Which license is used by dotConnect Express for Oracle? - devart

I have been looking for the license used/required by dotConnect Express for Oracle 8.4.201. I am using their nuget package: https://www.nuget.org/packages/dotConnect.Express.for.Oracle/8.4.201
Unfortunately, the nuget page does not include any license information (as it does with other packages, i.e., Json.NET).
From the nuget docs I see that the .nuspec file can contain the metadata entry licenseUrl which, according to the nuget docs, is:
"A link to the license that the package is under."
However, the .nuspec file included in the dotConnect.Express.for.Oracle.8.4.201.nupkg package file does not contain that element (which very like explains why the nuget page does not include a link to the license terms either).
I have been searching on Google for this but without any result.
So yeah, can anyone point me to some official documentation on which license this nuget package / library is under?

Please refer to https://www.devart.com/dotconnect/oracle/licensing-faq.html#q9. You can get the full text of EULA by installing any edition of dotConnect for Oracle on your workstation. A copy of EULA (License.rtf) will be available in the folder of provider installation (by default, \Program Files\Devart\dotConnect\Oracle).


Do I need to include the Install4J license text in my distribution?

Do I need to include the Install4J license text (see here) in full or in parts when I distribute my commercial software whose installation is based on Install4J?
Neither could I find a LICENSE.txt file or something similar in the installation directory, nor did the installer GUI show any Install4J-related license texts.
The Install4J license does not seem to require an explicit listing of the license text but I'm wondering if I should still include some license info on Install4J in my attribution statement which comes with the software.
No, all generated installers and the runtime are freely redistributable, no attribution is required.
Source: https://www.ej-technologies.com/buy/install4j/licensing.html

How to get available parameters that we can pass for a chocolatey package or in cchoco dsc resource

I want to know about how can we get to know what parameters we can pass during a package installation using chocolatey like can we pass username,password and port during postgres installation from chocolatey repository.
So when you create a package for something like postgresql, you can use both install arguments[1] and package parameters[2]. Note that the package parameters has you add those params to the description[3].
If you are talking about existing packages from the community package repository, then you can pass install arguments directly to the installer if it is an installer package. You need to know what native switches the underlying installer supports. Those are transparent to packaging as long as they are calling choco functions. If the package has package parameters, you will find those listed in the description on the package page[3].
The nature of software installers in the Windows ecosystem is such that each piece of software is a special snowflake. Installer packages (packages that manage to the native software installers and Programs and Features), you can only go so much further than the limitations of whatever installer was used.
If an existing package you find could support some certain package params, reach out to the maintainers and file a ticket on their package source code (likely on GitHub). If you have the ability, provide a pull request with the fixes as well. That will go quite far in getting to what you need. HTH
[1] https://chocolatey.org/docs/commands-reference, see install, upgrade, and uninstall.
[2] https://chocolatey.org/docs/how-to-parse-package-parameters-argument
[3] https://chocolatey.org/docs/how-to-parse-package-parameters-argument#step-2---add-package-parameters-to-the-description
Just open up chocolatey "repo" and find the package. It is usually describing how to install it properly.
Alternatively you can examine the powershell installer file that comes with the package. From the code you can derive what you can pass to the choco install

The 'UmbracoCms.Core 7.6.5' package requires NuGet client version '3.4.4' or above, but the current NuGet version is ''

I am trying to create a project from the cloud using "UaaS.cmd".
I run it, fill the url and namespace and it start working. Then in the middle of the process I get the error:
Installing UmbracoCms.Core
The 'UmbracoCms.Core 7.6.5' package requires NuGet client version '3.4.4' or above, but the current NuGet version is ''.
at NuGet.PackageWalker.CheckPackageMinClientVersion(IPackage package)
at NuGet.PackageWalker.Walk(IPackage package)
at NuGet.InstallWalker.ResolveOperations(IPackage package)
at NuGet.ProjectManager.Execute(IPackage package, IPackageOperationResolver resolver)
at Waasp.PackageInstaller.InstallPackage(String packageId, SemanticVersion version, String projectPath, String targetFolder)
But I have VS 2015 and VS 2017 installed. My Vs 2015 says that I have nuget version 3.5 installed and vs 2017 says that I have nuget v4.2.
What have I tried
I ran nuget in my cmd, but it was not a recognized so I've downloaded the latest version and have added it to my environment, so when I run cmd, go to the folder where I have my uaas.cmd file and type
nuget update -self
It tells me that I have nuget 4.2 and it is up to date. But when I try the uaas.cmd, the same error happens
I don't understand! where does it find! why doesn't it take 4.2?
P.S: I also wrote on Umbraco forum, but I guess it is more related to the nuget client than umbraco
I wrote my question on our Umbraco too and it appeared to be their error :)
In case anyone ended up in the same situation as me:
This is the answer from Sebastiaan:
link to the topic
The problem is that UaaS.cmd does run nuget 2.8.1 in it (it's ILmerged into the waasp.exe it download).
I'm working on getting it updated but the v4 version of nuget.exe is missing some critical methods that we need to create the list of dependencies. So I'm looking into doing some trickery. Anyway, for now, just go into the .Core project and install Newtonsoft.Json and System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow and then you should be fine!

Why are some NuGet packages named with nuget-bot?

I went to add a NuGet package for Microsoft.TeamFoundationTracking.Client and in the list of available packages I have the options:
The one with nuget-bot has a higher version number than the one without it. I don't ever recall seeing packages with the nuget-bot in the name. I assume there is some convention or format that this refers to.
Thanks for any explanation of what this means.
I'm not familiar with the nuget-bot packages, but if you are looking for official Microsoft binaries, you will want to look for those where the Owner is set to Microsoft (not just the author). The package you seek is most likely: Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.ExtendedClient

What directory to extract Entity Framework 6 NuGet package to

I'm working in VS 2012. I just downloaded the Entity Framework 6 Alpha3 NuGet package.
I put it in the NuGet folder for quick access.
When I use the command
PM> Get-Package -Filter EntityFramework -ListAvailable
(and related filters 'EF6' and 'Entity')
I cannot find my download.
I can find
Glimpse.EF6. This is not what I'm looking for.
My path to the download:
C:\Program Files (x86)\NuGet\Visual Studio 2012\EF6 Alpha3
My question is where do I need to put the download file so that I can locate it when adding the solution to my project.
I understand how I will add the package to every solution I wish to use it in. I have read the MSDN and codeplex documentation.
I understand that I am merely looking for the package to add to my solution. This is my problem. I put it in the NuGet Program folder and am still unable to find this.
I am sure I'm missing something simple. I am just asking where to put the download of the Alpha3 version of EF6 so that I can locate it using the -ListAvailable command.
From what I can read from your question and comments, it seems like you are missing the basic understanding of how NuGet works and how to use it.
I would highly recommend that you start by reading some documentation about NuGet. The Getting Started page provides a brief introduction, and pay especially good attention to the section named Working with NuGet Packages.
docs.nuget.org is an extensive resource to everything you might need to know about NuGet. The first four links should provide you more than enough information:
Installing NuGet
Managing NuGet Packages Using The Dialog
Using the Package Manager Console
To answer your specific question about where NuGet packages gets download: the default location is in the packages folder at the root of your solution location. You should however not need to think anything about this, but instead read the above links to understad the basics of NuGet.