Running matlab code through a folder - matlab

I have the following code for which instead of loading one image at a time, I'd like to run through every image in a folder (the defective folder in this code). I'd like the output to be an array containing the values of 'G' for each of the input images. I'm not too sure how to go about this - so any points appreciated. Many thanks!
%PCA code,
img = imread('C:\users\m7-miller\desktop\250images\defective\inkblob01.png');
img_gray = rgb2gray(img);
img_gray_double = im2double(img_gray);
set(gcf,'numbertitle','off','name','Grayscale Image'),
%find mean of the image
img_mean = mean(img_gray_double);
[m n] = size(img_gray);
%Make column vector of mean image value
new_mean = repmat(img_mean,m,1);
%Mean corrected image
Corrected_img = img_gray_double - new_mean;
%Covariance matrix of corrected image
cov_img = cov(Corrected_img);
%Eigenvalues of covariance matrix - columns of V are e-vectors,
%diagonals of D e-values
[V, D] = eig(cov_img);
V_T = transpose(V);
Corrected_image_T = transpose(Corrected_img);
FinalData = V_T * Corrected_image_T;
% Image approximation by choosing only a selection of principal components
PCs = 3;
PCs = n - PCs;
Reduced_V = V;
for i = 1:PCs,
Reduced_V(:,1) =[];
Y=Reduced_V'* Corrected_image_T;
Compressed_img = Reduced_V*Y;
Compressed_img = Compressed_img' + new_mean;
set(gcf,'numbertitle','off','name','Compressed Image'),
% End of image compression
% Difference of original image and compressed
S = (img_gray_double - Compressed_img);
% Sum of the differences
F = sum(S);
G = sum(F)

Are you looking for the dir command?
files = dir('*.png');
for n=1:size(files,1)
filename = files(n).name;
img = imread(filename);
G = sum(F);


How to process image before applying bwlabel?

I = imread('Sub1.png');
figure, imshow(I);
I = imcomplement(I);
I = double(I)/255;
I = adapthisteq(I,'clipLimit',0.0003,'Distribution','exponential');
k = 12;
beta = 2;
maxIter = 100;
for i=1:length(beta)
[seg,prob,mu,sigma,it(i)] = ICM(I, k, beta(i), maxIter,5);
pr(i) = prob(end);
hold on;
figure, imshow(seg,[]);
and ICM function is defined as
function [segmented_image,prob,mu,sigma,iter] = ICM(image, k, beta, max_iterations, neigh)
[width, height, bands] = size(image);
image = imstack2vectors(image);
segmented_image = init(image,k,1);
clear c;
iter = 0;
seg_old = segmented_image;
while(iter < max_iterations)
[mu, sigma] = stats(image, segmented_image, k);
E1 = energy1(image,mu,sigma,k);
E2 = energy2(segmented_image, beta, width, height, k);
E = E1 + E2;
[p2,~] = min(E2,[],2);
[p1,~] = min(E1,[],2);
[p,segmented_image] = min(E,[],2);
prob(iter+1) = sum(p);
%find mismatch with previous step
[c,~] = find(seg_old~=segmented_image);
mismatch = (numel(c)/numel(segmented_image))*100;
if mismatch<0.1
iter = iter + 1;
seg_old = segmented_image;
segmented_image = reshape(segmented_image,[width height]);
Output of my algorithm is a logical matrix (seg) of size 305-by-305. When I use
I am able to display the image. It shows different component with varying gray value. But bwlabel returns 1. I want to display the connected components. I think bwlabel thresholds the image to 1. unique(seg) returns values 1 to 10 since number of classes used in k-means is 10. I used
[label n] = bwlabel(seg);
RGB = label2rgb(label);
figure, imshow(RGB);
I need all the ellipse-like structures which are in between the two squares close to the middle of the image. I don't know the number of classes present in it.
Input image:
Ground truth:
My output:
If you want to explode the label image to different connected components you need to use a loop to extract labels for each class and sum label images to get the out label image.
u = unique(seg(:));
out = zeros(size(seg));
num_objs = 0;
for k = 1: numel(u)
mask = seg==u(k);
[L,N] = bwlabel(mask);
L(mask) = L(mask) + num_objs;
out = out + L;
num_objs = num_objs + N ;
mp = jet(num_objs);
Something like this is produced:
I have tried to do everything out of scratch. I wish it is of some help.
I have a treatment chain that get at first contours with parameters tuned on a trial-and-error basis, I confess. The last "image" is given at the bottom ; with it, you can easily select the connected components and do for example a reconstruction by markers using "imreconstruct" operator.
clear all;close all;
I = imread('C:\Users\jean-marie.becker\Desktop\imagesJPG10\spinalchord.jpg');
J = I(:,:,1);% select the blue channel because jpg image
J=double(J<50);% I haven't inverted the image
figure, imshow(J);
se = strel('disk',5);
figure, imshow(J);
J=imopen(J,ones(1,15));% privilegizes long horizontal strokes
figure, imshow(J);
% connects verticaly not-to-far horizontal "segments"
figure, imshow(K);

Turning a plot3 into a surf in MATLAB

I have several csv files and I plotted them using plot3 to create the following image:
Now I would like to turn this into a surface plot because I would like to colour the plot according to height. I made the following with scatter3:
files = dir('*.csv');
name = '\epsilon_{y} over time for Vertical section';
des_col_1 = 'Vertical section.epsY []';
des_col_2 = 'Length [mm]';
a = gca;
ii = 1;
x_data = [];
y_data = [];
z_data = [];
tStart = tic;
for file = files'
csv = xlsread(;
[n,s,r] = xlsread(;
des_cols = {des_col_1,des_col_2};
colhdrs = s(1,:);
[~,ia] = intersect(colhdrs, des_cols);
colnrs = flipud(ia); = n(:,colnrs); =,:);
x_data = [x_data;,2)];
y_data = [y_data; ones(size(,2))).*ii];
z_data = [z_data;,1)];
ii = ii+1;
tEnd = toc(tStart);
fprintf('%d minutes and %f seconds\n',floor(tEnd/60),rem(tEnd,60));
zlabel({'True strain (%)'});
xlabel({'Length along sample (mm)'});
colormap(jet); %# or other colormap
which gives me this
That was made with a smaller set of data than the first one as a test. It does almost what I want but I was wondering if there was a way to generate a true 3D surface from all my data. I can create a matrix with x, y, and z values for all points and I tried to replace scatter3(a,x_data,y_data,z_data,10,z_data); with
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x_data,y_data);
f = scatteredInterpolant(x_data,y_data,z_data);
Z = f(X,Y);
but the plot that I get does not look very good
I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with the interpolation but I'm not very good with surfaces so I don't know how to correct it.
The reason surf is giving you the error is you are creating long nx1 arrays Where n = number of points per file times number of files. For x,y,& z_data and you need them into a matrix instead. So try the following changes:
for file = files'
<snipped out for length>
x_data = [x_data;,2).'];
y_data = [y_data; ones(1,numel(,2))).*ii];
z_data = [z_data;,1).'];
ii = ii+1;
This should make x, y, and z_data the size nxm (n = number of files, m = number points per file).
Then you should be able to just do

From image to vector and vice versa, rotated image

I read a DICOM image and for a variety of reasons, I had to turn the image matrix in a row vector.
After performing various operations on the bits of the vector, I need to reprocess the vector in a DICOM image of the same size as the original.
I've done all these steps but when I go to display the resulting image, this is rotated.
This is what I get:
That's part of the code:
function [I0, Iw] = watIns(filename, w)
I0 = dicomread(filename);
imshow(I0, []);
title('(1) I0 originale');
info = dicominfo(filename);
width = info.Width;
height = info.Height;
size = info.FileSize;
k = info.BitDepth;
% I extract the first k pixels and memorize their LBS in a variable S.
x = 1 : k;
y = 1;
firstKPixel = I0(x, y);
% convert in binary
firstKPixel2 = 0*firstKPixel;
for i = 1 : length(firstKPixel)
if firstKPixel(i) == 0
firstKPixel2(i) = 0;
firstKPixel2(i) = dec2bin(firstKPixel(i), 'left-msb');
% I take the LSB of each element in firstKPixel2 and concatenate in the string S
S = '';
for i = 1 : k
c = firstKPixel2(i, :);
s = num2str(c(end));
S = strcat(S, s);
% I compute the vector corresponding to I0 but without the first 0 pixels and the corresponding histogram
[vecComp, histComp] = histKtoEnd(I0, 0, k);
% I compute the vector corresponding to I0 but without the first k pixels and the corresponding histogram
[vecWithoutKPixel, histWithoutKPixel] = histKtoEnd(I0, k, k);
L = ...; % is a vector of values
% I save l_0 in the LSB of the first k pixels.
% prendo l_0, ovvero il primo elemento di L
l_0 = L(1);
l_02 = fliplr(bitget(l_0, 1:k));
% I take the LSB of each element in firstKPixel2 and I sret it to the i-th element of l0_2
for i = 1 : k
c = firstKPixel2(i, :);
c(end) = l_02(i);
firstKPixel2(i, :) = c;
% convert to decimal each element of firstKPixel2
for i = 1 : length(firstKPixel2)
str = int2str(firstKPixel2(i));
firstKPixel2_lsb10(i) = bin2dec(str);
% I set first k pixels in the image to those just modified
vecComp(1 : k) = firstKPixel2_lsb10(1 : k);
% Transform the vector image
mat = reshape(vecComp, [width, height]);
dicomwrite(mat, './I1.dcm', 'CompressionMode', 'None');
I1 = dicomread('./I1.dcm');
imshow(I1, []); % ROTATE IMAGE!!!
% ...
histKtoEnd function is:
function [vecWithoutKPixel, hist] = histKtoEnd(image, k, colorDepth)
imageVec = reshape(image.', [], 1);
l = length(imageVec);
vecWithoutKPixel = imageVec((k+1) : l-1);
vecWithoutKPixel(end+1) = imageVec(l);
hist = zeros(1, 2^colorDepth);
for i = 0 : (2^colorDepth - 1)
grayI = (vecWithoutKPixel == i);
hist(1, i+1) = sum(grayI(:));
I read here that Matlab shows images like a matrix with the first coordinates (rows) going top-down and the second (columns) left-right.
I couldn't solve, can anyone help me?
Thank you!
Somehow in the unrolling, processing and rolling of your data it seems to get transposed. You can try to find why that happens, but if you do not care, you can always just transpose the result in the end by
mat = reshape(vecComp, [width, height]).';

How project Velodyne point clouds on image? (KITTI Dataset)

Here is my code to project Velodyne points into the images:
cam = 2;
frame = 20;
% compute projection matrix velodyne->image plane
R_cam_to_rect = eye(4);
[P, Tr_velo_to_cam, R] = readCalibration('D:/Shared/training/calib/',frame,cam)
R_cam_to_rect(1:3,1:3) = R;
P_velo_to_img = P*R_cam_to_rect*Tr_velo_to_cam;
% load and display image
img = imread(sprintf('D:/Shared/training/image_2/%06d.png',frame));
fig = figure('Position',[20 100 size(img,2) size(img,1)]); axes('Position',[0 0 1 1]);
imshow(img); hold on;
% load velodyne points
fid = fopen(sprintf('D:/Shared/training/velodyne/%06d.bin',frame),'rb');
velo = fread(fid,[4 inf],'single')';
% remove every 5th point for display speed
velo = velo(1:5:end,:);
% remove all points behind image plane (approximation
idx = velo(:,1)<5;
velo(idx,:) = [];
% project to image plane (exclude luminance)
velo_img = project(velo(:,1:3),P_velo_to_img);
% plot points
cols = jet;
for i=1:size(velo_img,1)
col_idx = round(64*5/velo(i,1));
where readCalibration function is defined as
function [P, Tr_velo_to_cam, R_cam_to_rect] = readCalibration(calib_dir,img_idx,cam)
% load 3x4 projection matrix
P = dlmread(sprintf('%s/%06d.txt',calib_dir,img_idx),' ',0,1);
Tr_velo_to_cam = P(6,:);
R_cam_to_rect = P(5,1:9);
P = P(cam+1,:);
P = reshape(P ,[4,3])';
Tr_velo_to_cam = reshape(Tr_velo_to_cam ,[3,4])';
R_cam_to_rect = reshape(R_cam_to_rect ,[3,3])';
But here is the result:
what is wrong with my code? I changed the "cam" variable from 0 to 3 and none of them worked. You can find a sample of Calibration file in this link:
How to understand KITTI camera calibration files
I fixed it by myself. here is the modification in readCalibration function:
Tr_velo_to_cam = P(6,:);
Tr_velo_to_cam = reshape(Tr_velo_to_cam ,[4,3])';
Tr_velo_to_cam = [Tr_velo_to_cam;0 0 0 1];

one to many matching in matlab

I have two folders. I want to find the hierarchicalCentroid of the first image in the folder1 and all the images in the folder 2,then calculate the dist_1_2 between the image in folder1 and each image in the folder2,then find the minimum distance and display it . Again calculate the hierarchicalCentroid of the second image in the folder1 and find the distance with each element in the second folder and calculate the minimum distance and so on.. I write one code,But it want some changes. please help me
Testset = 'H:\mainproject\codes\images\test\kk';
plotFlag = 1;
depth = 6;
DataSet = cell([], 1);
for i=1:length(dir(fullfile(Dataset,'*.bmp')))
% Training set process
k = dir(fullfile(Dataset,'*.bmp'));
k = {k(~[k.isdir]).name};
for j=1:length(k)
tempImage = imread(horzcat(Dataset,filesep,k{j}));
imgInfo = imfinfo(horzcat(Dataset,filesep,k{j}));
DataSet{j} = hierarchicalCentroid(tempImage,depth,plotFlag);
%Feature = feature_extractor(image(j));
% DataSet{j} = imresize(hierarchicalCentroid(tempImage),[width height]);
TestSet = cell([], 1);
for i=1:length(dir(fullfile(Testset,'*.bmp')))
% Training set process
k = dir(fullfile(Testset,'*.bmp'));
k = {k(~[k.isdir]).name};
for j=1:length(k)
tempImage = imread(horzcat(Testset,filesep,k{j}));
imgInfo = imfinfo(horzcat(Testset,filesep,k{j}));
TestSet{j} = hierarchicalCentroid(tempImage,depth,plotFlag);
dist_1_2 = sum((DataSet{j} - TestSet{j}) .^ 2);