maskedEditColumn datagridview how to use class? is it what i need? - character

I am trying to mask user's input in a datagridview column and i found this ready class Masked edit column Class that adds a 'mask edit column' option in the column types list. When i select this column type a mask field is being added in the list of column properties. I tried to do my job by adding some mask elements in this 'Mask' field, but when I run the code it didnt restrict me from adding other characters. I re-opened the 'edit columns menu' and I saw that the 'Mask' field was empty.
I want the text cell to accept 20 chars maximum and only: 1.Capital Letters(English & Greek), 2.these three chars(.,-), 3.Numbers 0-9
So as a first test i used only this mask(>????????????????????) but it didnt work as it didnt convert my characters to Uppercase and accepted more than 20 chars when i end the cell edit.
i am not sure the way to go is the Masked Text Box way. i have made many projects on vb and i used to use a loop in the textChanged event of a text box to restrict characters entry. the loop is this : (but i cant use it now in the valueChanged event cause it seems that 'value' doesn't have a selectionStart property.)
Dim charactersDisallowed As String = "!##$%^&*()+=|}{][:;?/><.,~""
Dim theText As String = txtCopies.Text
Dim Letter As String
Dim SelectionIndex As Integer = txtCopies.SelectionStart
Dim Change As Integer
For x As Integer = 0 To txtCopies.Text.Length - 1
Letter = txtCopies.Text.Substring(x, 1)
If charactersDisallowed.Contains(Letter) Then
theText = theText.Replace(Letter, String.Empty)
Change = 1
End If
txtCopies.Text = theText
txtCopies.Select(SelectionIndex - Change, 0)
Is a masked text cell what i need? and if yes( Why is this mask box not keeping the mask i enter? And how can i use this class to do my job?)
What can i alternately do to restrict some characters in a column's cells? (I will then convert to Uppercase on cellEndEdit)

I finally did it by removing the unwanted characters on cellvaluechanged event, which seems that is being raised when I end the cell's edit by for example hitting "Enter".


insert and delete text after an Range-position in Word

I have a SET-field in Word 2007. After the set-field there could be everything (text,bookmark, SET field,...). I want to add a text (e.g. "exampletext") in between.
After this I want to delete this inserted text (but I don't want to search through the whole document).
Is there a method?
Trial 1 (it inserts it in the field - and not after the field):
' xStartReturn is a field
Dim myExampletext As WordApp.Range = objDoc.Range(xStartReturn.Code.End, xStartReturn.Code.End )
myExampletext.Text = "exampletext"
Trial 2 (leads to the problem that I don't get the Range-field to delete the exampletext afterwards):
Trial 3:
'xStartReturn.Code.End + 1 doesn't work.. but I found out that the "}"-Sign in the setField is +20 after xStartReturn.Code.End. Theoretical this should work - but there could be e.g. also paragraph afterwards.
'-> I can automatically check that there is a paragraph - but why is the exampletext added **after** the paragraph?
Dim example As WordApp.Range = objDoc.Range(xStartReturn.Code.End + 20, xStartReturn.Code.End + 20)
example.Text = "exampletext"
Dim later As WordApp.Range = objBasisvorlage_.Range(objXStartReturn.Code.End + 20, objXStartReturn.Code.End + 20 + "SDFSD".Length) 'this is wrong?!
The following works for me. Since you didn't give us a minimum code with which to reproduce the problem I don't know how relevant the framework is that I used. But you should be able to follow the steps.
Watch what I do with r_f_Code (field code range). You can ignore/remove r_f_Result as I had that in for reference and debugging purposes.
Collapsing the field code range to its end-point leaves the range just within the field braces. Moving the starting point one character to the right puts it just outside the braces, but before anything else. (Note: I tested with two immediately adjacent SET fields.)
My code then enters some text and bookmarks it. That's the only way you do what you ask if what follows the SET field can be "anything". Although I suppose you could insert a Content Control - that would be uniquely identifiable if you go about it correctly...
Sub PositionAfterFieldCode()
Dim f As word.Field
Dim r_f_Code As word.Range, r_f_Result As word.Range
For Each f In ActiveDocument.Fields
If f.Type = wdFieldSet Then
Set r_f_Code = f.code
Set r_f_Result = f.result
'Debug.Print Len(r_f_Code), r_f_Code.Text, Len(r_f_Result), r_f_Result.Text
r_f_Code.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
r_f_Code.MoveStart wdCharacter, 1
r_f_Code.Text = "abc"
r_f_Code.Bookmarks.Add "AfterSet", r_f_Code
Exit For
End If
End Sub

Prevent word wrap in GUI text

I have a MATLAB GUI that allows a user to load a configuration file. I then want the filename to be displayed in a static text field. My problem is that the string is too long for my text field and wraps around. I want the text to display as much of the string as it can without wrapping, prioritizing the end of the string.
For example, if I have a filename 'C:\folders\more\folders\thisismylongfilename.txt', I am currently seeing
If I use an edit text rather than a static text, I see C:\folders\more\folders\thisism
I would like my text field to display olders\thisismylongfilename.txt, or maybe ...ers\thisismylongfilename.txt. The missing portion can either be "displayed" but outside the visible box, or something I can remove before displaying. I would just need to know how much of the string to remove.
How can I properly display my long string in a fixed width text box?
One way to accomplish this would be read the length of your textbox and shorten the string before you display it.
myString = 'path/to/file/file.txt';
set(handles.textbox,'Units', 'Characters'); %set units to characters for convenience
pos = get(handles.textbox,'Position'); %get the position info
maxLength = floor(pos(3)); %extract the length of the box
if length(myString) > maxLength % cut beginning if string is too long
newStart = length(myString) - maxLength + 1;
displayString = myString(newStart:end);
displayString = myString;
set(handles.textbox,'String', displayString);

Conditional formatting on Access form looking up a value

I've created a form within Access which uses a cross-tab query as its data source.
The column headings for the query are 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 representing week numbers.
The values display items such as 3/3 = 100.00% or 0/13 = 0.00% or 3/14 = 21.00%.
I've added conditional formatting to the text boxes on the form.
Expression Is Right([2],7)="100.00%" works and displays the figure in bold red when the percentage is 100.
Expression is Val(Right([2],7))=100 also works - converting the text value to a numeric value.
The problem I'm having is that I'm not always looking for 100% - it depends on the value within a table. What I'm trying to do is
Val(Right([2],7))=(SELECT ParamValue*100 FROM tbl_System WHERE Param='SampleSize') - this doesn't work.
Neither does:
Eval(Val(Right([2],7))=(SELECT ParamValue*100 FROM tbl_System WHERE Param='SampleSize'))
Val(Right([2],7))=EVAL(SELECT ParamValue*100 FROM tbl_System WHERE Param='SampleSize')
Val(Right([2],7))=DLookUp("ParamValue","tbl_System","Param= 'SampleSize'")*100
Val(Right([2],7))=Eval(DLookUp("ParamValue","tbl_System","Param= 'SampleSize'")*100)
The SQL for the cross-tab query is:
TRANSFORM NZ(Sum(Abs([Include])),0) & "/" & NZ(Count(*),0) & " = " &
SELECT tbl_TMP_PrimaryDataSelection.TeamMember
FROM tbl_TMP_PrimaryDataSelection
GROUP BY tbl_TMP_PrimaryDataSelection.TeamMember
PIVOT tbl_TMP_PrimaryDataSelection.WeekNum In (1,2,3,4,5)
I don't think you can use a function in there, be it system or user-defined.
But you can define the FormatCondition dynamically at runtime, like this:
Dim txtFld As TextBox
Dim objFrc As FormatCondition
Dim strExpr As String
Set txtFld = Me!myTextBox
' Remove existing FormatConditions
' The dynamic expression
strExpr = "Val(Right([2],7))=" & DLookUp("ParamValue","tbl_System","Param='SampleSize'")*100
' Assign a new FormatCondition to text box
Set objFrc = txtFld.FormatConditions.Add(acExpression, , strExpr)
' Set the format
objFrc.ForeColor = &HFF0000
This example simply removes and recreates all FormatConditions. If you have a fixed number of conditions, you can also use the FormatCondition.Modify method (see online help).
The final code I have used executes on the Form_Load event and adds a format to each of the five weekly text boxes:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim aTxtBox(1 To 5) As TextBox
Dim x As Long
Dim oFrc As FormatCondition
Dim sExpr As String
With Me
Set aTxtBox(1) = .Wk1
Set aTxtBox(2) = .Wk2
Set aTxtBox(3) = .Wk3
Set aTxtBox(4) = .Wk4
Set aTxtBox(5) = .Wk5
For x = 1 To 5
sExpr = "Val(Right([" & x & "],7))>=" & DLookup("ParamValue", "tbl_System", "Param='SampleSize'") * 100
Set oFrc = aTxtBox(x).FormatConditions.Add(acExpression, , sExpr)
oFrc.ForeColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
Next x
End With
End Sub
Edit 2
Yes, defining FormatConditions via VBA is especially useful when dealing with multiple controls in a loop. You can do this in Design View too and save the FormatConditions permanently, simply to avoid going through the FormatConditions dialogs one by one. Or if the customer later decides that he'd rather have a different color. :)
Note: You could use Set aTxtBox(x) = Me("Wk" & x) in the loop. But actually you don't need multiple TextBox variables, you can simply re-use it.

MS Word: select text inside a table cell

I need to select a text (for example, two chars) inside a cell in a table in a Word document. The following code:
Sub testTable()
For Each itable In ActiveDocument.Tables
itable.Cell(1, 2).Range.Select
End Sub
selects all the content of the second cell in the first row of the table. How have I to modify it to select only a subset of the cell content, for example from the 4th char to the 9th char?
The Range object has a Characters property, so:
Selection.MoveEnd wdCharacter, 5
Another way to go about it is to work with Range objects:
Dim rng as Word.Range
Set rng = itable.Cell(1,2).Range.Characters(4)
rng.End = itable.Cell(1,2).Range.Characters(9)
And there are variations on the theme...

How to use non breaking space in iTextSharp

How can the non breaking space can be used to have a multiline content in a PdfPTable cell. iTextSharp is breaking down the words with the space characters.
The scenario is I want a multiline content in a table head, such as in first line it may display "Text1 &" and on second line it would display "Text", on rendering the PDF the Text1 is displayed in first line, then on second line & is displayed and on third it takes the length of the first line and truncates the remaining characters to the next line.
Or can I set specific width for each and every column of the table so as to accomodate text content within it, such as the text would wrap within that specific width.
You didn't specify a language so I'll answer in VB.Net but you can easily convert it to C# if needed.
To your first question, to use a non-breaking space just use the appropriate Unicode code point U+00A0:
In VB.Net you'd declare it like:
Dim NBSP As Char = ChrW(&HA0)
And in C#:
Char NBSP = '\u00a0';
Then you can just concatenate it where needed:
Dim Text2 As String = "This is" & NBSP & "also" & NBSP & "a test"
You might also find the non-breaking hyphen (U+2011) helpful, too.
To your second question, yes you can set the width of every column. However, column widths are always set as relative widths so if you use:
T.SetTotalWidth(New Single() {2.0F, 1.0F})
What you are actually saying is that for the given table, the first column should be twice as large as the second column, you are NOT saying that the first column is 2px wide and the second is 1px. This is very important to understand. The above code is the exact same as the next two lines:
T.SetTotalWidth(New Single() {4.0F, 2.0F})
T.SetTotalWidth(New Single() {100.0F, 50.0F})
The column widths are relative to the table's width which by default (if I remember correctly) is 80% of the writable page's width. If you would like to fix the table's width to an absolute width you need to set two properties:
''//Set the width
T.TotalWidth = 200.0F
''//Lock it from trying to expand
T.LockedWidth = True
Putting the above all together, below is a full working WinForms app targetting iTextSharp
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports System.IO
Imports iTextSharp.text
Imports iTextSharp.text.pdf
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
''//File that we will create
Dim OutputFile As String = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "TableTest.pdf")
''//Standard PDF init
Using FS As New FileStream(OutputFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)
Using Doc As New Document(PageSize.LETTER)
Using writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(Doc, FS)
''//Create our table with two columns
Dim T As New PdfPTable(2)
''//Set the relative widths of each column
T.SetTotalWidth(New Single() {2.0F, 1.0F})
''//Set the table width
T.TotalWidth = 200.0F
''//Lock the table from trying to expand
T.LockedWidth = True
''//Our non-breaking space character
Dim NBSP As Char = ChrW(&HA0)
''//Normal string
Dim Text1 As String = "This is a test"
''//String with some non-breaking spaces
Dim Text2 As String = "This is" & NBSP & "also" & NBSP & "a test"
''//Add the text to the table
''//Add the table to the document
End Using
End Using
End Using
End Sub
End Class