WCF with IOperationInvoker using Entity and Ninject - entity-framework

I have a WCF Service from which I need to log the calls to its methods. For this, I used this solution to be able to track the calls and call my internal audit service, which uses Entity 5.1 and injects the services/repositories/DbContext using Ninject.
My Invoke method looks like this:
public object Invoke(object instance, object[] inputs, out object[] outputs)
var methodParams = (instance).GetType().GetMethod(_operationName).GetParameters();
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
for (var index = 0; index < inputs.Length; index++)
parameters.Add(methodParams[index].Name, inputs[index]);
_auditService.TrackFilterParametersValues(_operation.Parent.Type.FullName, _operationName, _operation.Action, parameters);
return _baseInvoker.Invoke(instance, inputs, out outputs);
In my Ninject module I have the internal stuff registered like this:
Problem comes up when, inside the Repository, I call the dbContext to add the new Audit object like this:
It errors out claiming that the DbContext has been disposed.
What would be the correct way of registering the DbContext on a WCF Service so it gets registered for an IOperationInvoker??
I have to mention that I have all this declaration the same for the main site I'm feeding up with this backend in MVC4 and it works perfectly (no WCF there). So I'm pretty sure something is needed to be corrected for the WCF lifetime cycle, but not so sure about what.

I found the reason of why this was behaving so nasty: in the chain formed by the IOperationInvoker, IOperationBehavior and IServiceBehavior, I was injecting the AuditService by the constructor of the first 2 of them, but in the latest (IServiceBehavior), since I was decorating the WCF class with it and couldn't overload the constructor, I was using the DependencyResolver to obtain the AuditService with a property like this:
public IAuditService AuditService
get { return DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<IAuditService>();
Then, when I started to debug, I noticed that the constructors were called when the WCF Test Client was querying the WCF for the WSDL data, but the Invoke method was never called because no web method was being invoked. So the AuditService instance (and DbContext) was all fine during the calls of the constructors, but by the time of invoking a web method and calling the Invoke method of the IOperationInvoker, the DbContext was already disposed long time ago.
My workaround for this was to delete all the references to the AuditService from all constructors and move the property with the DependencyResolver from the ServiceBehavior to the IOperationInvoker implementation. Once I did this, the AuditService is called right when it's needed, never before, and its DbContext is never disposed.

If MyEntities inherits from DbContext, then this should work:


DI and inheritance

Another question appeared during my migration from an E3 application to a pure E4.
I got a Structure using inheritance as in the following pic.
There I have an invocation sequence going from the AbstractRootEditor to the FormRootEditor to the SashCompositeSubView to the TableSubView.
There I want to use my EMenuService, but it is null due to it can´t be injected.
The AbstractRootEditor is the only class connected to the Application Model (as a MPart created out of an MPartDescriptor).
I´d like to inject the EMenuService anyway in the AbstractSubView, otherwise I would´ve the need to carry the Service through all of my classes. But I don´t have an IEclipseContext there, due to my AbstractSubView is not connected with Application Model (Do I ?).
I there any chance to get the service injected in the AvstractSubView?
I noticed that injecting this in my AbstractSubView isn´t possible (?), so I´m trying to get it into my TableSubView.
After gregs comment i want to show some code:
in the AbstractRootEditor:
public final void createPartControl(Composite parent, #Active MPart mPart) {
ContextInjectionFactory.make(TableSubView.class, mPart.getContext());
First I got an Exception, saying that my TableSubView.class got an invalid constructor, so now the Constructor there is:
public TableSubView() {
as well as my Field-Injection:
#Inject EMenuService eMenuService
This is kind of not working, eMenuService is still null
If you create your objects using ContextInjectionFactory they will be injected. Use:
MyClass myClass = ContextInjectionFactory.make(MyClass.class, context);
where context is an IEclipseContext (so you have to do this for every class starting from one that is injected by Eclipse).
There is also a seconds version of ContextInjectionFactory.make which lets you provide two contexts the second one being a temporary context which can contain additional values.

Workflow: Creating Dependency Chain with Service Locator Pattern

I'm trying to get dependencies set up correctly in my Workflow application. It seems the best way to do this is using the Service Locator pattern that is provided by Workflow's WorkflowExtensions.
My workflow uses two repositories: IAssetRepository and ISenderRepository. Both have implementations using Entity Framework: EFAssetRepository, and EFSenderRepository, but I'd like both to use the same DbContext.
I'm having trouble getting both to use the same DbContext. I'm used to using IoC for dependency injection, so I thought I'd have to inject the DbContext into the EF repositories via their constructor, but this seems like it would be mixing the service locator and IoC pattern, and I couldn't find an easy way to achieve it, so I don't think this is the way forward.
I guess I need to chain the service locator calls? So that the constructor of my EF repositories do something like this:
public class EFAssetRepository
private MyEntities entities;
public EFAssetRepository()
this.entities = ActivityContext.GetExtension<MyEntities>();
Obviously the above won't work because the reference to ActivityContext is made up.
How can I achieve some form of dependency chain using the service locator pattern provided for WF?
I've posted a workaround for my issue below, but I'm still not happy with it. I want the code activity to be able to call metadata.Require<>(), because it should be ignorant of how extensions are loaded, it should just expect that they are. As it is, my metadata.Require<> call will stop the workflow because the extension appears to not be loaded.
It seems one way to do this is by implementing IWorkflowInstanceExtension on an extension class, to turn it into a sort of composite extension. Using this method, I can solve my problem thus:
public class UnitOfWorkExtension : IWorkflowInstanceExtension, IUnitOfWork
private MyEntities entities = new MyEntities();
IEnumerable<object> IWorkflowInstanceExtension.GetAdditionalExtensions()
return new object[] { new EFAssetRepository(this.entities), new EFSenderRepository(this.entities) };
void IWorkflowInstanceExtension.SetInstance(WorkflowInstanceProxy instance) { }
public void SaveChanges()
The biggest downside to doing it this way is that you can't call metadata.RequireExtension<IAssetRepository>() or metadata.RequireExtension<ISenderRepository>() in the CacheMetadata method of a CodeActivity, which is common practice. Instead, you must call metadata.RequireExtension<IUnitOfWork>(), but it is still fine to do context.GetExtension<IAssetRepository>() in the Execute() method of the CodeActivity. I imagine this is because the CacheMetadata method is called before any workflow instances are created, and if no workflow instances are created, the extension factory won't have been called, and therefore the additional extensions won't have been loaded into the WorkflowInstanceExtensionManager, so essentially, it won't know about the additional extensions until a workflow instance is created.

EF6 DbContext lifecycle issue

I've decided to architect my solution without repositories and unit of work (given that EF is itself a repository/uow so why abstract an abstraction). So I have a Service/Business Logic layer which will call EF directly. My service has a number of methods (Create, Update, Delete) which call _context.SaveChanges() and I am injecting the DbContext in the constructor.
However if I call multiple methods using the same service instance and one fails, all further service methods will also fail. For example
var svc = new PersonService();
var person = new Person{ Name = "Angie" };
svc.Delete(56); //delete person with Id 50
Lets assume Create throws an exception on SaveChanges for some reason. When I call Delete, there is still a faulty Person object in my context, so when Delete method calls SaveChanges it will throw the same exception.
Of course I can get around this by always instantiating a new PersonService in my calling code but this just screams WRONG.
This leads me to using a new context for each service method, which will mean method injection instead of constructor injection which I was hoping to avoid.
I've considered going back to repository/uow but it seems that this just moves the problem one layer deeper.
Is method injection of my context the right way to go or am I missing something here?

JPA2, JAX-RS: #PersistentContext, How to get EntityManager in a Facade constructor?

I have a JAX-RS web service that was generated by Netbeans. There are non-abstract facade classes for the service's endpoints. The persistence context is being injected into the non-abstract facade. Everything is working well and I see my data being returned to Fiddler.
We are using DTOs and I am implementing an assembler pattern. So, in the non-abstract facade's constructor, I am creating an instance of the assembler, and am passing the facade's entity manager instance into it. Unfortunately, it seems that the injection of the persistence context has not happened before the facade's constructor has been called, so I cannot pass the entity manager instance into the assembler for its to use in mapping operations. Kind of a chicken-before-the-end situation... I cannot figure out how to make this work... Is there some kind of post-constructor method that I can override and perform the initialization of the assembler and pass in the entity manager to it? I'd really appreciate your help and suggestions.
Thank you for your time and ideas,
Use method marked with #PostConstruct annotation. Like this:
private void init() {
// I'm called after all injections have been resolved
// initialize some object variables here
In that method you can use both, object fields initialized in the constructor and passed by injection.

Entity Framework Generic Repository Context

I am building an ASP.NET 4.0 MVC 2 app with a generic repository based on this blog post.
I'm not sure how to deal with the lifetime of ObjectContext -- here is a typical method from my repository class:
public T GetSingle<T>(Func<T, bool> predicate) where T : class
using (MyDbEntities dbEntities = new MyDbEntities())
return dbEntities.CreateObjectSet<T>().Single(predicate);
MyDbEntities is the ObjectContext generated by Entity Framework 4.
Is it ok to call .CreateObjectSet() and create/dispose MyDbEntities per every HTTP request? If not, how can I preserve this object?
If another method returns an IEnumerable<MyObject> using similar code, will this cause undefined behavior if I try to perform CRUD operations outside the scope of that method?
Yes, it is ok to create a new object context on each request (and in turn a call to CreateObjectSet). In fact, it's preferred. And like any object that implements IDisposable, you should be a good citizen and dispose it (which you're code above is doing). Some people use IoC to control the lifetime of their object context scoped to the http request but either way, it's short lived.
For the second part of your question, I think you're asking if another method performs a CRUD operation with a different instance of the data context (let me know if I'm misinterpreting). If that's the case, you'll need to attach it to the new data context that will perform the actual database update. This is a fine thing to do. Also, acceptable would be the use the Unit of Work pattern as well.