Error while running sed command in perl cript - perl

I am trying to run the following command in perl script :
my $cmd3 =`sed ':cycle s/^\(\([^,]*,\)\{0,13\}[^,|]*\)|[^,]*/\1/;t cycle' file1 >file2`;
but is not producing any output nor any error.
Although when I am running the command from command line it is working perfectly and gives desired output. Can you guys please help what I am doing wrong here ?

system() doesn't return the output, just the exit status.

To see the output, print $cmd3.
my $cmd3 = `sed ':cycle s/^\(\([^,]*,\)\{0,13\}[^,|]*\)|[^,]*/\1/;t cycle' file1 >file2`;
print "$cmd3\n";
If you want to check for exceptional return values, use CPAN module IPC::System::Simple:
use IPC::System::Simple qw(capture);
my $result = capture("any-command");

Running sed from inside Perl is just insane.
open (F, '<', "file1") or die "$O: Could not open file1: $!\n";
while (<F>) {
1 while s/^(([^,]*,){0,13}[^,|]*)\|[^,]*/$1/;
Notice how Perl differs from your sed regex dialect in that grouping parentheses and alternation are unescaped, whereas a literal round parenthesis or pipe symbol needs to be backslash-escaped (or otherwise made into a literal, such as by putting it in a character class). Also, the right-hand side of the substitution prefers $1 (you will get a warning if you use warnings and have \1 in the substitution; technically, at this level, they are equivalent).
man perlrun has a snippet explaining how to implement the -i option inside a script if you really need that, but it's rather cumbersome. (Search for the first occurrence of "LINE:" which is part of the code you want.)
However, if you want to modify file1 in-place, and you pass it to your Perl script as its sole command-line argument, you can simply say $^I = 1; (or with use English; you can say $INPLACE_EDIT = 1;). See man perlvar.
By the way, the comment that your code "isn't producing any output" isn't entirely correct. It does what you are asking it to; but you are apparently asking for the wrong things.
Quoting a command in backticks executes that command. So
my $cmd3 = `sed ... file1 >file2`;
runs the sed command in a subshell, there and then, with input from file1, and redirected into file2. Because of the redirection, the output from this pipeline is nothing, i.e. an empty string "", which is assigned to $cmd3, which you then completely superfluously attempt to pass to system.
Maybe you wanted to put the sed command in regular quotes instead of backticks (so that the sed command line would be the value of $cmd3, which it then makes sense to pass to system). But because of the redirection, it would still not produce any visible output; it would create file2 containing the (possibly partially substituted) text from file1.


How can I convert Perl script into one-liner

I know of Perl compiler back-end that allows you to convert any one-liner into script on following matter:
perl -MO=Deparse -pe 's/(\d+)/localtime($1)/e'
Which would give the following output
LINE: while (defined($_ = <ARGV>)) {
continue {
print $_;
Is there possibly a reverse tool, usable from command-line, which provided full script will generate one-liner version of it?
Note: The above example was taken from
Perl is a free-form syntax language with clear statement and block separators, so there is nothing preventing you from simply folding a normal script up into a single line.
To use your example in reverse, you could write it as:
$ perl -e 'LINE: while (defined($_ = <ARGV>)) { s/(\d+)/localtime($1);/e; } continue { print $_; }'
This is a rather contrived example, since there is a shorter and clearer way to write it. Presumably you're starting with scripts that are already as short and clear as they should be.
Any use statements in your program can be turned into -M flags.
Obviously you have to be careful about quoting and other characters that are special to the shell. You mention running this on a remote system, by which I assume you mean SSH, which means you now have two levels of shell to sneak any escaping through. It can be tricky to work out the proper sequence of escapes, but it's always doable.
This method may work for automatically translating a Perl script on disk into a one-liner:
$ perl -e "$(tr '\n' ' ' <"
The Perl script can't have comments in it, since that would comment out the entire rest of the script. If that's a problem, a bit of egrep -v '\w+#' type hackery could solve the problem.

Perl: process string with shell command (pipe)

Assume a pipeline with three programs:
start | middle | end
If start and end are now part of one perl script, how can I pipe data through a shell command in the perl script, in order to pass through middle?
I tried the following (apologies for lack of strict mode, it was supposed to be a simple proof of concept):
#!/usr/bin/perl -n
# Output of "start" stage
$start = "a b c d\n";
# This shell command is "middle"
open (PR, "| sed -E 's/a/-/g' |") or die 'Failed to start sed';
# Pipe data from "start" into "middle"
print PR $start;
# Read data from "middle" into "end"
$end = "";
while (<PR>) {
$end .= $_;
close PR;
# Apply "end" and print output
$end =~ s/b/+/g;
print $end;
Expected output:
- + c d
Actual output:
none, until I hit ENTER, then I get - b c d. The middle command is receiving data from start and processing it, but the output is going to STDOUT instead of end. Also, the attempt to read from middle seems to be reading from STDIN instead (hence the relevance of hitting ENTER).
I'm aware that this could all easily be done in one line of perl (or sed); my problem is how to do piping in perl, not how to replace chars in a string.
You can use IPC::Open2 for this.
This code creates two file handles: $to_sed, which you can print to to send input to the program, and $from_sed which you can readline (or <$from_sed>) from to read the program's output.
use IPC::Open2;
my $pid = open2(my ($from_sed, $to_sed), "sed -E 's/a/-/g'");
Most often it is simplest to involve the shell, but there is an alternative call that allows you to bypass the shell and instead run a program and populate its argv directly. It is described in the linked documentation.
The reason your code does nothing until you hit enter is because you are using perl -n.
-n causes Perl to assume the following loop around your program, which makes it iterate over filename arguments
somewhat like sed -n or awk:
while (<>) {
... # your program goes here
The part in your code where you read your file again returns nothing.
If you turn on warnings you will discover that perl doesn't do bi-directional pipes.

Interpolate perl variable in shell command

I want to take date as input from User & pass that input to shell command below.
for e.g.
$date = ARGV[0];
`cd xyz $date`
will this variable be interpolated in perl?
You have a couple of problems; first of all, cd only takes one parameter. Perhaps you meant something like cd xyz$date? Second, backticks start a shell that executes the command you give, which will do the change directory command and then immediately exit, having no effect. (The parent perl process's current directory is left unchanged.) You might be looking for chdir.
But yes, the interpolation will work; to disable interpolation in backticks, you either escape special characters (echo xyz \$date) or use qx with single quote delimiters (qx'echo xyz $date').
This is trivial to test:
use v5.16;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $foo = 123;
say `echo $foo`;
So yes.
Beware of variables containing characters with special meaning in shell though.
Yes, it will interpolate the variable. However, I highly recommend two things:
Use qx/../ instead of back ticks.
Set the command you're running first in a Perl variable, and then interpolate that variable.
The qx/../ is nice because it makes it more obvious what you're doing:
my $variable = qx(ls $directory);
You could use a wide variety of characters for qx:
my $variable = qx(ls $directory);
my $variable = qx/ls $directory/;
my $variable = qx^ls $directory^;
my $variable = qx#ls $directory#;
The character after the qx will be used as quotes. If you use parentheses, square brackets, or curly braces, you use them in pairs with the opening one and closing one.
This means that you can avoid issues where a particular character in your command might confuse things.
The other thing is to build your command into a Perl variable and then execute it when you try to do interpolations. This gives you more control over what you're doing:
my $HOME;
my $command;
$HOME = "bin";
$command = "ls $HOME";
print qx($command); #Lists the directory bin
$command = 'ls $HOME';
print qx($command); #List user's home directory
In both of these examples, I'm doing qx($command). However, in the first example, I allow Perl to substitute the value of $HOME. In the second example, I use single quotes, so Perl doesn't substitute the value of$HOME. Instead, the string$HOME` is just part of my command I'm using. I'm letting the shell interpolates it.
I usualy am leery of any program that uses qx/.../. In most cases, it's used to run a command that could be done in Perl itself. For example, in early Perl programs, you'd see things like this:
$date = `date +%M/%Y/%D`
chop $date; #Yeah, I said EARLY Perl programs
Because it was simply a lot easier to run the Unix command rather than trying to do it in a pure Perl way. However, doing it the Perl (i.e. the correct) way means you're no longer dependent upon the OS's behavior which is not entirely under your control.
If you need the output of the command for use in your Perl script, you should use open to execute your command, and treat the output of the command as a file.
my $command = "ls $HOME";
open my command_fh, "|-", $command or die qq(Couldn't execute "$command");
If you simply need to execute the command, use the system command:
my $command = "xyz $date";
my $error = system $command;
if ( $error ) {
#Something terrible happened...
Note that if you send only a single scalar argument to the system command, and it contains possible shell meta characters, it will execute the command via the OS shell. If you send the system command a list to execute, or there are no shell metacharacters, Perl will call the command executor to execute the command directly without any shell interpolations:
my #command = qw(ls $HOME);
system #command; #Will print out "No such directory '$HOME'
Perldoc has the answers, as ever.
Specifically, has "Yes" in the Interpolates? column (with a proviso you don't need to worry about here), so yep, it's safe to assume your variable will be interpolated.
You can get the same document by running 'perldoc perlop' at your local commandline, often.

What's the use of <> in Perl?

What's the use of <> in Perl. How to use it ?
If we simply write
what is that the program doing in both cases?
The answers above are all correct, but it might come across more plainly if you understand general UNIX command line usage. It is very common to want a command to work on multiple files. E.g.
ls -l *.c
The command line shell (bash et al) turns this into:
ls -l a.c b.c c.c ...
in other words, ls never see '*.c' unless the pattern doesn't match. Try this at a command prompt (not perl):
echo *
you'll notice that you do not get an *.
So, if the shell is handing you a bunch of file names, and you'd like to go through each one's data in turn, perl's <> operator gives you a nice way of doing puts the next line of the next file (or stdin if no files are named) into $_ (the default scalar).
Here is a poor man's grep:
while(<>) {
print if m/pattern/;
Running this script:
./ *
would print out all of the lines of all of the files that match the given pattern.
cat /etc/passwd | ./
would use cat to generate some lines of text that would then be checked for the pattern by the loop in perl.
So you see, while(<>) gets you a very standard UNIX command line behavior...process all of the files I give you, or process the thing I piped to you.
is a short way of writing
or if you add in the default argument,
readline is an operator that reads a line from the specified file handle. Reading from the special file handle ARGV will read from STDIN if #ARGV is empty or from the concatenation of the files named by #ARGV if it's not.
As for
while (<>)
It's a syntax error. If you had
while (<>) { ... }
it get rewritten to
while (defined($_ = <>)) { ... }
And as previously explained, that means the same as
while (defined($_ = readline(*ARGV))) { ... }
That means it will read lines from (previously explained) ARGV until there are no more lines to read.
It is called the diamond operator and feeds data from either stdin if ARGV is empty or each line from the files named in ARGV. This webpage explains it very well.
In many cases of programming with syntactical sugar like this, Deparse of O is helpful to find out what's happening:
$ perl -MO=Deparse -e 'while(<>){print 42}'
while (defined($_ = <ARGV>)) {
print 42;
-e syntax OK
Quoting perldoc perlop:
The null filehandle <> is special: it can be used to emulate the
behavior of sed and awk, and any other Unix filter program that takes
a list of filenames, doing the same to each line of input from all of
them. Input from <> comes either from standard input, or from each
file listed on the command line.
it takes the STDIN standard input:
> cat
use strict;
use warnings;
my $count=<>;
print "$count"."\n";
below is the execution:
so as soon as you execute the script it will wait till the user gives some input.
after 3 is given as input,it stores that value in $count and it prints the value in the next statement.

Substituting text in a file within a Perl script

I am using webmin and I am trying to change some settings in a file. I am having problems if the person uses any weird characters that might trip up sed or Perl using the following code:
&execute_command("sed -i 's/^$Pref.*\$/$Pref \"$in{$Pref}\"/g' $DIR/pserver.prefs.cache");
Where execute_command is a webmin function to basically run a special system call. $pref is the preference name such as "SERVERNAME", "OPTION2", etc. and $in{Pref} is going to be the option I want set for the PREF. For example here is a typical pserver.prefs:
Therefore, if we wanted to change SERVERNAME to say Tes"t#&^"#'"##& and OWNERPASSWORD to *#(&'"#$"(')29 then they would be passed in as $in{Pref}. What is the easiest way to escape the $in{} variables so that they can work OK with sed, or better yet, what is a way I can convert my sed command to a strictly Perl command so that it doesn't have errors?
Awesome, now I'm just trying to get it to work with and I get this error:
**/bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking >for matching `"' /bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file**
This does not work:
my $Pref = "&*())(*&'''''^%$##!";
&execute_command("perl -pi -e 's/^SERVERNAME.*\$/SERVERNAME \"\Q$Pref\E\"/g' $DIR/pserver.prefs");
This does:
my $Pref = "&*())(*&^%$##!";
&execute_command("perl -pi -e 's/^SERVERNAME.*\$/SERVERNAME \"\Q$Pref\E\"/g' $DIR/pserver.prefs");
Perl's regex support includes the \Q and \E operators, which will cause it to avoid interpreting regex symbols within their scope, yet they allow variable interpolation.
This works:
$i = '(*&%)*$£(*';
if ($i =~ /\Q$i\E/){
print "matches!\n";
Without the \Q and \E, you'd get an error because of the regex symbols in $i.
The most trivial part is simply to stop executing a command as a single string. Get the shell out of it. Assuming your execute_command function just calls system under the covers, try:
execute_command(qw/perl -pi -e/, 's/^SERVERNAME.*$/SERVERNAME "\Q$Pref\E"/g', "$DIR/pserver.prefs");
That's better, but not perfect. After all, the user could put in something silly like "#[system qw:rm -rf /:]" and then silly things would happen. I think there are ways around this, too, but the most trivial might be to simply do the work inside your code. How to do that? Maybe starting with what perl is doing with the "-pi" flags might help. Let's take a peek:
$ perl -MO=Deparse -pi -e 's/^SERVERNAME.*$/SERVERNAME "\Qfoo\E"/'
BEGIN { $^I = ""; }
LINE: while (defined($_ = <ARGV>)) {
continue {
print $_;
Maybe you can do the same thing in your code? Not sure how easy that is to replicate, especially that $^I bit. Worst case scenario, read the file, write to a new file, delete the original file, rename the new file to the original name. That'll help get rid of all the exposures of passing dangerous junk around.