Convert exists timestamp column data from local time to UTC - postgresql

I used to insert timestamp into my PostgreSQL table in local time. Now I started to use UTC and I need to find a way to convert all dates/times already inserted to UTC time. How am I supposed to do that?

Pretty easy, in timestamp with time zone, all times are already stored in UTC, the conversion is done when you insert or select them (hours are added or subtracted).
The safest way to remove the "with time zone" attribute would be to set your timezone to UTC,
create a new field that is timestamp (without time zone) and set the data correctly, then drop the old field, re-create it without time zone, then copy the data back in, dropping the column.
Seems like a lot of work, but you could verify your results along the way, if you needed to do any updates or back out altogether, you'd know that there was no chance for data loss.


What is the best way to store formatted timestamp in Postgresql

What is the best way to store a timestamp value in Postgresql in a specific format.
For example I would like to store a TIMESTAMP '2020-07-09 17:29:30.873513Z' down to the minute and ignore seconds value.
I can drop the seconds by using date_trunc('minute', TIMESTAMP '2020-07-09 17:29:30.873513Z') Is there anyway for me to specify this format in the column itself when I create a table?
Don't store formatted timestamps in the database, use timestamp with time zone or timestamp without time zone. You would lose powerful datetime arithmetic, value checking and waste storage space.
To have the values truncated to minute precision, use a BEFORE INSERT trigger that uses date_trunc on the value.
If you want to ascertain that only such values are stored, add a check constraint.
I would like to recommend not to drop seconds or anything from the stored data. Because it will create issues while you process the data later. And if you have to eliminate anything, you may eliminate it while retrieving the data.
Use the following code while creation of table
col_name timestamp without time zone DEFAULT timezone('gmt'::text, now())
This will give you a result as shown in the following image:
Good Luck.

How to deal with dates in global system

Let's say that I need to create 'chat-like' system. Of course I need to deal with dates somehow.
I read about it a lot and I have some knowledge but I really don't know how to use it.
I would like to store message date in UTC (postgres 12)
Each user should be able to select his time zone and this time zone should be saved into database (standard approach)
When message is retrieved from database I need to convert message date into valid local date based on user selected timezone.
This is really all I need to do and here problem starts:
In postgres date is stored with offset f.e 2020-05-01 00:00:00+02, but I want to store timezone in another table, not here
How can I store user timezone? I should use names like "EST5EDT" or use time offsets as integer?
Where can I find list of all timezones to present user? (Each global website f.e. facebook has list of timezones with offsets, where can I find list of all valid timezones?)
How can I select date with user appropriate timezone? f.e.
SELECT convert_to_user_date("Date", "timezonename??")
FROM "Messages"
Is this correct way to achieve my goal?
These days you don't have to resort to UTC. You can store full timestamps with time zone. This way e.g. you won't lose DST status at the moment the timestamp was recorded in the database.
You can easily select the timestamp stored with any time zone shifted to target user's time zone (assuming it's stored somewhere in user preferences). The syntax is SELECT ... AT TIME ZONE
You are very close to a workable setup.
First, use timestamp or timestamp without timezone column data type to store those UTC date/time stamps.
Second, store your users' preferred time zones in varchar(63) columns in the form Asia/Kolkata or America/Halifax.
Third, use postgresql's built in view pg_timezone_names to get a list of valid time zones. You can use it to populate a pulldown list of choices in your user-settings screen.
If you have time for some real excellence in your user-settings screen, you can suggest time zone settings you guess from the users' ip adresses and allow them to change them if your guess was wrong. Read this. How to get Time Zone through IP Address in PHP
Then, when your application starts using postgresql on behalf of any user, look up that user's chosen time zone in your users table, and use it in this SQL command. SET TIME ZONE 'America/Halifax'; (whatever the user's choice is).
Then when you retrieve your time stamps, they will be rendered in the user's local time, and when you store the they'll be in UTC.
The 'toobz are full of advice about this. Here's something that might be useful. How to get Time Zone through IP Address in PHP
Use the data type timestamp with time zone. Don't be worried by the name — that data type really represents an absolute point of time and does not store time zone information.
The only thing you have to do is to set the timezone parameter correctly for the time zone of the client connection, then the value will be represented correctly in that time zone. PostgreSQL does all the work for you.
If you don't like the string representation (e.g., you are disturbed by the time zone offset displayed), use to_char to format the output the way you like:
CREATE TABLE dates (x timestamp with time zone NOT NULL);
SET timezone = 'Europe/Vienna';
INSERT INTO dates VALUES ('2020-06-01 03:00:00');
SET timezone = 'Asia/Kolkata';
SELECT to_char(x, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') FROM dates;
2020-06-01 06:30:00
(1 row)

PostgreSQL - extracting date ranges in local time?

I have a table of wildfire incidents with a timestamp with time zone (timestamptz) field to track when the observation occurred.
Everything in the data creation process is in UTC: the incoming data from the source, the app server that inserts the data, the insert python code (appends a "Z" to the time), and the database server are all in UTC.
The incidents' geographic extent spans several time zones in the US, Canada, and Mexico.
I've been querying on a day's worth of data in UTC time, but need to extract out data relative to local time. The midnight to midnight range will be different in each time zone.
My use case now is one day, but I was asked to consider arbitrary time ranges. E.g.: find all incidents in the hottest part of the day (say 10:00 to 18:00) local time.
This table is quite large and I have an index on the timestamptz field right now. Any changes I make will need to work with an index.
Account for daylight saving time.
I have a method to get the time zone for each record, so I don't need help with that.
I created a test table for this with a timestamptz field ts_with and a varchar field for the time zone tz. The following query returns what I want, so I feel like I'm making progress.
name, test_tz.ts_with,,
TIMEZONE(, test_tz.ts_with) as timezone_with
FROM fire_info.test_tz
WHERE TIMEZONE(, test_tz.ts_with) BETWEEN
'2018-08-07 00:00:00' AND '2018-08-07 23:59:59';
Will this use my index? I'm thinking the timezone function will avoid it. Any solution for that? I'm considering adding another condition to the where clause that selects on timestamptz buffered by a day on either side. That would use the index and then the timezone function isn't sorting through too much data (~6k records per day during fire season). Would PG figure that out?
The timezone function is giving me DST offsets (e.g.: Denver is currently UTC-06). I assume I'll get standard time after DST ends. If I run a query in December for data in August, will it apply standard time or DST?
The way you wrote the query, it cannot use an index on ts_with.
To use an index, the condition would have to be of the form ts_with <operator> <constant>, and there is no way to rewrite the query in that fashion.
So you should create a second index on timezone(, test_tz.ts_with).

Postgres prevent timestamp with timezone conversion

I have a table that I am using to store iso dates with timezones. I realize that dates should "always" be stored as utc but I have an exception to that rule. The timestamps aren't in any way related to the server they are running on. I want to be able to store an iso date like this:
And regardless of the time zone of the server or anything else I want the timestamp returned as:
Currently if I insert an iso date it automatically converts it to whatever the server timezone is. My above date gets converted to:
2016-03-06 07:15:52+00 (server is utc)
The only thing I can think of is storing the timezone offset in a separate column, storing my date as utc and then converting using the offset column, horribly messy. Surely there is a way to store my date in one column and get it out the way it was originally created?
Your proposed solution is correct. Or more precisely, it is one of several correct implementations. Any of the following would work:
Store the UTC timestamp in one field, store the offset in another.
Store the local timestamp in one field, store the offset in another.
Store the local date in one field, and store a time with time zone in another. (though time with time zone is generally discouraged...)
Store the UTC timestamps in one field and the local timestamp in another.
The easiest by far is the first one, which you already proposed.
I'd avoid against storing timestamps in text fields, as they tend not to be very efficiently searchable.
Also note - if you're coming from a SQL Server background, you might recall its datetimeoffset type, which stores the local datetime and offset in the field, and uses the UTC equivalent during indexing. It's common to think that Postgres and MySQL's timestamp with time zone would have the same behavior, but they don't. They simply use the session time zone to convert to/from UTC. SQL Server has no concept of a session time zone, and thus the discrepancy.
Be sure to read this part of the Postgres docs.

How do I tell postgres a timestamp within a column is UTC?

We have an application that fetches data from a source and that source present the data with a timestamp in UTC. When our application saves that data to Postgres, it stores that timestamp in a timestamp column without time zone. The default on postgres in our shop is set to our local time, Mountain Time. So that means, I think, that postgres assumes that timestamp is mountain time. How can I query that column so that my result set thinks it's UTC and not the local time zone?
More cleary stated, I need to perform some offsets on that timestamp (moving it to, say EST) and so the math of doing that is different if the resultset thinks it's UTC than my local time
The Answer by Kouber Saparev is mostly correct, though incorrect about storing a time zone.
Wrong data type in Postgres
a timestamp in UTC. When our application saves that data to Postgres, it stores that timestamp in a timestamp column without time zone.
As noted in his Answer, you are using the wrong data type in your Postgres database. When tracking moments, you must use a column of type TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE. When supplying an input during an insert or update, any accompanying info about time zone or offset-from-UTC is used to adjust into UTC. The accompanying zone/offset is then discarded. If you need to remember the original zone/offset, you will need to define a second column and store that info there yourself.
The other type in Postgres, and the SQL standard, is TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE. This type purposely lacks any concept of time zone or offset-from-UTC. So this type cannot represent moments, cannot store points on the timeline. It stores values that represent potential moments along a range of about 26-27 hours, the range of various time zones around the globe. Use this type only when you mean a date with time-of-day everywhere or anywhere, but not specifically somewhere. Also used when you mean appointments far enough out in the future that we run the risk of politicians changing the offset used in any of the time zones we care about.
Always specify time zone
default on postgres in our shop is set to our local time, Mountain Time
Never depend on the current default time zone of your host OS, the database server, or your tools such as the Java Virtual Machine. Always specify the desired/expected time zone in your code.
Tip: Generally best to work in UTC for data storage, data exchange, and most of your business logic. Adjust from UTC to a time zone only for presentation to the user or where business rules require.
As explained above, Postgres always stores date-time values either in UTC or with no zone/offset at all. Beware: Tools used between you and Postgres may apply a time zone to the UTC value retrieved from the database. While well-intentioned, this anti-feature creates the illusion that the time zone was stored when in fact only UTC was stored in TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE or no zone/offset at all in TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE.
Be aware that any zone information accompanying input to a column of TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE is simply ignored, the date and time-of-day taken as-is and stored.
I need to perform some offsets on that timestamp (moving it to, say EST)
Generally best to use your database just for storage, query, and retrieval of data. For massaging the data like adjusting time zone, do such work in your application. For example, in Java use the industry-leading java.time classes, in .NET the Noda Time project (a port of the predecessor of java.time, the Joda-Time project).
Example code in Java using JDBC 4.2 or later.
For a value in a column of TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE we use the corresponding type in Java, LocalDateTime, lacking any concept of time zone or offset-from-UTC.
LocalDateTime ldt = myResultSet.getObject( … , LocalDateTime.class ) ; // Retrieve value from database.
String output = ldt.toString() ; // Generate text representing this date-with-time value in standard ISO 8601 format.
If you know for certain that this date and time was meant for UTC but was incorrectly stored without any zone/offset info, you can apply a zone or offset to repair the damage.
OffsetDateTime odt = ldt.atOffset( ZoneOffset.UTC ); // Apply an offset-from-UTC to a `LocalDateTime` lacking such information. Determines a moment.
For a value in a column of TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE we use the corresponding type in Java, OffsetDateTime (or Instant), representing a moment in UTC.
OffsetDateTime odt = myResultSet.getObject( … , OffsetDateTime.class ) ; // Retrieve value from database.
String output = odt.toString() ; // Generate text representing this date-with-time value in standard ISO 8601 format. A `Z` on the end indicates UTC, pronounced “Zulu”.
To see that OffsetDateTime value set in UTC through the lens of the wall-clock time used by the people of regions within the mid-west of North America, specify a time zone such as America/Edmonton or America/Denver.
Specify a proper time zone name in the format of continent/region, such as America/Montreal, Africa/Casablanca, or Pacific/Auckland. Never use the 2-4 letter abbreviation such as EST or IST as they are not true time zones, not standardized, and not even unique(!).
ZoneId z = ZoneId.of( "America/Denver" ) ;
ZonedDateTime zdt = odt.atZoneSameInstant( z ) ;
See this code run live at We see the same moment but with a different wall-clock time.
Beware of tools & middleware injecting a time zone
Unfortunately, many tools and middleware will volunteer to apply some default time zone to a moment retrieved from the database. While well-intentioned, this creates the illusion of the zone having been a part of the stored data when in fact the time zone was added after storage, upon retrieval. This anti-feature creates much confusion. I wish all the tools were clear and truthful by reporting the moment in UTC, as it was stored.
If you use Java, with JDBC 4.2 and later, you can exchange java.time (JSR 310) (tutorial) objects with the database and avoid this time zone injection.
There are two data types handling timestamps in PostgreSQL - timestamp, and timestamptz (timestamp with time zone). The latter stores the time zone along with the timestamp itself.
If you are using just a timestamp without time zone, then there is no way for the result set to think whether the timestamp is UTC or not. It is just a timestamp. It is up to the client application to interpret it and give it some time zone meaning.
On the contrary, if you use timestamptz, then PostgreSQL knows the time zone of that timestamp, and then it can calculate time zone offsets properly for you.
db=# select now();
2014-12-04 19:27:06.044703+02
(1 row)
db=# select timezone('est', now());
2014-12-04 12:27:06.044703
(1 row)
So, back on the problem posed. You need to make sure that first the data is imported properly and then - when needed, it is returned and displayed properly to the end user. You have two options:
Continue using timestamp
In that case both the writing app and the reading app need to know that all the timestamps in the database are UTC and calculate offsets accordingly.
Switch to timestamptz
Then the only thing that the apps need to know is their own time zone, they just have to declare it after connecting to PostgreSQL and leave the rest to the database.
For example, let's connect as a writing app and declare our time zone as UTC.
db=# create table x (data timestamptz);
db=# set timezone='utc';
db=# insert into x values (now());
db=# select * from x;
2014-12-04 20:02:08.692329+00
(1 row)
Now, let's say a reading app connects and is in the EST time zone.
db=# set timezone='est';
db=# select * from x;
2014-12-04 15:02:08.692329-05
(1 row)
Changing the client time zone setting changes the way all the timestamps are returned, but that's the case only if you use timestamptz - timestamp with time zone. If you cannot switch to this data type, then the application will have to take care of all this magic.