Text reappearing in TextField after creating a new user - swift

// Alright I need to clear the text field as soon as the logout button is pressed. "inputToolbar" is the variable I am using in the MessagesViewController, but the logout button is on another screen.
#IBAction func logoutUser(sender: AnyObject) {
let installation = PFInstallation.currentInstallation()
installation.setObject("", forKey: "user")
//Segue to Splash Screen

You're dismissing the keyboard, which would not be in view at this point.
To clear the text view, you will need reset its text property with:
MessagesViewController.inputToolbar.contentView.textView.text = ""


How can I fix my navigation bar back button?

Hi I've been trying to change my back button in my application's navigation bar. The problem is that I see the change when I load the view twice.
I've searched for the answer several times but I don't see what I really want. In fact, I'm new at this language so it's difficult.
What I tried is putting the following lines in the viewWillAppear method and others*:
nav?.navigationBar.backItem?.title = "Messages"
The result is that when I enter the view I see the back button's title as Back. Then if I press on that button and enter the view again the title changes as I want. On the other hand, what I want is to change the title when I load the view first.
*-> I've tried the same line in viewDidLoad too see if that does anything and in viewWillDisappear of the previous view, but nothing happens.
You are using method a change back button in your current ViewController it is wrong, because your navigationBar configured in past controller. If you use Storyboard, please will try this method in your parent controller:
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
let backItem = UIBarButtonItem()
backItem.title = "Messages"
navigationItem.backBarButtonItem = backItem
If you init newController in your parentController, you must to modify your a backButton in parentController, example:
// It's action for any button witch present your newController
#objc private func presentDetailViewContorller() {
let weatherDetailController = WeatherDetailController()
let navController = NavigationController(rootViewController: weatherDetailController)
let backItem = UIBarButtonItem()
backItem.title = "Messages"
navController.backBarButtonItem = backItem
self.present(navController, animated: true, completion: nil)
Good luck!

Swift Trigger click in textfield

In my app I'm using some pickerviews that appear when I click on a textfield, that works fine!
I wanted to do the same when I click on a Left Bar Button Item. I can't do it with the button because buttons doesn't have inputView property, needed for associate the pickerview to the button (in this case). So I want to have a hidden textfield that is programmatically clicked when I click on the button (when it's clicked it show the pickerview and change the button name, that's all done)
Is that possible?
The best I can do right know is something like this
with: nil,
afterDelay: 0.1
It works fine, but just work at the first time.
I've tried to make it with buttons... The popover is showing, now I wanted to click in one button and dismiss the popover and pass data to the main viewcontroller.
class ViewPopup:UIViewController{
override func viewDidLoad() {
#IBAction func btTituloAsc(_ sender: UIButton) {
let next = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "mainview") as! ViewController
next.ordenacao = "TituloAsc"
self.present(next, animated: true,completion:nil)
This works, but the main controller is showed without the Navigation Bar! How can I do the same but show de Navigation Bar?
The simplistic way to do it, is just display the pickerView as a popover once the user taps the button and then change the buttons title accordingly.

Swift save text to an instance/global variable when UIButton is pressed

So I have a UItextfield and a UIButton I was wondering if there is a way to save the text after the button is pressed in an instance variable so that I could use it in my other class.
The thing I am trying to do is to have a user input some text in the textfield on screen 1 and then when the user taps the button I want to take him to screen 2 however in the class of that screen 2 I want to know what text user entered in order to display data accordingly.
Right now I just have an action function for the button and I access text inside it and save it to an instance variable but when I call it in my other class it is empty because I initialized it as empty. So can somebody please help me and tell me how to go about this.
Here is the code for first screen
var searchRecipe = ""
#IBAction func SearchButton(sender: UIButton) {
if let recipe = RecipeSearchBar.text {
searchRecipe = recipe
Here is the code for second screen. I have connected the button in first screen this screen so when user taps the button he gets here.
var recipeName:[String] = []
var imageURL:[String] = []
var timeInSeconds:[Float] = []
func apiCall()
//search recipe API call
var searchRecipe = ""
searchRecipe = RecipesViewController().searchRecipe
print (searchRecipe) //prints nothing
endpoint = "http://api.yummly.com/v1/api/recipes?_app_id=apiId&_app_key=apiKey&q=\(searchRecipe)" //this is where I want to use the searchRecipe text from class 1
Well personally I would do what follows (Based on my interpretation of your issue):
Please note that I take for granted you are implementing a view-controller-based navigation and you know what IBOutlets, IBActions & Segues are
In the first view controller create an IBOutlet property of
UITextField named RecipeSearchBar and connect it to the relative text
In the second view controller create a variable value of type
Change the storyboard segue identifier to "toSecondViewController"
Then in the first view controller create an IBAction to be called
when the UIButton is pressed.
In your case:
#IBAction func SearchButton(sender: UIButton) {
if let recipe = RecipeSearchBar.text {
searchRecipe = recipe
//If you are navigating into a new view view controller
//here you need to call self.presentViewController(...)
Inside this action, you are going to call self.presentViewController
to display your second view controller, but you have to do one last
very important step: pass the value of the UITextField to the instance
that will hold the second view controller
To achieve this, override prepareForSegue in your first view controller
and share the UITextField value. This method is triggered once you called self.presentViewController for further implementation.
//Did not tested the code but should just be ok
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if (segue.identifier == "toSecondViewController")
//Create the instance
let secondViewController = segue.destinationViewController
//Set the value
secondViewController.value = searchRecipe;
You are now good to go.
Hope this helped, if so mark the question for others.

Hide add button

I am trying to have a button, so the user can hide the add banner if they want to, this works but when the add banner is not displaying I want the button to also be hidden. So I added the following code, but as soon as I did so, the button stopped working. Any ideas as to why?
thank you!
override func viewDidLoad() {
if Banner.hidden == false{
hideAdd.hidden = false
} else {
hideAdd.hidden = true
The following is the code I used to hide the banner
#IBAction func HideAddButton(sender: AnyObject) {
Banner.hidden = true
The easiest way to hide and unhide objects on a MainStoryboard is to change the alpha to 0 in the attributes inspector. Then when you want it to appear you can just change the alpha in your code to 1 when you want it to appear in ViewController.swift. Or Vice Versa.

OS X Application Pop Up Menu

I have a custom image button. I want to display a custom menu when clicked on it.
I am using
settingMenu.popUpMenuPositioningItem(settingMenu.itemAtIndex(0), atLocation: NSEvent.mouseLocation(), inView: nil )
I created a menu and created an outlet for it. Still I am not able to see the menu
Any Suggestions?
In AppDelegate.swift:
let statusItem = NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar().statusItemWithLength(-2)
if let button = statusItem.button {
button.image = NSImage(named: "ButtonImageHere")
button.action = Selector("actionForClickingButtonHere:")
func actionForClickingButtonHere(sender: AnyObject) {
//Present view, show menu list, whatever
If you want to hide the dock icon do this in Info.plist:
For full example see this tutorial.