Why can't I tune tunable parameter "L" for block "Series RLC branch"? - matlab

I made exe file from Simulink model (I used rsim, tunable parameter on). Before this i made a standalone application with exe file that had block "constant" and everything worked great. I used "rsimgetrtp" and followed mr.Phil advices. But now when I need to make a more complex exe simulation with GUI i get warning that says some parameters can't be tunable.
"Warning: Reducing expression 'Lk' in parameter field
'Inductance' of 'sestpulsni/Lk3' to its numerical equivalent because
this field is marked not tunable. This expression resolves to tunable
variables (Lk (base workspace)). You will be unable to tune this
expression during model execution"
Is there anyway I can make it tunable? or if I can't what should i do to make a standalone GUI with exe and tunable parameters?

It sounds like you are using a block from the SimPowerSystems library.
Unfortunately, many (most? all?) of the blocks in that library take all the parameters, throw them into a large pot, mix them together, and then use the resulting Mung to perform the simulation. There is no way to use the block and avoid that problem.
The only thing you can do is implement your own block, with the required functionality, which keeps the variables individual and hence tunable.


modify model's parameters in dymola's script file

I am trying to use a .mos file in Dymola to do multiple simulations, here is an example from claytex's blog:
translateModel ("Test1");
for i in 1:10 loop
system("copy dsres.mat results"+String(i) +".mat");
end for;
It seems when I translate a model in the script file, I could modify the model's parameters again, which is different when I use Dymola's GUI. In Dymola's GUI, if I try to modify the parameter after I translate the model, I have to re-translate the model. My question is:
In Dymola's script file, when I modify the parameter, how does Dymola deal with it?
The above comment by "user2024223" is correct, but I think "variable browser" is not stressed enough and some more explanation could help:
When changing the model's parameters after translation, make sure you are not using the model editing (either "Graphical" or "Text"-Ribbon), because this will change the model's code and therefore (usually) force re-translation. The same is true for the "Model View" in the "Simulation" Ribbon.
The code will not be changed if you use the "Variable Browser" in the "Simulation"-Ribbon. An alternative (which actually does the same) is typing the parameter value in the "Commands"-line. E.g. this could be J1.J=5 for the CoupledClutches example. Both of the variants in the paragraph should behave similarly to the script.
Dymola deals with parameter changes after translation by modifying the dsin.txt file.
Some/many parameters have been evaluated and cannot be changed in this way - these variables are not editable in the Variable Browser.
You will get a warning if you try to change non-editable variables in a script.
Note: You should in most cases not have to deal with re-translating the model even after modifying the editable parameters of that model in the GUI. Just simulate the model again - hopefully it does not need re-translation.

How to programmatically configure the tunability of model parameters?

I'm porting a large Simulink model from Simulink R2010a → R2017b.
The main model is basically a glue-layer for many interwoven reference models. My objective is to generate a standalone executable out of this main model using Coder.
Parameter tunability in this context is not done via the Signals and Parameters section on the Optimization tab in the Model Configuration Parameters dialog (as is the case in stand-alone models), but rather, via constructing Simulink.Parameter objects in the base workspace, and referencing those in the respective referenced models, or in their respective model workspaces.
Now, AFAIK, in R2010a it was enough to set
new_parameter.RTWInfo.StorageClass = 'Auto';
new_parameter.RTWInfo.CustomStorageClass = 'Define';
to make the parameter non-tunable and convert it into a #define in the generated code. In R2017b, this is no longer allowed; the StorageClass must be 'Custom' if you set a non-empty CustomStorageClass:
new_parameter.CoderInfo.StorageClass = 'Custom'; % <- can't be 'Auto'
new_parameter.CoderInfo.CustomStorageClass = 'Define';
But apparently, this does not make the parameter non-tunable:
Warning: Parameter 'OutPortSampleTime' of '[...]/Rate Transition1' is non-tunable but refers to tunable variables (Simulation_compiletimeConstant (base workspace))
I can't find anything in the R2017b documentation on making parameters non-tunable, programatically; I can only find how to do it in stand-alone models via the dialog, but that's not what I want here.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
NOTE: Back in the day, Simulink Coder was called Real-Time Workshop (well, Real-time Workshop split into Coder and several other things), hence the difference RTWInfo vs. CoderInfo. Note that RTWInfo still works in R2017b, but issues a warning and gets converted into Coderinfo automatically.
In generated code it should appear as #define, the way you specified it.
Btw, yes, it's a bit confusing, because in m-file you specify CustomStorageClass = 'Define';, in GUI you specify Storage class as Define (custom), but in documentation they say Storage Class as Defined.
I am not sure why warning about tunability shows up.

Run Simulink from Matlab function

I am running Simulink using FastRestart, as I need to start and stop the simulation multiple times changing parameters. When I run Simulink from the main script, there are no problems. However, as soon as I make the script a function so that I can run it for different input data, I get an error that is clearly related to Simulink not seeing the Matlab workspace within the function.
To be more precise, say sfile is my Simulink file, then I run the following lines AFTER having initialized all variables I need in structures in Matlab:
At the last line, I get the error that Simulink does not recognize mdl.tStep (which is the time step), as mdl is not a recognized structure. In fact, it is and if I run Simulink from the main script everything is fine.
Now, in the past, I would have used
options = simset('SrcWorkspace','current');
However, an expert I know has advised me against simset (as it may get deprecated in the future) and encouraged me to use set_param instead. I have
looked up the options for set_param on-line, but I could not find the setting for the Matlab workspace.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
In many instances it is better to use the Model Workspace rather than the Base Workspace:
hws = get_param(model, 'modelworkspace');
At least be aware that this option exists.
A solution to your problem might be to use the assignin-function to all the variable whose value you want to pass to simulink in your matlab base workspace. To do so just use
Having the variable in your base workspace should allow simulink to see it.

Impossible to tune Simulink Parameter at simulation time

I have a problem. I have an embedded function in my simulink model which has a structure (struct) as parameter. It contains only numerical values and I generate an S-Function of the embedded function by right clicking on the block and C/C++ code --> Generate S-function.
I then have the compiled block, if I try to change some values of my struct nothing changes (the fields of my struct stay the same as when I first compiled my embedded function).
When I compiled the embedded function block I selected the parameter to be tunable. I selected the parameter to be tunable in the Model Explorer. I tried to follow this video tutorial by mathworks: http://fr.mathworks.com/videos/tunable-structure-parameters-68947.html (The video is for r2010a while I am at r2015b) It is a bit different the interface in r2015b (from the one in the video) but when I click on Configure , like the guy does in the video, nothing happens.
Could you help me please?
Thanks a lot.
Once I had also decided to reduce the number of tunable parameters by checking the 'inline parameters' checkbox and then specifying the exception variables (variable that have the permission to be tunable even when 'inline parameters' is turned on. It did not work.
In case you aim does not heavily rely on optimization, it would be better if you simply turn off 'inline parameters'.
After that, the constant blocks (i suppose you are giving the input to your s-function from constant blocks) will become tunable.
Another advice: add mex in the init function of your model callbacks. It will save you from getting weird output (usually due to uncleared/un-reset variables from previous runs).
Hope it helps!

Possibility of an LLVM LTO Pass plugin?

I was wondering if it's currently possible to have an 'external' (.so/.dylib) LLVM plugin (module) pass scheduled at LTO time? The reason for wanting this is a inter-modular optimization I want to add.
I also found this topic; How to write a custom intermodular pass in LLVM?
But a separate tool is not an option for me.
I think the most helpful thing here might be to understand how passes are run and what the state of the code is during LTO.
First of all, when optimization passes are run by the compiler, they are done as a set that has been added to a PassManager. This means that LLVM/Clang, when passed something like -O3 will create a copy of a PassManager and subsequently provide it the set of passes expected to provide O3 level of optimization. This is very different from what you are doing with an external library which must be provided manually and cannot be fit into the pass pipeline normally.
Then we have the state of things when doing LTO. During Link Time Optimization, all of the individual translation units have been consolidated and are now a single Module. This means that an optimization which runs on each function will run on every function in the code base. Similarly, a per-module optimization will run on the full Module and therefor offer Inter-Procedural Analysis/Optimization.
If you're looking to use an Intra-Modular Pass then there is no reason to do this at LTO time and instead you can simply make a ModulePass and run that on each unit.