How do I access variables in a higher stack frame in perl? - perl

How can I do something like this in Perl? E.g. access $a in a function that it isn't defined in? I don't want to use globals, and also don't want to use a CPAN module or pass $a as a parameter to bar.
sub foo {
my $a;
sub bar {
print STDOUT "a is " . magic_function_that_looks_into_callers_frame('a');

It sounds like what you're looking for is dynamic extent (i.e., the value hangs around until Perl execution is done with the subroutine which started it). Perl implements this with local (rather than my). Check out the answer at:, but here's a small example:
our $foo;
sub top {
local $foo = "top";
sub bar {
say "Called from $foo";
So the (value of the) variable can be accessed from the calling stack frame, although the variable needs to actually exist globally or the code won't properly compile (Perl does like its lexical scoping).
For more advanced work, there's also:, but that's really playing with Perl's internals, so not for normal use.

Since $a is in bar()'s environment when its called, a way out is to call bar() with $a as an argument. For example:
sub bar {
print #_;
sub foo {
my $a = "what";


How to use `our` class variables with `UNITCHECK` correctly with `use strict`?

As Perl constants are somewhat strange to use, I decided to implement my "class variables" as our variables, just like:
our $foo = '...';
However when I added a UNITCHECK block using the class variables, I realized that the variables were not set yet, so I changed the code to:
our $foo = '...';
if ($foo eq 'bla') {
Then I realized that I had mistyped some variable names in UNITCHECK, so I decided to add use warnings and use strict.
Unfortunately I'm getting new errors like
Variable "$foo" is not imported at .. line ..
When I initialize the variable outside BEGIN, then the error is away, but then I have the original problem back.
So I wonder:
Is our $var = 'value'; the remommended and correct use, or should it be split in our $var; outside the BEGIN and $var = 'value; inside BEGIN?
As my list of variables is rather long, I'm trying to avoid list them twice (introducing the possibility of misspelling some again).
What is the recommended correct way to do it?
our is lexically scoped so in your code the variable only exists in the BEGIN block. You will need to separate out the declaration from the assignment like this:
our $foo;
$foo = '...';
if ($foo eq 'bla') {

Access object created in another function

My program creates an object, which, in turn, creates another object
use module::FirstModule qw ($hFirstModule);
use Exporter ();
#EXPORT = qw($hFirstModule);
use module::SecondModule qw ($hSecondModule);
sub new {
my $className = shift;
my $self = { key => 'val' };
bless $self, $classname;
return $self;
sub function{
#some other code here
I want to acces $hSecondModule from
It depends.
We would have to see the actual code. What you've shown is a bit ambiguous. However, there are two scenarios.
You can't
If your code is not exactly like what you have shown as pseudo-code, then there is no chance to do that. Consider this code in &module1::function.
sub function {
my $obj = Module2->new;
# ... more stuff
In this case, you are not returning anything, and the $obj is lexically scoped. A lexical scope means that it only exists inside of the closest {} block (and all blocks inside that). That's the block of the function sub. Once the program returns out of that sub, the variable goes out of scope and the object is destroyed. There is no way to get to it afterwards. It's gone.
Even if it was not destroyed, you cannot reach into a different scope.
You can
If you however return the object from the function, then you'd have to assign it in your script, and then you can access it later. If the code is exactly what you've shown above, this works.
sub function {
my $obj = Module2->new;
# nothing here
In Perl, subs always return the last true statement. If you don't have a return and the last statement is the Module2->new call, then the result of that statement, which is the object, is returned. Of course it also works if you actually return explicitly.
sub function {
return Module2->new;
So if you assign that to a variable in your script, you can access it in the script.
my $obj = module1->function();
This is similar to the factory pattern.
This is vague, but without more information it's impossible to answer the question more precicely.
Here is a very hacky approach that takes your updated code into consideration. It uses Sub::Override to grab the return value of the constructor call to your SecondModule thingy. This is something that you'd usually maybe do in a unit test, but not in production code. However, it should work. Here's an example.
package Foo;
use Bar;
sub new {
return bless {}, $_[0];
sub frobnicate {
package Bar;
sub new {
return bless {}, $_[0];
sub drink {
return 42; # because.
package main;
use Foo; # this will load Bar at compile time
use Sub::Override;
my $foo = Foo->new;
my $bar; # this is lexical to the main script, so we can use it inside
my $orig = \&Bar::new; # grab the original function
my $sub = Sub::Override->new(
"Bar::new" => sub {
my $self = shift;
# call the constructor of $hSecondModule, grab the RV and assign
# it to our var from the main script
$bar = $self->$orig(#_);
return $bar;
# restore the original sub
# $bar is now assigend
print $bar->drink;
Again, I would not do this in production code.
Let's take a look at the main function. It first creates a new Foo object. Then it grabs a reference to the Bar::new function. We need that as the original, so we can call it to create the object. Then we use Sub::Override to temporarily replace the Bar::new with our sub that calls the original, but takes the return value (which is the object) and assigns it to our variable that's lexical to the main script. Then we return it.
This function will now be called when $foo->frobnicate calls Bar->new. After that call, $bar is populated in our main script. Then we restore Bar::new so we don't accidentally overwrite our $bar in case that gets called again from somewhere else.
Afterwards, we can use $bar.
Note that this is advanced. I'll say again that I would not use this kind of hack in production code. There is probably a better way to do what you want. There might be an x/y problem here and you need to better explain why you need to do this so we can find a less crazy solution.

Perl Anonymous Subroutine/Function error

I have the following piece of code: (extremely simplified for the purposes of this question, but perfectly illustrates the problem I am having)
use strict;
use warnings;
my $connected_sub;
sub outer {
print "HELLO\n";
$connected_sub = sub {
print "GOODBYE\n";
When run the program gives this output and error:
Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at subTesting line 13.
Can't use string ("") as a subroutine ref while "strict refs" in use at line 13.
Am I totally overlooking something here? I cannot understand or work out what the problem with this is.
To clarify:
Subroutine definitions happen in the compilation stage. Thus code like this will work:
sub foo { print "No need to declare me before calling!"; }
But an assignment doesn't actually happen until that line of code is called. That is why this won't work:
my $foo;
$foo = sub { print "Foo hasn't been set to me when you try to call me." }
I assume that what you are trying to do here is assign an anonymous sub to the variable $connected_sub. This is not a good way to do it.
What you are doing is taking an empty variable, trying to use it as a code reference, assigning a code reference to it, then exiting the sub and then declaring the variable with my. Not the best order of doing things.
What you probably want to do is return a value which can be assigned to the variable, like so:
my $connected = outer();
sub outer {
print "HELLO\n";
my $sub = sub { print "GOODBYE\n"; }
return $sub;
Using a lexical variable inside a subroutine is somewhat confusing, I think. Besides the general drawbacks of using global variables, the subroutine is also compiled before the code is executed and the variable declared.
Also, when calling a subroutine, the standard way of doing so is
Where #args is your argument list. Using & is old style perl, and using it has a special meaning (override prototypes). When using an anonymous sub in a variable, use the ->() notation.
The $connected_sub is not initializated. Try to assign to an anonymous sub:
my $connected_sub = sub {
print "The code you need to run\n";
At the definition, and drop the code after the &$connected_sub call
This is the complete example modified:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $connected_sub = sub {
print "GOODBYE\n";
sub outer
print "HELLO\n";
Looks like you're using $connected_stub before it is initialized. Try to move the initialization up, like:
$connected_sub = sub {
print "GOODBYE\n";

Passing a block to a Moose method

Is it somehow possible to pass blocks to Moose methods? In standard Perl, I can define a function with prototypes like this
sub fn (&) {
my $code =\&{shift #_};
and then pass a block to the function without explicit sub references, i.e. fn { say "Hi there, world" }.
I think this is only possible if the subroutine is the first parameter, and as this is always $self with a Moose method, it doesn't seem possible there, forcing me to do it the slightly more explicit way:
sub wrapper {
my ($self, $code) = #_;
Wrapper->wrapper(sub { say "Hi there, world" });
Now this would be a pretty convenient way to wrap some blocks, i.e. to provide some additional text or conditionally execute code or wrap an eval around some code where the error handling stays the same (e.g. eval some code and log errors, record user etc.).
If I'm not missing something, is there some semi-convenient workaround or alternative method to achieve something like this without too much line noise?
Have a look at the PerlX::MethodCallWithBlock CPAN module which contorts the Perl syntax (via the Devel::Declare module) to allow you to put a block after a method call.
For e.g.:
use 5.016;
use warnings;
use PerlX::MethodCallWithBlock;
package Foo;
use Moose;
sub bar {
my ($self, $code) = #_;
Foo->bar { say "Hi there world" };
This module was released as a proof of concept. So far I've had no issues with it but YMMV.

Nested subroutines and Scoping in Perl

I'm writing Perl for quite some time now and always discovering new things, and I just ran into something interesting that I don't have the explanation to it, nor found it over the web.
sub a {
sub b {
print "In B\n";
how come I can call b() from outside its scope and it works?
I know its a bad practice to do it, and I dont do it, I use closured and such for these cases, but just saw that.
Subroutines are stored in a global namespace at compile time. In your example b(); is short hand for main::b();. To limit visibility of a function to a scope you need to assign an anonymous subroutines to a variable.
Both named and anonymous subroutines can form closures, but since named subroutines are only compiled once if you nest them they don't behave as many people expect.
use warnings;
sub one {
my $var = shift;
sub two {
print "var: $var\n";
Variable "$var" will not stay shared at -e line 5.
var: test
var: test
Nesting named subroutines is allowed in Perl but it's almost certainly a sign that the code is doing someting incorrectly.
The "official" way to create nested subroutines in perl is to use the local keyword. For example:
sub a {
local *b = sub {
return 123;
return b(); # Works as expected
b(); # Error: "Undefined subroutine &main::b called at ..."
The perldoc page perlref has this example:
sub outer {
my $x = $_[0] + 35;
local *inner = sub { return $x * 19 };
return $x + inner();
"This has the interesting effect of creating a function local to another function, something not normally supported in Perl."
The following prints 123.
sub a {
$b = 123;
print $b, "\n";
So why are you surprised that the following does too?
sub a {
sub b { return 123; }
print b(), "\n";
Nowhere is any request for $b or &b to be lexical. In fact, you can't ask for &b to be lexical (yet).
sub b { ... }
is basically
BEGIN { *b = sub { ... }; }
where *b is the symbol table entry for $b, #b, ..., and of course &b. That means subs belong to packages, and thus can be called from anywhere within the package, or anywhere at all if their fully qualified name is used (MyPackage::b()).
Subroutines are defined during compile time, and are not affected by scope. In other words, they cannot truly be nested. At least not as far as their own scope is concerned. After being defined, they are effectively removed from the source code.