arc welder for line app 5.0.4 - google-chrome-app

I have been trying to use arc welder to run the line app 5.0.4 however, it can't seem to connect to line. The app launches but when you go to login it just keeps loading and does nothing. I have tried different verison of the line app and all do the same thing. Is there any way to address this?

After making sure every steps you performed well, I'd like to say ARC is in beta and not every app is supported. You could post it on or report this to the CWS dev support team at


macOS Server - Unable to run Xcode bots, because user is not logged in

Disclaimer: I understand that stackoverflow is development oriented and this might be more a server question, but I think that many developers use CI and this is the right place to reach these developers.
I am using macOS Server app to run a continuous integration.
Since a recent update, which allows you to run tests as a different user, the server is often unable to sign in as the testing user to run the tests.
Expected behaviour would be, that by clicking Switch user button, it would sign in and start running Xcode bots. What happens is that it makes me sign in as the user, but it stays disconnected.
Restarting the machine doesn't solve the issue.
Please see the image for clarification.
I am going to answer my own question as I spend quite a few time trying to solve it.
The only resolution that I found and works every-time is to setup the Xcode app again.
Click Choose Xcode.. and select xcode app that you want to use to run the builds
Select the user that you want to use to run the builds
Wait for configuration
The issue is resolved
Hope this will help somebody!

cordova/phonegap 1.6 crash at second launch

i use xcode 4.3.2 with phonegap 1.6. my app runs well the first time, but if i close the app in the ios simulator and i launch it for the second time, it crashes. Why?
This is probably only in the simulator. I have had it a couple of times in the simulator but it never happened to me on-device.
I am currently having this issue, except in Android. This is with the release flag. More info can be found here:
but here is a copy pasta in case the link goes down:
My app has a canvas on it on the page html. On second start of initial install, app start doesn’t show canvas. I know because the body tag has a background and the canvas has a different background. The page does not have a module defined for it. This is only when built with --release
Ionic: 3.20
Cordova: 7.1.0
Angular: 5.2.9
Android: 6.1.2 (I think build target 25)
jdk: 1.8
Additional Info:
I am sort of doing bleeding edge stuff, but I am now out of the realm of being able to solve this on my own. I am using pixi.js, specifically from an additional interface library called angular2pixi. A2p doesn’t support --aot building.
Before I go on, let me reiterate everything works, even on multiple app restarts for everything other than --release.
The top level architecture is fairly simple:
a2p provides a service that has an instance of pixi. My app uses that service and has a page with a canvas awaiting Pixi’s rendering. When the app initializes, it starts up the pixi service, passing it the canvas reference and voila: html5ified angular.
I have offloaded the actual initialization of the rendering to a user clicked button to make sure it’s not something to do with life cycles but that didn’t work either. Even more interestingly, the button I made didn’t show when the app didn’t load. So likely, this means the ion-content itself isn’t showing!
Most interestingly, if I go into app info and delete storage (not cache) then it works on next app start! I am using localstorage but I attempted removing all mentions of it and no luck. ALSO On second install, or rather what would more technically be an update, the app works on every start after that.
This happens on android and I can’t seem to replicate it in iOS other than the first time I tried. Because it is a release build, it’s difficult to debug. I attempted using Ionic Pro Monitoring to no avail.
So far, my leanings are:
some type of caching causing a bug with the canvas itself
an error that is causing cordova or ionic to terminate
problem with my build process
a2p’s architecture (how could I go about debugging this given I have little knowledge of the underlying mechanics of cordova/ng2 -> native compilation?)
a cordova plugin (perhaps causing one of the above)
So as you can probably tell from my formatting, I’m somewhere between nerd heaven and hell. Such a fascinating problem… but plis halp

UIAutomation how to change between apps or to the dashboard?

I have had some strange, hard to reproduce crashes, when testing my app with an ad-hoc version on my iPhone. The crashes happened after changing from my app to the dashboard (or other app) and then changing back to the app again.
Is there a way to use UIAutomation in a way to perform these changes automatically?
Thanks in advance.
Okay, I found an answer. Apple provided this line in the documentation
This single line of code causes the application to be deactivated for 10 seconds, just as if a user had exited the application and returned to it ten seconds later.

"This game is not recognized by game center." iPhone Development

There are already a couple of questions on this but I followed their steps to solve it and it doesn't seem to work for me. Here's what I have done:
1. I double checked to have the bundle identifier in the xcode project to be the exact same as the provisioning profile found on the provisioning portal (it also says Game Center is enabled). No wildcards.
2. I have logged in using a sandboxed account to gamecenter (made 2 accounts incase one wasn't sandbox). I did see the word "sandbox" with some numbers/letters on the top left while signing up for an account, so I'm 100% sure I have a sandboxed account. Tried 2 different sandbox accounts. Tried on 2 different devices (ipad/iphone). Also tried on the iPhone simulator.
3. I have deleted my app from my iPhone many times and tried it again.
I'm running 4.3/xcode 4 on iPhone + iPad.
I'm still receiving the message. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
From memory (I battled with this recently)…
In addition to what you've already done, you have to setup your app (even if it's using a fake bundle ID) in ITC (iTunes Connect). This means you need to put in a name, category, a screenshot and a bunch of other stuff (you can just put dummy data in there for testing purposes). Then you need to create a version of your app, then enable Game Center on that version.
There might have been a few other important steps that I've forgotten, but in between the voodoo dancing and making sacrifices to the gods of iOS etc., that's all I can recall.
Deleting the old app from your device can sometimes help too. Looks like it stores some data with an app and will try to login to actual Game Center instead of Sandbox Mode.
This solved my problem when trying to add Game Center in an update.
This is how I solved the problem. I opened the Settings App, then select Game Center. At the bottom under Developer, turn on "Sandbox".
I had a similar problem. Make sure you have the exact same app version in xcode and ITC. For example, if you have 1.0 in xcode and 1 in ITC it will not work. The version is a string not a float, so 1.0 != 1.
My situation is , It showed "this game is not recognized by game center",and my ipad is jail-broken. so I uninstall Appsync 5.0+ in Cydia--> logout game center---> reinstall app, it's ok now
In my case, almost everything people had suggested was in already correct for my app.
My bundle IDs were correct, my iTunes Connect record was set up, etc. However, the version number of the build that had been uploaded to iTunes Connect was not recent (and didn't match the version I was building onto the test device).
After uploading a newer build to iTunes Connect with a matching version number, it appeared to fix the problem.
I'm not guaranteeing it won't break in the future (because the authentication seems to be very flaky and has worked previously, even with the old version record), but for now it seems to have solved the problem for me.
I learned from somewhere that if your machine(iphone or ipad) is jail-broken, it will assume you use the real game center without the sandbox one.
So, if your devices are jail-broken, just restore it, and give it a try.
Hope this will help you.

Debug and Release Build works fine but the Distribution/AdHoc Crashes

HI there,
Some users of my application have reported me that my application is no longer working. It closes just after launching it.
I have been trying to identify the crash for days with no luck using builds debug and release and testing it in several devices. This morning I was surprised when I was able to reproduce the problem by generating a AdHoc version and installing it on my iPhone.
I have already tried to remove all the custom configurations and recreate them using a copy of the release version but it did not work.
I got this error below when I was running in the simulator and the crash reports also points to the same place...
Detected an attempt to call a symbol in system libraries that is not present on the iPhone:fwrite$UNIX2003 called from function -[My7zipExtract extract7zFile:]
So, my question is: What is the difference between build Debug/Release and Distribution (App Store/Ad Hoc). I have double checked everything and the only difference are the certificates.
Any help is appreciated.
Many thanks
I'm having precisely the same problem right now. I copied my Debug Xcode configuration to create the AdHoc one, adding entitlements and changing the certificate.
Doing good old printf-debugging ;) i found that the c++ constructors seem to be called differently / not called at all on the iPhone when using the AdHoc build.