Emitting a message in sails v0.11 (client-side) - sockets

I'm having some issues with the newest version of sails.js (0.11.0). It stated in github that plain socket.io code will be accepted and ran in sails.js; however, I am simply trying to emit a message from a client when they click on something like so:
$('#myBtn').on('click', function(){
io.socket.emit('message', {
message: {
subject: subject
sender: id
I end up getting an "Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function" on the line of io.socket.emit() aka emit is not a function of io.socket.
Here are some references that I have looked at:
I have a feeling with the updated version of sails, instead of emitting a message I should be doing something along the lines of:
io.socket.post('/user/message', data, function(data, jwres) {
Something concerns me with the following answer here:
Sending session specific messages with socket.io and sails.js
It states "class rooms" are being deprecated along with publishCreate, publishDestroy, introduce, and obituary.
So do I follow a Pub/Sub paradigm, re-write my more "socket-io-ish" code to utilize sails Blueprints & Pub/Sub, or continue in my socket-io fashion?
Is there another way of emitting a message from client using sails?

You are correct in that the recommended way of communicating with the server via sockets is to use the RESTful socket client methods. The benefit is that you can use the regular Sails routing and controller/action architecture for socket communication instead of having to support a whole other layer of subscription and event-handling on the backend. This is one of the main reasons why #mikermcneil originally created Sails. Two things to note:
You can use req.isSocket in your controller action to determine whether the request is coming from a socket, and
You can get the raw, underlying socket.io instance on the client with io.socket._raw, which will have the emit method. But again, this is not the recommended practice.


Project Reactor and Server Side Events

I'm looking for a solution that will have the backend publish an event to the frontend as soon as a modification is done on the server side. To be more concise I want to emit a new List of objects as soon as one item is modified.
I've tried implementing on a SpringBoot project, that uses Reactive Web, MongoDB which has a #Tailable cursor that publish an event as soon as the capped collection is modified. The problem is that the capped collection has some limitation and is not really compatible with what I want to do. The thing is I cannot update an existing element if the new one has a different size(as I understood this is illegal because you cannot make a rollback).
I honestly don't even know if it's doable, but maybe I'm lucky and I'll run into a rocket scientist right here that will prove otherwise.
Thanks in advance!!
*** EDIT:
Sorry for the vague question. Yes I'm more focused on the HOW, using the Spring Reactive framework.
When I had a similar need - to inform frontend that something is done on the backend side - I have used a message queue.
I have published a message to the queue from the backend and the frontend consumed the message.
But I am not sure if that is what you're looking for.
if you are using webflux with spring reactor, I think you can simply have a client request with content-type as 'text/event-stream' or 'application/stream+json' and You shall have API that can produce those content-type. This gives you SSE model without too much effort.
#GetMapping(value = "/stream", produces = {MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE, MediaType.APPLICATION_STREAM_JSON_VALUE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE})
public Flux<Message> get(HttpServletRequest request) {
Just as an idea - maybe you need to use a web socket technology here:
The frontend side (I assume its a client side application that runs in a browser, written in react, angular or something like that) can establish a web-socket communication with the backend server.
When the process on backend finishes, the message from backend to frontend can be sent.
You can do emitting changes by hand. For example:
public final Sinks.Many<SimpleInfoEvent> infoEventSink = Sinks.many().multicast().onBackpressureBuffer();
#RequestMapping(path = "/sseApproach", produces = MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE)
public Flux<ServerSentEvent<SimpleInfoEvent>> sse() {
return infoEventSink.asFlux()
.map(e -> ServerSentEvent.builder(e)
.id(counter.incrementAndGet() + "")
Code anywhere for emitting data:
infoEventSink.tryEmitNext(new SimpleInfoEvent("any custom event"));
Watch out of threads and things like "subscribeOn", "publishOn", but basically (when not using any third party code), this should work good enough.

MQTT connection creation and subscribe

I'm setting up a new mqtt conection in my app but there is a problem when i would like to create the main connection of mqtt.
I'm using mqtt.js.
I've tried all what is done in MQTT documentation but nothing happens..
var mqtt = require('mqtt');
var client = mqtt.connect([{host: 'localhost', port: '1883'},]);
client.on('message', function (topic, message) {
I expect the output of the mqtt broker to be 'ON' when i asked it to respond.
The error is: ERROR ReferenceError: process is not defined
The documentation you followed is intended for Node.js and various other back-end JavaScript frameworks. Even though it uses NPM, Ionic ultimately produces a front-end framework, and its applications run a bit differently.
For example, Ionic programs may not have a global process variable like Node.js. mqtt.js expects this variable, with code like:
if (commist.parse(process.argv.slice(2)) !== null){...}
You could declare a process object, and get past this particular error. Other obstacles could come up.
var process = {env : {NODE_ENV: 'production'}}
If there are still issues with that, you could try the instructions for browser usage, which point to a specially compiled version, like https://unpkg.com/mqtt#3.0.0/dist/mqtt.min.js. I have had less luck with mqtt.js in the browser, and you may want an alternative like web-mqtt-cient / Paho if more complex connections are involved.

How to add a failure callback for kafka-python kafka.KafkaProducer#send()?

I would like to set a callback to be fired if a produced records fail. Initially, I would just like to log the failed record.
The Confluent Kafka python library provides a mechanism for adding a callback:
produce(topic[, value][, key][, partition][, on_delivery][, timestamp])
on_delivery(err,msg) (func) – Delivery report callback to call (from poll() or flush()) on successful or failed delivery
How can I achieve similar behaviour with kafka-python kafka.KafkaProducer#send() without having to use the deprecated SimpleClient using kafka.SimpleClient#send_produce_request()
Although it isn't documented, this is relatively straightforward. Whenever you send a message, you immediately get a Future back. You can append callbacks/errback's to that Future:
F = producer.send(topic=topic, value=message, key=key)
F.add_callback(callback, message=message, **kwargs_to_pass_to_callback_method)
F.add_errback(erback, message=message, **kwargs_to_pass_to_errback_method)
Relevant source code here:
We really should document this, I filed https://github.com/dpkp/kafka-python/issues/1256 to track it.

example socket.broadcast in sails [duplicate]

I would like to use SailsJS, and be able to join a room, by means of socket.io, and receive unsolicited messages from this room, not just when one enters or leaves the room but also receive objects.
So several clients connect to the server.
Afterwards broadcast (initiated from the server) messages/objects to every room and thus everey connected socket in this room.
I maybe could just send every connected socket a message, but dearly would like a example on how to do this with SailsJS 0.10, and a elegant method in the SailsJS 0.10 way.
I am looking at : https://github.com/balderdashy/sailsChat, but I think this is to close to the models themselves, with like e.g: autosubscribe: ['destroy', 'update']
In my opinion this should be more loosely coupled, and not so tied to the model itself.
Thanks in advance!
The purpose of the SailsChat example is to demonstrate how Sails JS resourceful pubsub can take a lot of hassle out of socket messaging when you are mainly concerned with sending messages about models. The fact that you can make a full-featured chat app in Sails with very little back-end code is what makes it impressive. For situations where resourceful pubsub is not appropriate--or if you just plain don't want to use it--Sails exposes lower-level methods on the sails.sockets namespace. The docs are pretty clear on how they work.
To join a socket to an arbitrary room, do sails.sockets.join(<socket>, <roomName>), where <socket> is either a raw socket (probably from req.socket or a socket ID).
To broadcast a message to all sockets in a room, do sails.sockets.broadcast(<roomName>, <data>).
These and more methods are described in detail in the Sails JS documentation.
I'm just starting with SailsJS, and already a big fan.
I need to find out if this is also scalable with e.g. Heroku or other flavors of SAAS providers, but seems not that hard.
So just a follow up on what I did with SailsJS 0.10:
Made a controller with the following:
join: function (req, res) {
if (req.isSocket === true) {
sails.sockets.join(req.socket, 'mysecretroom');
return res.send(200, 'joined');
return res.send(200);
sendToRoom: function( req, res ) {
if (req.isSocket === true ) {
sails.sockets.broadcast('mysecretroom', 'messageevent', {message:'Listen very carefully, I'll shall say this only once..!'});
return res.send(200);
io.socket.on('messageevent', function (data) {
+1 kudos #sgress454!

How do I call a method on my ServiceWorker from within my page?

I have a ServiceWorker registered on my page and want to pass some data to it so it can be stored in an IndexedDB and used later for network requests (it's an access token).
Is the correct thing just to use network requests and catch them on the SW side using fetch, or is there something more clever?
Note for future readers wondering similar things to me:
Setting properties on the SW registration object, e.g. setting self.registration.foo to a function within the service worker and doing the following in the page:
navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistration().then(function(reg) { reg.foo; })
Results in TypeError: reg.foo is not a function. I presume this is something to do with the lifecycle of a ServiceWorker meaning you can't modify it and expect those modification to be accessible in the future, so any interface with a SW likely has to be postMessage style, so perhaps just using fetch is the best way to go...?
So it turns out that you can't actually call a method within a SW from your app (due to lifecycle issues), so you have to use a postMessage API to pass serialized JSON messages around (so no passing callbacks etc).
You can send a message to the controlling SW with the following app code:
navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage({'hello': 'world'})
Combined with the following in the SW code:
self.addEventListener('message', function (evt) {
console.log('postMessage received', evt.data);
Which results in the following in my SW's console:
postMessage received Object {hello: "world"}
So by passing in a message (JS object) which indicates the function and arguments I want to call my event listener can receive it and call the right function in the SW. To return a result to the app code you will need to also pass a port of a MessageChannel in to the SW and then respond via postMessage, for example in the app you'd create and send over a MessageChannel with the data:
var messageChannel = new MessageChannel();
messageChannel.port1.onmessage = function(event) {
// This sends the message data as well as transferring messageChannel.port2 to the service worker.
// The service worker can then use the transferred port to reply via postMessage(), which
// will in turn trigger the onmessage handler on messageChannel.port1.
// See https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/workers.html#dom-worker-postmessage
navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage(message, [messageChannel.port2]);
and then you can respond via it in your Service Worker within the message handler:
evt.ports[0].postMessage({'hello': 'world'});
To pass data to your service worker, the above mentioned is a good way. But in case, if someone is still having a hard time implementing that, there is an other hack around for that,
1 - append your data to get parameter while you load service-worker (for eg., from sw.js -> sw.js?a=x&b=y&c=z)
2- Now in service worker, fetch those data using self.self.location.search.
Note, this will be beneficial only if the data you pass do not change for a particular client very often, other wise it will keep changing the loading url of service worker for that particular client and every time the client reloads or revisits, new service worker is installed.