Powershell via batch file multiple statements - powershell

This code is very close to being finished, however I cannot get the last statement (psexec \\%PC% -i -d -s "\.exe) that I wish to run, to run only if the device pings.
The aim is, if a device pings then write to host that it pings and run the psexec command else write to host that it hasn't been able to ping.
set /p PC=PC no?:
FOR %%i IN (
) DO (
PowerShell -NoProfile -Command "If (Test-Connection %%i -Count 1 -Quiet) { Write-Host "%%i - successfully pinged" -F Green } (psexec \\%PC% -i -d -s "\.exe that i wish to run")
else { Write-Host "%%i FAILED" -F Red}"

This is like Spanglish or something. Clear-Host isn't a command that cmd understands, and it'd be easier just to ping.
#echo off
if "%~1"=="" (
set /P "PC=PC no? "
) else (
set "PC=%~1"
ping -n 1 %PC% | find /i "TTL=" >NUL 2>NUL && (
powershell "Write-Host '%PC% passed' -f Green"
psexec \\%PC% -i -d -s "\.exe that i wish to run"
) || (
powershell "Write-Host '%PC% failed' -f Red"
For what it's worth, if you don't need the output of the command that psexec runs, I generally find wmic process call create to be faster than psexec.
wmic /node:%PC% process call create "exe that you wish to run"
If you need to supply auth info, add the /user:username and /password:password switches before process call create.
There are several problems with your code above. When executing a PowerShell command within a batch script, you can't break the line very easily. You should also include your psexec command within the if code block, rather than after it as you have now. You can separate commands with your braced code block with semicolons if needed. And finally, you need to be careful mixing double quotes as part of the powershell command token with the double quotes within the command. It could be fixed so that powershell handles the conditional flow, but my solution above works just as well and is more readable I think.


Multiple inputs into new prompt & Powershell -run as and -nonewwindow issue

Here is what I currently do, file 1:
powershell.exe -command "Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList '/c cd C:\ && DiskZero.cmd'-Verb runas"
And file 2 "DiskZero.cmd":
#echo off
(echo rescan
echo sel disk 1
echo cle all
echo cre part prim
echo for fs=ntfs quick label=Intenso
echo assign letter=E
) | diskpart
It works as intended, however, there is two files, what I want to do is make it so there's only one file.
I can't manage to find how to input multiple lines of code into a new elevated command prompt with only one script, so instead I'm trying to do it with powershell:
start cmd -nonewwindow works
start cmd -ver runas works
however start cmd -nonewwindow -ver runas doesn't work
What I was hoping to do was this in powershell:
start cmd -nonewwindow -ver runas
#echo off
(echo rescan
echo sel disk 1
echo cle all
echo cre part prim
echo for fs=ntfs quick label=Intenso
echo assign letter=E
) | diskpart
Can anyone help me solve the start cmd -nonewwindow -ver runas issue OR input multiple lines of code into a new elevated command prompt with only one file, please?
Can anyone help me solve the start cmd -nonewwindow -verb runas issue
Unfortunately, there is no solution: Windows fundamentally does not allow you to run an elevated process (run as admin, requested with -Verb RunAs) directly in a non-elevated process' console window - that is why Start-Process syntactically prevents combining -NoNewWindow with -Verb RunAs.
OR input multiple lines of code into a new elevated command prompt with only one file, please?
While there is a solution, it'll be hard to maintain:
You can pass the lines of your second batch file (the one you want to eliminate) to cmd /c on a single line, joined with &:
Note: To facilitate side effect-free experimentation, the original diskpart command was replaced with findstr -n ., which merely prints the lines received via stdin, preceded by their line number.
powershell.exe -command "Start-Process -Verb RunAs cmd '/c cd C:\ && (echo rescan&echo sel disk 1&echo cle all&echo cre part prim&echo for fs=ntfs quick label=Intenso&echo assign letter=E) | findstr -n .&pause'"
That no space char. precedes each & is deliberate, because trailing whitespace in echo commands is significant, i.e. it becomes part of the output; however, it should be fine to place a space char. after each & (as well as before, if the preceding command ignores trailing whitespace).
A better solution is to create a temporary helper batch file from your batch file, pass its path to the PowerShell command, and delete it afterwards:
#echo off
:: Determine the path for a temporary batch file...
:: Note: %~snx0 uses the short (8.3) name of the batch file, so as
:: to ensure that the temp. file path has no spaces, which
:: obviates the need for complex double-quoting later.
set "tmpBatchFile=%TEMP%\~%~snx0"
:: ... and fill it with the desired commands.
:: Note how metacharacters - ( ) | ... - must be ^-escaped.
echo #echo off
echo ^(echo rescan
echo echo sel disk 1
echo echo cle all
echo echo cre part prim
echo echo for fs=ntfs quick label=Intenso
echo echo assign letter=E
echo ^) ^| findstr -n .
echo pause
) > "%tmpBatchFile%"
:: Now you can let the elevated cmd.exe process that PowerShell launches
:: execute the temp. batch file.
:: Note: -Wait ensures that the PowerShell call blocks until the elevated
:: cmd.exe window closes.
powershell.exe -command "Start-Process -Wait -Verb RunAs cmd '/c cd C:\ & %tmpBatchFile%'"
:: Delete the temp. batch file.
:: Note: If you do NOT use -Wait above, you'll have to defer deleting
:: the batch file until after the elevated cmd.exe window closes,
:: which you'll have to do manually.
del "%tmpBatchFile%"

Powershell - Cat out string in different colors

Any advice or assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I am writing a simple base64 encoder for windows so I can encode strings faster when required.
The encoding happens in CMD and then the script opens a PowerShell in order to cat out the encoded string in the terminal.
For easier reading I am trying to change the color of the string that is retrieved with cat but am having a hard time achieving this. Here is a snippet of the code that is problematic:
certutil -encode data.txt tmp.b64 && findstr /v /c:- tmp.b64 > secret.b64
powershell.exe -Command "Write-Host Your secret is: -ForegroundColor Green";cat secret.b64
When the information is retrieved; "Your secret is: " is green as intended in the code but I cannot seem to find a way to color the "cat secret.b64" command.
As far as the original request goes, I suppose you wanted something like:
powershell -command "$i = cat secret.b64; Write-Host Your secret is: $i -ForegroundColor Green"
You can however skip powershell and do batch-file only.
#echo off
for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E ^| cmd') do set "cl=%%a"
(certutil -encode data.txt tmp.b64 && findstr /v /c:- tmp.b64)>secret.b64
set /p secr=<secret.b64
echo Your secret is: %cl%[92m%secr%%cl%[0m
Do it entirely in PowerShell; PS can call any console executables that CMD can. To take the stdout of a console executable and use it as string input to a PS cmdlet or function, either enclose the entire console executable's command in parens (e.g., $foocontent = (cat.exe foo)), or pipe it to a parameter of the PS cmdlet/function that accepts pipeline input (e.g., cat foo | Format-Table)
(Note that in PowerShell under Windows, cat is generally aliased to the PowerShell cmdlet Get-Content.)

cmd.exe throws error "& was unexpected at this time."

so my problem is that when i just ran cmd.exe in terminal, i get "& was unexpected at this time." Error at the end - looks like this
So the problem is that i'm getting erros in Unity 3D when it wants to run the unity_csc.bat file and compile solution. These errors are exactly the same as the one when i just run cmd.exe - therefore i suspect its not an Unity3D based problem (if you want you can check the Unity3D specific thread here https://forum.unity.com/threads/2-empty-errors-in-console-was-unexpected-at-this-time.799110/ )
Does anyone know why this might be happening ? This also happens when i try to run a .bat file - which I suspect is why i cant compile Unity project
I'm running Windows 10 with all of the latest updates
Since cmd /d does not throw the error, might there be some problem with this registry record ?
In User Folder i do have this Autorun record
#mode 20,5 & tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq SoundMixer.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "SoundMixer.exe">NUL && exit & if exist " ( start /MIN "" " & tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq explorer.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "explorer.exe">NUL && exit & explorer.exe & exit ) else ( tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq explorer.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "explorer.exe">NUL && exit & explorer.exe & exit )
Stephan has provided the crucial pointer:
It sounds like you have a broken autorun command defined for cmd.exe; that is, your registry defines a command that is automatically executed whenever you call cmd.exe, and that command causes the syntax error you're seeing.
Note that such commands are executed irrespective of whether you open an interactive cmd session or invoke via a batch file or pass a command to cmd with /C.
Passing /D to cmd bypasses any autorun commands.
There are two locations in the registry where such a command can be defined, one at the local-machine level (which applies to all users), HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor, and another for the current user only, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor, in a value named AutoRun.
If commands are defined in both locations, the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE's commands run first.
To list any defined autorun commands:
Get-ItemProperty -ea Ignore ('HKCU:', 'HKLM:' -replace '$', '\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor') AutoRun
You can use the following PowerShell snippet to remove autorun commands from both locations, but note that you'll have to run it with elevation (as administrator), if a local-machine value is present:
Get-ItemProperty -ea Ignore ('HKCU:', 'HKLM:' -replace '$', '\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor') AutoRun |
Remove-ItemProperty -Name AutoRun -WhatIf
Note: The -WhatIf common parameter in the command above previews the operation. Remove -WhatIf, once you're sure the operation will do what you want.

Pass Powershell Variables to Command Prompt line

I want to make a PowerShell script that can be used to connect computers to various client's SonicWall VPNs (specifically through Global VPN and NetExtender). I would like to have it be like a user interface to prompt the user (which will set the variables) and then use that information to pass through to command lines in the command prompt.
I want to be able to have information entered in be applied in the cmd line in the script.
I have tried using the MobileConnect connection through (Using the the app from the app store) and connecting with the Microsoft VPN client, but that does not grab all the network information; specifically DNS servers.
The best way is to install either Global VPN or NetExtender and connect through cmd line; that way will grab the entire network information.
This is the basic command to run it:
Function Connect-VPN {
Set-Location -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\SonicWALL\SSL-VPN\NetExtender"
cmd /c "NECLI connect -s address:4433 -u Uname -p Password -d Domain -A"
Set-Location -Path C:\
Basically, you change the directory and execute the commands with those arguments.
I would like to prompt in POSH, create the variables with the user input, then have those arguments passed down.
What I have right now is:
[string]$Testadd ,
[string]$Testun ,
[string]$TestPW ,
If ($Testadd -eq "")
{$Testadd = (Read-Host "test")
If ($Testun -eq "")
{$Testun = (Read-Host "test")
If ($TestPW -eq "")
{$TestPW = (Read-Host "test")
If ($TestDom -eq "")
{$TestDom = (Read-Host "test")
Set-Location -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\SonicWALL\SSL-VPN\NetExtender"
cmd /c "NECLI connect -s "$($Testadd)" -u "$($Testun)" -p "$($TestPW)" -d "$($TestDom)" -A"
Set-Location -Path C:\
The problem is that the all the arguments come out null. I do not know if it is possible, but I wanted to see.
You can try to build the string before running the cmd
param (
If ($Testadd -eq "")
$Testadd = (Read-Host "testadd")
If ($Testun -eq "")
$Testun = (Read-Host "testun")
If ($TestPW -eq "")
$TestPW = (Read-Host "testpw")
If ($TestDom -eq "")
$TestDom = (Read-Host "testdom")
Set-Location -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\SonicWALL\SSL-VPN\NetExtender"
#build the string before
$cmd = "NECLI connect -s " + $($Testadd) + " -u " + $($Testun) + " -p " + $($TestPW) + " -d " + $($TestDom) + " -A"
# Or even like this
$cmd = "NECLI connect -s $Testadd -u $Testun -p $TestPW -d $TestDom -A"
# exec command
cmd /c $cmd
Set-Location -Path C:\
To add to #Desinternauta, I suspect it is how the command is interpreting the quotes and the variables. i.e. when you write out the string as you have it, it adds spaces:
$b = "b"
Write-Host "a"$($b)"c"
a b c
The good news is that double quoted strings allow you to embed the variables into the string:
cmd /c "NECLI connect -s $Testadd -u $Testun -p $TestPW -d $TestDom -A"
Calling external exe / commands that use cmd.exe, require special consideration and outing specifics. You also do not need to call cmd.exe directly, as that will just happen. This is a well documented this. For example:
PowerShell: Running Executables
The Call Operator &
Why: Used to treat a string as a SINGLE command. Useful for dealing
with spaces.
In PowerShell V2.0, if you are running 7z.exe (7-Zip.exe) or another
command that starts with a number, you have to use the command
invocation operator &.
The PowerShell V3.0 parser do it now smarter, in this case you don’t
need the & anymore .
Details: Runs a command, script, or script block. The call operator,
also known as the "invocation operator," lets you run commands that
are stored in variables and represented by strings. Because the call
operator does not parse the command,it cannot interpret command
# Example:
& 'C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe' "c:\videos\my home video.avi" /fullscreen
Start-Process (start/saps)
Why: Starts a process and returns the .Net process object Jump if
-PassThru is provided. It also allows you to control the environment in which the process is started (user profile, output redirection
etc). You can also use the Verb parameter (right click on a file, that
list of actions) so thatyou can, for example, play a wav file.
Details: Executes a program returning the process object of the
application. Allows you to control the action on a file (verb
mentioned above) and control the environment in which the app is run.
You also have the ability to wait on the processto end. You can also
subscribe to the processes Exited event.
#starts a process, waits for it to finish and then checks the exit code.
$p = Start-Process ping -ArgumentList "invalidhost" -wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru
10. Stop-Parsing Symbol --%
Why: Its a quick way to handle program arguments that are not standard. Also its the new cool way to do it.
Details: The stop-parsing symbol (--%), introduced in Windows PowerShell 3.0, directs Windows PowerShell to refrain from interpreting input as Windows PowerShell commands or expressions. When calling an executable program in Windows PowerShell, placethe stop-parsing symbol before the program arguments.
After the stop-parsing symbol --% , the arguments up to the end of the line (or pipe, if you are piping) are passed as is.
# icacls in V2
# You must use escape characters to prevent PowerShell from misinterpreting the parentheses.
icacls X:\VMS /grant Dom\HVAdmin:`(CI`)`(OI`)F
# In V3 you can use the stop-parsing symbol.
icacls X:\VMS --% /grant Dom\HVAdmin:(CI)(OI)F
See also:
Using Windows PowerShell to run old command line tools (and their weirdest parameters)
Solve Problems with External Command Lines in PowerShell
About Quoting Rules
A Story of PowerShell Quoting Rules

VBScript, Batch or PowerShell Script?

I'm trying to run various commands using psexec.exe from Windows Sysinternals. What I need is a simple script to read the output of those commands.
For example if everything went OK, then it returns a 0. If something went wrong, then it will spit out an error code.
How can it be done?
In PowerShell, you would use the $LastExitCode variable to test if psexec succeeded or not e.g.:
$results = psexec <some command on remote system>
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
throw "PSExec failed with error code $LastExitCode"
return 0
In a batch file, you use the %ERRORLEVEL% variable, or the IF ERRORLEVEL n command. For example:
psexec \\host -i findstr.exe "test" c:\testfile
if errorlevel 1 (
echo A problem occurred
IF ERRORLEVEL checks whether the return value is the same or higher than the number you specify.
This is not the same as capturing the output of the command though. If you actually want the output, you need to include redirection to an output file on the command line:
psexec \\host -i cmd.exe /c findstr "test" c:\testfile ^> c:\output.txt
The ^ is necessary to escape the > character, or the redirection would happen locally instead of on the remote machine. The cmd.exe is necessary, because redirection is handled by cmd.