Perl - Is there a way to import a class and all of its child classes? - perl

In java, there is a way to import a class and all of its children in one line:
import java.utils.*
In Perl, I've found I can only import specific classes:
use Perl::Utils::Folder;
use Perl::Utils::Classes qw(new run_class);
Is there similar way like java to import everything that falls under a tree structure, only in Perl?

No, there is not a way to easily do what you are after.
You could walk the relevant paths in your PERL library's filesystem and use every .pm file you came across (that's what Module::Find, as suggested by #Daniel Böhmer, does), but that can miss a few things:
Packages that are declared in funny ways/at runtime.
Multiple packages per module file.
Other cases I haven't thought of.
This is also a bad idea, for a few reasons:
You mentioned "classes" in your question, rather than just packages. Perl packages and subpackages do not necessarily represent classes/instantiable object-oriented code. If you were to programmatically generate a list of all packages in a hierarchy and then call $packagename->new() on each of them, you might have a syntax error, if one of the packages was just a library of functions.
Packages and subpackages often are not directly related, developed by the same people, or used for similar things. Just because a package starts with Net:: doesn't mean that it will obey standard conventions that other Net::-prefixed packages expect. For example, File::Find and File::Tail share a prefix, but have very little to do with each other; the prefix is in common because both utilities work with files as their goal.
Lots of packages do things at BEGIN/INIT/etc time when they're compiled. Some of them (sadly) do different things depending on the order in which they're used relative to other modules. The solution to this problem for module developers is "don't do that", but for module users, it's "use sparingly, and only when needed".
It clutters your local namespace with lots of potentially-exported symbols you don't necessarily need (to conditionally import symbols, you'll have to use import arguments like you're doing in your example; there's no programmatic way to define "symbols I'm interested in", since Perl doesn't have that kind static analysis at compile time . . . not for lots of call styles, at least).
It slows down your program's startup time by compiling things you might not necessarily need. This might not seem important at the early phase of a project, but for larger projects it is very easy to end up in situations where you're pulling in over a thousand CPAN modules when you start Apache (or launch your main script, or whatever), and your app takes more than a minute just to start.
I have a hunch that you're trying to reduce boilerplate (as in: all of your modules have a big block of use statements at the top, and that's duplicated everywhere). There are a few ways to do this, starting with:
Don't: import things in each module as you need them, and use strict/warnings and lots of tests to be told early on if you're calling functionality that you haven't imported yet.
You could also make your own Exporter subclass that uses all of your standard modules and adds the functions that you frequently use from them to its #EXPORTS (or splices their #EXPORTS onto its own, or uses Exporter sub-sub-classing, or something).
Factor your code so that the parts that depend on multiple imported modules live in a single utility module, and import that.
Factor your code so that the parts that depend on the imported modules live in a parent class, and address its methods via instances of subclasses (or SUPER), so your subclasses don't have to explicitly contain the imports, e.g. $instance->method_that_calls_an_imported_function_in_the_parent();
Also, as an aside, using package.* imports in Java is debatable, and has many of the same drawbacks of doing it in Perl.

In Perl, the class Foo::Bar::Foo may not be a subclass of Foo::Bar. Nor, is there any guarantee that a subclass module even has the same class prefix. IO::File is a subclass of IO::Handle and not of IO which isn't even a module.
There also isn't even an easy way to tell of a Perl module is a sub-class of another Perl module. There are (at least) three ways to declare a subclass' relationship to a class:
use parent
use base
The #ISA package variable
It is possible to use #INC to find all modules, then look at the source and look at use parent, use base, and #ISA declarations and build a Perl class matrix, then go through that matrix to load the classes you do need. That will probably be slow and cumbersome, and doesn't even cover Moose based classes.
You're asking the wrong question. You're asking "Find all of the subclasses of a particular class.". This will include classes that you're probably not even interested in. I know (for example LWP) that there can be dozens of various classes and subclasses that include stuff you're not even interested in.
What you should be asking is "What do I need to do?", and then find the classes that fulfill your needs. If these classes happen to be child classes of a particular parent class, these subclasses will load the required class.
We do Java programming here, and one of the standards is not to use asterisks in our import statements. This is considered sloppy programming. If you need a particular class, you should declare it rather than simply declaring a superclass. Many of our reporting tools have problems with asterisk declarations in import statements.
There is a Module::Find module, but I am not sure exactly how it works. I believe it simply assumes that subclasses are in the same module hierarchy as the superclass, but that's far from true in Perl.

In general, I think it is a bad idea to load a whole 'tree' of modules (or subclasses so to speak).
There is definitely something wrong in your design if you need to know all and everything about sub classes/modules. You break the rules of encapsulation and you should not need to know how a class handles its responsibilities.


Rascal: Containing Imported Symbols

I work with multiple grammars in the repl. The grammars use same names for some of their rules.
One of the documentation recipes mentions full qualification, to disambiguate type annotations in function pattern matching (it's in a note of the load function, but not in the code of this page - the .jar has it correct). But that might become tedious, so maybe there is aliasing for imports (like in Python import regex as r)?! And using full qualification in the first argument of the parse function doesn't seem to help to disambiguate all parse rules that are invoked recursively, parse(#lang::java::\syntax::Java18::CompilationUnit, src). At least it produces weird errors if I also import lang::java::\syntax::Java15.
In general, what is a safe way to handle symbols from different modules with same names?
Alternatively, is there a way to "unload" a module in the repl?
Some background information:
Rascal modules are open for reasons of extensibility, in particular data, syntax definitions and overloaded functions can be extended by importing another module; In this way you can extend a language and its processing functions by importing another module and adding rules and function alternatives at leisure.
There is a semantic difference between importing and extending a module. In particular import is not transitive and fuses only the uses of a name inside the importing module, while extend is transitive and also fuses recursive uses of a name in the module that is extended. So for extending a language, you'd default to using extend, while for using a library of functions you'd use import.
We are planning to remove the fusing behavior from import completely in one of the releases of 2020. After this all conflictingly imported non-terminal names must be disambiguated by prefixing with the module name, and prefixing will not have a side-effect of fusing recursively used non-terminals from different modules anymore. Not so for extend, which will still fuse the non-terminal and functions all the way.
all the definitions in a REPL instance simulate the semantics of the members of a single anonymous module.
So to answer your questions:
it's not particularly safe to handle symbols from different imported modules with the same name, until we fix the semantics of import that is.
the module prefix trick only works "top-level", below this the types are fused anyway because the code which reifies a non-terminal as a grammar does not propagate the prefix. It wouldn't know how.
Unimporting a module:
rascal>import IO;
undeclare unimport
rascal>:unimport IO
|prompt:///|(0,7,<1,0>,<1,7>): Undeclared variable: println
probably one of the least used features in the environment; caveat emptor!
To work around these issues, a way is to write functions inside a different module for every separate language/language version, and create a top module which imports these if you want to bundle the functionality in a single interface. This way, because import is not transitive, the namespaces stay separate and clean. Of course this does not solve the REPL issue; the only thing I can offer there is to start a fresh REPL for each language version you are playing with.

Save resources by only loading parts of a module?

I am reading through O'Reilly's Perl Objects, References & Modules, more specifically its section about modules. It states that when using use Some::Module you can specify an import list. From its explanation it seems that the only benefit of using this list is for the sake of keeping your namespace clean. In other words, if you have a subroutine some_sub in your main package and the loaded module has a sub with the same name, your subroutine will be overridden. However, if you specify an import list and leave out some_sub from this list, you'll not have this conflict. You can then still run some_sub from the Module by declaring it like so: Some::Module::some_sub.
Is there any other benefit than the one I described above? I am asking this because in some cases you load modules with loads of functionality, even though you are only interested in some of its methods. At first I thought that by specifying an import list you only loaded those methods and not bloating memory with methods you wouldn't use anyway. However, from the explanation above that does not seem the case. Can you selectively save resources by only loading parts of a module? Or is Perl smart enough to do this when compiling without the need of a programmer's intervention?
From use we see that use Module LIST; means exactly
BEGIN { require Module; Module->import( LIST ); }
On the other hand, from require
Otherwise, require demands that a library file be included if it hasn't already been included. The file is included via the do-FILE mechanism, [...]
and do 'file' executes 'file' as a Perl script. Thus with use we load the whole module.
"Importing" a sub means that its name is added (or overwritten) in the caller's symbol table (via the CODE slot for the typeglob, normally aliased), by the package's import function. The sub's code isn't copied. Now, import can be written any way the author wants to, but generally the import list in the use statement merely controls what symbols are brought into the namespace. The preferred way to provide import in a module is to use the Exporter's import method.
Selective importing relieves the symbol table (and perhaps some related mechanisms), but I am not aware of practical benefits of this. The benefits are related to programming, via reduced chances for collisions.
Another clear benefit is that it nicely documents what is used in the code.
Note that "import list" is just a convention. Module's import function is free to do whatever it pleases with this list and you can see it (ab)used by many so-called pragma modules. Therefore partial loading is NOT bound to use in any way. For example module can load heavy function stubs WHEREVER you've imported them or not and dynamically load heavy implementation on actual first call.
Therefore use with partial import list may, or may not actually save any resources - it is all depends on actual implementation of used module.
While require and use indeed load entire .pm file - that file well could be just a lightweight stub and loader for actual code located elsewhere. There's another convention to call those modules ::Heavy.
Modules are free to implement partial loading in any way they please as well. Here are just some possibilities how module can save resources:
AUTOLOAD (with its complimentary AutoLoader, AutoSplit, and SelfLoader modules).
Use stubs that load necessary submodules.
Dynamically load heavy data (i.e. dictionaries or encoding maps) when they are first accessed by their name.
If you depend on other heavy modules, dynamically require them at runtime in functions that depend on them instead of compile-time use at the very start.
Everything on this list could work automatically behind the scenes, exposed through use import list, or work/be called in other, completely arbitrary way. Once again, it's completely up to module's implementation.

perl-selenium: how to extend Test::WWW::Selenium object with custom methods?

Using perl and TAP, I have written a lot of selenium tests and saved them in *.t files.
I have created some helper functions, put them into a non-object oriented package, say My::Util::SeleniumHelper.
All functions are exported from this module.
In the beginning, one package was sufficient, now the single-module API contains quite a few unrelated functions. These functions are called, for example make_sel(),
treecontrol_toggles() - you get the idea.
Moreover, many blocks of code in the t-files are still redundant, making the .t file look like a template.
Thus, I want to give my *.t code a more OO design.
Any ideas on how to design the new API?
Essentially, I am also looking for code examples (here, or on the internet) where someone has extended the selenium object in a clever way. It does not have to be in perl.
Would it be useful to add methods to the Test::WWW::Selenium object $sel?
I should I try to override the $sel object?, Deriving a Test::WWW::Selenium::Customized class from Test::WWW::Selenium
This would violate the "Prefer composition over inheritance" idiom
Should I wrap the selenium object into another object using composition?
Here are some more requirements or thoughts:
I also want to use the pageObjects Pattern/Idiom. Not doing so yet.
Maybe so
I noted that in most cases, basically, I'd like to give the selenium method something like an Moose's around() modifier. Do th standard thing, but do some things before and after.
However, I prefer to not use Moose here because the tests need to run on a few different machines, and don't want to install Moose and all its dependencies on all these PCs. I am not saying that is impossible to use moose, however I did not yet use non-moose objects (Test::WWW::Selenium) and moose objects together.
I'm using Moose and delegation to extend Test::WWW::Selenium. The only thing thats in the extension is configuration stuff (host, port, browser, etc). Everything else is in roles.
Making a custom class inheriting from the Selenium one seems completely reasonable in this case. Eric's Moose delegation solution is a little cleaner; but a bit more complicated too.
I'm subclassing Test::WWW::Selenium. new {} needs to call SUPER, but then on, it looks and tastes like the parent. I've got a new open() that lints the HTML and checks links (memoized of course).

What modules does Moose render useless, or are incompatible with modern Perl?

Given these assumptions:
Your codebase is using
Minor changes in implementations do not warrant having conflicting functionality
What modules would you not want to see, by the very fact that Moose does that functionality better? This is for my recently released nextgen::blacklist I'll go first:
base / parent
All of the Class::Accessor stuff
Preferably, we keep these to modules people use but shouldn't. If the module isn't used by one author other than the creator then I don't really care.
hanekomu collected and compared accessor generating classes:
There are a number of Moose work-alikes: Mouse, Coat, Gloom, Mousse

Why would you want to export symbols in Perl?

It seems strange to me that Perl would allow a package to export symbols into another package's namespace. The exporting package doesn't know if the using package already defined a symbol by the same name, and it certainly can't guarantee that it's the only package exporting a symbol by that name.
A very common problem caused by this is using CGI and LWP::Simple at the same time. Both packages export head() and cause an error. I know, it's easy enough to work around, but that's not the point. You shouldn't have to employ work arounds to use two practically-core Perl libraries.
As far as I can see, the only reason to do this is laziness. You save some key strokes by not typing Foo:: or using an object interface, but is it really worth it?
The practice of exporting all the functions from a module by default is not the recommended one for Perl. You should only export functions if you have a good reason. The recommended practice is to use EXPORT_OK so that the user has to type the name of the required function, like:
use My::Module 'my_function';
Modules from way back when, like LWP::Simple and CGI, were written before this recommendation came in, and it's hard now to alter them to not export things since it would break existing software. I guess the recommendation came about through people noticing problems like that.
Anyway Perl's object-oriented objects or whatever it's called doesn't require you to export anything, and you don't not have to say $foo->, so that part of your question is wrong.
Exporting is a feature. Like every other feature in any language, it can cause problems if you (ab)use it too frequently, or where you shouldn't. It's good when used wisely and bad otherwise, just like any other feature.
Back in the day when there weren't many modules around, it didn't seem like such a bad thing to export things by default. With 15,000 packages on CPAN, however, there are bound to be conflicts and that's unfortunate. However, fixing the modules now might break existing code. Whenever you make a poor interface choice and release it to the public, you're committed to it even if you don't like it.
So, it sucks, but that's the way it is, and there are ways around it.
The exporting package doesn't know if the using package already defined a symbol by the same name, and it certainly can't guarantee that it's the only package exporting a symbol by that name.
If you wanted to, I imagine your import() routine could check, but the default routine doesn't check (and probably shouldn't, because it's going to get used a lot, and always checking if a name is defined will cause a major slowdown (and if you found a conflict, what is Exporter expected to do?)).
As far as I can see, the only reason to do this is laziness. You save some key strokes by not typing Foo:: or using an object interface, but is it really worth it?
Foo:: isn't so bad, but consider My::Company::Private::Special::Namespace:: - your code will look much cleaner if we just export a few things. Not everything can (or should) be in a top-level namespace.
The exporting mechanism should be used when it makes code cleaner. When namespaces collide, it shouldn't be used, because it obviously isn't making code cleaner, but otherwise I'm a fan of exporting things when requested.
It's not just laziness, and it's not just old modules. Take Moose, "the post-modern object system", and Rose::DB::Object, the object interface to a popular ORM. Both import the meta method into the useing package's symbol table in order to provide features in that module.
It's not really any different than the problem of multiply inheriting from modules that each provide a method of the same name, except that the order of your parentage would decide which version of that method would get called (or you could define your own overridden version that somehow manually folded the features of both parents together).
Personally I'd love to be able to combine Rose::DB::Object with Moose, but it's not that big a deal to work around: one can make a Moose-derived class that “has a” Rose::DB::Object-derived object within it, rather than one that “is a” (i.e., inherits from) Rose::DB::Object.
One of the beautiful things about Perl's "open" packages is that if you aren't crazy about the way a module author designed something, you can change it.
package LWPS;
require LWP::Simple;
for my $sub (#LWP::Simple::EXPORT, #LWP::Simple::EXPORT_OK) {
no strict 'refs';
*$sub = sub {shift; goto &{'LWP::Simple::' . $sub}};
package main;
my $page = LWPS->get('http://...');
of course in this case, LWP::Simple::get() would probably be better.