Leaflet sidebar not opening on load - plugins

I'm using the leaflet-sidebarv2 plugin to create a sidebar for a cartodb/leaflet map. I'm running into problems that I a.) can't get the options to work – close button, autoPan, etc) and b.) can't use setContent to dynamically set data.
The sidebar functions as expected. The problem is modifying it seems to have no effect. I also get an error "Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function" on the setTimeout and setContent lines.
cartodb.createLayer(map, {
user_name: {{user_name}},
type: 'cartodb',
sublayers: [{
sql: 'select * from {{table_name}}',
cartocss: '#layer',
interactivity: 'cartodb_id, name',
auto_bound: true
.done(function(layer) {
var barData;
barData = layer.createSubLayer({
sql: 'select * from {{table_name}}',
cartocss: '#layer {marker-fill: #bababa; marker-opacity: 0.3; marker-width: 4px; }',
interactivity: 'name, location'
//on click
barData.on('featureClick', function(e, pos, pixel, data) {
//log active data
console.log("Name: " + data.name + " # " + data.location);
$('#map').css('cursor', 'pointer');
//hover pop-up
var infobox = new cdb.geo.ui.InfoBox({
width: 100,
layer: layer,
template: '<p class="cartodb-infobox">{{name}}</p></br><p>{{location}}</p>',
position: 'top|right' // top, bottom, left and right are available
// leaflet-sidebar> closeButton not engaging
var sidebar = L.control.sidebar('sidebar', {closeButton: true});
//content not showing up anywhere
sidebar.setContent('test <b>test</b> test');
// sidebar still collapsed at reload
setTimeout(function () {
}, 500);
window.onload = main;
Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong? I've got all the right pieces loaded in the head.

You seem to be using the wrong API. The setContent() method and the options hash is part of the leaflet-sidebar library API, but not of sidebar-v2.


Add interactivity to POIs from different tilesets

I'm working on Mapbox Studio Tutorial and practicing adding interactivity on POIs on map.
map.on('click', (event) => {
// If the user clicked on one of your markers, get its information.
const features = map.queryRenderedFeatures(event.point, {
layers: ['layer1',"layer2","layer3"]
if (!features.length) {
const feature = features[0];
Create a popup, specify its options
and properties, and add it to the map.
const popup = new mapboxgl.Popup({ offset: [0, -15] })
The error I get is that the title of POIs from layer2 and layer3 is shown as "undefined" while layer1's title can be shown when clicking it on the map.
I think "undefined" comes because the title is not stored in the feature property but have no clear idea how to do that correctly.
I tried some codes I got from the internet such as below:
if (features.length > 0) {
// Loop feature and concatenate property as HTML strings
let propertiesHTML = '';
features.forEach(feature => {
Object.entries(feature.properties).forEach(([key, value]) => {
propertiesHTML += `<p><strong>${key}:</strong> ${value}</p>`;
// Create and add a popup
const popup = new mapboxgl.Popup({ offset: [0, -15] })
With code at least map is shown, but there is no interactive popup shown when I click it.

Page automatically go to the top when opening a dynamic jquery dialog box first time

I am developing a Task pane word add-in using JavaScript API, I have used below code to create a jQuery dialogbox dynamically using a function:
function myConfirm(dialogText, okFunc, cancelFunc, dialogTitle) {
$('<div style="padding: 10px; max-width: 500px; word-wrap: break-word;">'
+ dialogText + '</div>').dialog({
draggable: true,
modal: true,
resizable: false,
width: 'auto',
title: dialogTitle || 'Confirm',
minHeight: 75,
position: {
my: "center",
at: "center",
of: window
buttons: {
OK: function() {
if (typeof(okFunc) == 'function') {
setTimeout(okFunc, 50);
Cancel: function() {
if (typeof(cancelFunc) == 'function') {
setTimeout(cancelFunc, 50);
But when i open it first time to call myConfirm function, the page scroll goes to top and when i scroll down to click on dialog-box it again send the scroll back to top then i need to again scroll down, now i am able to click on dialog-box buttons. it works fine after first.
I need to set dynamically text of box and function on button clicks so i am creating it dynamically. I have also test it on Internet Explorer, it's working fine.
Please advice how i can fix it for word add-in.
You can try below code when you are calling your function :-
onclick="myConfirm();return false;"
Just add "return false;" after your function name as shown above.
Edit 1:-
Or you can return false from your function as well.
Edit 2 :-
close: function (event) { event.preventDefault(); }
resizable: false,

leafletjs - move popup to a side panel

I've been playing around with popups, in conjunction with a geojson wrapped inside JavaScript and have mastered what I need to do on the bindpopup front. Now I'd like to effectively unbind the popup from its marker and get the popup to appear either in a side panel or below the map in its own div.
This is the code for my current popup and I'm guessing that I need to change my code around the area of layer.bindPopup(popupContent) and reference it to its own div?
var map = L.map('map').setView([51.4946, -0.7235], 11)
var basemap =
L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: 'OSM data',
function onEachFeature(feature, layer) {
var popupContent = "<b>" + feature.properties.ward_names +
" </b><br>Population 2011 = <b>" + feature.properties.census_11 +
" </b><br>Population 2001 = <b>"+ feature.properties.census_01 +
" </b><br>You can find out more about population data on the <a href='http://www.somewhere.com' target='_blank'>somewhere.com</a> website ";
if (feature.properties && feature.properties.popupContent) {
popupContent += feature.properties;
L.geoJson([wardData], {
style: function (feature) {
return { weight: 1.5, color: "#000000", opacity: 1, fillOpacity: 0 };
return feature.properties;
onEachFeature: onEachFeature,
However I'm not really sure how to do this and need some guidance.
Answer shared under another question, https://gis.stackexchange.com/a/144501/44746
If you're looking for populating another element entirely that you've
defined outside of the map, then you actually don't need even the
whole info control. You can just as easily do what you need in the
onEachFeature >> layer.on >> click part too.
function onEachFeature(feature, layer) {
click: function populate() {
document.getElementById('externaldiv').innerHTML = "BLAH BLAH BLAH " + feature.properties.name + "<br>" + feature.properties.description;
}); }
In your html body, you just have to make sure your <div id="externaldiv"> or whatever is placed where you want it.
This demo populates an external when the user clicks on a map
feature : http://labs.easyblog.it/maps/leaflet-geojson-list/   (Edit: link reported broken as of dec 2022)
The L.Control class is the appropriate tool for what you want to do.
I suggest you follow this tutorial, it will give you a quick understanding of what you can do with it.

sort multiple items at once with jquery.ui.sortable

did somebody manage to sort multiple items at once with jquery.ui.sortable?
we are working on a photo managing app.
select multiple items
drag them to a new location.
I had a similar requirement, but the solution in the accepted answer has a bug. It says something like "insertBefore of null", because it removes the nodes.
And also i tried jQuery multisortable, it stacks the selected items on top of each other when dragging, which is not what i want.
So I rolled out my own implementation and hope it will save others some time.
Fiddle Link.
Source code:
$( "#sortable" ).sortable({
// force the cursor position, or the offset might be wrong
cursorAt: {
left: 50,
top: 45
helper: function (event, item) {
// make sure at least one item is selected.
if (!item.hasClass("ui-state-active")) {
var $helper = $("<li><ul></ul></li>");
var $selected = item.parent().children(".ui-state-active");
var $cloned = $selected.clone();
// hide it, don't remove!
// save the selected items
item.data("multi-sortable", $cloned);
return $helper;
stop: function (event, ui) {
// add the cloned ones
var $cloned = ui.item.data("multi-sortable");
// append it
// remove the hidden ones
// remove self, it's duplicated
There's a jQuery UI plugin for that: https://github.com/shvetsgroup/jquery.multisortable
jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/neochief/KWeMM/
... or just define a 'items' option to your multisortable that way (for example) :
$('table tbody').multisortable({
items: 'tr'
you can use shvetsgroup/jquery.multisortable
but it will create problem.. because, that js is designed only for tags...
but customize it to use it, its very simple i'll tell you how????
at first download that .js and use it in your program...
step 1. open the js file...now edit the following lines...
$.fn.multiselectable.defaults = {
click: function(event, elem) {},
mousedown: function(event, elem) {},
selectedClass: 'selected',
items: 'li'
the above are lines from 107 to 112....
there you can see "items: 'li'
in that use your tag which you are used to enclose those image like if you are using, or or anything you are using like this
$.fn.multiselectable.defaults = {
click: function(event, elem) {},
mousedown: function(event, elem) {},
selectedClass: 'selected',
items: 'div' // or any tag you want...
and 249 to 254
selectedClass: 'selected',
placeholder: 'placeholder',
items: 'li'
change the line " item:'li' " with your tag like this
selectedClass: 'selected',
placeholder: 'placeholder',
items: 'div' // or anything else
if you are working on textboxes inside those envelopes.. you have to get rid of these lines too
// If no previous selection found, start selecting from first selected item.
prev = prev.length ? prev : $(parent.find('.' + options.selectedClass)[0]).addClass('multiselectable-previous');
var prevIndex = prev.index();
after that comment line...
add a line code that search textbox or check box or any interaction element inside it...
like this..
// If no previous selection found, start selecting from first selected item.
item.children("input").focus(); // customize this code to get your element focus...
prev = prev.length ? prev : $(parent.find('.' + options.selectedClass)[0]).addClass('multiselectable-previous');
var prevIndex = prev.index();
and also to indicate selected tags or elements... use styles like this
div { margin: 2px 0; cursor: pointer; }
div.selected { background-color: orange }
div.child { margin-left: 20px; }
actually i used div.. instead of that you can use any tag you wish...
hope will help u.... if it is not... read again.. and ask again....

Tumblr Audio Player not loading with Infinite Scroll

I implemented infinite scroll along with masonry on this tumblr: [check revision for link]
The audio player does not appear in posts loaded through infinite scroll, instead it displays the text "[Flash 9 is required to listen to audio.]"
The Inspire Well tumblr theme (I can't post another hyperlink but you can easily google it) seems to have solved this problem through this code:
if(InspireWell.infiniteScrolling && InspireWell.indexPage){
navSelector : 'ul.page_nav', // selector for the paged navigation
nextSelector : 'ul.page_nav li.page_next a', // selector for the NEXT link (to page 2)
itemSelector : '.post', // selector for all items you'll retrieve
loadingImg : '',
donetext : 'No more pages to load.',
errorCallback: function() {
// fade out the error message after 2 seconds
//$('#infscr-loading').animate({opacity: .8},2000).fadeOut('normal');
// call masonry as a callback
function( newElements ) {
$(newElements).css({ visibility: 'hidden' });
$(newElements).each(function() {
var audioID = $(this).attr("id");
var $audioPost = $(this);
$audioPost.find(".player span").css({ visibility: 'hidden' });
var script=document.createElement('script');
url: "http://thetestinggrounds.tumblr.com/api/read/json?id=" + audioID,
dataType: "jsonp",
timeout: 5000,
success: function(data){
$audioPost.find(".player span").css({ visibility: 'visible' });
$audioPost.find("span:first").append('<script type="text/javascript">replaceIfFlash(9,"audio_player_' + audioID + '",\'\x3cdiv class=\x22audio_player\x22\x3e' + data.posts[0]['audio-player'] +'\x3c/div\x3e\')</script>');
I tried to adapt this for my tumblr (with placeholder text to see if it was finding the correct element):
singleMode: true,
itemSelector: '.box'
navSelector : "div.navigation",
nextSelector : "div.navigation a:first",
itemSelector : ".box",
debug : true
function( newElements ) {
$(this).masonry({ appendedContent: $( newElements ) });
var audioID = $(this).attr("id");
var $audioPost = $(this);
$audioPost.find(".audio span");
var script=document.createElement('script');
url: "http://fuckyeahempathy.tumblr.com/api/read/json?id=" + audioID,
dataType: "jsonp",
timeout: 5000,
success: function(data){
$audioPost.find(".audio span");
$audioPost.find("span:first").append("<p>audio player not working</p>");
But there is no sign of the text. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is a solution I came up with when I needed to implement the same functionality in the template I was creating.
In your HTML, include your AudioPlayer Tumblr tag between comments. This is to prevent loaded scripts from being called. Also add a class "unloaded" to keep track whether or not we've loaded the audio player for this post or not.
<div class="audio-player unloaded">
If you look at the commented code after the page is loaded, you will notice an embed tag being passed to one of the Tumblr javascript functions. Since we commented it, it will not execute. Instead we will want to extract this string and replace the div contents with it.
Create a javascript function which will do this. This can be done with regular javascript, but to save time I will do it with jQuery since this is how I did it for my template:
function loadAudioPosts() {
// For each div with classes "audio-player" and "unloaded"
$(".audio-player.unloaded").each(function() {
// Extract the <embed> element from the commented {AudioPlayer...} tag.
var new_html = $(this).html().substring(
$(this).html().indexOf("<e"), // Start at "<e", for "<embed ..."
$(this).html().indexOf("d>")+2 // End at "d>", for "...</embed>"
// Replace the commented HTML with our new HTML
// Remove the "unloaded" class, to avoid reprocessing
Call loadAudioPosts() once on page load, then every time your infinite scrolling loads additional posts.
<div class="audio" id="{postID}">{AudioPlayerBlack}</div>
.audio {
overflow-y: hidden;
.audio span {
setTimeout(function() {
$wall.masonry({ appendedContent: $(newElements) });
/* repair audio players*/
var audioID = $(this).attr("id");
var $audioPost = $(this);
url: 'http://yoolk.tumblr.com/api/read/json?id=' + audioID,
dataType: 'jsonp',
timeout: 50000,
success: function(data){
$audioPost.append('\x3cdiv style=\x22background-color:white;height:30px\x22 class=\x22audio_player\x22\x3e' + data.posts[0]['audio-player'] +'\x3c/div\x3e');
}, 2000);