eclipse plugin import customized project - eclipse

I have an eclipse plugin which defines a customized project type. While creating files in the project, it creates also some extra files as "hidden resources". Everything works fine when I create a new project and add/remove files in it. The extra files are not shown in the project tree, just as I wished.
Now the problem is: if I remove this project from workspace, keep the content, and import it again using standard import, all the hidden resources are no longer hidden. Seems this "hidden" property of these files are gone, although I thought they should be stored somehow in the project folder.
So could anyone give me a hint if I need to implement a customized import to set the hidden resources hidden again? or what is missing? Couldn't find an answer with google. Honestly I don't even know if this is doable, because if I import a maven project, I can see the .project and .classpath are also shown, although they are hidden while creating a project.

In case other people have the same question: this can be done with a IResourceChangeListener. E.g.
IResourceChangeListener listener = new MyResourceChangeReporter();


Eclipse: Is it Possible to Open Files that are in a Workspace But Not in a Project?

I have a folder hierarchy that looks like this:
- workspace
- some_folder
+ eclipse_project
Is it possible to open and view the hierarchy in the project explorer of Eclipse beginning at "some_folder," instead of at "eclipse_project?" If so, how is this accomplished? When I try importing, Eclipse obviously refuses to because the files in the outer folder are already in the workspace.
Or does this contradict the principle behind Eclipse and projects?
Or does this contradict the principle behind Eclipse and projects?
Yes, it does. The File menu does offer to let you Open File..., but whether it's supported by an editor and how much functionality is retained is entirely up to that editor. Some will flat-out fail.
As a workaround, you can create a New General->File, expand the Advanced section of the wizard, and set the new in-workspace file to link to the real file's physical on-disk location, as long as that location is not in some way under the workspace's location. Note that even this may not always be supported by extremely old editors.

Adding existing project folders to the project explorer in eclipse

Probably a very straight forward solution here, but can't seem to find an answer. I recently changed my eclipse workspace to my dropbox folder, so I can work on my netbook when in college and on my desktop when at home. I copied and pasted all my project folders from the old workspace into the dropbox workspace, changed the workspace location in eclipse, but none of the projects are showing up in the project explorer now. Having refreshed the project explorer many times now to no avail, is there any way to add these projects into the project explorer? Thanks
From the main menu bar, select File > Import. The Import wizard opens.
Collapse or click + in General > Existing Project into Workspace and click Next.
Choose either Select root directory or Select archive file and click the associated Browse to locate the directory or file containing the projects.
Under Projects select the project or projects which you would like to import.
Click Finish to start the import.
I have had this problem in many versions of Eclipse and followed the process outlined by #vijin-paulraj, but frustratingly kept failing...
Until I noticed that the checkbox at the bottom of the wizard "Copy projects into workspace" is checked by default, and does not have an eventhandler attached to it. So if you do not clear this box before selecting the directory it will tell you that "Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace." Clearing the checkbox after this will not trigger a form refresh and the Finish button will remain disabled.
TIP: once the checkbox is cleared, select the directory again will trigger form validation and allow you to proceed.
Try importing existing project:
The answer for me was to make sure that I was in the correct working set.
I was in the working set from training and had not placed my new project into a working set at all.
While the above answers will most likely place your project into Eclipse, a working set will exclude you from seeing any project that is not placed in it from the package explorer.
My personal answer was to create a new working set to keep it separate from work, via the context menu from the upside down triangle at the top left of the package explorer.
Yours may be to modify your current set by adding the new project to it. This option is also located in the same menu.
My circumstance could have been avoided in the "new project" wizard, if I had placed it in a set from there.
I hope this has been useful. Please, feel free to ask for clarification.

How do I force Eclipse to rebuild if files in another project change (any change)?

I've got an Eclipse (Galileo) project (called ProguardBuilder) that runs Proguard over a set of class files in other projects and produces a jar file.
I'd like to have the ProguardBuilder project get rebuilt any time any class file in the other projects changes. AutoBuild doesn't do that; presumably it's smart enough to recognize and ignore any changes that don't affect anything externally visible.
My problem is that I don't care whether or not the change is visible, since I need to completely rebuild ProguardBuilder any time the class files it depends on change at all.
How do I tell Eclipse to do this sort of rebuild?
You might have to use an external builder. Check the documentation, because I've never done this. But the place to start is the "Builders" section of the project properties dialogue.

How do I properly add existing source code files to my Xcode project?

I'm new to iPhone development and I'm still getting familiar with the Mac dev environment, including Xcode. I want to add some 3rd party code to my iPhone project, but when I add the "existing files" to my Xcode project, I'm presented with a dialog box that has far too many options that I don't understand and, as such, my project isn't working. When I #import headerfilename.h, I get a build error that reads headerfilename.h: No such file or directory.
alt text
Can anyone explain to me what all these options mean or give me a link to some documentation that can? I'm having a hard time finding anything in Apple's docs.
Which options do I want to choose to add existing source code files to my Xcode project? I should note that the source code files that I'm trying to add are located in my project/Classes/frameworkname/ directory.
After they're added, do I need to reference this new code directory in my project settings anywhere (i.e. some kind of header file directory variable)?
Thanks so much!
Update: I found the following answers/responses on the apple dev forums that were very useful and helped me fix my issue...
To make it simple :
- if you do not check the copy option, the file stay where it is.
- if you check it, it is copied in your project folders In the first case
(what it seems you are doing) you need
to tell the compiler that the header
files are in another directory :
- project info -> build -> search paths -> User Header Search Path : add
the directory from where you took the
header file Hope this will help
You have discovered the most confusing
dialog box that ever came out of
Cupertino. Six years of Xcode, and
this thing still is partly a mystery
to me. To even get that far, I had to
make many test projects to try and
reverse-engineer what this thing does.
The "Copy" box means that it will copy
the files as they are right now, into
the project. If this box is not
checked, then it just references those
files during a build and copies them
as they are at THAT time. For source
code, you want the Copy box checked.
The "relative to" is a total mystery
to me and I can't help you with that.
I usually leave it however it is
already set. Does it mean relative to
where they are on disk, or the
arrangement in Xcode, or in the
bundle? Who knows. The last 2 radio
buttons SEEM to mean that it will
either re-create the folder structure
of the folder you are adding, or just
put "fake" folders in Xcode that point
to the real folders. This is probably
your problem - you are adding source
code that is not all at the top level,
and when it goes to find it, it does
not re-create the hierarchy. Others
can supply a better way, hopefully,
but what I would do is put all of the
source in one folder and add that,
using the Copy box. Then in Xcode you
can make whatever bogus folders you
want and put the source file names in
those fake folders.
This is from the Xcode user guide:
"The project navigator shows projects, groups, folders, and files:
The project or projects in your workspace window are the highest level
of the hierarchy in the project navigator. Open the project’s
disclosure triangle to see the groups, folders, and files in the
project. Select the project to display the project editor, where you
can view and edit project and target settings.
A group appears in the project navigator as a yellow folder icon. The
group does not represent a folder on disk. Although you can organize
your project in Xcode to reflect the organization of files on disk,
moving files into and out of groups does not affect the content of the
folders on disk, and moving files on disk into and out of folders does
not affect the content of the groups in the project navigator.
A folder is a reference to a folder on disk and appears in the project
navigator as a blue folder icon. The contents of the folder in the
project navigator reflect the contents of the folder on disk. It’s
important to note, however, that the files that appear in a folder
icon in the project navigator are not part of your project unless you
have added them to the project explicitly (in which case they appear
directly under the project or in a group, as well as in the folder).
You can view and edit the files in a folder, but to move files in and
out of the folder you must use the Finder.
A file in the project navigator is a reference to a file on disk."
I think usually the default option is the best one. If you want to add into some group, you can tick on the "Copy Item to Destination group"
You don't have to change any project settings after adding
And if you want to add the whole framework code, please choose add existing framework
Copy items into destination group's
folder (if needed)
Well, only if you want it to copy the files. If you are happy with their existing location and don't want it to copy them, don't select it (that's what I do).
Reference Type:
A total mystery to me
Text Encoding
Self explanatory
Recursively create groups for any
added folders Create Folder References
for any added folders
Leave this as the default and then organize the folders in your Xcode project any way you want.
Add to targets
If you add an additional target to your project, e.g. for iPhone vs. iPad versions, then not noticing that it has by default added the files to just one of them (at random?) can cause headaches.
Also, make sure you add the new header directory to your search paths in Project Settings > Build > Search paths. I think that's what's causing your problem.
Hope this helps, I remember how confusing this was to me at first.
If you want to add an Framwork Bundle, just add is as one. Add -> Existing Frameworks

Eclipse: Refreshing known types in Java project

If you press Shift+Ctrl+T or choose "Navigate > Open Type..." you get the "Open Type" dialog for quickly navigating to a known class. When you start typing a name only the classes for which the name matches stay visible. That way you can find a class of which you know the name very quick without having to browse through the package explorer tree.
This has been working great for me up until this morning. All of a sudden for a couple of my projects I am only seeing some of the types that exist. Of course I tried the obvious steps of refreshing the projects, cleaning the projects, re-building the projects, rebuilding the projects externally, but all to no avail. It is a bit odd since the types are known in other places. If I add an import statement Eclipse does not complain that it doesn't know the type and I can Ctrl-Click through the types to get to their file. However, the type navigation knows nothing about them.
In the past when InteliJ used to do this to me I would go find its cache files and delete them forcing it to rebuild. Does Eclipse have something similar I might do (I'm an Eclipse newbie)? I am using Eclipse 3.4.2 and I have it configured to not delete files on a clean (because our actual build process puts files into the output directories that I don't want Eclipse mucking with).
Have you tried closing and reopening the project? Only types from open projects are held in memory, and the refresh occurs when you Shift+Ctrl+T for the first time on a newly opened project.
Edit to add: Ctrl+Shift+R also displays the types (along with everything else) but it also supports the Camel-case thing to find the Java types quickly.
Close eclipse and delete any .index files and the savedIndexNames.txt file in workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core once eclipse is restarted it will rebuildl the entire index for Ctrl+T
try starting eclipse with the -clean flag, you can add this to your eclipse.ini which can be found in the same directory as you eclispe.exe, or if you start eclipse using a bat or shell script, add it as a startup argument, e.g. eclipse -clean.
The clean will tidy your workspace, and should force eclipse JDT to recalulate types. Ive had issue with .snap files (with seem to be created on dirty shutdowns) that seem to corrupt my workspace until I clean them up, not long ago eclipse lost the Object class!! made for some interesting errors!
I get problems like this often. I tried your solution, noticed it seemed to rebuild its search index, but I still couldn't find any of my classes. Then I took a look at the little green arrow on top right corner of that dialog, and noticed I had a working set selected which belonged to another project. I find it a little dumb that Eclipse doesn't warn you about this or anything, since this can be a very annoying little detail that one tends to forget (me at least ;-)).
Anyways, clicked on "Deselect Working Set" and bam I can find my classes again. Thought I'd add this here since others may make the same mistake.
This worked for me -
Select your project in Package Explorer
Press F5 or Right click and select Refresh
I used the "-clean" as first line in the eclipse.ini (version Juno) and worked like a charm.
I'v tried all the answers and I still had the issue. I then tried this:
I deleted the project (it's a maven project) and re-imported it. This time I made sure i check the "Add Project(s) to working set" checkbox. After that Eclipse was able to find the classes in that project.
The problem must have started because I didn't check this checkbox when i first imported this project.
By the way, I'm using Neon
(Warning: Shameless marketing ahead)
If you like this feature, you would love nWire. nWire allows, among other things, to quickly search not only for types, but for any possible Java element like method or field. It also uses a navigator view which is non-modal. After searching you can see the class associations in a very quick and easy way. Check out the video on our site.