Scala: Dispatch - scala

I'm willing how to implement an extensible dispatch mechanism in Scala.
For example:
I have a trait called Sender (with a method 'send') and a bunch of classes that implement that trait (MailSender, IPhoneSender, AndroidSender). On top of them there is a class which implements the same trait but dispatches the message to the above senders depending the type of the message.
I know I can use pattern matching, but my problem with that approach is about extensibility: If someone wants to add another sender (i.e. WindowsPhoneSender), he must add a new case to the pattern matching method (thus breaking the open-closed principle). I don't want developers to modify the library's code, so I need this to be as extensible as possible.
I thought about a chain of responsibility approach (in Java I would do that), but is there a better way in Scala? (My knowledge in Scala is limited, but I know the Scala compiler does a lot of magical things)

It would be clearer if you gave a more concrete use case, but you might be looking for the typeclass pattern:
case class AndoidMessage()
case class WindowsMessage()
trait Sender[M]{
def send(message: M)
implicit object AndroidSender extends Sender[AndroidMessage]{...}
implicit object WindowsSender extends Sender[AndroidMessage]{...}
def mySendMethod[M: Sender](message: M) = {
// use the implicit Sender[M] to send the message
//AndroidSender is resolved implicitly
mySendMethod(new AndroidMessage())
//third party can define their own message and their own
//implicit sender for it (perhaps in a companion object
//so it's resolved automatically)
case class BeosMessage()
object BeosMessage{
implicit object BMSender extends Sender[BeosMessage]{...}


Akka, Generic ActorRef?

I'm rather new to Scala so this may be a trivial question. I'm trying to put together a simple project in Akka and I'm not sure how to handle a situation where I need to store a reference to an actor of a constrained type.
Let's assume I have an actor trait
trait MyActorTrait extends Actor
Then somewhere else I would like to define another trait with a member
def reference: ActorRef[MyActorTrait]
That obviously doesn't work since ActorRef doesn't care about the target actor's type (or does it?). Is there any way to constrain the reference to only accept references to actors that extend MyActorTrait?
By design, there is no way you can access the underlying Actor through ActorRef (or, pretty much, any other way). So, constraining the type like you describe is pointless, there would be absolutely no difference in what you can do with ActorRef[Foo] vs. ActorRef[Bar].
Not saying, this is a good thing (few things in Akka can be characterized that way IMO), but that's just the way it is.
The way you try to reference an actor in another actor is not right. Actors form a hierarchy. So it gives you a path to refer an actor. There are mainly three ways you could reference another actor using
Absolute Paths
Relative Paths
context.actorSelection("../brother") ! msg
Querying the Logical Actor Hierarchy
context.actorSelection("../*") ! msg
You may have a look at the doc -
After some digging around I believe I've found a way.
First I create a trait which will preserve the actor type
trait TypedActorRef[T <: Actor] {
def reference: ActorRef
type t = T
Then implement a generic apply which instantiates a private case class extending the trait
object TypedActorRef {
private case class Ref[T <: Actor] (reference: ActorRef) extends TypedActorRef[T]
def apply[T <: Actor](actor: T) = {
With that I can keep a reference which is restricted an actor of the type I want.
trait OtherActor extends Actor
trait MyActor extends Actor
def otherActorsReference: TypedActorRef[OtherActor]
This seems OK to me, at least this seems not to upset the compiler, but I'm not sure if this solution prevents from creating other extensions of the TypedActorRef which may not respect the same constraints.

Can we define trait inside a object in scala

I just started to learn scala and currently learning about Akka through this Learning Akka course
I'm confused about the code style, the author has created a trait inside a object.
object MusicController {
sealed trait ControllerMsg
case object Play extends ControllerMsg
case object Stop extends ControllerMsg
def props = Props[MusicController]
I understand that Scala object provides singleton ability and a way to define all static method in class through companion object.
Can anyone help me understanding this syntax ? Thanks
You will often see this with Actors. It is good practice to define the messages that an Actor responds to in its companion object, which happens here.
The sealed trait part isn't really necessary. You just often see this in Scala with case classes/objects. Also, being sealed means that you will get a warning if your match is not exhaustive when you pattern match on instances of it.

Why do we need traits in scala?

So, I was trying to make a finagle server, talk to sentry (not important), and stumbled upon a case, where I needed to inherit from two classes (not traits) at the same time, let's call them class SentryHandler extends Handler and class TwitterHandler extends Handler, and assume, that I need to create MyHandler, that inherits from both of them.
After a moment of stupidity, when I thought it was impossible without using a dreaded "delegation pattern", I found a solution:
trait SentryTrait extends SentryHandler
class MyHandler extends TwitterHandler with SentryTrait
Now, this got me thinking: what is the purpose of having the notion of "trait" to being with? If the idea was to enforce that you can inherit from multiple traits but only a single class, it seems awfully easy to get around. It kinda sounds like class is supposed to be the "main" line of inheritance (that you "extend a class with traits", but that isn't true either: you can extend a trait with (or without) a bunch of other traits, and no class at all.
You cannot instantiate a trait, but the same holds for an abstract class ...
The only real difference I can think of is that a trait cannot have constructor parameters. But what is the significance of that?
I mean, why not? What would the problem with something like this?
class Foo(bar: String, baz: String) extends Bar(bar) with Baz(baz)
Your solution (if I understood correctly) - doesn't work. You cannot multiinherit classes in scala:
scala> class Handler
defined class Handler
scala> class SentryHandler extends Handler
defined class SentryHandler
scala> class TwitterHandler extends Handler
defined class TwitterHandler
scala> trait SentryTrait extends SentryHandler
defined trait SentryTrait
scala> class MyHandler extends TwitterHandler with SentryTrait
<console>:11: error: illegal inheritance; superclass TwitterHandler
is not a subclass of the superclass SentryHandler
of the mixin trait SentryTrait
class MyHandler extends TwitterHandler with SentryTrait
As for the question - why traits, as I see it, this is because traits are stackable in order to solve the famous diamond problem
trait Base { def x: Unit = () }
trait A extends Base { override def x: Unit = { println("A"); super.x}}
trait B extends Base { override def x: Unit = { println("B"); super.x}}
class T1 extends A with B {}
class T2 extends B with A {}
(new T1).x // Outputs B then A
(new T2).x // Outputs A then B
Even though trait A super is Base (for T1) it calls B implementation rather then Base. This is due to trait linearization
So for classes if you extend something - you can be sure that this base will be called next. But this is not true for traits. And that's probably why you do not have trait constructor parameters
The question should rather be: why do we need classes in Scala? Martin Odersky has said that Scala could get by with just traits. We would need to add constructors to traits, so that instances of traits can be constructed. That's okay, Odersky has said that he has worked out a linearization algorithm for trait constructors.
The real purpose is platform interoperability.
Several of the platforms Scala intends to integrate with (currently Java, formerly .NET, maybe in the future Cocoa/Core Foundation/Swift/Objective-C) have a distinct notion of classes, and it is not always easy to have a 1:1 mapping between Scala traits and platform classes. This is different, for example, from interfaces: there is a trivial mapping between platform interfaces and Scala traits – a trait with only abstract members is isomorphic to an interface.
Classes, packages, and null are some examples of Scala features whose main purpose is platform integration.
The Scala designers try very hard to keep the language small, simple, and orthogonal. But Scala is also explicitly intended to integrate well with existing platforms. In fact, even though Scala is a fine language in itself, it was specifically designed as a replacement for the major platform languages (Java on the Java platform, C# on the .NET platform). And in order to do that, some compromises have to be made:
Scala has classes, even though they are redundant with traits (assuming we add constructors to traits), because it's easy to map Scala classes to platform classes and almost impossible to map traits to platform classes. Just look at the hoops Scala has to jump through to compile traits to efficient JVM bytecode. (For every trait there is an interface which contains the API and a static class which contains the methods. For every class the trait is mixed into, a forwarder class is generated that forwards the method calls to trait methods to the static class belonging to that trait.)
Scala has packages, even though they are redundant with objects. Scala packages can be trivially mapped to Java packages and .NET namespaces. Objects can't.
Package Objects are a way to overcome some of the limitations of packages, if we didn't have packages, we wouldn't need package objects.
Type Erasure. It is perfectly possible to keep generic types around when compiling to the JVM, e.g. you could store them in annotations. But third-party Java libraries will have their types erased anyway, and other languages won't understand the annotations and treat Scala types as erased, too, so you have to deal with Type Erasure anyway, and if you have to do it anyway, then why do both?
null, of course. It is just not possible to automatically map between null and Option in any sane way, when interoperating with real-world Java code. You have to have null in Scala, even though we rather wished it weren't there.
The problem with having constructors and state in a trait (which then makes it a class) is with multiple inheritance. While this is technically possible in a hypothetical language, it is terrible for language definition and for understanding the program code. The diamond problem, mentioned in other responses to this question), causes the highest level base class constructor to be called twice (the constructor of A in the example below).
Consider this code in a Scala-like language that allows multiple inheritance:
Class A(val x: Int)
class B extends A(1)
class C extends A(2)
class D extends B, C
If state is included, then you have to have two copies of the value x in class A. So you have two copies of class A (or one copy and the diamond problem - so called due to the diamond shape of the UML inheritance diagram).
Diamond Multiple Inheritance
The early versions of the C++ compiler (called C-Front) had lots of bugs with this and the compiler or the compiled code often crashed handling them. Issues include if you have a reference to B or C, how do you (the compiler, actually) determine the start of the object? The compiler needs to know that in order to cast the object from the Base type (in the image below, or A in the image above) to the Descendant type (D in the image above).
Multiple Inheritance Memory Layout
But, does this apply to traits? The way I understand it, Traits are an easy way to implement composition using the Delegation Pattern (I assume you all know the GoF patterns). When we implement Delegation in any other language (Java, C++, C#), we keep a reference to the other object and delegate a message to it by calling the method in its class. If traits are implemented in Scala internally by simply keeping a reference and calling its method, then traits do exactly the same thing as Delegation. So, why can't it have a constructor? I think it should be able to have one without violating its intent.
The only real difference I can think of is that a trait cannot have constructor parameters. But what is the significance of that? I mean, why not?
trait A(val x: Int)
trait B extends A(1)
trait C extends A(2)
class D extends B with C
What should (new D {}).x be? Note: there are plans to add trait parameters in Scala 3, but still with restrictions, so that the above is not allowed.

Forcing all implementations of a trait to override equals

I have a trait for which I know that reference equality is never the correct implementation of equals. Implementations of the trait can be written by many users, and practice shows that sometimes they fail to override equals. Is there a way to require it?
In practice implementations are usually case classes, which override equals automatically, and we can approach requiring that by having Product as the self-type of the trait, however, I'd like to see a solution which allows non-case classes overriding equals as well (EDIT: Using scala.Equals as the self-type is a closer approximation to what I want, since it's still implemented automatically by case classes, but can be usefully implemented by non-case classes and isn't a large burden on people writing implementations).
One more approach I thought of while writing this question is to override equals in the trait to call an abstract method, but unfortunately, this doesn't work for case class implementations.
Why not use typeclass contract instead of pure trait? We have one already in scalaz, and it's easy to glue it with Equals trait:
import scalaz._
case class X(a:Int,b:Int)
class Y(a:Int,b:Int)
implicit def provideDefaultEqual[T <: Equals]:Equal[T] = new Equal[T] {
def equal(a1: T, a2: T) = a1 == a2
implicitly[Equal[Y]] //compile error
If you need to wire this with your trait, there is your own nice solution

Scala generic: require method to use class's type

I'm pretty new to Scala. I'm trying to write an abstract class whose methods will be required to be implemented on a subclass. I want to use generics to enforce that the method takes a parameter of the current class.
abstract class MySuper{
def doSomething:(MyInput[thisclass]=>MyResult)
class MySub extends MySuper{
override def doSomething:(MyInput[MySub]=>MyResult)
I know that thisclass above is invalid, but I think it kind of expresses what I want to say. Basically I want to reference the implementing class. What would be the valid way to go about this?
You can do this with a neat little trick:
trait MySuper[A <: MySuper[A]]{
def doSomething(that: A)
class Limited extends MySuper[Limited]{
def doSomething(that: Limited)
There are other approaches but I find this one works fairly well at expressing what you'd like.