Discrete Wavelet Transform Matlab - matlab

I am trying to use the functions provided in the Matlab Wavelet Toolbox to create a multi-level discrete wavelet decomposition of an image, extracting the coefficients, manipulating them, and recomposing them back into the image.
I tried using a number of functions but none of them seem to do what I need. These are the steps to do this.
Use wavedec2 to decompose the image into [C,S].
[C,S] = wavedec2(X,N,Lo_D,Hi_D)
I then must use detcoef2 to extract the detail coefficients from [C,S]. [C,S] is the 'wavelet decomposition structure', it does not represent the actual coefficients such as cD, cH, cV.
[H,V,D] = detcoef2('all',C,S,N)
Manipulate the data
Reconstruct [C,S] ???? no function does this.
Use waverec2 to recompose the original image.
X = waverec2(C,S,Lo_R,Hi_R)
The problem is with step 4. There is no function that recreates the [C,S] and I can't call the function waverec2 because it needs the manipulated version of C and S.
Do I not need wavedec2 and waverec2? Perhaps should I just use detcoef2 and upcoef2?
Someone with some experience with DWT could solve this in a minute, I am fairly new to it.

I'm curious as to why you can't use dwt2 for computing the 2D DWT of images. What you have there is a lot more work than what you should be doing. dwt2 is much more suitable to do what you want. You'd call dwt2 like so:
[LL,LH,HL,HH] = dwt2(X,Lo_D,Hi_D);
X is your image, and Lo_D and Hi_D are your low-pass and high-pass filters you want to apply to the image. LL is the low-passed version of the image, where the horizontal and vertical directions are low-passed, LH is where the vertical direction is low-passed and the horizontal direction is high-passed, HL is the vertical direction is high-passed and the horizontal direction is low-passed, and HH is where both directions are high-passed. As such LH, HL and HH are the detail coefficients while LL contains the structure.
You can also specify the filter you want with a string as the second parameter:
[LL,LH,HL,HH] = dwt2(X,'wname');
'wname' is a string that specifies what filter you want. You can type in help wfilters to see what filters are available.
For example, by doing using cameraman.tif from MATLAB's system path, we can do a one level 2D DWT (using the Haar wavelet) and show all of the components like so:
im = imread('cameraman.tif');
[LL, LH, HL, HH] = dwt2(im2double(im), 'haar');
imshow([LL LH; HL HH], []);
I use im2double to convert the image to double precision to ensure accuracy. We get this image:
Note that the image is subsampled by 2 in order to produce the decompositions of LL, LH, HL and HH.
Once you have these components, you can certainly manipulate them to your heart's content. Once you manipulate them, you can simply use idwt2 like so:
Y = idwt2(LL,LH,HL,HH,Lo_R,Hi_R); %//or
Y = idwt2(LL,LH,HL,HH,'wname');
The four components are assumed to be double, and so you can convert the images back to whatever type that was representing the image. Assuming your image was uint8, you can do: Y = im2uint8(Y); to convert back.
This should hopefully be what you're looking for!


How to calculate image histogram without normalizing data in Matlab

I have an image I which pixel intensities fall within the range of 0-1. I can calculate the image histogram by normalizing it but I found the curves is not exactly the same as the histogram of raw data. This will cause some issue for the later peaks finding process(See attached two images).
My question is in Matlab, is there any way I can plot the image histogram without normalization the data so that I can keep the curve shape unchanged? This will benefit for those raw images when their pixel intensities are not within 0-1 ranges. Currently, I cannot calculate their histogram if I don't normalize the data.
The Matlab code for normalization and histogram calculation is attached. Any suggestion will be appreciated!
h = imhist(mat2gray(I));
Documentation of imhist tells us that the function checks the data type of the input and scale the values accordingly. Therefore, without testing with your attached data, this may work:
h = imhist(uint8(I));
An alternatively you may scale the integer-representation to floating-representation, by either using argument of mat2gray
h = imhist(mat2gray(I, [0,255]));
or just divide it.
h = imhist(I/255);
The imhist answer in this thread describing normalizing or casting is completely correctly. Alternatively, you could use the histogram function in MATLAB which will work with unnormalized floating point data:
A = 255*rand(500,500);

Color correcting images in MATLAB

I have 2 images im1 and im2 shown below. Theim2 picture is the same as im1, but the only difference between them is the colors. im1 has RGB ranges of (0-255, 0-255, 0-255) for each color channel while im2 has RGB ranges of (201-255, 126-255, 140-255). My exercise is to reverse the added effects so I can restore im2 to im1 as closely as I can. I have 2 thoughts in mind. The first is to match their histograms so they both have the same colors. I tried it using histeq but it restores only a portion of the image. Is there any way to change im2's histogram to be exactly the same as im1? The second approach was just to copy each pixel value from im1 to im2 but this is wrong since it doesn't restore the original image state. Are there any suggestions to restore the image?
#sepdek below pretty much suggested the method that #NKN alluded to, but I will provide another approach. One more alternative I can suggest is to perform a colour correction based on a least mean squared solution. What this alludes to is that we can assume that transforming a pixel from im2 to im1 requires a linear combination of weights. In other words, given a RGB pixel where its red, green and blue components are shaped into a 3 x 1 vector from the corrupted image (im2), there exists some linear transformation to get its equivalent pixel in the clean image (im1). In other words, we have this relationship:
[R_im1] [R_im2]
[G_im1] = A * [G_im2]
[B_im1] [B_im2]
Y = A * X
A in this case would be a 3 x 3 matrix. This is essentially performing a matrix multiplication to get your output corrected pixel. The input RGB pixel from im2 would be X and the output RGB pixel from im1 would be Y. We can extend this to as many pixels as we want, where pairs of pixels from im1 and im2 would establish columns along Y and X. In general, this would further extend X and Y to 3 x N matrices. To find the matrix A, you would find the least mean squared error solution. I won't get into it, but to find the optimal matrix of A, this requires finding the pseudo-inverse. In our case here, A would thus equal to:
Once you find this matrix A, you would need to take each pixel in your image, shape it so that it becomes a 3 x 1 vector, then multiply A with this vector like the approach above. One thing you're probably asking yourself is what kinds of pixels do I need to grab from both images to make the above approach work? One guideline you must adhere to is that you need to make sure that you're sampling from the same spatial location between the two images. As such, if we were to grab a pixel at... say... row 4, column 9, you need to make sure that both pixels from im1 and im2 come from this same row and same column, and they are placed in the same corresponding columns in X and Y.
Another small caveat with this approach is that you need to be sure that you sample a lot of pixels in the image to get a good solution, and you also need to make sure the spread of your sampling is over the entire image. If we localize the sampling to be within a small area, then you're not getting a good enough distribution of the colours and so the output will not look very nice. It's up to you on how many pixels you choose for the problem, but from experience, you get to a point where the output starts to plateau and you don't see any difference. For demonstration purposes, I chose 2000 pixels in random positions throughout the image.
As such, this is what the code would look like. I use randperm to generate a random permutation from 1 to M where M is the total number of pixels in the image. These generate linear indices so that we can sample from the images and construct our matrices. We then apply the above equation to find A, then take each pixel and apply a matrix multiplication with A to get the output. Without further ado:
close all;
clear all;
im1 = imread('http://i.stack.imgur.com/GtgHU.jpg');
im2 = imread('http://i.stack.imgur.com/wHW50.jpg');
rng(123); %// Set seed for reproducibility
num_colours = 2000;
ind = randperm(numel(im1) / size(im1,3), num_colours);
%// Grab colours from original image
red_out = im1(:,:,1);
green_out = im1(:,:,2);
blue_out = im1(:,:,3);
%// Grab colours from corrupted image
red_in = im2(:,:,1);
green_in = im2(:,:,2);
blue_in = im2(:,:,3);
%// Create 3 x N matrices
X = double([red_in(ind); green_in(ind); blue_in(ind)]);
Y = double([red_out(ind); green_out(ind); blue_out(ind)]);
%// Find A
A = Y*(X.')/(X*X.');
%// Cast im2 to double for precision
im2_double = double(im2);
%// Apply matrix multiplication
out = cast(reshape((A*reshape(permute(im2_double, [3 1 2]), 3, [])).', ...
[size(im2_double,1) size(im2_double,2), 3]), class(im2));
Let's go through this code slowly. I am reading your images directly from StackOverflow. After, I use rng to set the seed so that you can reproduce the same results on your end. Setting the seed is useful because it allows you to reproduce the random pixel selection that I did. We generate those linear indices, then create our 3 x N matrices for both im1 and im2. Finding A is exactly how I described, but you're probably not used to the rdivide / / operator. rdivide finds the inverse on the right side of the operator, then multiplies it with whatever is on the left side. This is a more efficient way of doing the calculation, rather than calculating the inverse of the right side separately, then multiplying with the left when you're done. In fact, MATLAB will give you a warning stating to avoid calculating the inverse separately and that you should the divide operators instead. Next, I cast im2 to double to ensure precision as A will most likely be floating point valued, then go through the multiplication of each pixel with A to compute the result. That last line of code looks pretty intimidating, but if you want to figure out how I derived this, I used this to create vintage style photos which also require a matrix multiplication much like this approach and you can read up about it here: How do I create vintage images in MATLAB? . out stores our final image. After running this code and showing what out looks like, this is what we get:
Now, the output looks completely scrambled, but the colour distribution more or less mimics what the input original image looks like. I have a few explanations on why this is the case:
There is quantization noise. If you take a look at the final image, there is various white spotting all over. This is probably due to the quantization error that is introduced when compressing your image. Pixels that should map to the same colours between the images will have slight variations due to quantization which gives us that spotting
There is more than one colour from im2 that maps to im1. If there is more than one colour from im2 that maps to im1, it is impossible for a linear multiplication with the matrix A to be able to generate more than one kind of colour for im1 given a single pixel in im2. Instead, the least mean-squared solution will try and generate a colour that minimizes the error and give you the best colour possible instead. This is probably way the face and other fine details of the image are obscured because of this exact reason.
The image is noisy. Your im2 is not completely clean. I can also see various spots of salt and pepper noise across all of the channels. One bad thing about this method is that if your image is subject to noise, then this method will not faithfully reconstruct the original image properly. Your image can only be corrupted by a wrong mapping of colours. Should there be any other type of image noise introduced, then this method will definitely not work as you are trying to reconstruct the original image based on a noisy image. There are pixels in the noisy image that were never present in the original image, so you'll have no luck getting it back to the way it was before!
If you want to take a look at the histograms of each channel between the original image and the output image, this is what we get:
The code I used to generate the above figure was:
names = {'Red', 'Green', 'Blue'};
for idx = 1 : 3
subplot(3,2,2*idx - 1);
title([names{idx} ': Image 1']);
for idx = 1 : 3
title([names{idx} ': Output']);
The left side shows the red, green and blue histograms for the original image while the right side shows the same histograms for the reconstructed image. You can see that the general shape more or less mimics the original image, but there are some spikes throughout - most likely attributed to quantization noise and the non-unique mapping between colours of both images.
All in all, this is the best that I could do, but I think that was the whole point of the exercise.... to show that it isn't possible.
For more information on how to perform colour correction, check out Richard Alan Peters' II Digital Image Processing slides on colour correction. This was what I started with, and the derivation of how to calculate A can be found in his slides. Perhaps you can use some of what he talks about in your future work.
Good luck!
It seems that you need a scaling function to map the values of im2 to the values of im1.
This is fairly simple and you could write a scaling function to have it available for any such case.
A basic scaling mapping would work as follows:
out_value = min_output + (in_value - min_input) * (outrange / inrange)
given that there is an input value in_value that is within a range of values inrange=max_input-min_input and the mapping results an output value out_value within a range outrange=max_output-min_output. We also need to take into account the minimum input and output range bounds (min_input and min_output) to have a correct mapping.
See for example the following code for a scaling function:
% scale the values of a matrix using a set of limits
% possible ways to use:
% y = scale( x, in_range, out_range) --> ex. y = scale( x, [8 230], [0 255])
% y = scale( x, out_range) --> ex. y = scale( x, [0 1])
function y = scale( x, varargin );
if nargin<2,
error([upper(mfilename),':: Syntax: y=',mfilename,'(x[,in_range],out_range)']);
if nargin==2,
inrange=[min(x(:)) max(x(:))]; % compute the limits of the input variable
outrange=varargin{1}; % get the output limits from the arguments
inrange=varargin{1}; % get the input limits from the arguments
outrange=varargin{2}; % get the output limits from the arguments
if diff(inrange)==0, % row or column vector matrix or scalar
% just do a clipping...
if x>=outrange(2),
elseif x<=outrange(1),
% actually scale the data
% using: out = min_output + (x-min_input) * (outrange / inrange)
y = outrange(1) + (x-inrange(1))*abs(diff(outrange))/abs(diff(inrange));
This function gets a matrix of values and scales them to a desired range.
In your case it could be used as following (variable img is the scaled im2):
for i=1:size(im1,3), % for each of the input/output image channels
output_range = [min(min(im1(:,:,i))) max(max(im1(:,:,i)))];
img(:,:,i) = scale( im2(:,:,i), output_range);
This way im2 is scaled to the range of values of im1 one channel at a time. Output variable img should be the desired one.

How to make the Fourier Descriptor result to be Insensitive?

I am trying to distinguish shape for images in Matlab by using the Fourier Descriptor. What I want to do is : 1. Generate the Fourier Descriptors for each image; 2. Calculate the Euclidian Distance between these Fourier Descriptors to compare the shapes.
My problem is I cannot make the result of calculating the Fourier Descriptor to be insensitive for the geometric transformation (e.g. Rotation & Scaling).
The code I use now is the "Gonzales matlab version", the one in this link. I have tried to normalize the result by doing this:
% Normalization
DC = f(1);
f = f(2:11); % getting the first 20 & deleting the dc component
f = abs(f) ; % use magnitudes to be invariant to translation & rotation
f = f/DC; % devide the fourier coeffients by the DC-coefficient to be invariant to scale
But I don't think it worked as I expected. The result is different if I change the direction or the scale of a same image.
I have been trapped by this question for a couple of days. I will appreciate any suggestion, thank you all in advance!
I recommend you to read
"Feauture Extraction and Image Processing for Computer Vision"
by Nixon and Aguado.
You will find there what you are looking for

Matlab - Watershed to extract lines - lost information

I have a vein image as follow. I use watershed algorithm to extract the skeleton of the vein.
My code: (K is the original image).
level = graythresh(K);
BW = im2bw(K,level);
D = bwdist(~BW);
DL = watershed(D);
bgm = DL == 0;
The result is:
As you can see lot of information is lost. Can anybody help me out? Thanks.
It looks like the lighting is somewhat uneven. This can be corrected using certain morphological operations. The basic idea is to compute an image that represents just the uneven lighting and subtract it, or to divide by it (which also enhances contrast). Because we want to find just the lighting, it is important to use a large enough structuring element, so that the operation examines more global properties rather than local ones.
%# Load image and convert to [0,1].
A = im2double(imread('http://i.stack.imgur.com/TQp1i.png'));
%# Any large (relative to objects) structuring element will do.
%# Try sizes up to about half of the image size.
se = strel('square',32);
%# Removes uneven lighting and enhances contrast.
B = imdivide(A,imclose(A,se));
%# Otsu's method works well now.
C = B > graythresh(B);
D = bwdist(~C);
DL = watershed(D);
Here are C (left), plus DL==0 (center) and its overlay on the original image:
You are losing information because when you apply im2bw, you are basically converting your uint8 image, where the pixel brightness takes a value from intmin('uint8')==0 to intmax('uint8')==255, into a binary image (where only logical values are used). This is what entails a loss of information that you observed.
If you display the image BW you will see that all the elements of K that had a value greater than the threshold level turn into ones, while those ones below the threshold turn into zeros.
Yes, you'll need to lower your threshold likely (lower than what Otsu's method is giving you). And if the edge map is noisy when you lower the threshold, you should apply a 2-D Gaussian smoothing filter before you lower the threshold. This will move the edges slightly but will clean up noise too, so it's a tradeoff.
The 2-D Gaussian can be applied doing something like
w=gausswin(N,Alpha) % you'll have to play with N and alpha
K = imfilter(K,w,'same','symmetric'); % something like these options
Before you apply the rest of your algorithm.

MATLAB image processing HELP!

I am trying to find the area of some regions on an image.
alt text http://img821.imageshack.us/img821/7541/cell1.jpg
For example, I want find the area of the dark-large region on the upper left side.
and I want to find the area of any of the closed geometry from the image.
How can I do that in matlab.
I looked online and I tried regionprops(), but it didn't identify the different regions.
filter your image using 'imfilter'. use 'fspecial' to define your filter. Then use an active contour model to segment the large objects. google 'active contour matlab'. use the 'polygon' and area function to find the area of enclosed contours.
I can reccomand you a few ways to do that:
a) Arithmetic mean filter:
f = imfilter(g, fspecial('average', [m n]))
b) Geometric mean filter
f = exp(imfilter(log(g), ones(m, n), 'replicate')) .^ (1/(m*n))
c) Harmonic mean filter
f = (m*n) ./ imfilter(1 ./ (g + eps), ones(m, n), 'replicate');
where n and m are size of a mask (for instace you can set m=3 n=3)
To add to hkf's answer, you might want to apply some pre-processing to your image to make it easier to handle.
I think you're on the right track with noise reduction. Your contours look relatively easy to detect - maybe you could simply binarize your image, apply combinations of imdilate, imclose and imerode to take care of artifacts (this is mostly trial and error), then try detecting the contours.
Then, of course, the challenge is to find a recipe that works for all images, and not just one sample.
I think you can use contour methods for this problem. Finally, you can extract with the help of a contourdata extracting function. Research, you will see it on the Mathworks web site.