Trying a sample application integrating HDIV with Spring Security CSRF and facing a problem - CSRF token is not automatically added as hidden parameter to the generated form.
The configuration in Spring security-config.xml
<security:http auto-config="true">
But when we explicitly add the following line to the form, CSRF validation works.
<input type="hidden" name="${_csrf.parameterName}" value="${_csrf.token}"/>
The version details:
HDIV : 2.1.9
Spring : 3.2.13 (Also tried with 4.0.5.RELEASE)
Spring Security: 3.2.6.RELEASE (Also tried with 3.2.4.RELEASE)
Appreciate any clues/inputs..
My bad, was using html form instead of Spring form.
Once changed to Spring <form:form, it's working fine.
we are currently migrating from legacy security subsystem to Elytron and have a Struts2 based web application deployed in JBoss EAP 7.3.6 which should support multiple "flavors" of authentication.
The standard way of logging in should be that a user manually provides credentials in a login form (j_security_check) and clicks the corresponding button. This works well with Elytron in our setup.
The second possibility is, that the GET request to protected content of the web application can contain a custom cookie that contains a JWT token. This cookie is intercepted by a io.undertow.server.HttpHandler which deals with the incoming request in its io.undertow.server.HttpHandler#handleRequest method. This handler is registered by io.undertow.servlet.api.DeploymentInfo#addSecurityWrapper with a DeploymentInfo which is provided by an implementation of io.undertow.servlet.ServletExtension. The ServletExtension is registered as a service provider in META-INF/services/io.undertow.servlet.ServletExtension.
The request handling in our implementation of io.undertow.server.HttpHandler#handleRequest extracts the JWT token from the cookie, pre-validates it and determines the contained username. This username and the token as a password are used as inputs for a call to javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#login.
With the legacy security subsystem, the behavior of the server was, that this call to login triggered the authentication against the configured legacy security domain AND created a session in Undertow so that the HTTP 200 response for the previous GET request contained a Set-Cookie header with a fresh JSESSIONID cookie.
With Elytron, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#login doesn't do anything, neither an authentication against an Elytron security domain and security realm nor the creation of a session is triggered. The browser simply shows the login form which should get skipped by the described interception process.
I debugged the implementation of javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#login that comes with JBoss. We start in io.undertow.servlet.spec.HttpServletRequestImpl#login which calls login = sc.login(username, password). This SecurityContext, when using Elytron, is org.wildfly.elytron.web.undertow.server.SecurityContextImpl. org.wildfly.elytron.web.undertow.server.SecurityContextImpl#login first checks if (httpAuthenticator == null). The httpAuthenticator is only set in org.wildfly.elytron.web.undertow.server.SecurityContextImpl#authenticate which gets called by a call to javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#authenticate.
This explains, why a plain call to io.undertow.servlet.spec.HttpServletRequestImpl#login was doing nothing. I tried to call javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#authenticate first, to instantiate that httpAuthenticator internally, and then javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#login. This at least finally triggered the authentication and authorization against the configured Elytron security domain and security realm. Authentication/authorization were successful but Undertow still didn't issue a new JSESSIONID cookie and the browser again showed the login form instead of proceeding to the protected resources.
I'm currently out of ideas, how to proceed with this issue und how to achieve the same behavior as with the legacy security subsystem. Why does the Elytron implementation of behave so differently compared to the one for legacy security ( How am I supposed to log in programatically in a FORM based web application using Elytron with javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#login and/or javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#authenticate?
The relevant JBoss configuration for all this looks like this:
<application-security-domain name="my_app_security_domain" http-authentication-factory="MyHttpAuthFactory"/>
<security-domain name="MySecurityDomain" default-realm="MyCachingRealm" permission-mapper="default-permission-mapper">
<realm name="MyCachingRealm" role-decoder="FromRolesAttributeDecoder"/>
<custom-realm name="MyCustomRealm" module="module name redacted" class-name="class name redacted"/>
<caching-realm name="MyCachingRealm" realm="MyCustomRealm" maximum-age="300000"/>
<identity-realm name="local" identity="$local"/>
<simple-permission-mapper name="default-permission-mapper" mapping-mode="first">
<principal name="anonymous"/>
<permission-set name="default-permissions"/>
<permission-mapping match-all="true">
<permission-set name="login-permission"/>
<permission-set name="default-permissions"/>
<constant-realm-mapper name="local" realm-name="local"/>
<constant-realm-mapper name="MyRealmMapper" realm-name="MyCachingRealm"/>
<simple-role-decoder name="FromRolesAttributeDecoder" attribute="Roles"/>
<http-authentication-factory name="MyHttpAuthFactory" security-domain="MySecurityDomain" http-server-mechanism-factory="global">
<mechanism mechanism-name="FORM" realm-mapper="MyRealmMapper">
<mechanism-realm realm-name="MyRealm"/>
<provider-http-server-mechanism-factory name="global"/>
This was a bug in JBoss EAP which has been fixed in EAP 7.3.8 and 7.4.1. See and for details.
I have a separate rest module named 'x' where I have used spring security with basic auth filter(username and password) in complete module therefore any request hitting this rest services should be logged-in but I have one page for forgot password where I am mapping in the same x module due to this auth filter I am unable to proceed. If I am logged in and going to this page and using the services of x module then its working fine but not in case of logged out users.
I tried these thing for not working
<http pattern="/forgotpass" security="none"/>
<intercept-url pattern="/forgotPassword" access="permitAll"/>
<intercept-url pattern="/forgotPassword" filter="none"/>
--> access="permitAll" does not work since it does permit all url but still it will authenticate with filter
and filter="none" is depricated not even able to start my jar when I put this thing.
security="none" gives 403 forbidden error sometimes or internal server error since I was changing the pattern "rest/forgotPassword" or "forgotPassword".
I resolved my problem by myself.
It was sequence that was having problem with.
I was using <intercept-url pattern="/forgotPassword" access="isAnonymous()"/>
after this <intercept-url pattern="/**" access="hasAuthority('USER')" />
I just order the line by putting "/forgotPassword" url on top of "/**"
Reason: It was overriding the request pattern in sequence it came first therefore it didnt allow to pass because role was missing in forgotpassword
I've installed Hybris 6.4 and I want to make use of its secured RESTful access to all Hybris models, that comes with the platformwebservices.
In order to have access to the REST API, i.e. requests like http://localhost:9001/ws410/rest/countries, I need to configure the OAuth 2.0
I think, I need to understand what values I need to provide in the headers:
To test, you can simply use basic authentication with username/password (admin/***). In postman select basic authentication with username and password (Update request).
Find sample request from wiki.
Webservices are getting authenticated using the configuration in security-spring.xml.
<oauth:client client-id="client-side" resource-ids="hybris" authorized-grant-types="implicit,client_credentials"
authorities="ROLE_CLIENT" secret="secret" redirect-uri="http://localhost:9001/rest/oauth2_implicit_callback" />
<oauth:client client-id="mobile_android" resource-ids="hybris"
authorized-grant-types="authorization_code,refresh_token,password,client_credentials" authorities="ROLE_CLIENT" secret="secret"
redirect-uri="http://localhost:9001/rest/oauth2_callback" />
<oauth:client client-id="trusted_client" resource-ids="hybris"
authorized-grant-types="authorization_code,refresh_token,password,client_credentials" authorities="ROLE_TRUSTED_CLIENT"
secret="secret" />
These are the different client-id and secret codes available by default.
I had done web scan for an application(built in struts and hibernate framework) deployed in jboss 5 which reported "Set-cookie does not use HTTPOnly keyword. The web application does not utilize HTTPOnly cookies". What does it mean. I looked for some post and just added one line in my jboss/deploy/jbossweb.sar/context.xml as
<SessionCookie secure="true" useHttpOnly="true" >
After setting that, I am getting error while running the application. Is there any configuration that I am missing?
try this:
<SessionCookie secure="true" httpOnly="true" />
What does it mean
The HttpOnly flag in a http response header indicates to the browser that client-side access to the JSESSION_ID or other session-cookie type identifier should not be permitted. What this is intended to prevent is a malicious access to the session token via client side scripts in an XSS(or other attack involving session hijacking from the client side). Currently almost all major browsers support this flag(see this list for supporting browsers), but it's simply ignored in browsers that don't support it. See more info on this at the OWASP site
Setting it up is similar for tomcat and forks of it, including Jboss, by including the following in your context file:
<SessionCookie secure="true" httpOnly="true" />
I am trying to redirect Spring Security to a custom login page which GWT based. Here is my configuration:
<security:http pattern="/Main.html?#login" security="none" />
<security:http auto-config="true">
<security:form-login login-page='/Main.html?#login' />
<security:intercept-url pattern="/**" access="IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY" />
From the spring security debug logs - it seems that the framework drops everything after the "#". Does anyone know how to fix this?
There is no way to fix this. Spring security runs on server side, and data in url after hash are never sent to the server from browser. Normally you would make a separate page for login, outside of your primary GWT application.