Eclipse Find/Replace not working - eclipse

I have searched for a solution to my problem but with no avail. The eclipse Find/Replace function found by the hotkey ctrl+F is not working. Note: the function does not work by the hotkey neither by going through Eclipse menu Edit>Find Replace (not working I mean that the FindReplace window does not show at all, the eclipse window loses focus only). I have tried to disable the hotkey to see if it would work, restarted eclipsed, restarted the PC, but nothing seems to solve the problem. It was working just fine but then suddenly out of the blue it just decided not to function anymore. Everything I tried so far has failed. As I use this function often it would be nice to know if someone has another input for trying to solve this bug. I am on a PC with windows 7, intel i7 64-bits.

I had a similar issue after using second monitor at work. At home I was wondering where is my Find/Replace window... it was displayed at the second monitor as I used it last time... Eclipse stores the last location of the dialogs for better UX.
So try to move the Find/Replace window by using your keyboard.
How to Move an Open Window with the Keyboard
You can also try to reset perspective
Window > Perspective > Reset Perspective...

I had the same issue with Eclipse. My current version is Neon.3 Release (4.6.3).
This periodically happens where the Find/Replace does not work.
Usually UNDO stops working also.
When this happens, Ctrl+F, Ctrl+Z do not work, and Undo Text Change and Find/Replace... are grayed out in the menu.
I tried the above solution Window > Perspective > Reset Perspective...
That fixed it right away!

When your Eclipse are full with cache that time this problem occurs.
please try to reset perspective setting and then check it.
Just go to menu bar : Window -> Perspective -> Reset Perspective and it will done.


is there a way to toggle search window results in eclipse

I am not sure if this is a bug, I tried uninstalling and reinstalling eclipse but seems like the problem has been saved in cache somewhere. Whenever I do a file search or C/C++ search with eclipse (either by clicking on the icon, or by typing ctrl+H), I do not see a search window pop up with results.
Same thing when I right click on a term and look for references or declarations in the workspace/project. I only see the occurrences Highlighted in the files, but that means I would need to manually check each file, which is just not doable. I also tried resetting the perspective, no luck!
Results in highlights, but no result window on the right side like there normally is:
I do not understand why this happens, I wonder if I disabled the search windows with a shortcut, this already happened with disabling the breakpoints and it took me a while to figure it out. Is there a way to toggle the appearance of the window? And if it really is a bug, how can I destroy all of the program's cache, because uninstalling by itself didn't work, there was a few settings that remained with the fresh installation.
There is a setting in the Search Preferences:
Window->Preferences --> General->Search
Then the search view should open up after starting the search.

Eclipse in Ubuntu starting without any window visible (only menu bar)

I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 and Eclipse Kepler. Since yesterday I've been experiencing a strange issue: when I open up Eclipse, all that I'm seeing is the menu bar on the upper Ubuntu bar. No code editor, window whatsoever.
In order to see a window I go to Window -> New window, but this is just a workaround. It starts up a new window with no preferences set, no last edited files etc. Moreover it shows that I have 2 Eclipse windows opened, while I can only see 1.
Any ideas on how to fix that?
I agree with Gorka, it looks like it was related with window size.
Here my solution (worked for me on Ubuntu 14.04):
1) Switch to Eclipse so that menu header is visible (you can use Alt+Tab or click on Eclipse icon in the list of applications)
2) Press Ctrl+Super+ArrowUp (Super=Windows button usually between Ctrl and Alt)
This combination maximizes active window, so it restores Eclipse to full screen.
Go to Window -> Show Toolbar. That should fix your issue.
Edit: Also try Window -> Close All Perspectives. Now, Window -> Open Perspective -> Other... and select Java (default).
I had exactly the same problem, the only solution I could find was to download the newest Eclipse version from instead of from the Ubuntu repository.
I had the same issue and I've found out what was happening:
The problem was that the size of the eclipse window had been reduced to the minimum, see my desktop in and notice the small vertical line in the top-left corner. This small line is the eclipse window, so just go with the cursor and make the it bigger.
I had exactly the same problem happening on only one workspace I had setup within Eclipse. I pressed some keyboard shortcut to make it happen but didn't know what that shortcut was (fat fingers meant I pressed a key I didn't mean to) and now can't reverse it! All other workspaces loaded up fine.
Managed to resolve it by Clicking on Window -> New Window!
I was having the same issue and got to fix it by just maximizing the windows (window button + up arrow key).. lol
stupid, but worked.

Console disappear in Eclipse Juno

I am using Eclipse Juno. I was working in Java perspective and suddenly I minimized the console. I don't know where it went but I am unable to get it back. I even tried to get it from Windows>Show View>Console but I didn't get my console back.
It happened the same thing to me. Just click Window->Reset Perspective and everything will be back as it was when you installed eclipse.
Sure you'll have to customize it back to how you like it, but at least you'll have the console back.
If console is not visible, just search for "Console" in QuickAccess box on the right hand top of menu bar. you can get it back!
Stupid Eclipse. Are there no interface designers volunteering on this project? Why minimize something and make it hard to see where to bring it back? Probably all you have to do is hit Shift-Control-Tab-F9 with one hand while right-double-clicking the lower left hand corner. Hmm, how about a popup when you click a minimized Console that says "We see you've minimized your Console and you are clearly trying to switch to it. Would you like us to restore that so you can actually see it?" followed by "Are you really sure? Cuz ya know, you may be using this click path by accident."
The reset perspective works. Also, you can "Save Perspective" so it's not so hard to go back to your preferred Perspective.
Thanks for the tip.
Bring console to the front from Window -> Show View -> Console. Apparently the console remains invisible (that was the issue indeed), but it is virtually active in the foreground.
Close the current view (i.e. the invisible console) by going to the "Quick Access" box at the toolbar, typing "Close Part", and selecting the respective option on the drop-down.
Reopen console form Window -> Show View -> Console and voilĂ , it will appear. Drag it to your preferred location on the workbench.
This works for me under the following situation:
I had been previously playing with detaching several views (console included) and editors to a separate window on a different monitor; I have updated my workspace from Neon to Oxygen and I have had a hard reset at my computer. (So, not sure which among those was the reason that made it go wrong).
I wanted to avoid resetting my perspective, as it is highly customised, so I discarded that solution.
Other solutions herein proposed had not worked.
The console was working and the view became visible if I chose a different perspective (e.g. Debug) or a duplicate Eclipse window (which effectively provides a duplicate of a factory-reset perspective).
you could click the small icon on the bottom left and choose console. it will appear.

Eclipse Invisible Editor

I have eclipse Juno. I'm not sure how, but my editor in eclipse is now "invisible". By invisible i mean, the editor pane is not in the visible window. I'm not a novice in eclipse and i know you can minimize the editors or maximize a different panel - but this isn't the case. There isn't even a minimize/maximize button on this empty space where the editor should be.
However, the title bar shows the current file that is opened (but in the invisible editor and hence invisible). and my outline sidebar shows the file's outline.
I think this might have happened when splitting editor panes (which i do a lot, love the side by side comparison), and also switching the perspective.
Any ideas on how i can get the editor back in the visible window?
Above is a screenshot of how it looks. At the time of the screen shot i had just recently clicked a file to open it, and it seems to have opened in the invisible editor.
I've tried all given solutions and none of them solved the problem.
Only using Window->New Window gave me a new fixed eclipse window.
Try Window > Reset Perspective to get things back to normal.
I minimized sharedArea and after restore it was empty. Editors worked well (open, close, save etc.) but i could not see them. Closing all perspectives helped.
This happens to me sometimes when I try to split an editor group by dragging an editor tab. The only solution that worked for me was to close every single perspective in the application toolbar, then Window -> New Window.
I've had this happen occasionally when splitting panes. Restarting Eclipse didn't work for me, nor did resetting the perspective.
The solution I stumbled upon was to give the editor area focus (by clicking in the area where it should be, I suppose) and close files in the invisible editor with Ctrl+W until the editor reappears. You may notice the window title changes to follow the file in the hidden editor.
I had the same problem and simply stopping/restarting Eclipse fixed it.
I have the fix, when neither resetting the perspective or restarting eclipse helps:
At the bottom of the File Menu, there is your recent file name that you are trying to get back. Click on that and it should return.
Start eclipse with:
eclipse.exe -repair

Editor in eclipse has vanished

I feel slightly like n00b encountering windows for the first time, but I have lost the editor window in Eclipse. I had dragged one of two tabs to one side such that I could view the two files side by side and it disappeared. Foolishly, I then dragged the remaining tab to the same position and found that it also disappeared.
When I select 'Windows' > 'Navigation' > 'Next editor' I can see that both files are still open. I have tried opening other files, and although they do open they are similarly invisible. I tried resetting the perspective, but the editor was left absent. I'm running out of ideas, so any contributions would be highly welcome! I'm using a mac by the way.
Perspective reset or window->new editor did not work for me. What worked though was to create a new window with Window->New Window, and then close the first one with editor hidden. Hope this help.
Just so this case be changed to 'answered':
I ended up using cmd-W to close the editors one by one, then was able to open a new editor. I still don't understand what caused the problem, but at least it is solved now. Many thanks for the suggestions though!
Pressing the F12 key normally focuses the Editor only if the Editor is not minimized.
Window -> New Editor is also disabled once the Editor view is minimized.
What's definitely going to work is resetting the perspective by doing Window -> Reset Perspective. That should bring the editor back into view.
Take a look at this screencast which shows how to do this.
They might have been in a separate window. Try right clicking on the Eclipse icon on your dock and see if the editors are there. If yes, drag them to your IDE.
I got the same problem today. I solved it just by Window > Reset perspective...
I have lost the editor too doing drag & drop. I try all here, and finally I used Window > New Widow and the second one comes with editor.