Facebook Open Graph actions for a simple website - facebook

I am trying to use the "Share Dialog" to share a URL on peoples News Feed. The URL I am sharing is using a couple of custom Open Graph actions. We submitted the actions for review, but the submission is getting declined because we don't implement Facebook Login?
The site is a simple marketing site, and we don't have any kind of login. Can we not use Open Graph actions without Facebook Login?

You don't have to implement Facebook login functionality. The message you received contains just the sample instructions (they used the example of the common app using Facebook login). In your case you should include rather something like:
Press the "Share" button (including screenshot of the page with the button)
Share the message (including screenshot of sharing box)
*Display message/other action after sharing (if applies)
Additionally you would need to brief how are you going to use the Open Graph actions that you are mentioning. And that would be enough.


facebook share on others page from my account login by using a share button in my site

I want to share my data to facebook page but not on my timeline, i want to share on other page from my website.
For example i am sharing from my site by login to my account but want to share on different page.
Is this possible to do this in facebook share button?
You can use the Share Dialog instead, it offers an option to share elsewhere:
The Share dialog gives people the ability to publish an individual
story to their timeline, a friend's timeline, a group, or in a private
message on Messenger.
You can also use sharer.php for this:
Afaik it´s not possible to post to a Page you don´t manage.

Facebook: custom Open Graph needs Login?

I would like to share a link on Facebook and make it show up on the Timelime as a map.
I have seen some apps like Runtastic are able to publish links as maps, by definining the map coordinates inside the html source of the link.
Ideally I would like to share such links using the simple Share Dialog, without implementing the full Facebook Login systems inside my Android and iOS apps.
But I found this written on the documentation:
To publish Open Graph stories with the Share dialog, you do not need
to implement Facebook Login or ask for additional permissions. For
more information, see Share Dialog.
If you create a custom sharing UI to publishing Open Graph stories,
you need to implement Facebook Login and request the publish_actions
permission from people using your app. This also means you need to
submit your app for review, see Login Review.
Does it mean that if you want to share custom Open Graph stories, you always need to implement Facebook Login on your mobile apps?
As far as i know, and as i understand it, it depends whether you want to share it from inside your app or not.
If you want to share it from inside your app, then yes, you'll need a login.
If you are ok with just giving the link over to the facebook app, then giving permissions is al you need, and then make the final post inside facebook, as you usually are logged in aready.
How to create the Open Graph Object is described in Facebooks API:
And also is there another answer which could help you:
Using Facebook Open Graph Story with map attachment (GeoPoint)
I hope this helps you

Facebook JS Share Dialog and Timeline select

I have created a button on a test website which gets the user to post a custom Open Graph story using the Facebook Javascript SDK. (*** is going to an event).
However, my users do not get the option to post this action to their Groups Timeline, or share on a friends timeline – see the below Facebook sharer dialog, (where you are always sharing a link – I don't think you can use Custom Open Graph actions with the Sharer).
I've looked all over the Docs and can't seem to find a way to make this functionality happen – trying to avoid users having to login to my site with Facebook/ generate a user access token.
Any solution?

Facebook: How to post on own page using graph api without login

I own a blog like website, and as part of promotions I have a corresponding facebook page. My website contents are dynamic & when it gets updated(through a bot), I want the facebook page also to be updated by an automated post/publish from the bot which shows up the updates to the page viewers.
I could create a facebook page, and my bot programme which updates the web content is also able to publish the content on my facebook page using graph apis. But the posts are not publicly visible(Visible to only me/admin).
I could learn that it could be because my app through which my bot program is publishing to my facebook page is not public.
App->Status & Review, Status (Tab)
(Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?).
To make the app public, there is a review process which checks the facebook login button used in the website but my posts are through a backend bot and not through user action. My website is like a blog without user authentication so can't think of adding a login there.
Is it possible without having user login on the page? Also, If I post using twitter apis and link/configure my twitter account to my facebook page, it works.I guess this is not a new problem and many brands have automated it already, so need to understand how.
Am I missing something?
Apologies: I have checked previous posts on the same topic, but couldn't find relevant answers for the current Facebook version & policies.
Without the Login Review process, your posts can not be visible to the public.
To get it working, just send your page management tool (with the login dialog) for the review. Once they review it and accepted, you may change the flow a bit eg: skip the login part and allow auto posting.

If Facebook Feed dialog is deprecated, how are you to share posts on Facebook?

I have been working on a Facebook app for some time, and we are having trouble getting the app approved. I feel like Facebook's app approval process is a constantly moving target and their explanations are provide the least amount of detail possible, leaving the door open for further rejections.
We are using a Facebook app to provide sharing functionality for products that are behind a paywall. All of our share buttons are custom, so they fit in our designs (we don't want to use the out of the box buttons). We first built the app attempting to use the recommended share dialog with open graph actions and stories. The problem here is that you can only use the share dialog with a shared link. Facebook reads any open graph tags on the page to provide sharing information, but because there are many different "products" on a given page, we can't use open graph tags. Because of our environment, we couldn't use the actions or stories. Furthermore, we'd like to customize that share information, so using share dialog is not an option.
Unfortunately, we had left our open graph stories and actions in our app when we first attempted approval. In our first denial, Facebook told us that we had implemented our open graph actions and stories incorrectly. We were not using the share dialog, but the 'feed' method, which is deprecated in 2.0 but still works. Thinking that Facebook looked at our app and noticed we were not using those actions correctly, we figured if we removed those stories and actions from the app, Facebook would see our share method worked and approve us. Wrong.
We had built the share using the publish_actions permission, along with FB.login() and FB.ui(). Facebook denied us because our app did not need publish_actions. They recommended we use the share dialog which did not need login or permissions.
We removed the publish_actions permission and FB.login(). When we tested this, you could still login to Facebook and perform the share WITHOUT fb.login(). So we thought it was good to go. It was not; Facebook told us we needed to implement login(), even thought the docs say you don't need it.
Now we have reimplemented login() and are going to try to get it approved again, but I have a feeling it's going to get rejected due to the 'feed' method being deprecated.
So my questions are:
A) If you have a website providing a paid service, how do you allow your users to post to their feeds, using the newer share method, with data you'd like? Eg: "I just completed the Get Moving III workout at teamexos.com!" The post would contain no pics or links. If it had to, a link to teamexos.com would be ok.
B) How do paid sites provide open graph actions and stories? Do they have public links to their products? Do those products have their own individual pages, with their own open graph tags?
First of all, the feed dialog is not deprecated, at least not anymore. You do not need to get anything approved for it, and you certainly don´t need login: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/reference/feed-dialog/
But: Your example looks like an Open Graph story, you should consider taking a look at those: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/opengraph