Mongoose - Querying a collection for a new property with a default value without having to resave every element - mongodb

We recently added a new property to one of our Mongoose schemas that defines takes a String with an enum validator and a default value. We now need to query for documents using that property but it isn't set for pre-existing documents until after the query happens. Is there any way to get around this without having to re-save every document in that collection that existed before this change, or if not is there a best practice for how to do that cleanly?
The new property:
sales_category: {
type: String,
required: true,
enum: ["Prospect", "Subscriber", "Activated Trial", "Expired Subscriber", "Expired Free Trial"],
default: "Prospect"
The query:
Account.find({sales_category: "Prospect"}).populate("account_holder").exec(function(err, accounts) {
Edit: I just found which seems to imply that there is no clean way to do this, the suggestion to leave it as it is and just invert any query for {sales_category: "Prospect"} to a query for not any of the other categories seems like the best solution provided the enum never changes. I'm not sure if we can guarantee that it in this use case though so I think I might end up falling back to the "re-save everything" solution, even if it doesn't feel great.
I'll leave this open for now in case someone has a better solution.

What about using an OR conditional with an $exists operator?
Account.find().or([{sales_category: "Prospect"}, { sales_category: { $exists: false }}]).populate("account_holder").exec(function(err, accounts) {...});
One note: this doesn't use an index which would only be a concern if this is used on a large collection.


Is there a way to update array value in algolia Partial Update Method?

My records are something like this,
objectID: "123123",
product_id: "456456",
categories: ['pie', 'desert']
I want to just replace desert with sweet in categories.
Is this possible by using partial_update_objects method?
You can't update a value but ultimately you can Remove & Add with the built-in operations. It would allow an "update" of the value (it only works if the values in the array are unique). An alternative is to get the object and compute the new value for the array to later replace it.

How does work in firestore rules (what is being counted)?

TLDR: What is counting in the firestore rules when writing, say, some booleans and a nested Object to a document? Not sure what the docs mean by "entries in the map" (, and my assumptions appear to be wrong when testing in the rules simulator (similar problem with
Longer version: Running into a problem in Firestore rules where not being able to update data as expected (despite similar tests working in the rules simulator). Have narrowed down the problem to point where can see that it is a rule checking for equaling a certain number.
An example of the data being passed to the firestore update function looks like
Object {
"parentObj": Object {
"nestedObj": Object {
"key1": Timestamp {
"nanoseconds": 998000000,
"seconds": 1536498767,
"otherKey": true,
where the timestamp is generated via
This appears to work fine in the rules simulator, but not for the actual data when doing
let obj = {}
obj.otherKey = true
// since want to set object key name dynamically as nestedObj value,
// see
obj.parentObj = {} // needed for adding nested dynamic keys
obj.parentObj[nestedObj] = {
Among some other rules, I use the rule == 2 and this appears to be the rules that causes a permission denied error (since commenting out this rules get things working again). Would think that since the object is being passed with 2 (top-level) keys, then, but this is apparently not the case (nor is it the number of keys total in the passed object) (similar problem with So there's a long example to a short question. Would be very helpful if someone could clarify for me what is going wrong here.
From my last communications with firebase support around a month ago - there were issues with and timestamp based security rules for queries.
I was also told that is the size of the document AFTER a successful write. So if you're writing 2 additional keys to a document with 4 keys, that value you should be checking against is 6, not 2.
Having said all that - I am still having problems with and any alternatives such as request.resource.size() which seems to be used in this documentation
I also have some places in my security rules where it seems to work. I personally don't know why that is though.
Been struggling with that for a few hours and I see now that the doc on Firebase is clear: "the request.resource variable contains the future state of the document". So with ALL the fields, not only the ones being sent.
But there is actually another way to ONLY count the number of fields being sent with request.writeFields.size(). The property writeFields is a table with all the incoming fields.
Beware: writeFields is deprecated and may stop working anytime, but I have not found any replacement.
EDIT: writeFields apparently does not work in the simulator anymore...

Update a given mongo field in unknown parents fields

Lets say I have a document structured like that :
datas: {
foo: {
keytoupdate: [...]
whatever: {
keytoupdate: [...]
anystring: {
keytoupdate: [...]
...: {
keytoupdate: [...]
I know that :
Each direct child property of the "datas" document has a "keytoupdate" field.
The direct child properties of the "datas" document varies from case to case: not necessarily the same name, neither the same number.
I want to update each "keytoupdate" fields, no matter how many of them there are.
The question is: How can I do that ? Is there any magic operator like $ that does the same job for Array ?
Thank you !
I'll answer my own question : there is no way to do that, we can't play with dynamic keys, just forget about it ! But there are 2 workarounds :
The best solution, as suggested by #chridam, is to redesign the schema to make an array of objects, where the keys are parts of the arrays, you can see this question for more details.
If you can't, the other (but not good) solution is to make a request for each field that might be in your document, instead of trying to do this in one request. This is a very bad solution, especially if your document may have lots of fields, and you have to known which fields that could be in your documents. This is a bad solution, absolutely not optimized, but it has the merit of being simple to implement

mongodb - i cannot update with $pushAll and simple assignment at the same time

the following fails:
db.test.update({_id:102},{$pushAll:{our_days:["sat","thurs","frid"]}, country:"XYZ"}, {upsert:true})
error message: "Invalid modifier specified: country"
The correct way seems to be:
db.test.update({_id:102},{$pushAll:{our_days:["sat","thurs","frid"]}, $set:{country:"XYZ"}}, {upsert:true})
So is it the case that I cannot mix modifiers like "$pushAll" with simple assignments like field:value, in the same update document? Instead I have to use the $set modifier for simple assignments?
Is there anything in the docs that describes this behaviour?
This happens because db.test.update({_id : 1}, {country : 1}) will just change the whole document to country = 1 and thus removing everything else.
So most probably mongo being smart tells you: You want to update specific element and at the same time to remove everything (and that element as well) to substitute it with country = 1. Most probably this is not what you want. So I would rather rise an error.
Regarding the documentation - I think that the best way is to reread mongodb update.

Mongoid, find object by searching by part of the Id?

I want to be able to search for my objects by searching for the last 4 characters of the id. How can I do that?
Book.where(_id: params[:q])
Where the param would be something like a3f4, and in this case the actual id for the object that I want to be found would be:
Notice the last for characters are what we searched for. How can I search for just "part" of my objects id? instead of having my user search manually by typing in the entire id?
I found in MongoDB's help docs, that I can provide a regex:
db.x.find({someId : {$regex : "123\\[456\\]"}}) // use "\\" to escape
Is there a way for me to search using the regular mongo ruby driver and not using Mongoid?
Usually, in Mongoid you can search with a regexp like you normally would with a string in your call to where() ie:
Book.where(:title => /^Alice/) # returns all books with titles starting with 'Alice'
However this doesn't work in your case, because the _id field is not stored as a string, but as an ObjectID. However, you could add (and index) a field on your models which could provide this functionality for you, which you can populate in an after_create callback.
Alternatively, if you're just looking for a shorter solution to the default Mongoid IDs, I could suggest something like mongoid_token which makes it pretty easy to add shorter tokens/ids to your Mongoid documents.