How I got into the problem in the first place is still difficult to ascertain. With the activity bar in its default configuration I must have dragged the "Open Editors" header to somewhere on the activity bar, that clearly removes it from the Explorer side bar but how I inadvertently right clicked this new icon and selected "Hide 'Open Editors'" without realising remains a mystery.
Go to view and click on Open View and the on Open Editors.
3 dots on extreme right hand side has an option - keep editors open --> set it to default view. Once done the open editor will be be visible on the left.
This is considering you have default vs code layout...
I am currently using version: 1.68.1
In VS Code, go to Settings and in the search box, type explorer.openEditors.visible. Set the value in the dialogue box to any number greater than 0 and you are good to go. Refer to the image below.

How to remove additional class drop down in Eclipse Project Explorer view?

In the Project Explorer view of Eclipse Luna, there's an additional drop down for Java files which represents the class inside the file (the green C icon). It expands when I double click to open a class. I don't need this there. Is there a way to filter this out?
Uncheck Preferences / Java / Appearance / "Show members in Package Explorer" checkbox.
It affect both Package and Project explorer.
Preferences windows with that checkbox
It's possible if you use Package Explorer instead of Project Explorer: go to prefs, Java, Appearance and disable "Show members in Package Explorer".
You can disable various elements in the explorer tree via the View config toolbar button (small white triangle on the toolbar just below the Project Explorer tab); select Customize View... then the Content tab; there you can disable, for example, Java Elements. But doing so will hide all Java-related elements from the Project Explorer tree; if you want that, at that point you should just use the Navigator view instead of Project Explorer. Navigator is just a file-system view of the projects.
There is an option for this. Click to three dots on the right top corner in Project Explorer window, click to "Filters and Customisation", then click to "Content" tab. You will see like that things:
Uncheck "Java Elements" (PHP Elements for Eclipse PDT) then clik to OK button. Then you will see that dropdown triangle shit goes to the hell...

How to remove eclipse project explorer above the editor?

When I was working on a project for my program fundimentals class I somehow got this miniature project explorer above the editor in eclipse, I have tried to look for a solution on google but I don't think i'm asking the right question so this was my final place to go.
Here is a screenshot of my eclipse:
That is the breadcrumb view.
To toggle it on/off:
Shift+Alt+B (by default on Linux)
Right click in editor and choose Show in breadcrumb
Ctrl+3 to open up quick access (or click in quick access) and type breadcrumb and select the toggle command as in this screenshot:
Click this icon in the tool bar
Yeah that is annoying, the workspace is cluttered enough. I was trying to simply minimize the explorer area so I could see the whole line of code and I eneded up activating this breadcrumb mode. Looks like:

Eclipse: How to disable outline tree view for files?

Is there a way to disable the outline tree view for files in Eclipse?
I never use it (on purpose at least) and find it to be quite distracting. (I prefer ctrl + O.)
For the Java Package Explorer, there is an option for this in the Preferences:
Go to Preferences -> Java -> Appearance and un-check 'Show members in Package Explorer'.
Alternatively, most of Eclipse's different navigator views offer the ability to Filter what to display. Click on the small triangular "menu" symbol at the top of the view and select "Customize View", or "Filter", depending on the view. You are then presented with a menu where you call select what to show and what to hide.
This works with the Java Package Explorer, Project Explorer, the general Navigator and also with the PyDev Package Explorer View, and probably a few more. This is a bit more manual, but allows for a finer adjustment. (Options what to show and what to hide differ between the different views.)
The creator of PyDev commented on my bug report and this is how you do it:
Select the PyDev perspective and then the Package Explorer (if not already).
Press CTRL + F10
Click on Customize View.
Select PyDev: Nodes: All
Press OK.

Hide Eclipse Menu Bar (auto-hide)

I'm trying to hide Eclipse menu bar to save some screen real estate. I found I can do this using perspectives but that would permanently take out the menu from that perspective. The behavior that I want to get is something along of auto-hide, so that the menu remains hidden until I hit ALT+F for example or any other ALT key combo.
Is there's a setting or a plugin that can do this?
This is just a work around. Create two perspectives.
First one named - With Menu.
Second one named - Without Menu.
In the "Without Menu" perspective remove all menu items and Save.
To create the effect of hiding and showing, switch between perspectives by using
Theres a fast view option- just right click the tab and select Fast View. It'll bring the entire window down to the eclipse taskbar. You can recover the window by just clicking on it's icon.
Source: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=56119
Have a look here Is there a Macro Recorder for Eclipse? You could set up the macro so respond to ALT+F possibly.