Scala updating Map error - scala

I'm trying to write method addWordToMap, that shouls add a word w to a list in map's values if key occurences equals to occ. And I don't understand why compiler says that map.updated(occ, map.apply(occ)++w) return Map[Occurences, List[Any]]. My idea is there is some troubles with concatenation, but it seems quite correct for me. Thank you!
type Word = String
type Occurrences = List[(Char, Int)]
def addWordToMap(map: Map[Occurrences, List[Word]],
w: Word, occ: Occurrences): Map[Occurrences, List[Word]] = {
map.updated(occ, map.apply(occ)++w)

You're looking for :+, not ++.
It compiles with ++ for a combination of unpleasant reasons: it looks like you're trying to concatenate two collections, so the compiler implicitly converts the string to a collection of characters, and you end up with a collection whose element type is the least upper bound of Char and String, which is Any.


How to refer Spark RDD element multiple times using underscore notation?

How to refer Spark RDD element multiple times using underscore notations.
For example I need to convert RDD[String] to RDD[(String, Int)]. I can create anonymous function using function variables but I would like to do this using Underscore notation. How I can achieve this.
PFB sample code.
val x = List("apple", "banana")
val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(x)
// Working
val rdd2 = => (x, x.length))
// Not working
val rdd3 =, _.length))
Why does the last line above not work?
An underscore or (more commonly) a placeholder syntax is a marker of a single input parameter. It's nice to use for simple functions, but can get tricky to get right with two or more.
You can find the definitive answer in the Scala language specification's Placeholder Syntax for Anonymous Functions:
An expression (of syntactic category Expr) may contain embedded underscore symbols _ at places where identifiers are legal. Such an expression represents an anonymous function where subsequent occurrences of underscores denote successive parameters.
Note that one underscore references one input parameter, two underscores are for two different input parameters and so on.
With that said, you cannot use the placeholder twice and expect that they'll reference the same input parameter. That's not how it works in Scala and hence the compiler error.
// Not working
val rdd3 =, _.length))
The above is equivalent to the following:
// Not working
val rdd3 = { (a: String, b: String) => (a, b.length)) }
which is clearly incorrect as map expects a function of one input parameter.

Scala. Need for loop where the iterations return a growing list

I have a function that takes a value and returns a list of pairs, pairUp.
and a key set, flightPass.keys
I want to write a for loop that runs pairUp for each value of flightPass.keys, and returns a big list of all these returned values.
val result:List[(Int, Int)] = pairUp(flightPass.keys.toSeq(0)).toList
for (flight<- flightPass.keys.toSeq.drop(1))
{val result:List[(Int, Int)] = result ++ pairUp(flight).toList}
I've tried a few different variations on this, always getting the error:
<console>:23: error: forward reference extends over definition of value result
for (flight<- flightPass.keys.toSeq.drop(1)) {val result:List[(Int, Int)] = result ++ pairUp(flight).toList}
I feel like this should work in other languages, so what am I doing wrong here?
First off, you've defined result as a val, which means it is immutable and can't be modified.
So if you want to apply "pairUp for each value of flightPass.keys", why not map()?
val result = //add .toList if needed
A Scala method which converts a List of values into a List of Lists and then reduces them to a single List is called flatMap which is short for map then flatten. You would use it like this:
flightPass.keys.toSeq.flatMap(k => pairUp(k))
This will take each 'key' from flightPass.keys and pass it to pairUp (the mapping part), then take the resulting Lists from each call to pairUp and 'flatten' them, resulting in a single joined list.

Scala type mismatch when adding an element to an array

I have the following array:
var as = Array.empty[Tuple2[Int, Int]]
I am adding an element to it like this:
var nElem = Tuple2(current, current)
as += nElem
current is a var of type Int
However, I am getting this error:
Solution.scala:51: error: type mismatch;
found : (Int, Int)
required: String
as += nElem
I don't understand why this is appearing. I haven't declared a String anywhere.
+= is the string concatenation operator.
You are looking for :+ to append to an array. Note, that Array length is immutable, so :+=, will return a new array, with the nElem appended, and assign it to the as variable, the original array will stay unchanged (take this as a hint, that you are likely doing something in a suboptimal way).
Note, that if you find yourself using var, that is almost always a sign of a bad design in your code. Mutable objects and variables are considered really bad taste in functional programming. Sometimes, you can't get away without using them, but those are rare corner cases. Most of the time, you should not need mutability.
Also, do not use Tuple2. Just do Array.empty[(Int, Int)], nElem = (current, current) etc.
Use a :+= to modify the variable in place. However, remember this: Using both var and a mutable data structure at the same time (like Array) is a sign of really bad programming. Either is sometimes fine, though.
However, note that this operation is O(n), therefore pushing n elements like that is going to be slow, O(n²). Arrays are not meant to have elements pushed to back like that. You can alternatively use a var Vector instead and call .toArray() on it at the end or use a mutable val ArrayBuffer. However, prefer functional style of programming, unless it produces less readable code.
Also, avoid typing Tuple2 explicitly. Use Array.empty[(Int, Int)] and var nElem = (current, current).
The semantics of + are weird because of the automatic conversion to String in certain cases. To append to an array, use the :+ method:
as :+= nElem

Scala: reduceLeft with String

I have a list of Integers and I want to make a String of it.
var xs = list(1,2,3,4,5)
(xs foldLeft "") (_+_) // String = 12345
with foldLeft it works perfect, but my question is does it also work with reduceLeft? And if yes, how?
It cannot work this way with reduceLeft. Informally you can view reduceLeft as a special case of foldLeft where the accumulated value is of the same type as the collection's elements. Because in your case the element type is Int and the accumulated value is String, there is no way to use reduceLeft in the way you used foldLeft.
However in this specific case you can simply convert all your Int elements to String up front, and then reduce:
scala> reduceLeft(_+_)
res5: String = 12345
Note that this will throw an exception if the list is empty. This is another difference with foldLeft, which handles the empty case just fine (because it has an explicit starting value).
This is also less efficient because we create a whole new collection (of strings) just to reduce it on the spot.
All in all, foldLeft is a much better choice here.
It takes a little bit of work to make sure the types are understood correctly. Expanding them, though, you could use something like:
(xs reduceLeft ((a: Any, b: Int) => a + b.toString)).toString

scala - one line convert string split to vals

I saw that following answer: Scala split string to tuple, but in the question the OP is asking for a string to a List. I would like to take a string, split it by some character, and convert it to a tuple so they can be saved as vals:
val (a,b,c) = "A.B.C".split(".").<toTupleMagic>
Is this possible? This would be a conversion from an Array[String] to a Tuple3 of (String,String,String)
It is unnecessary:
val Array(a, b, c) = "A.B.C".split('.')
Note that I converted the parameter to split from String to Char: if you pass a String, it is treated as a regex pattern, and . matches anything (so you'll get an array of empty strings back).
If you truly want to convert it to tuple, you can use Shapeless.