Stabilizing Neural Network - matlab

I am trying to build a neural network and have the following code:
for i = 1:num_samples-num_reserved
% Getting the sample and transposing it so it can be multiplied
sample = new_data_a(:,i)';
% Normalizing the input vector
sample = sample/norm(sample);
% Calculating output
outputs = sample*connections;
% Neuron that fired the hardest's index (I) and its output (output)
[output, I] = max(outputs);
% Conections leading to this neuron
neuron_connections = connections(:,I);
% Looping through input components
for j = 1:num_features
% Value of this input component
component_input = sample(j);
% Updating connection weights
delta = 0.7*(component_input - neuron_connections(j));
neuron_connections(j) = neuron_connections(j) + delta;
% Copying new connection weights into original matrix
connections(:,I) = neuron_connections/norm(neuron_connections);
if(rem(i,100) == 0)
if(I == 1)
delta_track = [delta_track connections(2,I)];
% Storing current connections
I think I'm doing everything right. This loop is repeated about 600 times so as to progressively update connections. The function to update weights I am using is the standard one I found in textbooks.
However, when I look at the values stored in delta_track These keep oscillating forming a regular pattern.
Any advice?

You can reduce the feedback factor. Then the network may require more time to learn but is less likely to oscillate.
Another common technique is to add a decay, i.e. reducing the factor each iteration.
In general neural networks have the same stability rules as control systems have (because as long as a NN is learning it is a control system) Therefore similar approaches work as for e.g. PID controllers.


Normalization 3D Image according to Slices in MATLAB

I have a matrix which is 256X192X80. I want to normalize all slices (80 represents the slices) without using for loop.
The way I'm doing with for is below: (im_dom_raw is our matrix)
normalized_raw = zeros(size(im_dom_raw));
for a=1:80
slice_raw = im_dom_raw(:,:,a);
slice_raw = slice_raw-min(slice_raw(:));
slice_raw = slice_raw/(max(slice_raw(:)));
normalized_raw(:,:,a) = slice_raw;
The code below implements your normalization approach without using loops. Its based on bsxfun.
% Shift all values to the positive side
slices_raw = bsxfun(#minus,im_dom_raw,min(min(im_dom_raw)));
% Normalize all values with respect to the slice maximum (With input from #Daniel)
normalized_raw2 = bsxfun(#mrdivide,slices_raw,max(max(slices_raw)));
% A slightly faster approach would be
%normalized_raw2 = bsxfun(#times,slices_raw,max(max(slices_raw)).^-1);
% ... but it will differ with your approach due to numerical approximation
% Comparison to your previous loop based implementation
The last line of code outputs
ans =
Which (thanks to #Daniel) means that both approaches yield exact same results.

Memory usage cell array approach

I'm having some issues with a particular piece of code (see code below). As it happens I need to get the variable Thetas. However, before the code executes I don't know how long will Thetas be or the dimensions of their matrices, since it all depends on the variable "hidden_layers".
I decided to build a blank cell array and append them as they are created for later usage. But I was wondering what would be the cheapest way to compute this. I have used the same approach many times throughout my code and I'm having some issues with memory usage.
% Prompt the user for how many layers will the neural network have
hidden_layers = input('How many layers on the NN?: ');
% Group of variables required to get Thetas
X = csvread('myData.csv');
n = size(X, 2);
hidden_layer_size = 60;
num_labels = 39;
% The length of Thetas{} will be => hidden_layers + 1
Thetas = {};
% Function randomize(element1, element2) returns a random matrix with
% dimensions: element2 x (element1 + 1)
% There will always be Thetas{1}
Thetas{1} = randomize(n,hidden_layer_size);
% Now build the rest of the Thetas based on the number of hidden_layers
for i = 1:(hidden_layers)
if (i == hidden_layers)
Thetas{i} = randomize(hidden_layer_size, num_labels);
Thetas{i} = randomize(hidden_layer_size, hidden_layer_size);
PD: I've also tried to forget about the cell array and build a jx1 vector with all the Thetas appended, which I reshape later on for further computations. However, it doesn't seem to save any processing time according to the profiler and it's tiring to be reshaping it all the time.

Inconsistent/Different Test Performance/Error After Training Neural Network in Matlab

Keeping all parameters constant, I get different Mean Average Percentage Errors on my test data on retraining the neural network. Why is this so? Aren't all components of the neural network training process deterministic? Sometimes, I see a difference of up to 1% on successive trainings.
The training code is below
netFeb = newfit(trainX', trainY', networkConfigFeb);
netFeb.performFcn = 'mae';
netFeb = trainlm(netFeb, trainX', trainY');
% Index for the testing Data
startingInd = find(trainInd == 0, 1, 'first');
endingInd = startingInd + daysInMonth('Feb') - 1 ;
% Testing Data
testX = X(startingInd:endingInd,:);
testY = dailyPeakLoad(startingInd:endingInd,:);
actualLoadFeb = testY;
% Calculate the Forcast Load and the Mean Absolute Percentage Error
forecastLoadFeb = sim(netFeb, testX'';
errFeb = testY - forecastLoadFeb;
errpct = abs(errFeb)./testY*100;
MAPEFeb = mean(errpct(~isinf(errpct)));
As A. Donda hinted, since neural networks initialize their weights randomly, they will generate different networks after training. Thus it will give you different performance. While the training process is deterministic, the initial values are not! You may end up in different local minimums as a result or stop in different places.
If you wish to see why, take a look at Why should weights of Neural Networks be initialized to random numbers?
Edit 1:
Since the user is defining the testing/training data manually, there is no randomization of the training data sets selected

Simulation of Markov chains

I have the following Markov chain:
This chain shows the states of the Spaceship, which is in the asteroid belt: S1 - is serviceable, S2 - is broken. 0.12 - the probability of destroying the Spaceship by a collision with an asteroid. 0.88 - the probability of that a collision will not be critical. Need to find the probability of a serviceable condition of the ship after the third collision.
Analytical solution showed the response - 0.681. But it is necessary to solve this problem by simulation method using any modeling tool (MATLAB Simulink, AnyLogic, Scilab, etc.).
Do you know what components should be used to simulate this process in Simulink or any other simulation environment? Any examples or links.
First, we know the three step probability transition matrix contains the answer (0.6815).
% MATLAB R2019a
P = [0.88 0.12;
0 1];
P3 = P*P*P
P(1,1) % 0.6815
Approach 1: Requires Econometrics Toolbox
This approach uses the dtmc() and simulate() functions.
First, create the Discrete Time Markov Chain (DTMC) with the probability transition matrix, P, and using dtmc().
mc = dtmc(P); % Create the DTMC
numSteps = 3; % Number of collisions
You can get one sample path easily using simulate(). Pay attention to how you specify the initial conditions.
% One Sample Path
rng(8675309) % for reproducibility
X = simulate(mc,numSteps,'X0',[1 0])
% Multiple Sample Paths
numSamplePaths = 3;
X = simulate(mc,numSteps,'X0',[numSamplePaths 0]) % returns a 4 x 3 matrix
The first row is the X0 row for the starting state (initial condition) of the DTMC. The second row is the state after 1 transition (X1). Thus, the fourth row is the state after 3 transitions (collisions).
% 50000 Sample Paths
rng(8675309) % for reproducibility
k = 50000;
X = simulate(mc,numSteps,'X0',[k 0]); % returns a 4 x 50000 matrix
prob_survive_3collisions = sum(X(end,:)==1)/k % 0.6800
We can bootstrap a 95% Confidence Interval on the mean probability to survive 3 collisions to get 0.6814 ± 0.00069221, or rather, [0.6807 0.6821], which contains the result.
numTrials = 40;
ProbSurvive_3collisions = zeros(numTrials,1);
for trial = 1:numTrials
Xtrial = simulate(mc,numSteps,'X0',[k 0]);
ProbSurvive_3collisions(trial) = sum(Xtrial(end,:)==1)/k;
% Mean +/- Halfwidth
alpha = 0.05;
mean_prob_survive_3collisions = mean(ProbSurvive_3collisions)
hw = tinv(1-(0.5*alpha), numTrials-1)*(std(ProbSurvive_3collisions)/sqrt(numTrials))
ci95 = [mean_prob_survive_3collisions-hw mean_prob_survive_3collisions+hw]
maxNumCollisions = 10;
numSamplePaths = 50000;
ProbSurvive = zeros(maxNumCollisions,1);
for numCollisions = 1:maxNumCollisions
Xc = simulate(mc,numCollisions,'X0',[numSamplePaths 0]);
ProbSurvive(numCollisions) = sum(Xc(end,:)==1)/numSamplePaths;
For a more complex system you'll want to use Stateflow or SimEvents, but for this simple example all you need is a single Unit Delay block (output = 0 => S1, output = 1 => S2), with a Switch block, a Random block, and some comparison blocks to construct the logic determining the next value of the state.
Presumably you must execute the simulation a (very) large number of times and average the results to get a statistically significant output.
You'll need to change the "seed" of the random generator each time you run the simulation.
This can be done by setting the seed to be "now" (or something similar to that).
Alternatively you could quite easily vectorize the model so that you only need to execute it once.
If you want to simulate this, it is fairly easy in matlab:
servicable = 1;
t = 0;
while servicable =1
t = t+1;
servicable = rand()<=0.88
Now t represents the amount of steps before the ship is broken.
Wrap this in a for loop and you can do as many simulations as you like.
Note that this can actually give you the distribution, if you want to know it after 3 times, simply add && t<3 to the while condition.

If Statement within for loop - Matlab

Him I am working on modelling a wind turbine using turbine specific parameters from three manufacturers
My code is
Site_speed = xlsread('test.xlsx','Sheet1'); % Wind speed data recorded on site
air_density = xlsread('test.xlsx','Sheet2'); % Air density data recorded on site
Turbine_parameters = xlsread('windparameters.xlsx'); % Wind turbine unit database
Ref_wind_speed = Turbine_parameters(:,1); % Wind speed from wind turbine unit database file Turbine_parameters
Ref_output = Turbine_parameters(:,2:4); % Power output from wind turbine unit database file Turbine_parameters
Density_correct = (air_density./air_density_ref);
for K = 1 : size(Ref_output, 2)
power_out(:,:,K) = Density_correct.* interp1( Ref_wind_speed, Ref_output(:,K), Site_speed, 'nearest');
% xlswrite('this_file2.xlsx', power_out(:,:,1), 'sheet1');
% xlswrite('this_file2.xlsx', power_out(:,:,2), 'sheet2');
% xlswrite('this_file2.xlsx', power_out(:,:,3), 'sheet3');
Array_supply(:,:,K) = (1-Losses) .* power_out(:,:,K) .* Turbines;
Total_array(:,:,K) = sum(Array_supply(:));
Array_OM_cost(:,:,K) = sum(sum(Total_array(:,:,K) * Wind_OM));
% % Grid connected system with internal load
for K = 1 : size(Array_supply,3)
Demand = xlsread('demandtest.xlsx');
if Demand >= Array_supply(:,:,K)
Grid(:,:,K) = Demand - Array_supply(:,:,K)
Income(:,:,K)= (Array_supply(:,:,K)*FIT_wind) + Array_supply(:,:,K)*Grid_cost);
Expences(:,:,K) = (Array_OM_cost(:,:,K)) + sum(sum((Grid(:,:,K)*Grid_cost)));
Profit(:,:,K) = sum(sum(Income(:,:,K))) - sum(sum(Expences(:,:,K)));
Income(:,:,K) = (Demand*FIT_wind) + (Demand*Xe_wind)+(Demand*Grid_cost);
Expences(:,:,K) = Array_OM_cost(:,:,K);
Profit(:,:,K) = sum(sum(Income(:,:,K))) - sum(sum(Expences(:,:,K)));
I have shown all of the code above, but I think that the mistakes start at the line -
for K = 1 : size(Array_supply,3)
The results I get when the program runs is a set of three matrices (as expected) where the first two are populated with zeros only (incorrect).
Also the Grid, Income and Expenses should be 365x 24 matrices (as are the Demand and Array_supply)
When I try and just run the Grid(:,:,K), an error appears saying Matlab cant find it!!
Does anyone have any idea where I might have gone wrong?
First of all, it is always best practice in Matlab to pre-allocate your arrays. If ou know that Grid, Income, Expenses, and Profit are all going to be a 365x24x3 matrix, then you should put this before the loop, and doing likewise for the other variables.
As for your problem, it seems likely that you aren't computing this correctly. Put a break point after the Demand=xlsread(...) statement. Does demand look right? Demand must be a single variable, if it is a matrix, then that is your problem. If it is a matrix, you need to loop through every variable. There are more elegant solutions involving logical masks, feel free to look up the concept if you want to. I'm going to suggest that at least for the time being, you just loop through the whole Demand loop.
Also, I don't think you are using your profit statements correctly. It is only storing a single variable per loop, but you are storing it for the entire matrix... It seems like Profit would be just as well served as a 3x1 matrix, referencing it like Profit(f) instead of Profit(:,:,f).
Oh, and a very minor point, it's Expenses, not Expences...