Ember-cli destDir doesn't work with app.import - ember-cli

When using ember cli I try do this but the file is not copied to dist:
app.import('bower_components/bootstrap/dist/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot', {
destDir: 'fonts'
So when running the ember server I get:
version: 0.1.15
Could not find watchman, falling back to NodeWatcher for file system events
Build failed.
Path or pattern "glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot" did not match any files
Error: Path or pattern "glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot" did not match any files
what am I doing wrong?

Kindly double check wether you have your glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot is present under your bower_components folder.
If that didnt help updating your ember-cli and bootstrap to the latest version might help
npm update ember-cli
bower update bootstrap


Adding pkg-config search path in CentOS

I have this library(lxc) installed which has the .pc file in
/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig I'm working on a modified version of CentOS. Apparantly, I'm having pkg-conf package (instead of pkg-config). When I try to install a package which has dependencies on this library, on running cmake .., I get the error Package 'lxc' required by 'virtual:world', not found /usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:467(message): A required package was not found . Now when I do
pkg-config --variable pc_path pkg-config
it shows /usr/lin64/pkgconfig:/usr/share/pkgconfig. So I need to add the /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig to the search path. However, this does not seem straightforward. The general recommended solution is to add this path using export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig. However, this does not work. I also tried adding a file local.conf in the folder /etc/ld.so.conf.d with the content as /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig but this doesn't help either. Searching the man page of pkg_conf here https://man.archlinux.org/man/pkgconf.1.en , I also tried doing export $CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig, which also doesn't help. I'm a bit out of ideas at this point and would be really grateful if someone could provide an insight.

Yarn 2 init, add failing

I'm experimenting with yarn 2 and faceplanting.
I created a new folder: /projects/yarn2/
As per their install guide https://yarnpkg.com/getting-started I ran
cd /projects/yarn2/
yarn set version berry
yarn init
then (as per their guide https://yarnpkg.com/getting-started/usage )
yarn add react
and got the following error:
Usage Error: The nearest package directory (/projects/yarn2) doesn't seem to be part of the project declared in /projects.
- If the project directory is right, it might be that you forgot to list yarn2 as a workspace.
- If it isn't, it's likely because you have a yarn.lock or package.json file there, confusing the project root detection.
$ yarn add [--json] [-E,--exact] [-T,--tilde] [-C,--caret] [-D,--dev] [-P,--peer] [-O,--optional] [--prefer-dev] [-i,--interactive] [--cached] ...
What am I doing wrong?
You either don't have package.json or yarn.lock which confuses yarn if the package is added in the workspace or not. Just run the following command and I think your problem must be solved.
cd <folder_name>/<project_name>
touch yarn.lock
Check to see if you have a package.json or yarn.lock file in your /projects directory. If you do, clear it/them out and this should start working.
To add to the previous answers what worked for me was:
It seems to be that yarn.lock file is what's really required, so if you have started with yarn v1.x and did yarn init - then you will have a package.json file in the project dir already.
If you now switch over to yarn v2 by doing yarn set berry, and want to add a package by yarn add [whatever] it will fail. You can work around that by creating an empty file by: touch yarn.lock (or on windows just cat '' > yarn.lock) after that it should work fine.
I figured out an even better / faster way to do it now, just do this in an empty project folder:
yarn init -2
this will initialize a new yarn v2 project folder with .yarnrc.yml, package.json, and the .yarn folder, also initializes an empty .git folder and adds a proper .gitignore. check by yarn --version - should echo v2.x.x
Usage Error: The nearest package directory (/<path_to_folder>/<project_name>) doesn't seem to be part of the project declared in /<path_to_folder>.
Search for yarn.lock and package.json files inside /<path_to_folder> and delete them!
you have to remove yarn.lock and package.json file in your root directory ,some times there may be .yarnrc yarnyml files in you root directory you have to remove them also.

Yarn can't find private Github npm registry

I signed up for the Github private npm registry beta and followed their instruction: https://github.com/features/package-registry
Works great with npm but I'd prefer using yarn. And while npm has no issues finding the registered package, yarn can't find it at all.
yarn add #omniphx/adminite-adminite-ui-components outputs:
yarn add v1.19.0
info No lockfile found.
warning package-lock.json found. Your project contains lock files generated by tools other than Yarn. It is advised not to mix package managers in order to avoid resolution inconsistencies caused by unsynchronized lock files. To clear this warning, remove package-lock.json.
[1/4] 🔍 Resolving packages...
error Couldn't find package "#omniphx/adminite-ui-components" on the "npm" registry.
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/add for documentation about this command.
After reading up on private repos with yarn, I thought the trick was due to yarn having a slightly different rc format. Unfortunately, that didn't work either and yarn is still unable to find the private registry.
registry "https://registry.npmjs.org"
"#omniphx:registry" "https://npm.pkg.github.com/omniphx"
Also confirmed that my github token is set too with yarn config list:
yarn config v1.19.0
info yarn config
'version-tag-prefix': 'v',
'version-git-tag': true,
'version-commit-hooks': true,
'version-git-sign': false,
'version-git-message': 'v%s',
'init-version': '1.0.0',
'init-license': 'MIT',
'save-prefix': '^',
'bin-links': true,
'ignore-scripts': false,
'ignore-optional': false,
registry: 'https://registry.npmjs.org',
'strict-ssl': true,
'user-agent': 'yarn/1.19.0 npm/? node/v12.11.1 darwin x64',
email: 'mattjmitchener#gmail.com',
lastUpdateCheck: 1570679687836,
username: 'omniphx',
'#omniphx:registry': 'https://npm.pkg.github.com/omniphx'
info npm config
'//npm.pkg.github.com/:_authToken': 'fake12345',
registry: 'https://registry.npmjs.org',
'#omniphx:registry': 'https://npm.pkg.github.com/omniphx',
python: '/usr/bin/python'
Any idea?
Changed "#myorg:registry" "https://npm.pkg.github.com/myorg"
To "#myorg:registry" "https://npm.pkg.github.com"
I've just run into a similar situation. It seemed that yarn was only looking in the main Yarn package registry for my organization's private package. I had copied the examples from GitHub's Packages documentation for constructing your .npmrc file directly to the .yarnrc file in the project that will be consuming the app, not knowing that the formats were different (I've never had to deal with .yarnrc files before).
However, after updating the .yarnrc file with the correct format that you've mentioned above (which I also found in googling around), yarn successfully found the private package and installed it correctly.
As a heads up, my yarn version: 1.17.3
Steps I Took
Start new terminal session
cd to the project
nvm use (if you have a specific node version to use)
Add the correctly-formatted .yarnrc file to the project. See below for what it looks like.
Manually add the package and version range to the package.json for my private package
Run npm login --registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com --scope=#MyOrg
See the note below on scope / org gotcha's
Run yarn
That worked for me.
"#myorg:registry" "https://npm.pkg.github.com"
Note: See below for a note on the org / scope name gotcha's
Other Notes
I know that it appears that you don't have any issues with this, given your GH username / scope above, but for anyone else that comes here, the documentation on GH is a little sparse with regards to mapping your username / org name to a scope in the package name. Just remember these little gotcha's here:
The name of your package must always be scoped to your org (or username)
E.g., name: #johndturn/my-package
If your organization has capital letters in it, like MyOrg, just replace them in the name of the package in your package.json and your .yarnrc with lowercase
E.g., name: #myorg/my-package
Note: When authenticating with npm login, I still have kept the uppercase letters in the --scope= argument.
The name of your package doesn't have to be the same name of the repo.
E.g., for a repo called MyOrg/random-prefix.js-lib, you can have name: #myorg/js-lib in your package.json file for the project itself. Then, installing it in other projects will look something like #myorg/js-lib: 1.0.0.
The problem I had is slightly different.
After tried what John suggested I still can't add private registry packages with yarn (but perfectly fine with npm)
Then I realise two things:
For GitHub packages, npm is fine with either
but yarn only allow the latter syntax.
Docs from Github website only show the first syntax which could cause problems for yarn users.
Another thing is that if you npm login to the private registry but use a .yarnrc file in your project, yarn can't really mix your npm credentials with it. Although it seems behave differently on different environment.
But it would seems to be a best practice to stick with either yarn login + .yarnrc, or npm login + .npmrc (you can still use yarn to manage your packages in both cases)
In Yarn v2+ the setup has changed quite a bit. ".yarnrc" is ignored and only ".yarnrc.yml" is used.
To setup a private registry with a scope and token from env, add something along these lines to the ".yarnrc.yml" file (fontawesome example):
npmRegistryServer: "https://npm.fontawesome.com"
Documentation: https://yarnpkg.com/configuration/yarnrc#npmScopes
I'm not an expert with npm/yarn so I might be misunderstanding what is happening here, but I don't think package proxying from the npm registry works with yarn yet. Could that be related? When package proxying was released for npm I remember reading comments on Twitter from people that tried it with yarn and it didn't work.
Found the Twitter thread here:
It doesn't work with Yarn. As soon as I change the registry url -> Couldn't find package.

Cannot read property 'then' of undefined when installing ember-cli-coffeescript

Upon installing ember-cli i wanted to install the coffeescript add on using:
ember install ember-cli-coffeescript
as shown in the documentation but I get the error:
WARNING: Skipping npm install: package.json not found
package.json not found
Cannot read property 'then' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined
at Class.run (/home/daniel/.nvm/versions/node/v7.6.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/tasks/addon-install.js:43:7)
at Class.run (/home/daniel/.nvm/versions/node/v7.6.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/commands/install.js:39:25)
at Class.<anonymous> (/home/daniel/.nvm/versions/node/v7.6.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/models/command.js:241:20)
at initializePromise (/home/daniel/.nvm/versions/node/v7.6.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:588:5)
at PromiseExt.Promise (/home/daniel/.nvm/versions/node/v7.6.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:1076:31)
at new PromiseExt (/home/daniel/.nvm/versions/node/v7.6.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/ext/promise.js:32:8)
at Class.validateAndRun (/home/daniel/.nvm/versions/node/v7.6.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/models/command.js:195:12)
at /home/daniel/.nvm/versions/node/v7.6.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/cli/cli.js:130:22
at tryCatch (/home/daniel/.nvm/versions/node/v7.6.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:538:12)
at invokeCallback (/home/daniel/.nvm/versions/node/v7.6.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:553:13)
I don't understand what this means. I have seen this question asked in different contexts for Angular.js but those questions are related to peoples code. This question is related to the installation itself. this is a brandnew project and install.
Any ideas?
package.json file usually in the project root, called package.json - this file holds various metadata relevant to the project. This file is used to give information to npm that allows it to identify the project as well as handle the project's dependencies.
Make sure you have a proper inited Ember project. If you do not have a package.json file. Try to re-init your project using Ember init inside your project folder.
Attention: the init process may overwrite the existing files in your project. Backup if it is important.
Have you tried adding a package.json file? Easily done by running npm init

how to include a local javascript im ember-cli application

I have a local javascript in my application that i want to include in my ember-cli application.
it is called carrotsearch.foamtree.js
In order that it will be included i put it under vendor\foamtree\carrotsearch.foamtree
and in the app.js i write
import CarrotSearchFoamTree from 'foamtree/carrotsearch.foamtree'
the problem is that i get an error
===== 1 JSHint Error
Build failed. ENOENT, no such file or directory
File: foamtree/carrotsearch.foamtree.js Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory C:\Users\davidga\Desktop\ember\nextgen\tmp\tree_merger-tmp_dest_dir-37cYqLzL.tmp\foamtree\carrotsearch.foamtree.js'
at Object.fs.statSync (fs.js:689:18) at addModule
de_modules\broccoli-es6-concatenator\index.js:83:46) at addModule
de_modules\broccoli-es6-concatenator\index.js:126:9) at
broccoli-es6-concatenator\index.js:59:7 at tryCatch
e_modules\rsvp\dist\commonjs\rsvp-internal.js:163:16) at
li\node_modules\rsvp\dist\commonjs\rsvp-internal.js:172:17) at
_modules\rsvp\dist\commonjs\rsvp-internal.js:150:13) at flush (C:\Users\davidga\Desktop\ember\nextgen\node_modules\ember-cli\node_m
odules\rsvp\dist\commonjs\rsvp\asap.js:51:9) at
process._tickCallback (node.js:419:13)
I thought that the problem is maybe bower related so i followed the following post how to include a private local file in javascript project using bower
The problem is that neither
"foamtree": "foamtree/carrotsearch.foamtree.js"
"foamtree": "vendor/foamtree/carrotsearch.foamtree.js"
What may i do?
I found an answer.
In brocfile.js we can add the line
I don't know if this is an optimal anser but it works
This solution is stated in the ember-cli documentation
If you don't need them to minified in your vendor.js file you can put them in the public/js and then include it as a normal script file in app/index.html. I use this method for some libraries like moment.js.
The public folder gets directly copied to your site root during the build.