BAT/POWERSHELL copy (only)yesterday files - powershell

I'm trying to write some script to copy all files which have been created yesterday (only!)
/D parameter for xcopy means copy files changed on or after the specified date so its not what i'm searching for. Any ideas? ;/

I suggest you to use powershell. You can use Get-ChildItem and Where-Object to get the list of files created the day before
$yesterdayFiles = Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.CreationTime.Date -eq ((Get-Date).AddDays(-1).Date)}
Then you can copy the files stored in $yesterdayFiles variable using Copy-Item cmdlets

I've tried with robocopy /minage:1 /maxage:1 but seems does not work.But work when I set the current date.Here's the script (you'll need to set your source and destination):
#echo off
set "source=C:\folder1"
set "dest=C:\folder2"
pushd "%temp%"
::get cirrent date
makecab /D RptFileName=~.rpt /D InfFileName=nul /f nul >nul
for /f "tokens=3-7" %%a in ('find /i "makecab"^<~.rpt') do (
set "year=%%e"
set "mon=%%b"
set "day=%%c"
del ~.*
:: convert month to numeric string
for %%a in (
"Jan-01" "Feb-02" "Mar-03" "Apr-04" "May-05" "Jun-06" "Jul-07" "Aug-08" "Sep-09" "Oct-10" "Nov-11" "Dec-12"
) do (
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=-" %%x in ("%%~a") do (
if "%mon%" equ "%%x" (
set "mon=%%y"
goto :skip
set "c_date=%year%%mon%%day%"
::echo %c_date%
:: is switch is for force overwriting
robocopy "%source%" "%dest%" * /maxage:1 /minage:%c_date% /is
robocopy is built-in every windows since Vista.If your are running under XP or Vista you'll need to download it from microsoft site.

This Batch file selects all files that were created on the same date before today. If you are sure that there are files created yesterday, then it solve your problem.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "yesterday="
for /F "skip=5 tokens=1,4*" %%a in ('dir /TC /O-D /A-D') do (
if "%%a" neq "%date%" (
if not defined yesterday set "yesterday=%%a"
if "%%a" equ "!yesterday!" (
echo Created yesterday: %%a "%%c"
) else (
goto break


Folder being used for another process on batch script

I have a issue with a backup script I wrote. The backup is pretty simple. It will copy a directory to a destination path, and then zip it. I have a few If clauses to, example, delete the oldest backup if there are 5 or more .zip from previous backups.
The problem I'm facing is: after the XCOPY command has finished running I then run a PowerShell script from my Batch to zip the backup, but I get this error:
This happens becaus the .bat file is running. I've checked.
The code for both the batch and power shell script follows:
echo "========================================="
echo "=====| Backuping DCT Light's Files |====="
echo "========================================="
SET dct-light_src=\\w102xnk172\c$\inetpub\wwwroot\DCT_NEW
For /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set dct_light_startting_date=%%c-%%a-%%b)
For /f "tokens=1-2 delims=/:" %%a in ("%TIME%") do (set dct_light_startting_time=%%a%%b)
SET starttime=%dct_light_startting_date%
CD C:\Users\william_silva4\Desktop\tools_backup\dct_light\
SET /A "N=0"
FOR /F %%f IN ('DIR /B /A:-D "*"') DO (SET /A "N=!N!+1")
IF %n% == 5 (
powershell.exe -noexit -file "C:\Users\william_silva4\Desktop\remove_oldest.ps1"
) ELSE (
IF EXIST C:\Users\william_silva4\Desktop\tools_backup\dct_light\dctlight_backup_%starttime%\ (
MD C:\Users\william_silva4\Desktop\tools_backup\dct_light\dctlight_backup_%starttime%\dctlight_backup
SET dct-light_dtn=C:\Users\william_silva4\Desktop\tools_backup\dct_light\dctlight_backup_%starttime%\dctlight_backup
echo A folder for this backup already exists. Beggining overwrite...
) ELSE (
MD C:\Users\william_silva4\Desktop\tools_backup\dct_light\dctlight_backup_%starttime%\dctlight_backup
SET dct-light_dtn=C:\Users\william_silva4\Desktop\tools_backup\dct_light\dctlight_backup_%starttime%\dctlight_backup\
CD C:\Users\william_silva4\Desktop\backup_completo
XCOPY %dct-light_src% %dct-light_dtn% /w /e /y /EXCLUDE:C:\Users\william_silva4\Desktop\backup_completo\exclusion.txt
For /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set dct_light_finished_date=%%c-%%a-%%b)
For /f "tokens=1-2 delims=/:" %%a in ("%TIME%") do (set dct_light_finished_time=%%a%%b)
SET startdate=%dct_light_finished_date%
SET starttime=%dct_light_startting_date%_%dct_light_startting_time%
SET finishedtime=%dct_light_finished_date%_%dct_light_finished_time%
CD C:\Users\william_silva4\Desktop\tools_backup\dct_light\dctlight_backup_%startdate%\
echo.LOG of %starttime%'s Backup>LOG_%startdate%.txt
echo.Start time: %starttime%>>LOG_%startdate%.txt
echo.Finished time: %finishedtime%>>LOG_%startdate%.txt
CD C:\Users\william_silva4\Desktop\tools_backup\dct_light\dctlight_backup_%startdate%\dctlight_backup\
SET /A "N=0"
FOR /F %%f IN ('DIR /S /B /A:-D "*"') DO (SET /A "N=!N!+1")
CD ../
echo.Files copied: %N%>>LOG_%startdate%.txt
powershell.exe -noexit -file "C:\Users\william_silva4\Desktop\zip_backups.ps1"
#DCT Light's zipping
Start-Sleep -s 15
$source = "C:\Users\william_silva4\Desktop\tools_backup\dct_light"
$date = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y-%m-%d"
$destination = "C:\Users\william_silva4\Desktop\tools_backup\dct_light\dctlight_backup_$"
If(Test-path $destination) {Remove-item $destination}
Add-Type -assembly ""
[io.compression.zipfile]::CreateFromDirectory($source, $destination)
Remove-Item $source\* -Recurse -Exclude *.zip
What I have tried to solve the problem:
Create a Master.ps1 with a list of scripts to run, where the first one is, obliviously, the backup batch file and then the zipping ps1 file.
Call the zipping ps1 file from the backup batch file on another window and then kill the batch. In this case, the first line of the zipping script was:
Start-Sleep -s 15
So I was certain that the batch was killed before I really started zipping.
None of the above worked. Any help? If nothing works I'll just schedule them as separated tasks on Windows.

Windows script to delete everything but image file extensions

I want to create a script on Windows 7 to delete everything in a directory that is not a picture.
for all files in directory X
if file y does not have extension in (.png, .gif, .jpeg)
delete y
that's it
how can I find or create such a script
mind you, some pictures are important, so this script has to work correctly :) I don't think I should be experimenting here, and even if I tested my own script on a small directory with experimental files, I am not confident that I should try it.
I have this code as suggested:
::extensions are delimited with space // filename is del_stuff.bat
set "extensions_list=.png .gif .jpeg .bmp .jpg "
pushd "C:\Users\denman\Desktop\xxx\"
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b ^|findstr /i /e /v "%extensions_list%" ') do (
echo del /q /f "%%~f"
But I get this error:
Using Powershell, you can get the list of files you need with something like this:
Get-ChildItem | where {!$_.PsIsContainer -and !(#(".png",".gif",".jpeg") -contains $_.Extension) }
I left the Delete command to you, make sure the list returns correct results before you do it.
#echo off
::extensions are delimited with space
set "extensions_list=.png .gif .jpeg "
pushd "C:\Directory_with_pictures" && (
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /a-d ^|findstr /i /e /v "%extensions_list%" ') do (
echo del /q /f "%%~f"
The 'echo' is to verify the result .remove the echo to activate deletion.And change "C:\Directory_with_pictures" with the actual path.
EDIT testing the script:
#echo off
md test_dir>nul 2>&1
echo #>test_dir\t1.png
echo #>test_dir\t1.txt
echo #>test_dir\t1.tst
echo #>test_dir\t1.jpg
echo #>test_dir\t1.gif
echo #>test_dir\t2.png
echo #>test_dir\t2.txt
echo #>test_dir\t2.tst
echo #>test_dir\t2.jpg
echo #>test_dir\t2.gif
echo -- before deleting--
dir /b .\test_dir\*
::extensions are delimited with space
set "extensions_list=.png .gif .jpeg .jpg"
pushd "test_dir"
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b ^|findstr /i /e /v "%extensions_list%" ') do (
del /q /f "%%~f"
echo -- after deleting --
dir /b .\test_dir\*
-- before deleting--
-- after deleting --

Batch File to display file name and then certain lines in the files

I have a folder of .log files where the content of each file has multiple lines of the following format:
yyyy/mm/dd, hh:mm:ss, ComputerName, IPAddress, stuff, stuff
I would like to create a batch file to parse through the .log files and create the following output for any line in a file where ComputerName starts with "XPLT":
And preferably, I'd like to only look at files with a modified date within the last 30 days.
So far, I've only gotten the following code which doesn't even work and doesn't even include the file modified date and parsing by ComputerName. Looking for help because I've just not done this very much, and I can't find a good example online.
Echo EID,Date,PCName,IPAdd>CitrixLogs.csv
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "tokens=1,3,4" %%i in ('dir /b "C:\LogFiles\*.log"') do (
echo %%i,%%j,%%k,%%l>>CitrixLogs.csv
I'd use a bit of FINDSTR magic:
set LOG_DIR=c:\logfiles
for /f "tokens=1-7 delims=:," %%L in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\findstr.exe /r /c:"^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9],[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9],xplt.*," %LOG_DIR%\*.log') do #echo %%L,%%M,%%N:%%O:%%P,%%Q,%%R,
SET "sourcedir=U:\sourcedir"
FOR /f "tokens=2-8delims=:, " %%a IN ('findstr /l /i /c:", XPLT" "%sourcedir%\*.log"') DO (
ECHO %%~nxa,%%b,%%c:%%d:%%e,%%f,%%g
GOTO :eof
redirect to your .csv as you will...
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
:: configuration
set "logFolder=%cd%"
set "logFiles=*.log"
set "maxFileAge=30"
set "computerName=XPLT"
set "outputFile=CitrixLogs.csv"
:: adjust commands to execute according to configuration
set "ageFilter=robocopy "%logFolder%" "%logFolder%" "%logFiles%" /l /is /njh /njs /nc /ns /ndl /maxage:%maxFileAge%"
set "contentFilter=findstr /f:/ /i /r /c:"^^[^^,]*, [^^,]*, %computerName%" "
:: Generate output file
( echo(EID,Date,PCName,IPAdd
for /f "usebackq tokens=2,* delims=:" %%a in (
`cmd /q /c "for /f tokens^=* %%a in ('%ageFilter%') do echo(%%a" ^| %contentFilter% `
) do for /f "tokens=1,3,4 delims=," %%c in ("%%b") do echo(%%~nxa,%%c,%%d,%%e
) > "%outputFile%"
This will use robocopy (or you can change it with forfiles) to search for files with a max age of 30 days in the indicated folder. Files will not be copied (/l) but the list will be echoed (the rest of the switch configure the output). This list of files is piped into findstr (/f:/) indicating where to search for the lines that match the indicated condition. This will generate an output with each line in the input file matching the condition, prefixed with the name (full name) of the file. This line is then splitted to output only the required fields.

How to set variable with the result of findstr

I am trying to write a batch file which searches for pdf files and finds how many pages they have and loop all pages.
I wrote the following. I can find the files, I can even find the pagecounts with a tool named pdftk. The results is as below.
NumberOfPages: 5
How can I set a variable which has the value of 5?
#ECHO off
for /R %%i IN (*.pdf) DO (
ECHO %%i
"C:\Program Files (x86)\PDF Labs\PDFtk Server\bin\pdftk.exe" %%i dump_data | findstr NumberOfPages
set pagecount = findstr NumberOfPages ???
FOR /L %%j IN (1,1,%pagecount%) DO (
ECHO "page " + %%j
You were already 90% there. Use the FOR /F command to process the results of a command. Type HELP FOR from the command prompt for more info.
for /f "tokens=2" %%A in (
'"C:\Program Files (x86)\PDF Labs\PDFtk Server\bin\pdftk.exe" %%i dump_data ^| findstr NumberOfPages'
) do set numberOfPages=%%A

How do I execute code on most directories except those listed in a file with a batch file?

So I am trying to execute code on most directories under another except for those that I list in a text file. So for example, if I wanted to run the code on all directories directly in C:\ but not say C:\avoidme\ I would add C:\avoidme as a line in exclusions.txt. But the code I have below does not seem to be working. Any ideas on how this could be done?
for /f %%d in ('dir /b C:\') do (
find /c "C:\%%d" exclusions.txt
if %errorlevel% equ 1 (
Do code here
#echo off
for /D %%d in (*) do (
%WINDIR%\system32\find "%%d" exclude.list >nul
if errorlevel 1 (
echo good %%d
) else (
echo bad %%d
The reason your code does not work is because the entire body of the FOR DO() clause is parsed at once prior to actually executing the FOR statement. But the value of %ERRORLEVEL% is expanded at parse time, so you never get to see the updated value at execution time.
You have additional issues
you should use the DIR /AD option to restrict the list to directories only
you aren't interested in seeing the output of your FIND command, so you should probably redirect the output to nul
gavendkoa has one solution that will work.
Another alternative is to use delayed expansion
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for /f %%d in ('dir /ad /b C:\') do (
find /c "C:\%%d" exclusions.txt >nul
if !errorlevel! equ 1 (
REM Do code here
This has a risk in that %%d will corrupt the value at expansion time if it contains !. This can be solved by toggling the delayed expansion within the loop.
Another alternative is to use the || operator, which means execute the following command if the previous command failed.
for /f %%d in ('dir /ad /b C:\') do (
find /c "C:\%%d" exclusions.txt >nul || (
REM Do code here
Perhaps the best option is to eliminate the need to worry about the errorlevel at all by piping the results of DIR directly to FINDSTR with the /V and /G: options to filter out values that appear in your exclude list.
The following is supposed to work
for /f %%d in ('dir /ad /b C:\ ^| findstr /l /v /g:"exclude.list"') do (
REM - Do code here
BUT - there is a nasty FINDSTR bug that can cause it to fail if you search for multiple literal strings of different lengths.
The fix is to force FINDSTR to use regular expressions instead, but then you need to escape any regular expression meta-characters that may appear in your exclusion list. For example, a directory named myName.ext would have to be escaped as myName\.ext.
for /f %%d in ('dir /ad /b C:\ ^| findstr /r /v /g:"exclude.list"') do (
REM - Do code here
Other characters that would need to be escaped within exclusion.list are \, ^, $, [, ]