Matlab : different data cursor in a same graph - matlab

I would like to call 2 different cursor in a same graph, is it possible ? I have 2 graph in a figure (using sublopt). And in the first graph, I have 3 different courb like this :
plot(x_new, y2, 'r')
hold on
[hAx,hLine1,hLine2] = plotyy(x_new,y1,x_new,y3);
For the moment, I call only one cursor for my figure (so for my 2 graphics, the cursor is the same) like this :
dcm_obj = datacursormode(fig);
My second problem : when I want to remove the cursor on my coubr, I can't, it stays on the graph.
Thank you in advance,
Best regards

You can add and remove cursors using the context menu interface on the figure itself (by right-clicking).
This can also be done programmatically using dcm_obj.createDataTip, dcm_obj.removeDataCursor and dcm_obj.removeAllDataCursors() but the functionality is not officially documented. There is, however, a good guide to it at


Matlab GUI, create two tabs

I want to create two tabs within one GUI. One can show the plot of sine function, the other shows cone function. I can handle these two functions. but i do not know how to create two tabs. Thanks a lot!
If by tabs you mean 'plotting area' then you likely need to create 2 axes objects and display each plot in its own axes. In GUIDE it's very easy...more info here.
Let's say you have axes1 and axes2, you can do this:
axes(axes1) % Make axes1 the current axes.
axes(axes2) % Make axes2 the current axes
and that's it. Hope this is what you mean! If not sorry I misunderstood the question.
I thought about it and I'm probably wrong about what I thought a tab is. Matlab does not allow to do it directly, although it might be possible with the GUI Layout Toolbox. Here is a submission from the FIle Exchange which could be interesting to you: link here!. Sorry abut the confusion.
uitab() can be used for creating tabs. If you want to create tabs using guide it's currently not natively supported but possible with a work around I described here.

Matlab: How to interact with a graph to define a range via GUIs

I'm currently trying to make a GUI that will allow a user to select a range of x-values, limited to a set of predefined "markers" that can appear on the graph of some data. The Matlab program has a bunch of data that's already delimited with some number of markers, and will ask the user to choose two of these markers as a start and stop point, and then continue from there.
My question is whether or not Matlab has a built-in function or object that will place some kind of interactive marker on the plot (preferably on the bottom of the graph so that it doesn't obscure the data) that the user can click on so that I can get a call-back function from it and see which marker the user chose (and also perhaps have the ability to change its color and such to represent its selection).
Preferably the answer will not involve any add-ons, but any answer and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Here is a very simple example using ginput, which asks the user to select a starting and ending points from which to plot the data.
close all
x = 1:15*pi;
uiwait(msgbox('Select a start and finish point'))
a = zeros(1,2);
[a,~] = ginput(2);
xStart = a(1);
xFinish = a(2);
set(gca,'XLim',[xStart xFinish],'XTick',round(xStart):1:round(xFinish))
Is it something like this you had in mind? Do you really need a callback or is this sufficient? If not could you elaborate on what kind of markers you would need?
Hope that helps!

MATLAB Bar Graph Plotting Over Axes

I have a troubling problem that I've been trying to figure out for quite a while now and I just have no clue why it's happening. I have a self-coded GUI and I have a panel on the main GUI figure. On this panel I have an axes and whenever I plot a bar graph on that axes and try to edit its view with either yLim() or axis(), the axes will be resized to the dimensions I want, but the bar graph will not chop off at the edge of the axes and it will continue to run off the page. After playing around with it for a while in debug mode, I have found out that if I change the axes' parent from the panel it's on to the main figure, the bar graph will properly display only what is inside the axes borders like I want it to. I don't want to use changing the axes' parent as a permanent solution since I have several different panels I want to go between and having an axes on the main figure instead of the panel wouldn't work but I'd like to know if anybody knows why this is happening and how I can fix it.
For example, this code produces the problem I'm experiencing:
mainFig = figure('Units','characters',...
'Position',[40 5 200 50],...
'Color',[100/255 145/255 209/255]);
axesPanel = uipanel('bordertype','etchedin',...
'Title','Axes Panel');
mainAxes = axes('parent',axesPanel,...
ylim(mainAxes,[6 10])
And if the axes' parent is changed to be the figure, the problem doesn't exist. This line of code does that:
Thanks for any help or information as to why this is happening!
Just in case anybody else was having this same problem, I contacted MATLAB Technical Support and I was told that this was a bug on MATLAB's end that is being fixed in the next release(R2014b). They said that if you are having the problem I described in my original question, that in order to make the bar graph appear within the axes' boundaries at the moment, that you can edit the figure's 'Renderer' property and set it to either 'opengl' or 'zbuffer'. I have tested this and both options work so hopefully that helps :)
And just for extra clarification if it is needed, all I needed to change from my original code was:
mainFig = figure('Units','characters',...
'Position',[40 5 200 50],...
'Color',[100/255 145/255 209/255]);
To this:
mainFig = figure('Units','characters',...
'Position',[40 5 200 50],...
'Color',[100/255 145/255 209/255]);
And now the bar graph behaves as it should.

removing units from plot

I try to remove the Matlab-given units from this plot but I don't find a way:
hold on
'PaperSize',[15 9],...
'PaperPosition',[0 0 15 9]);
pzmap(LB); sgrid; grid on; axis equal;
xlabel('\sigma [rad/s]')
ylabel('\omega [rad/s]')
hold off
After that commands the xlabel looks like this: \sigma [rad/s] (seconds^-1). The seconds comes with pzmap. How can I remove them?
I found, some strange behavour:
If generate code by the figure plot manager I get this:
% Create xlabel
xlabel('\sigma [rad/s] (seconds^{-1})','Units','pixels');
Now I get it - without pzmap/pzplot
pol = pole(sys)
xlabel('\sigma [rad/s]');
ylabel('\omega [rad/s]');
pzmap is a high-level convenience function, but it's not the best choice for this (it's also stored in a folder of obsolete functions in R2013a, so it may get marked for official removal in the future). Instead, let's create an example plot using pzplot directly instead of pzmap. This is still a plot function that does a lot under the hood, but it returns a handle, h, to the plot:
sys = rss(3,2,2);
h = pzplot(sys);
axis equal;
We can via the options of a pzplot with getoptions:
p = getoptions(h)
To set the labels and units as you desire, you might try this, using setoptions:
p.Title.String = '';
p.XLabel.String = '\sigma';
p.YLabel.String = '\omega';
I believe that the units of 'seconds-1' that the plot displays is equivalent to the 'rad/s' that you want to specify. I know that the two look is very different (I prefer being specific about radians myself), but that's a disadvantage of using such a plot function that tries to do everything for you. If you wanted to remove the default string or add another option, you'd likely have to do some low level hacking. An easier way around, might be to use the "Generate Code..." command ("Generate M-File..." in older versions") under the "File" menu in the figure's toolbar and edit the plot labels there (there's also a programmatic option for this on the File Exchange). Or you could output to postscript and edit that.
Alternatively, you can use pzoptions to create a list of options to pass to pzplot or pzmap (undocumented in the latter case):
p = pzoptions;
p.Title.String = '';
p.XLabel.String = '\sigma';
p.YLabel.String = '\omega';
sys = rss(3,2,2);
axis equal;
You'll see that that for some reason the text size is much smaller in this case. pzplot and pzmap must set the font size to 10 themselves. You could easily do this.
Fore more on customizing this and related Control toolbox plots, see this article.
After intense low-level digging, there is actually a pretty simple way to override the default behavior.
p = pzplot(sys);
p.AxesGrid.XUnits = 'rad/s';
p.AxesGrid.YUnits = 'rad/s';
Changes appear to take effect immediately. I have even tried setting the value to nothing, i.e.
p.AxesGrid.XUnits = '';
and it effectively removes the annoying parenthesis with the units. Technically, matlab creates a custom-class element they store under the name AxesGrid in the resppack.mpzplot class instance, with some standard LTI-behavior. You can probably work around some stuff by "injecting" a script with the same name as one of the standard library functions, so that it will be called instead, and change things in there, but this is the closest I have come to removing those annoying units in a few lines.
As a side info, the AxesGrid object is initialized in
should you want to check it out.

Matlab rotate3D and buttondownfcn incompatibility

Hi everyone and thanks in advance for all your help.
I'm currently working on a UI in matlab that includes 4 differents axes to show various info. Basicly, I have MRI data (so 3D data) that I want to show. I use 1 axe to show 3 perpendicular plane that split the data at its center (axeMain), and 3 other axes that shows the planes individually (axeX,axeY and axeZ). I have a main axe on wich I want to make rotations possible (only on the main axis system) and I want to be able to select coordinate on the 3 other axe (those with 1 plane only). I also unable translations but that is out of scope for my problem.
So basicly, I have no problem selecting my coordinates (using the buttondownfcn on my planes) on all of the 3 axes and I also have no problem using rotate3D on the mainAxe. HOWEVER, if I try to have both to work at the same time, the buttondownfcn doesn't work anymore. I don't understand why it's doing this (I have some ideas but that's about it) and I have no idea how to work around it. Basicly my code for those functions are like this :
%some other code, setting up other UI stuff
%allow selection on the 3 static plains.
set([handles.axeX,handles.axeY,handles.axeZ], 'buttondownfcn', #getCoord);
So my question is basicly : why wont those 2 functions don't work together and how to work around that problem, ideally with minimal code change?
EDIT : this is a print screen of my current interface. I want to be able to select coordinate using ONLY on the 3 last axes (containing only 1 plane in each of them). I also want to be able to rotate images ONLY on the first axe (the one with 3 planes). Hope this clarify.
I would also like to note this : following my tests, I found that the mouse click would not raise at all if the rotate3D is activated. The problem is not in the logic I use to get the coordinates itself, but in the click event not being fired.
Also, I am aware that the event is not on the surface that I try to print. The actual code is like this :
set(h, 'buttondownfcn', #getCoord);
where h is the handle of a surface and each surfaces are processed this way.
I have found the exact solution!
Exploring the code for rotate3d(hAxe,'on') , i have found that they key line is getuimode(hFig,'Exploration.Rotate3d') wich returns uitools.uimode that contains ButtonDownFilter and ModeStateData methods.
Finally i have solved the problem in the following way:
uiMode = getuimode(hFig,'Exploration.Rotate3d');
uiMode.ButtonDownFilter = #mycallback;
hAxe is the handle to the axes object
hFig is the handle to the figure object
#mycallback is the callback that lets buttondownfcn and rotate3d works together as in the example of Matlab's help
So, you have to tag the object that you want to not be ignored:
And write the callback:
function [flag] = mycallback(obj,event_obj)
% If the tag of the object is 'DoNotIgnore', then return true
objTag = obj.Tag;
if strcmpi(objTag,'DoNotIgnore')
flag = true;
flag = false;
set(handles.axisMain, 'buttondownfcn', #getCoord);