Join on two foreign keys from same table in scalikejdbc - scala

So i have a one table that has two FK that points at same table.
For example:
Message table with columns sender and receiver that both references id in user table.
When i'm writing query to fetch message and join on both the result is same use for both, the first one.
Here is how i'm trying to do it.
import scalikejdbc._
ConnectionPool.singleton("jdbc:h2:mem:hello", "user", "pass")
implicit val session = AutoSession
create table members (
id serial not null primary key,
name varchar(64),
created_at timestamp not null
create table message (
id serial not null primary key,
msg varchar(64) not null,
sender int not null,
receiver int not null
Seq("Alice", "Bob", "Chris") foreach { name =>
sql"insert into members (name, created_at) values (${name}, current_timestamp)".update.apply()
("msg1", 1, 2),
("msg2", 1, 3),
("msg3", 2, 1)
) foreach { case (m, s, r) =>
sql"insert into message (msg, sender, receiver) values (${m}, ${s}, ${r})".update.apply()
import org.joda.time._
case class Member(id: Long, name: Option[String], createdAt: DateTime)
object Member extends SQLSyntaxSupport[Member] {
override val tableName = "members"
def apply(mem: ResultName[Member])(rs: WrappedResultSet): Member = new Member(
rs.long("id"), rs.stringOpt("name"), rs.jodaDateTime("created_at"))
case class Message(id: Long, msg: String, sender: Member, receiver: Member)
object Message extends SQLSyntaxSupport[Message] {
override val tableName = "message"
def apply(ms: ResultName[Message], s: ResultName[Member], r: ResultName[Member])(rs: WrappedResultSet): Message = new Message(
rs.long("id"), rs.string("msg"), Member(s)(rs), Member(r)(rs))
val mem = Member.syntax("m")
val s = Member.syntax("s")
val r = Member.syntax("r")
val ms = Message.syntax("ms")
val msgs: List[Message] = sql"""
select *
from ${}
join ${} on ${ms.sender} = ${}
join ${} on ${ms.receiver} = ${}
""".map(rs => Message(ms.resultName, s.resultName, r.resultName)(rs)).list.apply()
Am I doing something wrong or is it bug?

Sorry for late reply. We have the Google Group ML and I actively read notifications from the group.
When you're in a hurry, please post stackoverflow URLs there.!forum/scalikejdbc-users-group
In this case, you need to write select ${ms.result.*}, ${s.result.*} instead of select *. Please read this page for details.


How to update table query in Slick

How can I convert Query[MappedProjection[Example, (Option[String], Int, UUID, UUID)], Example, Seq] to Query[Examples, Example, Seq]?
I am trying to drop a column from an existing table(Examples in this case) and move the data to another table (Examples2 in this case). I don't want to change all the existing code base, so I plan to join these two tables and map the results to Example.
import slick.lifted.Tag
import slick.driver.PostgresDriver.api._
import java.util.UUID
case class Example(
field1: Option[String] = None,
field2: Int,
someForeignId: UUID,
id: UUID,
object Example
class Examples(tag: Tag) extends Table[Example](tag, "entityNotes") {
def field1 = column[Option[String]]("field1")
def field2 = column[Int]("field2")
def someForeignId = column[UUID]("someForeignId")
def id = column[UUID]("id", O.PrimaryKey)
def someForeignKey = foreignKey(
def * =
) <> ((Example.apply _).tupled, Example.unapply)
object Examples{
val query = TableQuery[Examples]
Basically, all the functions in the codebase call Examples.query. If I update that query by joining two tables, the problem will be solved (of course with a performance shortcoming because of one extra join for each call).
To use the query with the existing code base, we need to keep the type the same. For example, we we can use filter as follows:
val query_ = TableQuery[Examples]
val query: Query[Examples, Example, Seq] = query_.filter(_.field2 > 5)
Everything will work without a problem since we keep the type of the query as it is supposed to be.
However, I cannot do that with a join if I want to use data from the second table.
val query_ = TableQuery[Examples]
val query = query
.on(_.someForeignId ===
case (e, e2) =>
) <> ((Example.apply _).tupled, Example.unapply))
This is where I got stuck. Its type is Query[MappedProjection[Example, (Option[String], Int, UUID, UUID)], Example, Seq].
Can anyone help? Btw, we don't have to use map. This is just what I got so far. - Handling Joined Tables

I have a simple query in Slick (2.1) which joins two tables in a one-to-many relationship. Defined roughly as follows...
class Users( tag: Tag ) extends Table[ User ]( tag, "users" )
// each field here...
def * = ( id, name ).shaped <> ( User.tupled, User.unapply)
class Items( tag: Tag ) extends Table[ Item ]( tag, "items" )
// each field here...
// foreign key to Users table
def userId = column[ Int ]( "user_id")
def user_fk = foreignKey( "users_fk", userId, Users )( )
def * = ( id, userId.?, description ).shaped <> ( Item.tupled, Item.unapply)
A single User can have multiple Items. The User case class I want to marshal to looks like...
case class User(id: Option[Int] = None, name:String, items:Option[List[Item]] = None)
I then query the database with an implicit join like this...
u <- Users
i <- Items
if i.userId ===
} yield(u, i)
This "runs" fine. However, the query obviously duplicates the "Users" record for each "Item" that belongs to the user giving...
(User(Some(1),"User1Name"),Item(Some(1),Some(1),"Item Description 1")),
(User(Some(1),"User1Name"),Item(Some(2),Some(1),"Item Description 2")))
Is there an elegant way of pulling the "many" part into the User case class? Whether it's Slick or Scala. What I would ideally like to end up with is...
List(Item(Some(1),Some(1),"Item Description 1"),
Item(Some(2),Some(1),"Item Description 2")))
One way to do it in Scala:
val results = List((User(Some(1), "User1Name"), Item(Some(1), Some(1), "Item Description 1")),
(User(Some(1), "User1Name"), Item(Some(2), Some(1), "Item Description 2")))
val grouped = results.groupBy(_._1)
.map { case (user, item: List[(User, Item)]) =>
user.copy(items = Option( }
This handles multiple distinct Users (grouped is an Iterable[User]).

Slick, H2 insert query auto increment ID

I have this table in H2:
CREATE TABLE computer (id BIGINT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, introduced TIMESTAMP, discontinued TIMESTAMP, company_id BIGINT, CONSTRAINT pk_computer PRIMARY KEY (id));
Slick auto generated class for it:
case class ComputerRow(id: Long, name: String, introduced: Option[java.sql.Timestamp], discontinued: Option[java.sql.Timestamp], companyId: Option[Long])
/** GetResult implicit for fetching ComputerRow objects using plain SQL queries */
implicit def GetResultComputerRow(implicit e0: GR[Long], e1: GR[String], e2: GR[Option[java.sql.Timestamp]], e3: GR[Option[Long]]): GR[ComputerRow] = GR{
prs => import prs._
ComputerRow.tupled((<<[Long], <<[String], <<?[java.sql.Timestamp], <<?[java.sql.Timestamp], <<?[Long]))
/** Table description of table COMPUTER. Objects of this class serve as prototypes for rows in queries. */
class Computer(tag: Tag) extends Table[ComputerRow](tag, "COMPUTER") {
def * = (id, name, introduced, discontinued, companyId) <> (ComputerRow.tupled, ComputerRow.unapply)
/** Maps whole row to an option. Useful for outer joins. */
def ? = (id.?, name.?, introduced, discontinued, companyId).shaped.<>({r=>import r._;> ComputerRow.tupled((_1.get, _2.get, _3, _4, _5)))}, (_:Any) => throw new Exception("Inserting into ? projection not supported."))
/** Database column ID PrimaryKey */
val id: Column[Long] = column[Long]("ID", O.PrimaryKey)
/** Database column NAME */
val name: Column[String] = column[String]("NAME")
/** Database column INTRODUCED */
val introduced: Column[Option[java.sql.Timestamp]] = column[Option[java.sql.Timestamp]]("INTRODUCED")
/** Database column DISCONTINUED */
val discontinued: Column[Option[java.sql.Timestamp]] = column[Option[java.sql.Timestamp]]("DISCONTINUED")
/** Database column COMPANY_ID */
val companyId: Column[Option[Long]] = column[Option[Long]]("COMPANY_ID")
/** Foreign key referencing Company (database name FK_COMPUTER_COMPANY_1) */
lazy val companyFk = foreignKey("FK_COMPUTER_COMPANY_1", companyId, Company)(r =>, onUpdate=ForeignKeyAction.Restrict, onDelete=ForeignKeyAction.Restrict)
/** Collection-like TableQuery object for table Computer */
lazy val Computer = new TableQuery(tag => new Computer(tag))
I can't seem to be able to insert a new row, however. The attempt below
val row = ("name", new Timestamp((new Date).getTime), new Timestamp((new Date).getTime), 123)
DB.withDynSession { r =>
(, r.introduced, r.discontinued, r.companyId)
) += row
Throws an error
[JdbcSQLException: NULL not allowed for column "ID"; SQL statement: INSERT INTO "COMPUTER" ("NAME","INTRODUCED","DISCONTINUED","COMPANY_ID") VALUES (?,?,?,?) [23502-175]]
The same approach works with MySQL and PostgreSQL, so I'm guessing that H2 doesn't have the same primary ID auto increment functionality? How do I make my insert work with slick then?
This is a working example of the same table with Anorm:
DB.withConnection { implicit connection =>
insert into computer values (
(select next value for computer_seq),
{name}, {introduced}, {discontinued}, {company_id}
'name -> "name",
'introduced -> new Timestamp((new Date).getTime),
'discontinued -> new Timestamp((new Date).getTime),
'company_id -> 123
As far as I can tell this is not a Slick problem, but your DDL statement doesn't specify auto increment for H2. Check the play-slick SQL code for the sample project:
Also check the H2 docs:
Try giving the case class a default value for id, like this:
case class ComputerRow(id: Long = 0, name: String, introduced: Option[java.sql.Timestamp], discontinued: Option[java.sql.Timestamp], companyId: Option[Long])
I'm not sure for H2 but when I'm working with Postgres I usually specify the default for the id field to comply to eventual checks form Slick, then on the database side the value insert is handled automatically by the sequence.
I may be wrong on this but I noticed that you create a sequence without assigning it:
CREATE TABLE computer (id BIGINT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, introduced TIMESTAMP, discontinued TIMESTAMP, company_id BIGINT, CONSTRAINT pk_computer PRIMARY KEY (id));
In Postgres you create sequence and then assign them Like this:
create table users (
id bigint not null
create sequence users_seq;
alter table users alter column id set default nextval('users_seq');
in H2 as far as I can see this is how you assign an auto increment:
create table test(id bigint auto_increment, name varchar(255));
Taken form this SO question.

How to return a sequence generation for an Id

In Scala Slick, if you are not using auto-incremented Id, but with sequence generation strategy for the id, how do you return that id?
Let's say you have the following case class and Slick table:
case class User(id: Option[Int], first: String, last: String)
object Users extends Table[User]("users") {
def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def first = column[String]("first")
def last = column[String]("last")
def * = id.? ~ first ~ last <> (User, User.unapply _)
The important things to consider here is the fact that is an Option, because when we create it we will set it to None and the DB will generate the number for it.
Now you need to define a new insert mapping which omits the autoincremented column. This is needed because some databases don't allow you to insert into a column which is labeled as Auto Incremental. So instead of:
INSERT INTO users VALUES (NULL, "first, "last")
Slick will generate:
INSERT INTO user(first, last) VALUES ("first", "last")
The mapping looks like this (which must be placed inside Users):
def forInsert = first ~ last <> ({ t => User(None, t._1, t._2)}, { (u: User) => Some((u.first, u.last))})
Finally getting the auto-generated id is simple. We only need to specify in the returning the id column:
val userId = Users.forInsert returning insert User(None, "First", "Last")
Or you could instead move the returning statement:
def forInsert = first ~ last <> ({ t => User(None, t._1, t._2)}, { (u: User) => Some((u.first, u.last))}) returning id
And simplify your insert calls:
val userId = Users.forInsert insert User(None, "First", "Last")

Anorm string set from postgres ltree column

I have a table with one of the columns having ltree type, and the following code fetching data from it:
SQL("""select * from "queue"""")()
row =>
val queue =
new DateTime(row[java.util.Date]("created_at")),
which results in the following error:
RuntimeException: TypeDoesNotMatch(Cannot convert notification.en.incident_happened:class org.postgresql.util.PGobject to String for column ColumnName(queue.path,Some(path)))
queue table schema is the following:
id serial NOT NULL,
template_id integer,
template_version integer,
path ltree NOT NULL,
json_params text,
email_recipients character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
email_from character varying(128),
email_subject character varying(512),
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
sent_at timestamp with time zone,
failed_recipients character varying(1024),
template_required boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true,
attachments hstore,
CONSTRAINT fk_queue__email_template FOREIGN KEY (template_id)
REFERENCES email_template (id) MATCH SIMPLE
OWNER TO postgres;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE queue TO postgres;
Why is that? Isn't notification.en.incident_happened just an ordinary string? Or am I missing anything?
The question still applies, but here is a workaround:
SQL("""select id, path::varchar, email_recipients, created_at, template_required from "queue"""")()
This looked like a fun project so I implemented the ltree column mapper.
I piggybacked off anorm-postgresql, since that project already implements some postgres types in anorm. It looks good, and it would be useful if it implemented the full range of postgres types. My code has been merged in, so you can use that library. Alternatively, just use the following code:
import org.postgresql.util.PGobject
import anorm._
object LTree {
implicit def rowToStringSeq: Column[Seq[String]] = Column.nonNull { (value, meta) =>
val MetaDataItem(qualified, nullable, clazz) = meta
value match {
case pgo:PGobject => {
val seq = pgo.getValue().split('.')
case x => Left(TypeDoesNotMatch(x.getClass.toString))
implicit def stringSeqToStatement = new ToStatement[Seq[String]] {
def set(s: java.sql.PreparedStatement, index: Int, aValue: Seq[String]) {
val stringRepresentation = aValue.mkString(".")
val pgo:org.postgresql.util.PGobject = new org.postgresql.util.PGobject()
pgo.setValue( stringRepresentation );
s.setObject(index, pgo)
Then you can map an ltree to a Seq[String]. Notice that it is a sequence of path elements order matters so it is a Seq[String], rather than String or Set[String]. If you want a single string just say path.mkString("."). Usage below:
import LTree._
SQL("""select * from "queue"""")()
row =>
val queue =
new DateTime(row[java.util.Date]("created_at")),