Powershell remote install/app run - powershell

I am going to try and install software remotely onto a server and first i am trying to play around with the invoke-command cmdlet in powerhsell. Below is what I have so far
New-PSSession -ComputerName vm912test
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName vm912test -Credential sceris\pmanca
Invoke-Command -Computername vm912test -ScriptBlock {Start-Process "calc.exe" -wait}
However when i run this i see no running tasks in task manager. Does anyone know what i am missing? Once i can get this to work i will expand onto trying to remotely install some software first. I have no issues on communicating with the server and i have remote access/admin access on the box.
I updated with some more code but still receiving the same result that nothing is happening.


Powershell/batch uninstall script works locally but not when using invoke-command

I have a script that installs an .exe with some arguments remotely to a list of servers that works fine. When I try to do almost the exact same thing but run the uninstall.exe that gets installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\ it won't work.
When I run the scripts on the server locally, it kicks off the uninstall. When I try to run the exact same script or command using the powershell invoke-command it won't work.
$serverlist = Get-Content -Path C:\NagiosInstall\test.txt
ForEach ($server in $serverlist) {
New-Item -Path "\\$server\C$\" -Name "NagiosInstall" -Force -ItemType "directory"
Copy C:\NagiosInstall\ncpa-2.1.6.exe \\$server\C$\NagiosInstall\ncpa-2.1.6.exe
Copy C:\NagiosInstall\install.bat \\$server\C$\NagiosInstall\install.bat
invoke-command -ComputerName $server -ScriptBlock {C:\NagiosInstall\install.bat}
Start-Sleep -s 15
invoke-Command -ComputerName $server -ScriptBlock {Remove-Item -LiteralPath "C:\NagiosInstall" -Force -Recurse}
The install .bat is just a simple command to silently install that ncpa-2.1.6.exe.
Above is my install script, that part all works fine.
invoke-command -ComputerName $server -ScriptBlock {Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Nagios\NCPA\uninstall.exe" -ArgumentList "/S"}
Running the above command, nothing happens. No errors, nothing.
& "C:\Program Files (x86)\Nagios\NCPA\uninstall.exe" -ArgumentList "/S"
But running the above command in powershell that's running as admin locally on the server and it works just fine.
I've also tried the same approach to create and copy and run a batch file, very similar to the above "install" code. Same thing... nothing happens but if you run the batch locally on the server, it works just fine. I can post this code if anyone is interested.
I'm guessing it has to do with the invoke-command or the fact that it's in C:\Program Files (x86) which might make the syntax different, but I've tried many things and I'm out of ideas besides making an account and posting here.
The issue is that Invoke-Command runs non-interactively, and therefore cannot run as Administrator and respond to a UAC prompt.
The only workaround is to connect to the computer via a PSSession with credentials, and execute it that way:
$Cred = Get-Credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $server -Credential $Cred
Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Nagios\NCPA\uninstall.exe" -ArgumentList "/S"}
$Session | Exit-PSSession
The reason that the installer works is that the UAC prompt for Windows Installs is different than anything else in Windows see: How to Silence the UAC Prompt for Per-Machine MSI Packages for Non-Admins or Using Windows Installer with UAC.
Essentially, Windows Installer (already running as admin and UAC approved), is what runs the install on your behalf, and it is Windows Installer and installer settings that determines if you need to see a UAC prompt or not. Hence, this is why the install works. Windows Installer determined that you did not need to see the UAC prompt, and the install proceeds.
Uninstalling is different. Since you are running uninstall.exe, the executable needs admin access and Windows will do UAC before the uninstall.exe even runs.

Powershell remote get-process works, start-process doesn't

I'm new to Powershell, so forgive me if this is a basic question. I've enabled psremoting, but for some reason, while
invoke-command -computername MyComputer {get-process}
invoke-command -computername MyComputer {start-process "c:\windows\system32\calc.exe"}
doesn't. I don't get an error message. Rather than the calculator app starting, nothing happens and I get no feedback. Am I missing something?

how to execute PowerShell commands from Windows server A so that it runs on Windows server B

Basically, i have PowerShell on both servers, is there a way to make a connection between both servers in such a way that when I run a command on PowerShell of Server A then it also runs on PowerShell of Server B.
I am new to PowerShell. Any help would be great.
You can use the New-PSSession-cmdlet in combination with the Invoke-Command-cmdlet
First of all create a remote session object:
$remoteSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName "YourComputerName" -Credential (Get-Credential)
Afterwards, you can use the $remoteSession object to execute commands on the remote via:
$servicesOnTheRemote = Invoke-Command -Session $remoteSession -Verbose -ScriptBlock { Get-Service * }
Invoke-Command runs Get-Service on the remote host, fetches the service state, serializes the data, and sends the data to the calling host. Based on that $servicesOnTheRemote includes the service state of the remote.
Also checkout this usefull cheatsheet.
Hope that helps.

Invoke-Command doesn't work but Get-Service does

I'm having a bit an issue invoking a command to remotely turn off services via PowerShell. I'm successful when using
(Get-Service -Name tomee -ComputerName servernamefqdn).Stop()
However when using
Invoke-Command -ComputerName servernamefqdn -Credential $creds -ScriptBlock {
(Get-Service -Name tomee).Stop()
I get errors
enter-pssession...winrm cannot process
The following error occurred while using Kerberos authentication: Cannot find the computer servernamefqdn.
I'm using my own credentials to pass in invoke. I've already ran the quick config for WinRM and added trusted sites for all. I'm not understanding why the first command works but the invoke command doesn't seem to find the server. The goal is the script will remotely stop services using another account. I read 1 other person having this same issue but no real solution for me. Any ideas?

Remote scripting credentials

I've a strange problem that I can't understand. Maybe someone will be able to explain it to me.
I'm trying to automate the installation of an app for SharePoint in a multitenant environment. I run the scripts on a remote machine like this:
$session = New-PSSession -Name "Install App Session" -Authentication Credssp -Credential $InstallAccountCredentials -ComputerName $frontend
$installAppScriptPath = Join-Path $currentScriptPath "\SharePoint\InstallApp.ps1"
$job = Invoke-Command -Session $session -FilePath $installAppScriptPath -ArgumentList $customerUrl, $env:COMPUTERNAME -AsJob
Wait-Job $job
Inside the InstallApp.ps1 I invoke the Import-SPAppPackage command but I get an "Access denied.
You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource." error. However, if I login to the machine with exactly the same credentials that are used as $InstallAccountCredentials and start the script, everything is working perfectly fine. The account that is used for running this script is an tenant admin account.
Is there something I miss in invoking the command?
PowerShell remote doesn't work for a significant portion of the SharePoint cmdlets. Use the client object model instead - you can invoke those methods from PowerShell as needed.