facebook connect Phonegap api - facebook

I'm having a issue with accessing the Facebook connect Graph API, I have used this plugin, the login example works great and share example also works fine.
I have a problem getting a response from the Facebook API to work.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#fb_info").click(function() {
function (response) {
if (response && !response.error) {


Facebook Login fails to build

I'm developing an App which requires facebook login. The app could build easily when I didn't had implemented the facebook login.
After implementing it, the app cannot build and it doesn't give me a clear error.
I've already added the facebook plugin "Facebook Connect" to my project.
Here's my code:
var fbLoginSuccess = function (userData) {
console.log("UserInfo: ", userData);
facebookConnectPlugin.login(["public_profile"], fbLoginSuccess,
function loginError (error) {
On the plugin I already set the correct AppId and AppName.
When I try to test, by building it, nothing happens. It gives me an error when I try to upload it. But it doesn't say cleary what is the error.
you can try read more here
facebookConnectPlugin.login( ["public_profile","email"],function (response) {
facebookConnectPlugin.api(response.authResponse.userID+"/?fields=id,email,first_name", ["public_profile"],
function (response) {
function (response) {
function (response) {
let me know if its not working

Facebook share callback, more data?

I'm using a simple Facebook share dialog:
method: 'share',
href: 'http://example.com'
function(response) {
if (response && response.post_id) {
alert('Post was published.'+JSON.stringify(response));
} else {
alert('Post was not published.'+linkToShare);
When I get a success callback, all it gives me is the post id. Is there a way to get more data?
What I really want to know is how the page was shared e.g. Only Me, Friends or Public
Is this data out there anywhere?
If you want to know more, you need to use OAuth to get information about the web app using user.
FB.api('/me', function(response) {
EDIT: Here you can find out more about to get information from a single post

Redirect to page with add page tab dialog

Facebook recently notified they are deprecating support for app profile pages.
Apps created after Dec 10th no longer have the app page option, together with the
"add to my page" functionality, and must use the new Add page tab dialog.
After the user selects which page to add the application to, is there any way to
redirect the user to the selected page?
Similar functionality existed in the "old" add to page dialog, e.g.
Activating the dialog with a response function seems to bring no result.
// Add app to page
function addToPage() {
// calling the API ...
method: 'pagetab',
redirect_uri: 'MY_URL',
},function(response) {
So, two questions:
a) Is there any possibility for the app using the dialog to "know" which page was selected?
b) Is there any way to redirect the user to the selected page.
<script type="text/javascript">
function addToPage() {
// calling the API ...
method: 'pagetab'
function(response) {
if (response != null && response.tabs_added != null) {
$.each(response.tabs_added, function(pageid) {
Use above code...you will get page id of pages selected by the user
but what if the user has a custom name for its page.
i modify devson.. code a bit
method: 'pagetab',
redirect_uri: '',
function(response) {
if (response != null && response.tabs_added != null) {
$.each(response.tabs_added, function(pageid) {
FB.api(pageid, function(response) {
alert('redirect to ' + response.link);
This used to be simple, using the facebook UI.("Add to My Page") Unfortunately facebook removed this.
You can add it using www.facebook.com/dialog/pagetab?app_id=YOUR_APP_ID&next=YOUR_URL
I put this an html and publisched it below. Just visit, enter your app params, hit submit, and our done.

facebook javascript sdk not posting via ajax using fb.api and .post

I have a facebook application. The users are logged in and authorized. I am calling fb.api to post the user's name to my textfile. The alert shows the name. The post doesn't seem to post to my aspx file..
FB.Event.subscribe('edge.remove', function (href, widget) {
FB.api('/me', function (response) {
var paramsObj = { 'name': response.name };
$.post("ajax/delete.aspx", paramsObj);
I've updated my code to include showing the encapsulating facebook calls to give a broader picture as well as to include #Lix changes [thank you!].
Few things you might want to try :
Define your post parameters object before and only place the objects name in the jQuery $.post method.
Wrap your json keynames with quotes.
var paramsObj = { 'name':response.name};
$.post("ajax/write.aspx", paramsObj );
Use firebug/chrome developers tools to debug the AJAX request and see if any value is being passed and/or use breakpoints in your code to help you understand where the value is missing.
The page was being redirected prior to the api call/ajax post. This is what worked:
FB.Event.subscribe('edge.remove', function (href, widget) {
FB.api('/me', function (response) {
var paramsObj = { 'name': response.name };
$.post("ajax/delete.aspx", paramsObj);

Unfriending someone through the Facebook API?

Is it possible to remove a friend relationship between two FB users through the API? I'm thinking that it's not, but (if not) is it possible to at least bring up a dialog that would let the user request the unfriending, similar to how the Friends Dialog (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/friends/) lets a user send a friend invitation?
It is not possible through the API. Facebook is like the mafia - you can get in. but there's no way out.
Simialar to this question:
Any way to unfriend or delete a friend using Facebook's PHP SDK or API?
Also, it is against the terms of service for facebook apps to ask people to unfriend. There was a BurgerKing prootional app that famously ran afoul of that after going viral.
Let friends unfriend on their own time.
You can do that with a browser script:
Deleteting All Facebook friend programmatically using fb graph api
The script in this page is out of date, here's a working one:
url: "https://graph.facebook.com/me/friends?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN", // get this at https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer take the Friends link and replace it.
success: function(data) {
jQuery.each(data.data, function() {
url: "https://m.facebook.com/a/removefriend.php",
data: "friend_id="+this.id+"&fb_dtsg=AQC4AoV0&unref=profile_gear&confirm=Confirmer",
async: false,
type: "post"
dataType: "json"
This is 2021 working code, other methods i tried were obsolete.
Go to https://m.facebook.com/friends/center/friends and open browser console.
Execute jquery-min defintion code from https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js into browser console.
Run the following code from your brower console.
// from https://m.facebook.com/friends/center/friends
// first copy paste: https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js
let ok = this.document
let firstrec = ok.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.nextElementSibling.firstChild.nextElementSibling.firstChild.nextElementSibling.firstChild.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling.firstElementChild nextrec = firstrec
// simulate click function async function clickf(div, entry) {
if (entry == null) {
await $(div).click()
return await $(div).click()
if (entry == "0") {
await $(div)[0].click()browse
return await $(div)[0].click()
} }
function* removefb() {
while (true) {
nextclick = nextrec.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling.firstElementChild
nextreccopy = nextrec
nextrec = nextrec.nextSibling
if (nextrec == null) {
nextrec = nextreccopy
nextrec = nextrec.parentElement.nextElementSibling.firstElementChild
remover = nextclick.nextElementSibling.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling
clickf(remover, 0)
} }
function greet() {
removefb().next() }
setInterval(greet, 1000);
This code help you to mass remove all facebook friends.