OSGi Configuration Properties - is there any web interface for viewing the properties - jbossfuse

configuration properties can be listed in Fuse using config:list command in fuse.Is there any feature we can add that will provide a web interface to monitor/configure properties?

You can use hawtio, which is a web console, that has an OSGi plugin you can use to view information about OSGi, and among others it has a config admin view/editor.
If you use Fuse 6.1 or the upcoming 6.2, then hawtio comes out of the box in Fuse.
But hawtio can also be installed in fuse / karaf


Does Eclipse based graphical Camel editor from JBoss - RedHat codeready work only for camel in xml?

I have been looking for a visualizer for apache camel and found Eclipse based graphical Camel editor from JBoss. But after installation of RedHat codeready studio and using the sample project in it, seems like it supports only camel-context.xml. My routes are in Java DSL. Is there no tool available for visualizing Java routes
No there is no visual tools for editing Java DSL.
Usually a real programming language such as Java is best used by developers whom can write code.
And for visual tools with drag/drop etc then its high level where such tool generates the "code" in a markup language such as XML, YAML or custom format.
The Java DSL is high level and non savy Java developers can get comforable with just coding. Also users that have started with the visual XML editor would after some time get used to working directly with the XML code.
You can use Hawtio with the Camel plugin to visualize your Java DSL routes graphically. It also exposes a UI for viewing/downloading (and even editing) Java routes as XML, enabling you to bring them into the Eclipse-based FUSE Tooling, if you wanted to.
According to the Hawtio website, JBoss FUSE already includes Hawtio.

PicketLink support for JBoss

Download JBoss EAP or WildFly
PicketLink can be used on both servers.
Use the PicketLink Installer to configure them with the latest version
of the PicketLink modules and libraries.
Does this implicit mean
it will work on my Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform - Version 6.4.5.GA?
I can't find any further information about version support, maybe someone has experiences and could give me a hint.
System Requirements
Make sure your environment is properly configured
as follows:
Java 1.6 or Java 1.7 PicketLink Federation Quickstarts JBoss
Enterprise Application Platform 6 or WildFly Servers.

How can i add Declarative Services support to embedded felix in Netbeans?

In netbeans, embedded felix does not support DS.How can we add Felix Service Component Runtime to embedded felix in netbeans.
Declarative Services is implemented by an ordinary bundle, called SCR (Service Component Runtime). Simply install that bundle! Look for SCR on the Felix downloads page: http://felix.apache.org/downloads.cgi

Embedding Felix in Tomcat

I am a newbie to OSGi, started using felix. I am at present well versed with the concept of bundles, service etc. I have a requirement where I can embed Felix into Tomcat, I tried googling the same but was unable to find a relevant solution for my purpose.
What I exactly need is..
Till now I used to deploy my web app bundles into embedded http jetty service/PAX web.. installed inside Felix, but now I want to put Felix into Apache Tomcat/any other application server, so that whenever my tomcat starts up I need my felix instance up and running, and at the same time should be able to deploy/install/start my bundles through felix.
Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.
You might want to consider the Apache Sling Launchpad subproject. This creates a WAR file which can be deployed into any servlet container and which launches the Apache Felix framework as the OSGi framework.
See also the Sling Launchpad and Embedding Sling for more information.

JBoss / Eclipse RCP Integration

I've run into a problem with RCP and JBoss. I'm attempting to seperate the JBoss client libraries (i.e. the .jar files in the 'client' directory of the jboss distribution) from the ejbmodule. The dependency hierarchy goes:
company.client (ejbmodule containing ServiceRemote bean)
org.jboss.client (jboss client libraries)
The problem is that when the org.jboss.client attempts to load ServiceRemote from the server, it tries to do a lookup on ServiceRemote, it can't see it, and throws a ClassNotFoundException
Are there any resources/best practices out there of how to do jboss integration in RCP?
Found the answer - you can use the Eclipse Buddy system to allow low-level plugins to lookup classes which they couldn't normally see. More info here: