infinispan-rhq-plugin, can't find Infinispan instances - plugins

Following this info:
Fresh RHQ install. Server OK. Agent OK
Uploaded infinispan-rhq-plugin to the serve. Synced it to the agent ok.
Can't find any Infinispan instances at " Inventory/Discovery Queue"
What log files or tests can I do ?


weblogic does not find .ear in stage, but it is there on the file system

When starting the weblogic server I get this error:
Caused By: /home/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/mydomain/servers/managed1/stage/myear/myear.ear (No such file or directory) with : /home/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/epersonenstand/servers/managed1/stage/myear/myear.ear
<Failed to create App/Comp MBeans for AppDeploymentMBean myear. Error - /home/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/epersonenstand/servers/managed1/stage/myear/myear/myear.ear.
But the ear file is present in the folder.
Tried to redeploy it while the server is running and while it is shut down, I get always the same error(and restarting the server including the OS). The same deployment did work earlier(tried different versions), the problems started after a restart of the server(weblogic was shut down properly).
The exact weblogic version is running on SLES 12R2.
Does anybody has an idea how to solve the problem?
thanks in advance,
Does your domain have multiple machines configured? I've seem similar errors and got confused because checking the filesystem on the admin server machine showed the files existed, but when checking the machines of other servers (eg. managed1) the file didn't exist. The error message doesn't make it clear which machine the file can't be found on.

Weblogic 12c - Managed Server is failing due to not reachable to admin server

Can you please help me how to bring my managed server running
1)created managed server and deployed application for first time.
2)After some time i could find my Managed Server is down, So started buts failing due to below issue .
Note :Admin Server is up and running .
I have weblogic server with two domains as domain3 and domain4
domain3 is working fine, but in domain4 Managed server is failing
To replicate issue in domain4 i have created Machine and attached the Managed server , but in monitoring Node Manager status i could find inactive .
Can i Start Node Manager in two domains even weblogic server is same ?>>
A MultiException has 4 exceptions. They are:
1. Authentication for user weblogic denied.
2. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to perform operation: post construct on
3. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: While attempting to resolve the dependencies of weblogic.nodemanager.adminserver.NodeManagerMonitorService errors were found
4. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to perform operation: resolve on weblogic.nodemanager.adminserver.NodeManagerMonitorService
at org.jvnet.hk2.internal.Collector.throwIfErrors(
at org.jvnet.hk2.internal.ClazzCreator.resolveAllDependencies(
at org.jvnet.hk2.internal.ClazzCreator.create(
at org.jvnet.hk2.internal.SystemDescriptor.create(
at org.glassfish.hk2.runlevel.internal.AsyncRunLevelContext.findOrCreate(
Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
Caused By: Authentication for user weblogic denied.
at weblogic.server.AbstractServerService.postConstruct(
Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
Caused By: [Security:090938]Authentication failure: The specified user failed to log in. [Security:090295]caught unexpected exception, No such object
at Method)
Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
Each node manager is typically limited to a single machine. One domain can have one admin server and multiple managed servers on multiple machines.
However, you can have multiple machines configured in a single domain, so if you have two machines configured, you can have two node managers.
The following might help solve your issue:
Delete or make a backup of the LDAP folder under the /servers//data/ and restart the server.
Check if a firewall is blocking the ports. Check if the admin-URL is accessible from the managed server machine.
Try starting a managed server from startManagedWebLogic.cmd/sh . Try enabling debug logging in Weblogic console -> server-name -> debug -> weblogic -> security -> atn.

Can't access local Sinatra server (win10 + Ubuntu on Windows)?

I can't seem to access Sinatra's local server. I have a win10 machine and I have my servers running in an Ubuntu on Windows. Sinatra has been installed without docs because installation would hang otherwise. This is the server log:
dario#DESKTOP-LSFERHU:~/dev/ruby/sinatra$ ruby first_app.rb
[2017-07-05 15:47:38] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2017-07-05 15:47:38] INFO ruby 2.3.1 (2016-04-26) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
== Sinatra (v2.0.0) has taken the stage on 4567 for development with backup from WEBrick
[2017-07-05 15:47:38] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=19509 port=4567
This is the app's content:
require 'sinatra'
set :bind, ''
get ('/apple') do
"Here's an apple"
localhost:4567 hangs waiting.
I added the "set :bind" directive as a last hope, but it changes nothing. I can access no problem other local servers (for example a node server on port 5000). I turned off AVG in case, but again made no difference. Different browsers, no difference. Unsure where to go. Ideas?
It seems that the AVG antivirus, before I managed to shut it off, had somehow interfered with the server process. It somehow froze it. Any attempt I would make at starting a new server would only apparently work, while in reality conflict with this frozen process. I was unable to kill the process with any usual method (kill -KILL or so). I rebooted, added the ruby binary to the list of exceptions for AVG, and now the server works just fine. The Ubuntu on Windows had nothing to do with it.

Stopping Wildfly Windows Service failed

as mentioned from the title i have a problem stopping the wildfly windows service.
When i tried to stop the wildfly service via the server manager - services window the status of the wildfly service doens't change to stop from stop pending. But wildfly isn't running anymore (my web service is not reachable and also the server log says that wildfly was successfully stopped). to start the service again i have to restart the windows server.
i've tested this with different scenarios:
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter + Wildfly 9
Windwos Server 2012 Datacenter + Wildfly 10
Windows 7 + Wildfly 10
I also tried to make changes in the service.bat like Chris French mentioned on but there is no change.
Interessting is that the problem doens't exists on any of the scenarios when i added the service without adding any deployments to wildfly (so just the blank server). What means that i am able to start and stop the wildfly service successfully from the server manager services window when the wildfly server is "blank" and without any changes (for e.g. in standalone.xml).
So i think the problem must be my java ee project which contains a web service and a simple persistent project to access different my sql databases. In the standalone.xml i just added the mysql driver and the databases and i do some edits in the interface section (ip adress changes).
Any Ideas? Do i have to made changes in different config files (for e.g. the service.bat) when im deploying something to wildfly?
Sorry for my english and thanks a lot!
When installing the WildFly service, make sure you have the following parameters specified:
In WildFly 8: /user <username> /password <password>
in WildFly 10: /jbossuser <username> /jbosspass <password>
In the services.bat the documentation reads:
/user: username for the shutdown command
/password: password for the shutdown command
According to my experience, without these parameters, WildFly will move to status "stopping", but will not stop.
That works for me:
1. Always run the CMD as admin first.
2. If your JBOSS_HOME environment is not set, get sure that you navigate to WildFly home directory before you execute the script.
For example: cd "C:\Program Files\wildfly
It's matter, because the service.bat takes your current dir (%CD%) as JBOSS_HOME, if it's not set.
3. You’ve to install the service with a special parameter. /controller
It’s important that you tell wildfly service on which port your wildfly admin console is running.
Take a look in standalone.xml, search for “management-http”, get sure that you use the same port in parameter.
Example: (Default port is 9990)
./bin/service/service.bat install /controller localhost:9990
Done. Now start the service and wait until you can reach the wildfly console page.
After try to stop or restart the service in service.msc or with service.bat (service.bat start/stop/restart).
I had similar issue but it turned out I needed a JAVA_HOME in standalone.conf.bat under bin folder. Simply uncomment the line that sets the JAVA_HOME variable and update its value with the desired path.
set "JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121"
Above solution worked for me.
I had the "stopping" problem, when JAVA_HOME was set directly in jboss_cli.bat, pointing to the older jdk version previously installed on my machine. Check jboss_cli.bat for correct path of JAVA_HOME or simply use the JAVA_HOME environment variable (you might have to delete set JAVA_HOME line in jboss_cli.bat).

Deploy to remote glassfish from Netbeans fails

Trying to deploy to remote glassfish 4.1 (same as on my local machine) from Netbeans fails without any error message (that I could find).
When I do "Run project" from Netbeans 8.0.2, I get a remotetest (run) in the status bar (remotetest is the name of my project, which is just a "Hello from Servlets" default JSF project). When I click on the 1 more spot, it says it's deploying my .war to my remote server. After 20 minutes and 1 second, I get
Deployment error: Deployment timeout has exceeded. See the server log
for details."
(the first time I waited that long... actually right now, it's been "deploying" about 60 minutes and hasn't stopped).
There is nothing in the remote glassfish server log after glassfish server has finished startup, no sign of the deployment trial. This directly after rebooting my AWS EC2 instance.(I read somewhere that the micro instances might not be good for a full blown server, normally it seems that it's taking between 0 and 12% in top. What I do see, right now though, is the java process taking 75% cpu and 40% memory when the "deployment" has been going on for an hour or so, and it remained so after stopping the deployment from Netbeans end.)
What I can do after a dozen hours of setting things up and googling:
Deploy my app to local glassfish.
Connect to my remote glassfish admin page via port 4848
move the .war to remote .../autodeploy, see it deploy and have it visible remotely at myhost:8080/remotetest
connect to remote mysql via Netbeans (not sure if relevant)
ssh a basic java "hello world" from Netbeans to remote machine (not sure if relevant)
What I've tried:
opened up various ports for custom TCP rule from the EC2 management console , including 8080,8181,4848
tinkered with every possible switch from Netbeans and glassfish I could think of
Google my butt off
sleep over it
rinse and repeat
The glassfish server logs show two warnings after startup:
All SSL cipher suites disabled for network-listener(s). Using SSL
implementation specific defaults
and three SEVERE:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: not found by [97] at
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at
java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) at ...
I can't make anything of those. Nothing in the log since I started the deployment a couple of minutes after the server was up and visible in Netbeans.