dygraph annotation icon clipped - annotations

I have a dygraph with annotations using icons. I see that the bottom two pixel rows of the icon are clipped or drawn over when they are applied to the chart (icons are applied to the series, I haven't tried attachToBottom).
The tickHeight is set to 10, but the icon clipping problem occurs no matter what I do with tickHeight. I tried mis-reporting the icon height by +2 but that was ineffective. I have had to add two transparent rows to the bottom of my icons so that they appear correct on the graph.
Am I doing something wrong or is this an actual bug in dygraph annotations?


Why does the same exact material-ui text field's height shrink in one spot and not another?

I am using the Material UI Text Field component as a search bar in my app. On one of the pages, I have it in 2 spots, one on the outside of the page, and another inside my DevExtreme Data Grid.
See here
For whatever reason, this shrinks the search bar, despite it being the exact same component being used in 2 spots.
My question is, what causes MUI to shrink the height of their text input field so that I can fix it accordingly inside of my data grid?
I've tried adjusting line-height, padding, margin's, etc all inside the data grid, unfortunately to no avail. The only thing I've noticed is that deep in the inspector tool, the shrunken search bar has a height of 1.435em, and checking that off will cause the search bar to correct itself to the standard height.

Grafana Panel Error about height and width

I am working on build grafana dashboards for my project.
I have facing the issue that some of my panels keep shows "Invalid dimensions for plot, width = 415, height = 0"
I am not sure how to fix it. I tried to increase the size of the graph, however the table always there.
I really appreciate your help.
The screenshot is below
enter image description here
enter image description here
Just increase height of your graph panels in the UI - make them higher (or disable legend, so there will be space for graph). See example of the same panels with different heights:
Click on the mark in the right bottom corner and change height of the panel.

Unity: Button spacing differs at different screen resolutions

In my game (Unity 2017.3.1f1) I'm using a ScrollView that's filled with buttons at runtime.
At 1080p:
And at 1440p:
The blue dots show the constraints of the Content, the whole thing (including the grey part below) makes up the Scroll View. No matter how big/small I make the Content, the border doesn't vanish at 1440p but is instead resized with the Content.
The width of the ScrollView is set through a surrounding panel
The buttons all use the same pefab (Inspector: click) - 1st image below
The buttons are arranged by a Vertical Layout Group on the Content (Inspector: click) - 2nd image below
As you can see in the last screenshot, the Vertical Layout Group is set to force expand the button's width and control its size, which isn't set anywhere else. I also don't set any padding/spacing in the Vertical Layout Group and yet there's an empty space between the two buttons.
I want it to look the same at 1080p and 1440p. What am I missing?

Grey Scroll Pane Background Image in JavaFX

I'm using JavaFX in Eclipse from JDK 1.8.0_72. I want to display an image in the background of a scroll pane. I'm using the following code to do this:
ScrollPane s2 = new ScrollPane();
s2.setStyle("-fx-background-image: url('DungeonRoomImage.png');");
This works just fine on other objects such as Labels and GridPanes but for some reason not on scroll panes where it's displaying a grey block in the middle covering up the image. If you look closely between the border and grey center you can see the image peeking out.
The same issue occurs when changing the background color of a scroll pane, but is solved by using
instead of:
I've tried using setBackground but that renders the same result
s2.setBackground(new Background(new BackgroundImage(new Image("DungeonRoomImage.png"), null, null, null, null)));
Could anyone suggest a way to get rid of the grey background or a way to work around the issue?
Here's how the background image should look
Set the background image on the scroll pane's viewport. Using an external CSS file:
.scroll-pane .viewport {
-fx-background-image: url('DungeonRoomImage.png');

TreeTable has rendering issue

Using sap.ui.table.TreeTable with a padding of 20px causes a rendering problem. Lines to adjust the column width gets pushed to the left as you can see in the picture. Also when I highlight a row and scroll up and down the page the highlighted box on the far left hand side doesnt scroll accordingly and get stuck in its old place.