How can I use sandbox's webhooks and transactions? - paypal

How can I use webhooks on the sandbox? I'm using the Ruby Official SDK. I'm following this workflow:
I start a payment using intent: 'sale' and payer: {payment_method: 'paypal'}
Redirect to Paypal
Customer approve payment and is redirected back to my site
Execute payment
I can see that the buyer account has this transaction. I can also see that the seller received the transaction amount, but some things don't seem to work:
The app never receives the webhook call, even though the server contains a valid SSL certificate.
Transactions are never listed under "Transactions".
I also just noticed that when I try to create a new user account, a "Webhooks Simulator" link appears on the sidebar, but it rejects my URL, even though it is valid:
Am I missing something? Do these features (webhooks and transactions) require some specific payment method?

So what is your funding source? echeck or credit card, for CC, you should see webhooks immediately. Your payment is valid, there's no special setup needed for using webhooks on sandbox. Have you tested the same thing on LIVE?


Integration tests with PayPal

I would like to be able to test our integration with PayPal. We have sandbox accounts set up, etc, and I can even create payments. However, I'd like to be able to also issue refunds, query for refunds, and all the other APIs, all via integration tests and without human or even browser involvement. The difficult part seems to be that, of course, the PayPal flow requires someone to interact with a PayPal URL and approve the purchase.
Some more detail : We use the standard e-commerce flow on our site. User shows up, puts a product in a cart, proceeds to buy flow, selects a payment method, in this case PayPal. Of course, in PayPal's case, we create the Payment in PayPal and then simply show the embedded popup of palpal's flow where the user logs into their PayPal account and approves the purchase. PayPal does all this work. We simply get the response that 'yes, the purchase has been approved'.
So.. in an integration test environment, we can create the Payment entity in PayPal but.. how do we, in a sandbox environment integration test, get that payment approved? Is there a developer API available on the sandbox environment that says 'hey, this PayPal user approves this payment' or 'hey, this PayPal user rejects this payment', so that in test code we can simulate the buyer's flow. Or is there a way to set up a sandbox account to just 'auto approve' purchases or 'auto reject' purchases, simply for a test environment?
Yes, you can do anything in the sandbox that you can do on the live servers. This is a very broad question, though, so it's tough to answer.
For example, if you want to process payments without the need for any browser flow you'll need to have a billing agreement setup or a Pro transaction so you can run reference transactions. This would involve Express Checkout APIs and/or Payments Pro APIs, and reference transactions APIs. Depending on whether you're using Classic or REST, though, the API calls would be different.
In any case, once a transaction exists in the PayPal sandbox system you could then use the API to refund it. Same thing,'d either be using REST APIs or Classic.
If you can provide more specifics in your question I can update this answer to be more specific as well.

PayPal: How do you get notifications of payment through the permissions API?

Using the PayPal permissions API can you receive notifications from payments made after a customer clicks on a payment button, proceeds to PayPal, and then pays?
I notice they have IPN, but will this work with the permissions API?
You can include NotifyURL in your API requests to set a URL for IPN to POST data to. It's not something that technically "works with the permissions API" but any transaction that is made would indeed trigger the IPN.
If you're building an app for 3rd parties to use, though, and you're passing NotifyURL in your API requests, that will override any IPN configuration each individual merchant using your tool might have setup on their own. This can cause frustration for such users because then their own IPN solution doesn't get hit when they take payments through your app.
If you're going to do that I recommend setting up a way for your users to enter their own IPN URL in your app settings, and then if they have a value, forward the POSTed data to their URL when PayPal sends it to yours. That way both IPN scripts will get hit and process the data accordingly.

Not Receiving PayPal IPN With Invoicing API

On the introduction of PayPal Invoicing API documentation it states that.
PayPal sends IPN messages for invoice payments and for invoices
cancelled by the buyer.
But I've found this is not the case. IPN for invoice payment, cancel or other operation never get sent from PayPal (I have checked and confirmed it from IPN history page).
Worth Mentioning
Invoices are being created via Invoicing API successfully without any warning.
I am working on Sandbox and Creating for Third Party Merchant.
I do understand that paypal doesn't send IPN for api operation changes.
The IPN listener is working fine and I have successful implementation for subscription api with IPN.
Today I tried the whole process with Live PayPal account other than sandbox account and I still not getting any IPN. So, I guess I am doing something wrong or Invoicing API is broken (which I highly doubt).
Which also makes me wonder about some additional questions:
I (merchant #1) has the permission information form merchant #2 for sending invoice to their behalf.
I have setup IPN to my IPN listener URL.
merchant #2 do not have IPN setup to my listener URL.
So, when Invoice that I created for merchant #2, Do I get IPN?
OR, merchant #2 also needs to setup their IPN url pointing to my listener URL?
IPN is get send from the account that receiving payment as #effone mentioned in comment. So, it seems I was confused from paypal documentation.
Answer: The IPN url from merchant #2 will need to setup in order to get notification about invoice payment. merchant #1 account who sending the invoice behalf of merchant #2 will not send any IPN as the payment isn't involves merchant #1
Way I see it, this is not a proper solution to create an invoice management system. As if I have 1000's of user they all need to set their IPN url to mine in order to get the application work correctly (aka, setting invoices as paid when they gets paid)
Your question reads strangely, because you say the IPN is working fine, then in your update, you say you're trying it in your live PayPal account. It sounds like it's working on the Sandbox, but not in production?
If this is the case:
Did you activate the IPN under your Production (Live) Paypal account?
Do you have the IPN URL for this?
Are you seeing the IPN being logged under the Production (Live) PayPal site?
If No -> it's been a while since I've worked with this, but there used to be an interface where you could send an IPN test- have you tried that?
If Yes -> make a bare bones listener- just a page that logs that it was hit, then add logic to it.

How to verify paypal reference transactions is enabled

Hi I'm setting up paypal pro for a client. I need reference transactions to work as we would have to bill the customer each month and sometimes the amount may vary.
Credit card payment
The code flow has been tested with paypal sandbox and it completely works. But with the real account we get the following error.
"This transaction cannot be processed. Please contact PayPal Customer Service."
Paypal Account Payment/Express Checkout
It did not work with paypal sandbox too owing to reference transactions not being enabled. i'm facing a similar situation with the paypal pro account too. I get the error
"Merchant not enabled for reference transactions"
We sent a request to paypal asking them to enable reference transactions. They replied back assuring they did but I still get the same error. I even tried removing the current api signature and recreating a new one. But I still get the same error.
Has anyone faced a similar situation ?
Is there any sure way of verifying if reference transactions is enabled?
If it is not, is there a way to enable it other than going through paypal's customer service (it's appalling) ?
Yes it's easy.
Just try to make a payment with a billing agreement.
Just above the confirmation message on the PayPal website it will show:
Use PayPal for future payments to XXX Inc. Payments will be made with
your default payment method unless you select a preferred payment
method. To make changes, go to My money in your Profile, and update
the My preapproved payments section.
If you don't see that message they're not enabled (or your request is wrong). But of course you can check in the sandbox to make sure the request is correct.

Checking if paypal payment was successful

I have downloaded sample code from paypal to allow me to use parallel payments via their sandbox accounts. When I run parallel.php, I get redirected to paypal's sandbox login page.
How am I supposed to know "server side" that the payment has been made successfully, so I can update my database records?
I believe you have to work with PayPals IPN system. This will basically send a confirmation to your server that tells you it has gone through.
Paypal lets you register a notification url which is part of the IPN (instant payment notification IIRC) system. So if someone pays by a delayed payment (such as a bank transfer) the transaction will update days later. You need to have an application (web page) on your server that can be called by Paypal with transaction details to update a payment.
You'll need to create an initial transaction record in your system when paypal redirects back to you so refer to their documentation for that. I'd also recommend looking at either OSCommerce or Zen cart for an idea of how they do it as they support the same kind of thing.