App ads_management permissions - facebook

Question: Is it possible for application which associated with business manager to obtain ads_management permissions and make server-to-server calls using appId|appSecret as access token.
If yes then what are the correct steps to obtain those permissions for an app?
If no then is there a way to get access token for the user with such permissions which never expires?
Details: As stated in FB documentation, in order to make server-to-server requests without need to obtain and refresh access tokens we may use pair of app Id and app secret in form of appId|appSecret.
Our application now has the following permissions:
- email
- public_profile
- user_friends
In order to make calls to Ads API our application has to have ads_management permissions. Currently we make calls to Ads API through user-level access token and this is not preferable for us as this token requires refreshes which must be done manually using browser interaction (we can't obtain access token programmatically)

You may be confusing App Access Tokens (which allow you to make calls on behalf of the app itself) with permissions (which an individual user grants you to act on their behalf) - you'll always need a user token to update things belonging to a user.
A user, who's an admin of the ad account you want to manage, needs to grant your app ads_management permission - once they've done that, the OAuth flow gives you an access token to make API calls on their behalf, and that token doesn't expire for up to 60 days (after which point they need to come back to your site/app while logged into Facebook for you to get an updated token)
In the context of Business Manager, that user must be someone that has access via Business Manager to the assets (ad acccounts and pages) you want to update via the API
If your app has Standard access to the Ads API, you can also use 'System Users' to make sessionless API calls to update the assets of the business:
More info about login here:


User access token using to get facebook ads performance data

I try to get ads performance data using this api:{ad-account-id}/insights. User access token is needed when doing this request. I have several ad accounts. But one user access token is valid just for part of my ads accounts. The error message is "(#10) You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this action". Why? (I can access the dashboard report of all ad accounts.)
Every user access token is related to an app. I have two user access tokens which are generated with different apps. If I change to another access tokens, the ad accounts of which I can get performance data by api are different. So I guess this is related to apps by which user access token is generated.
Access tokens are made of up a user + app. Make sure both the user, and the app have access entity you're trying to access (in this case, ad account).
Also, when generating the token make scope includes the permission for ads_read

How to generate Facebook Marketing API access token to use it in Windows application

I am using Facebook as advertising platform to promote my application on Apple and Google stores. I would like to make windows service which will download daily report(s) about advertising status of my marketing campaign running one Facebook, preferably using 60 day token, or some permanent solution so that token is retrieved when required. I think that i understand everything to do this except how to generate access token to use it with Facebook Graph API. Which token for which Facebook account do I need and how to obtain it?
You'll need a Facebook app and to grant that app the ads_read permission in order to retrieve reports about your advertising efforts via the API (source).
You'll want a long-lived token so that you don't have to re-authenticate very often. The access token documentation details the steps to exchange a short-lived token for a long-lived one.
You may also want to consider managing the app, ad account, and access tokens (via a business system user) with the FB Business Manager.
Create a facebook app.
Go to the Graph API Explorer in Facebook's Tools & Support section.
Pick your app from the drop down.
Hit Get Token > Get User Access Token.
In Select Permissions choose required permissions or select them from extended permissions.
Use the user access token that will be presented to you in the access token form input field.

Facebook FB api - About Access token

Each user who allow permission to my app will have an access token
One access token can handle actions, for example, upload photos to an user album?
I know that an access token can expire up to 60 days,
so do I need save this access token for each user on my database and when request comes from that user, load the access token for him?
Each user who allow the app will have an access token, which will include all the permissions user has granted to your app.Read more about user access tokens here
Each user who allow permission to fb app, will have different Access Token which will be unique.
The Access Token is generated on the basis of browser session from client, AppID and App Secret. In a web server based application, it is not absolute requirement to save application token for user. But application like HootSuite saves user credentials and access token for later use to get facebook feeds and other services.
So it depends on application requirement.
Each user sends you another access token in context to use User session of course.
An access token is a random string that provides temporary, secure
access to Facebook APIs.
A token identifies a User, App or Page session and provides
information about granted permissions.
And in User Access context:
You can use this token to perform API calls on behalf of a user,
including reading, publishing and deleting, depending on the
permissions your app has. For example, you can retrieve a user's
friend list or publish a new photo to their timeline with a user
access token.
Yes, you have to remember this access token if you dont want to reconstruct it. But in many API's this is done "automagically", for e.x. in PHP SDK the access token is stored in user cookie. If you implement more complicated user-flow, you have to remember access token OR regenerate it each time ( Remember, that access token will expire and you will have to regenerate it (on the faith of already granted permissions).
FYI: If you want to preserver offline access (executing application activities without user session), you will consider offline_access, but it is deprecated:
Hope it revealed the problem.

What is access token in facebook API?

What is access token in Facebook API?
why I need it ?
What is its purpose ?
Do I need to store it persistently in my website ?
For almost every request you make to facebook API you need to pass access token along to get the results. This token may expire depending on what kind it is, you might need to persist it in case your application need to access facebook API when user is offline.
PS: Access token comes from user's request to your application.
Facebook implementation of the OAuth 2.0 involves three different steps: user authentication, app authorization and app authentication. User authentication ensures that the user is who they say they are. App authorization ensures that the user knows exactly what data and capabilities they are providing to your app. App authentication ensures that the user is giving their information to your app and not someone else. Once these steps are complete, your app is issued an user access token that you enables you to access the user's information and take actions on their behalf.
access token will be expired unless the user has granted to your app the "offline_access" permission. In other word, unless you have such a perm granted, you don't need to store it persistently in your website.

When should I request a Facebook access token?

Facebook changed their Graph API recently to require an access token. Therefore I quickly made a Facebook application to be able to retrieve an access token, use a URL similar to the one below, generated my access token and implemented the token in my iPhone application. Lately I have been thinking about if I have done something wrong. Should I request the access token everytime a user of my application retrieves data from the Graph API? I am starting to doubt whether or not the access token is unique to each user or just to the Facebook application.
Can I hardcode an access token into my application or should I make a request on the URL below every time I need to retrieve data through the Graph API?
I am generating my access token with the following URL:*MY_SECRET*&grant_type=client_credentials
Access token granted by user have expiration time. If token expired then you need to request it again. But if you ask user to grant you "offline_access" permissions then you'll have almost not limited access token. You can store it in database or file and use next time.
Here FB documentation about permissions:
Enables your app to perform authorized
requests on behalf of the user at any
time. By default, most access tokens
expire after a short time period to
ensure applications only make requests
on behalf of the user when the are
actively using the application. This
permission makes the access token
returned by our OAuth endpoint