WF 4.5 Breakpoints and Visual Tracking issue - workflow

I am using the code from Kushal's blog:
It works as expected when i load a workflow, set some breakpoints and hit run.
Visual feedback works fine too.
The problems show up when i add a new activity to the designer. For example, i've added a new WriteLine. Plain and simple.
I am not sure why this happens, why do i get those inconsistent data? My breakpoint is drawn, but never hit. Is there a way to refresh somehow the designer without reloading it?
SourceLocationProvider.CollectMapping(documentRootElement, documentRootElement, designerSourceLocationMapping,
The designerSourceLocationMapping is populated as above.
I am not sure what details should i mention, the full code example can be found at the link provided - on Kushal's blog. Has anyone encountered this scenario until now and found a solution?


Content not refreshing in Google assistant, but works fine in Dialog Flow

I have been searching so long for this, and couldn't find a solution.
So, I have developed a pretty basic dialog flow project and deployed it onto firebase using inline editor.
Now the 1st deployment works perfectly fine with the simulator.
However, I changed some content to include suggestion chips and modify the responses as well; this gets reflected fine in dialog flow. And I can see the changes I have made.
But when I update the Draft and try to test it again in simulator/google assistant device, it doesn't load the newer changes. I am not sure if what I am doing is correct or not.
Please help :(
Just now found this -
It seems many users are facing this issue.. :/
Dialogflow had a bug causing this issue which should now be fixed.

Process files crash unexpectedly

I am working on a project in Drools6. I have defined a few custom tasks using workitemhandler. When I create a new process file(*.bpmn file) and model it by adding my custom tasks and other inbuilt blocks, everything works fine in the beginning. But, if the complexity of the .bpmn flow diagram increase i.e, I add about 4-5 custom tasks, create sub-processes, add a few gateways etc, the program crashes and I will not be able to open my flow diagram again. It says there is a parse error.
I have tried reinstalling eclipse, but it still gives me the same error. I have not used exception handling in the java class of my custom tasks. Could this be why my program is crashing.
please guys, if anyone has come across a similar issue, let me know how you resolved it.
Thank you
it seems that for some reason your business process is corrupted and it cannot be opened by the editor. Do you have a previous version of your process? Try opening another process.
You can also try the web designer, which is usually more powerful than the eclipse one.

GWT shows an empty page

From time to time I run into it. E.g., right now I can't see anything in my project but everything is OK in a sandbox project.
I've already found the bug. I used MapWidget before calling loadMapsApi (see the guide). But there might be something less obvious next time. It would be better if a web page gave an error message or some feedback.
What should I use?
I press Debug As -> Web Application. It allows me to use breakpoints and debug client code.

Exclude ReSharper error for "Resource not found" inside Views

I have an MVC2 application and use ReSharper 6.1 - I've heavily customised the Code Inspection Severity and edited what it decides to show as errors, warnings, suggestions and hints, but I cannot seem to stop it from telling me that a specific resource is missing when utilising a HTMLHelper.
So, for instance:
<img src="<%:Url.Content("~/Resources/Image12345.jpg")%>" />
I get an error on every line similar to the above telling me that the path above does not exist - which at design time it does not, but during the build process all of these views are XCOPY'd to a location which contains all of the resources, such as the images, so at the point of running the application all of this path resolution is correct. Because of working in a team of people, some of which are new to ReSharper, I wanted to exclude this error from appearing as it may cause colleagues of mine to start fiddling with something that isn't broken.
ReSharper obviously doesn't know that this isn't an issue and it has no way of knowing which is why I want to turn off this specific bit of analysis. I've found on the whole that ReSharper is massively customizable and in version 6.1 under Inspection Severity there are some new MVC options, which have proved useful - but I can see no way of turning off the inspection for this.
Anybody have any ideas?
There are few options, press ALT+ENTER.
Suppress inspection "Path Error" with comment. You can suppress whole block of code, not only each of tag.
Suppress inspection "Path Error" at all at whole project.
There is new feature of 6.1 - path mapping, but it seems broken in conjunction with MVC.
Set to ignore that specific error by:
Open Soultion Errors Window by ReSharper->Windows->Soultion Errors Window.
Right-click annoying error and select Ignore Error.
See answer for another error for more explanation.
Well - It seems that this particular type of inspection is not currently catered for. I'll see if I can request it with JetBrains and hopefully more granular MVC inspection will be included in the future.
Cheers guys

Entity Framework 4.1 Code First Changes in Relationships often do not take

I often get errors when running test cases after changing relationships. When checking the relationships on the data diagram I notice that they are often not reflecting any of the changes I did or only some of them, confusing the model. This only seems to be the case when creating the diagram within Server Explorer of Visual Studio. When creating the diagram in SQL Server the changes show up fine.
Unfortunately, this also affects testing the code, because I'm never sure if a fails because of a problem with a change in the relationships I did or Visual Studio not updating. Having to detach and attach the database each time is a bit of a pain.
The database is dropped and recreated correctly, but Visual Studio seems to run the code against a cached version. Had anybody else similar problems, any fix?
I've certainly seen issues where I've updated SPs/function imports and tried to update the associated complex type, the dialog window says 'update', 'delete' etc next to the columns changed, so it's certainly seeing the different, but when applying the update these often don't seem to take and I end up manually adjusting the complex type.
In the above example I'm not sure whether the correct approach is to delete and recreate the type, but the existence of the update functions seem to suggest that an update should be possible. As you say mine too feels like a caching issue and whilst I've not yet found a solution I will be interested to see if you can find a solution, if I make any ground on this I will post back here too!