NuGet: How can I set "visible" of content to false with Install.ps1 file? - powershell

I know this sets CopyToOutputDirectory to Always
$project.ProjectItems.Item("test.exe").Properties.Item("CopyToOutputDirectory").Value = 1
But when I try to set Visible in the same way it won't work
$project.ProjectItems.Item("test.exe").Properties.Item("Visible").Value = 1 or "false" or $false

test.exe does not have a property item Visible so you cannot set the value
You will get an error if you do this
This will work because CopyToOutputDirectory is an actual property

You could use Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.ProjectCollection as an alternative, but making changes in this way would require the project to be reloaded after the package is installed.
$buildProject = [Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.ProjectCollection]::GlobalProjectCollection.GetLoadedProjects($project.FullName)
$buildProject.Xml.AllChildren|?{$_.Include -eq "test.exe"} | % {
if ($_.HasMetadata -and ($visible=$_.Metadata|?{$_.Name -eq "Visible"}))
$visible.Value = $false
However, it appears to prevent the file from being uninstalled, and I'm not sure Uninstall.ps1 is called at the appropriate time for visibility to be restored so that NuGet can handle deletion.


Accessing array outside of a PS function

I am having a hard time figuring out how to get the PSCustomObject/array out of the function. I have tried using $Global:ZipList as well as just passing the variables into an array directly w/o a custom object but no luck. The reason I need this, is I need to then loop through the array/list after I get the filenames and then was going to loop through this list and unzip each file and log it and process it based on the extension in the zip; this is to be used for multiple zips, so I can't predetermine the file extensions without grabbing the filenames in the zip into a list. I would just use a shell however some of the zips are password protected, haven't figured out how to pass a password scripted to the shell com unzip windows feature so stuck with 7z for now. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
Function ReadZipFile([string]$ZipFileName)
[string[]]$ReadZipFile = & 'C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe' l "$ZipFileName"
[bool]$separatorFound = $false
#$ZipList = #()
$ReadZipFile | ForEach-Object{
if ($_.StartsWith("------------------- ----- ------------ ------------"))
if ($separatorFound)
BREAK # Second separator; We're done!
$separatorFound = -not $separatorFound
if ($separatorFound)
[DateTime]$FileCreatedDate = [DateTime]::ParseExact($_.Substring(0, 19),"yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss", [CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)
[Int]$FileSize = [Int]"0$($_.Substring(26, 12).Trim())"
$ZipFileName = $_.Substring(53).TrimEnd()
$ZipList = [PSCustomObject] #{
$z = ReadZipFile $ZipFileName
$ZipList | Select-Object ZipFileName
To be able to select from array created in the function outside of it. I believe my if statements may be blocking the global variable feature when i tried using global:

Powershell initializing global to $null is failing

I am running a GUI that takes user input but can be changed before finalizing if they make a mistake. When the form opens, I am trying to initialize the globals to null. This is failing. I put a breakpoint on the code and looked at the value before and then stepped into it. The value does not change.
So for example, if I run the form and enter "Foo" as my global variable, exit the form, then run the form again, even after the line in question executes, the value of the global is still "Foo". What is going on? I have used this exact code with other GUIs and it never failed (but the values were generated automatically rather than based on user input).
# Define and initialize global variables
$global:ServerName = $null # <-- This fails to reset the variable from the previous run of the form
function ValidateChoices(){
$OKToGo = $true
$TempServerName = $null
try {
# Only Allow Valid NETBios Name with AlphaNumberic and - up to 15 characters
[ValidatePattern("^[A-Za-z\d-]{1,15}$")]$TempServerName = $ServerNameTextbox.Text
$ServerNameTitle.BackColor = ""
$ServerNameTextbox.BackColor = ""
$global:ServerName = $TempServerName
} catch {
$OKToGo = $false
$ServerNameTitle.BackColor = "Pink"
$ServerNameTextbox.BackColor = "Pink"
if ( $OKToGo ){
"ServerName=" + $global:ServerName | Out-File c:\debug.txt
Here is the answer: When ValidatePattern is run against a variable, those restrictions are kept and re-evaluated anytime an attempt to change the variable is made. This holds true even if ValidatePattern was not explicitly called. And because it was a global variable, those restrictions rode through multiple iterations of the form. Because $null does not conform to my listed ValidatePattern parameters, the call to change the value was ignored

moodle 2.7 filemanager issue

I'm working with a file manager on a form in moodle 2.7.
The save and upload files features are fine.
I need to determine if the file manager object currently holds a file.
This is what I've tried:
if($draftitemid = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid('attachments')){
But it always return 1;
Just after saveing the form files and before update record I use:
$fs = get_file_storage();
$files = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, $component,$path, $itemid,'',false);
$A=1;//have files
$A=2;//No files
this work for me.
This line:
$draftitemid = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid('attachments')
Sets $draftitemid to the value returned by file_get_submitted_draft_itemid('attachments'). Setting a variable always evaluates to true when in an if statement. Thus, this is a typo and what you want is:
if($draftitemid == file_get_submitted_draft_itemid('attachments')){

How to check to see if what went through the hashtable matched anything

I have a hashtable and I'm trying to make an if statement right now that will check to see if what went through the hashtable matched anything within it.
$netVerConv = #{
'v2.0' = "lib\net20";
'v3.0' = "lib\net30";
'v3.5' = "lib\net35";
'v4.0' = "lib\net40";
'v4.5' = "lib\net45";
$target = $netVerConv.Get_Item($netVerShort)
if () {
Above is the area of my code I'm working with, the target variable runs $netVerShort through the $netVerConv hashtable using a Get_Item command. The if statement that I've laid the framework for would check to see if netVerShort matched anything within the hashtable and if it didn't it will stop the program, which I know how to do with a simple exit command.
The other suggestions will work in your specific scenario but in general you should use the ContainsKey() method to see if a key exists in the hashtable. For instance the hashtable value could be $null or $false in which case, testing via the result of Get_Item() or more simply Item[$netVerShort], will return a false negative. So I recommend this approach for testing existence of a key in a hashtable. It is also more obvious what your intent is:
if (!$netVerConv.ContainsKey($netVerShort) {
How about this:
if( $target -eq $null ) {
echo "Didn't Match"
Another option:
if (-not ($target = $netVerConv.Get_Item($netVerShort)))
Write-Error "Version $netVerShort not found"
You could also re-factor that as a Switch
$target =
Switch ($netVerShort)
'v2.0' {"lib\net20"}
'v3.0' {"lib\net30"}
'v3.5' {"lib\net35"}
'v4.0' {"lib\net40"}
'v4.5' {"lib\net45"}
Default {
Write-Error "Version $netVerShort not found"

Powershell, retrieve users manager

I'm creating a csv type org chart and was just wondering what would be the preferred to retrieve a users manager, manager's manager, ... etc up to the highest position. Currently i'm using:
[string]$man = $userEntry.manager
[array]$manName = $man.split('=,')
$manager = $manName[1]
$item.Cells.Item($i,1) = $
$item.Cells.Item($i,2) = $userEntry.description.value
$item.Cells.Item($i,3) = $manager.ToString()
then running get-QADobject to find the next manager by their DN.
but there must be a much cleaner way!
If I'm understanding you correctly, you want to follow the chain of command all the way up to the very top (where presumably that person has no manager?). In that case, you need to recursively walk up the tree.
Untested pseudocode as I don't have a domain handy at the moment to test with:
Function Get-Manager {
$userEntry = get-qaduser $username
[string]$man = $userEntry.manager
if (-not ($man -eq $null)) {
[array]$manName = $man.split('=,')
$manager = $manName[1]
"$manager is the manager of $username";
Get-Manager $manager
This will come to a halt once a user has no manager. In my organization's case, our CEO is listed as his own manager, so I'd change the above code to look for the manager to be non-null or equal to the user, so that either of those conditions being true broke the loop.