mongod service not recognized - mongodb

I have installed mongodb in Centos 6.5. The mongodb folder is in
But when I run "service mongod start", it shows error:
The mongod service is unrecognized.
But if we enter run "/user/mongodb/bin/mongod", the service starts and works fine. Please suggest a solution.

mongodb is the core app, but the service is not included in this.
the mongod service is actually part of the mongodb-server installation.
Forgot all about CO6.5, but in CO7, you need to
yum install mongodb mongodb-server
Before you can start the mongod service.


strapi start command not working

I want to start strapi cms in the browser but Tells me :
Make sure your MongoDB database is running
In the event MongoDB is running
How can I solve this problem?
Mongod & mongo is running
I had the same problem and I had to update mongo to 3.6, stop the mongod service using
$ sudo service mongod stop
and run mongod in a terminal and leave it open.
$ mongod
The next time it seemed to recognise the mongo service started by the command
$ sudo service mongod start
Go to your project file.
go to the config/environments/development folder and click on database.json. for username and password you leave it empty. and host you put port: 27017 as in the picture
if you have finished the modifications you open two terminal:
on the first you start mongoDB by doing:
and once mongoDB has started you start on the other console strapi by making:
strapi start or npm start
Try removing the new plugins (if any) that you have installed.
I have faced this issue 2 times
Once I installed strapi command plugin
Another time I installed seo plugin.
I do no the root cause. But removing those packages and re-installed worked.

Can not run MongoDB using Ubuntu 14.04

I have installed mongoDB in my Ubuntu system but unable to start it.while i am running this service mongod start it throwing the following message.
start: Unknown job: mongod
Here i need to start the MongoDB. Please help me.
Looks like the mongod is not installed properly. Verify this by checking the presence of System V init script in location /etc/init.d/mongod. If not present, try installing the mongod again.

How do run Mongo on Ubuntu Server, getting error

I have been trying to install MongoDB and have been following instructions on the Mongo docs, I am trying to start Mongo and I get this error
It appears as if it says that the "addr already in use"? I restarted my server and this still comes up I am unsure what to do next.
Stop the active mongod server and try it again:
sudo service mongod stop
sudo mongod

How to start mongdb in Linux mint?

I would like to ask on how to start mongodb in linux mint. I tried sudo service mongod start but it shows the error mongod: unrecognized service. Why is this happen. When I run the sudo service in ubuntu Linux there is no problem like this. BUt why its not work in Linux mint? Is there a solution for this?
I just installed Mongo DB in LinuxMint Sarah (18) and for me, the following command worked:
sudo service mongodb start.
Checking that it works can be done either by executing 'top' command or checking the log file in mongodb folder (instructions in the following link --->
For stopping mongodb, the same command but typing stop 'sudo service mongodb stop'
In the previous link, both commands are included but without the 'b', maybe they just made a typing mistake :)

How do I make it so Mongo runs automatically all the time on my Azure server?

I have two Azure virtual machines. On one I have a Mongo server, on the other I just have a service I created which listens to Twitters streaming API and filters tweets.
Neither of these two services work unless I manually activate them and keep my console window open. For example, to run Mongo I need to ssh into my virtual machine and type: mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf. This starts the Mongo server successfully, but if at anytime I close my browser the service stops.
I believe the reason this is occurring is because when I login the system is allocating me a process by which I can navigate around the system and perform commands. When I type mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf I believe I am using that process to run Mongo. I am not sure how to make Mongo run without doing this though.
How do I make it so Mongo runs automatically all the time on my Azure server?
I tried running Mongo as a daemon but I receive an error:
$ mongod --fork --logpath /var/log/mongodb.log
>>>about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections.
>>>forked process: 63470
>>>ERROR: child process failed, exited with error number 1
This issue has nothing to do with Azure; it's all about how you install MongoDB.
If you install mongodb as a service, via apt-get (or whatever other means your version of linux requires), then it will run independent of you being logged in. You shouldn't be running an always-on service through your command shell.
Here are instructions for installing under Ubuntu. You'll see that, once you set up the prerequisite public key and list file, you then run:
sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org
You can then start and stop the service via
sudo service mongod start
sudo service mongod stop
You can enable mongo to autostart on boot by typing this command in your console:
sudo systemctl enable mongod
Then test it by this command:
sudo service mongod status