So, I have a Java Project with Jena that reads an Ontology (With several imports) and I'm trying to port it into a Dynamic Web Project.
The problem is that, in the DWP, the program cant read the ontology imports. I dont know why, but it always give me com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.DoesNotExistException while is triying to read the first import.
Error StackTrace:
WARN [main] ( - An error occurred while attempting to read from Msg was ''.
at com.hp.hpl.jena.util.FileManager.readModelWorker(
at com.hp.hpl.jena.util.FileManager.readModel(
at com.hp.hpl.jena.util.FileManager.readModel(
at com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntDocumentManager$1.readModel(
at com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl.ModelMakerImpl.getModel(
at com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntDocumentManager.fetchLoadedImportModel(
at com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntDocumentManager.fetchPossiblyCachedImportModel(
at com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntDocumentManager.loadImport(
at com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntDocumentManager.loadImports(
at com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntDocumentManager.loadImports(
at com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.impl.OntModelImpl.loadImports(
at com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.impl.OntModelImpl.readDelegate(
at OntoSakai.OntManager.loadOntModel(
at OntoSakai.WSInterface.getTypes(
at OntoSakai.Main.main(
The project is exactly like the original.
I'm using Apache Jena in eclipse.
I am trying to control NetLogo's API using Jython 2.7.0 (on Java 1.8.0_131) running on OS X El Capitan (10.11.6) to run experiments. In trying to run the following code:
import site
site.addsitedir("/Users/nqe/NetLogo/NetLogo 6.0.1/Java/")
import org.nlogo.headless.HeadlessWorkspace as hw
workspace = hw.newInstance()"models/Sample Models/Earth Science/Fire.nlogo")
workspace.command("set density 62")
workspace.command("random-seed 0")
workspace.command("repeat 50 [ go ]")
print ("burned-trees"))
I get the following error:
at scala.Predef$.require(Predef.scala:264)
at org.nlogo.generate.PrimitiveCache$.read$1(PrimitiveCache.scala:22)
at org.nlogo.generate.PrimitiveCache$.$anonfun$getClassReader$1(PrimitiveCache.scala:26)
at scala.collection.mutable.AbstractMap.getOrElseUpdate(Map.scala:80)
at org.nlogo.generate.PrimitiveCache$.getClassReader(PrimitiveCache.scala:26)
at org.nlogo.generate.PeepholeSafeChecker.processClass(PeepholeSafeChecker.scala:49)
at org.nlogo.generate.PeepholeSafeChecker.isSafe(PeepholeSafeChecker.scala:42)
at org.nlogo.generate.Generator$InstructionGenerator.generateInstruction(Generator.scala:190)
at org.nlogo.generate.Generator$InstructionGenerator.generateBodyMethod(Generator.scala:124)
at org.nlogo.generate.Generator$InstructionGenerator.generate(Generator.scala:99)
at org.nlogo.generate.Generator.$anonfun$recurse$1(Generator.scala:31)
at scala.collection.TraversableLike.$anonfun$map$1(TraversableLike.scala:234)
at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayOps$ofRef.foreach(ArrayOps.scala:193)
at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayOps$
at org.nlogo.generate.Generator.$anonfun$generate$1(Generator.scala:25)
at scala.collection.TraversableLike.$anonfun$map$1(TraversableLike.scala:234)
at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayOps$ofRef.foreach(ArrayOps.scala:193)
at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayOps$
at org.nlogo.generate.Generator.generate(Generator.scala:25)
at org.nlogo.compile.CompilerMain$.assembleProcedure(CompilerMain.scala:79)
at org.nlogo.compile.CompilerMain$.$anonfun$compile$2(CompilerMain.scala:55)
at scala.collection.TraversableLike.$anonfun$map$1(TraversableLike.scala:234)
at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:378)
at org.nlogo.compile.CompilerMain$.compile(CompilerMain.scala:55)
at org.nlogo.compile.Compiler.compileProgram(Compiler.scala:52)
at org.nlogo.headless.HeadlessModelOpener.openFromModel(HeadlessModelOpener.scala:54)
at org.nlogo.headless.HeadlessWorkspace.openModel(HeadlessWorkspace.scala:532)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed
In case the "import site" part is not clear, I did the following:
Create a jython script to write all .jar files in "/Users/nqe/NetLogo/NetLogo 6.0.1/Java/" to a .pth file.
I then placed this .pith file into said the .../Java/ directory with the .jar files.
This allows me to access all the .jar dependencies from sys.path when needing to the import various API features of NetLogo.
I can't figure out exactly what causes this error, for in running on python interactive mode, I was able to successfully create a new instance of NetLogo JVM using the hw.newInstance() command (I could see a Java icon pop up when running this code), and the open command threw the appropriate errors if I fail to specify a url, for example.
Because of this, I thought it might have something to do with my JVM not being configured properly, so I tried a few things.
First, I checked that I was able to actually run the java example of controlling NetLogo API in headless mode found here: I was able to run the code given here using these commands:
netjardir=/Users/nqe/NetLogo/NetLogo\ 6.0.1/Java/netlogo-mac-app.jar
javac -cp "${javadir}":"${netjardir}" $
java -cp "${javadir}":"${netjardir}" $javaname
without changing any JVM settings manually. Nevertheless, I went ahead and tried changing things in my JVM settings when running the jython code such as the path to docs and extensions, but in particular, to the ./lib directory. Unfortunately, specifying the following JVM setting:
does nothing to help the cause. Note that the ~ here is short for being in the NetLogo 6.0.1 directory and that this was the only lib directory I could find.
Finally, I discord this: when I try to run the above jython script when only specifying the path to netlogo-mac-app.jar, I AM NOT ABLE TO IMPORT the headless class stuff. Hence, the compilation/ running of the java while specifying only this one .jar classpath could possibly be somehow accessing some useful meta-data necessary for NetLogo to work (I don't know if this is possible with my level of Java background).
Upon thinking this, I found a NetLogo.cfg file in ~/NetLogo that contains the following info:
This seemed promising, but literally deleting this file had no affect on my ability to run NetLogo by opening the application/ using the Control API with Java method. As such, I am stumped, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
I downloaded the OfBiz Java application and the following line throws an MissingResourceException:
ResourceBundle res = ResourceBundle.getBundle(settingsResourceName);
The value of settingsResourceName is "cache", but I cannot find any file called or
Where should I be looking? I'm new to Java. All my research on SO says there should be such a file.
I imported OfBiz in Eclipse using the Import menu option and selecting Existing Project from File System (I'm not in front of my dev machine so I don't remember the exact wording). But I chose the root folder of the downloaded OfBiz.
I then added the appropriate VM Arguments in the Run Configuration to get it to run properly at least. And that's it, on the first Run I got the above error. I think it has to do with a missing class path but I don't know what to add to class path.
Here is the stack trace:
ERROR StatusLogger No log4j2 configuration file found. Using default configuration: logging only errors to the console.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.Debug.<clinit>(
at org.apache.ofbiz.base.container.ContainerLoader.load(
at org.apache.ofbiz.base.start.StartupControlPanel.loadStartupLoaders(
at org.apache.ofbiz.base.start.StartupControlPanel.start(
at org.apache.ofbiz.base.start.Start.main(
Caused by: java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name cache, locale en
at java.util.ResourceBundle.throwMissingResourceException(
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundleImpl(
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(
at org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.cache.UtilCache.setPropertiesParams(
at org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.cache.UtilCache.setPropertiesParams(
at org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.cache.UtilCache.setPropertiesParams(
at org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.cache.UtilCache.<init>(
at org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.cache.UtilCache.createUtilCache(
at org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilProperties.<clinit>(
... 5 more
My mistake, I found two files both called in the following folders:
But these are folders, not packages. I tried putting them in the .classpath but that did not work, I still kept getting the same error.
As suspected, I knew it was because of a missing reference to a class path. After looking at a section on this page:, I learned that I was supposed to go to the Java Build Path and in the Libraries tab, click on Add Class Folder, then point that to ofbiz-trunk/framework/base/config. Which is where I have one of the files.
Two issues / questions:
1) In many of the log4j threads / forums / etc., I am seeing the results of defining the log4j.debug containing log4j configuration file references prefixed with "file:" as shown below:
log4j: Using URL [file:/data/app/conf/] for automatic log4j configuration.
In the code I am updating (authored by another developer now working someplace else), I am seeing:
log4j: Using URL [bundleresource://23/] for automatic log4j configuration
What/where is the "bundleresource" as shown above? I am thinking this is a dedicated resource Eclipse plug-in that I have been unable to identify.
2) This question stems from a larger issue of not being able to load a log4j configuration file without explicitly inserting it into the command line arguments of the JVM (e.g., -Dlog4j.configuration). I am replacing an Eclipse plugin-based application on a test server that does not have this command line argument specified in a start up script and is able to correctly fire up with log4j being initialized correctly. When I go to replace this application with the latest build from our source repository, the application fails to locate the log4j configuration file. Any thoughts on why the first application can start up and locate the log4j configuration file while the second (newer) application cannot?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Update / Edit
Output from the application with log4j.debug defined:
log4j: Trying to find [log4j.xml] using context classloader sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader#9fe666.
log4j: Trying to find [log4j.xml] using sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader#9fe666 class loader.
log4j: Trying to find [log4j.xml] using ClassLoader.getSystemResource().
log4j: Trying to find [] using context classloader sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader#9fe666.
log4j: Trying to find [] using sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader#9fe666 class loader.
log4j: Trying to find [] using ClassLoader.getSystemResource().
log4j: Could not find resource: [null].
You can load a properties file for Log4j by first loading the properties, then tossing it into log4j's property configurator:
Properties props = new Properties();
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("");
The bundleresource seems like a library specific thing. I recommend using grep on the sourcecode:
grep -irn ./ -e "bundleresource"
I've been struggling to properly integrate this Netflix Java Client to access Netflix's API into a very basic Eclipse Java Web Project.
Whenever I try to publish any content referring to this library, I get errors like the following, indicating an inability to resolve the type of the classes in the external library I'm trying to use.
Aug 20, 2011 11:48:42 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke
SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet [jsp] in context with path [/OSNet03] threw exception [Unable to compile class for JSP:
An error occurred at line: 19 in the jsp file: /index.jsp
NetflixAPIClient cannot be resolved to a type
16: String myConsumerKey = new String("cefjbgekg7566cqrp2atua2n");
17: String myConsumerSecret = new String("redacted");
19: NetflixAPIClient apiClient = new NetflixAPIClient(myConsumerKey, myConsumerSecret);
20: String uri = APIEndpoints.MOVIE_URI + "/2361637";
21: String details = null;
At the top of the file I include the proper class directories like this:
<%# page import="*" %>
<%# page import="*" %>
<%# page import="*" %>
And I don't receive any errors from Eclipse telling me it can't resolve the classes. Only once I publish it to the server does this error occur.
I've tried building with jre7 and jdk1.7.0. The library I'm trying to work with includes elements that are from Java v6 and v5.
I included the library by building it with Maven and placing the directory in my WEB-INF/lib folder and then including the jar netflix-client-2.3-SNAPSHOT.jar in my Build Path.
I've looked all over the web for possible causes and tried every prescribed solution I've found but none have worked.
You may be able to tell I'm very new to using Eclipse and Java Web Programming but I'm trying to figure things out as best I can as I go.
check if build automatically is on :P. if not try turning it on for once.
if yes then check the project build path and look for libraries. check if the correct jars are there.
also check if your jars are not corrupted.
these are the usual problems for more wait for sm1 else to answer.
you could also try searching for the resource class that can't be resolved using Ctrl+Shift+R and see if the class turns up.
if you don't get it, then just extract the jar and see if the class is there for real.
We're currently creating an app that needs ATG taglibs on SLING/OSGI, we have created a bundle with these taglibs and uploaded it, of course these taglibs call ATG classes, so we are including them in the bootdelegation, using file.
sling.bootdelegation.class.atg.nucleus.Nucleus=atg.appassembly, \
atg.appassembly.ant, \
atg.appassembly.progress, \
atg.appassembly.util, \
First we got this error: atg/taglib/dspjsp/ImportBeanTag
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: atg/taglib/dspjsp/ImportBeanTag
at org.apache.jsp.apps.mygeometrixx.components.contenpage.center_jsp._jspx_meth_dsp_005fimportbean_005f0(
at org.apache.jsp.apps.mygeometrixx.components.contenpage.center_jsp._jspService(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
So we added atg.taglib.dspjsp to the packages to be added in bootdelegation file.
Then we got this error: atg.taglib.dspjsp.ImportBeanTag
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: atg.taglib.dspjsp.ImportBeanTag
at org.apache.jsp.apps.mygeometrixx.components.contenpage.center_jsp._jspx_meth_dsp_005fimportbean_005f0(
at org.apache.jsp.apps.mygeometrixx.components.contenpage.center_jsp._jspService(
All this is running on JBOSS.
Is there a way to avoid this class conflict that is causing the cast exception?
The class cast exception is usually a sign that that class is being made available in two different places (in your case probably via bootdelegation and maybe via a bundle that exports this class). That's what I would investigate first.
Also, to make things more explicit, I would in general advise you to not use boot delegation but instead export these packages explicitly through the system bundle. That way at least you can better debug where classes come from and how things are "wired" by the OSGi resolver.
When loading the ATG tag libraries from outside of the OSGi framework you also have to make sure to provide the JSP API from outside of the framework. By default Sling embeds the JSP API (in the JSP Scripting Bundle).
There are various ways to expose the JSP API into the framework. One is to add them to the system packages in the file:
sling.system.packages.atg_jsp = javax.servlet.jsp;javax.servlet.jsp.el; \