error with the mex command -g (no optimization) - matlab

I am trying to mex a file in a script. The C file which has to be mexed is generated in one of the previous steps of the script before it is mexed.
When I use the below line in the script, everything works fine and the script runs successfully.
mex (strcat(component_name,'_s_func','.c'));
but when I add the same line below with
mex -g (strcat(component_name,'_s_func','.c'));
it gives me the error
C:\PROGRA~2\MATLAB~1\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: '(strcat(component_name,_s_func,.c))' not found.
Any idea why its not able to find the same file while using -g while it can find it when using without -g option?

The problem with your statement is that with the syntax
mex -g [...]
MATLAB assumes you are calling mex with the string arguments '-g' and '[...]' so it assumes that your file is called (strcat(component_name,'_s_func','.c')) and does not execute the command.
You can either use the solution you posted with eval, as that way you again call it with the strings '-g' and 'filename.c'. Another possibility would be to use the syntax
because that way the command strcat is really executed before calling mex.
This is the same behavior as e.g. with clear. As you might know, the following statements are equal:
clear a b c

ok its possible to do this with eval command
eval(['mex -g ',file_name]);


Perl executable crashes even though file is not missing

I get the following error:
Can't load '...\AppData\Local\Temp\par-6e72616f\cache-20221205133501\5743946b.xs.dll' for module GD:
The specified module could not be found at <embedded>/ line 193.
at <embedded>/PAR/ line 140.
(Line breaks added for readability.)
Here is the file
use GD;
Here is the command to convert it to an exe (I use a batch file that timestamps it):
pp -T 20221205133501 -o t2_20221205133501.exe
On my laptop, the exe works, but on a barebones Citrix environment it fails.
My environment:
Strawberry Perl v5.32.1 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-64int
GD v2.73
I know the file is simple, but that one line is enough to cause the crash.
The file it complains about exists and is located where it is looking.
I have looked and is looks like I need to add -m GD, or -l xxx to make it work. I tried adding all the dll files I could find for GD, but failed.
I have a corporate environment so I can't really use anything that depends on external programs not in Windows 10. pp_simple depends on wxpar which I do not have. I have used:
objdump -x C:\Strawberry\perl\vendor\lib\auto\GD\GD.xs.dll | find "DLL"
which got me a list of DLLs, and I did try using them with -l.
From Re: Par with strawberry-Perl
There are likely missing DLLs that need to be added to the pp call
using the --link option.
Finding these manually can be a pain, so have a look at pp_autolink or
pp_simple (the former is mine, but adapted from the latter).

command-line matlab script calls give undefined variable/class errors

I'm working with a command line Matlab (i.e. remote ubuntu linux workstation) and am trying to execute a script.
When I ran:
matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r "my_script.m"
matlab would open and give me an error message stating
Undefined variable "my_script" or class "my_script.m"
I found a thread on stackoverflow with a user having a similar problem:
Matlab: Running an m-file from command-line
but when I attempted to implement the suggested syntax:
matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r "run('my_script.m');"
I now get a syntax error,
Unexpected MATLAB expression.
Error in run (line 96)
evalin('caller', [script ';'])
I seldom use Matlab and even more rarely do so w/o a gui, so I've been trying without success to fix the syntax using information from online messageboards.
You just need to remove .m extension:
matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r "my_script"
The reason is that my_script.m is not a valid Matlab statement. In order to run a script / function you need to execute it using its name, i.e. my_script. You can see that if you try running my_script.m and my_script statements right from Matlab command window.
The second error you mention (when using run command) seems to be the actual error in your script. It seems like you forgot to copy-paste the very top line which should show the line number where the error occurs. What you see below, i.e. Error in run (line 96) and evalin('caller', [script ';']) is just a second entry in the stack trace. It does confirm the the error occurs while evaluating your script using evalin.

function 'normrnd' in excutable compiled by matlab mcc doesn't work

I have a file named myfunction.m,
the content is:
function []=myfunction()
Z = normrnd(0,1)
Each time I issue the comman myfunction in matlab, I get a random result.
Then, I compile myfunction.m using this command:
mcc -m myfunction.m
and I obtain an excutable named myfunction.
And I try to excute it in matlab using this command:
However the results I get are no longer random...instead it is a fixed number, which is 0.5377..
This is so wired.
My OS is linux.

Flymake CFGERR using custom g++ command

I am trying to get syntax highlighting for C++ code working in Emacs using flymake. I know that with the standard flymake configuration for C++ it will try and run make syntax-check, however, my build system does not use a Makefile (or at least not directly). It uses rosmake which is a wrapper over cmake for the ROS system.
In order to get around the fact that I don't have control over the Makefile I've been trying to add a custom flymake checker based on the flymake website and this stackoverflow question.
I've created the command g++ -Wall -Wextra -fsyntax-only -Iinclude_dir file_to_check.cpp. When I run the command in bash I get the expected output. With no syntax errors I have an exit code 0 and no output. With syntax errors I have an exit code 1 and errors listed by line. However, whenever I try to run this with flymake I get a CFGERR and am told that flymake has been disabled.
I'm pretty sure that the correct command is running because the error displays the full command and everything looks the same as what I type in the terminal. I turned the logging level all the way up to 3 in order to see what the problem is. There is an error about halfway through the log
file /home/rhololkeolke/ros_workspace/team-hku-drc/robot_code/state_trigger/src/Broadcaster.cpp, init=flymake-cc-init [3 times]
create-temp-inplace: file=/home/rhololkeolke/ros_workspace/team-hku-drc/robot_code/state_trigger/src/Broadcaster.cpp temp=/home/rhololkeolke/ros_workspace/team-hku-drc/robot_code/state_trigger/src/Broadcaster_flymake.cpp
saved buffer Broadcaster.cpp in file /home/rhololkeolke/ros_workspace/team-hku-drc/robot_code/state_trigger/src/Broadcaster_flymake.cpp
started process 14517, command=(g++ -Wall -Wextra -fsyntax-only -std=c++0x -I/home/rhololkeolke/ros_workspace/team-hku-drc/robot_code/state_trigger/include -I/home/rhololkeolke/ros_workspace/team-hku-drc/robot_code/state_trigger/msg_gen/cpp/include -I/home/rhololkeolke/ros_workspace/team-hku-drc/robot_code/state_trigger/srv_gen/cpp/include -I/opt/ros/fuerte/include
Broadcaster_flymake.cpp), dir=/home/rhololkeolke/ros_workspace/team-hku-drc/robot_code/state_trigger/src/
received 40 byte(s) of output from process 14517
file /home/rhololkeolke/ros_workspace/team-hku-drc/robot_code/state_trigger/src/Broadcaster.cpp, init=flymake-cc-init
parsed 'g++: error: : No such file or directory', no line-err-info
file /home/rhololkeolke/ros_workspace/team-hku-drc/robot_code/state_trigger/src/Broadcaster.cpp, init=flymake-cc-init
process 14517 exited with code 1
cleaning up using flymake-simple-cleanup
deleted file /home/rhololkeolke/ros_workspace/team-hku-drc/robot_code/state_trigger/src/Broadcaster_flymake.cpp
Broadcaster.cpp: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 0 info in 0.07 second(s)
switched OFF Flymake mode for buffer Broadcaster.cpp due to fatal status CFGERR, warning Configuration error has occured while running (g++ -Wall -Wextra -fsyntax-only -std=c++0x -I/home/rhololkeolke/ros_workspace/team-hku-drc/robot_code/state_trigger/include -I/home/rhololkeolke/ros_workspace/team-hku-drc/robot_code/state_trigger/msg_gen/cpp/include -I/home/rhololkeolke/ros_workspace/team-hku-drc/robot_code/state_trigger/srv_gen/cpp/include -I/opt/ros/fuerte/include
The main error appears to be parsed 'g++: error: : No such file or directory', no line-err-info. I thought it might be because the Broadcaster_flymake.cpp never got created but I checked that and it seems to be working. I get these errors regardless of whether or not there is a syntax error. I can't figure out why it can't find the file as copying and pasting the command into Bash works perfectly. I also tried (shell-command "g++") in an buffer just to make sure that emacs was finding the g++ binary and it is.
If you have any idea why flymake is failing to run the command please let me know. Thank you.
I figured out what the problem is. I overloaded the function flymake-get-project-include-dirs. In that function I was running the rospack cflags-only-I command to get the current ROS package's necessary include directories. What I didn't realize is that the final include directory included a newline character at the end after I had finished processing the output of the rospack command. When I was seeing the command it was trying to run in the buffer I noticed that the filename it was trying to check was always on a new line but I thought that was just a formatting thing.
Now that I've removed all newlines from my include directories everything is working great.

`GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found, run system call from MATLAB that links to glibc different than what's in matlab bin path

I'm trying to circumvent using MEX to link to MATLAB and just call a binary using "!" as in:
>> !template_image_rigid -args ....
template_image_rigid: /opt/MatlabR2010a/sys/os/glnxa64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found (required by /usr/lib/
template_image_rigid: /opt/MatlabR2010a/sys/os/glnxa64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found (required by /usr/lib/
Is there a way to easily fix this dynamic link issue from within MATLAB? I know I can recompile the source with MATLAB and use a MEX call, but since it takes a while to run the solver I just want to run it as shell command and import text data later into MATLAB.
If it helps, the source & CMakeLists.txt can be found here:
Grr, community = fail.
Diagnoising: do !gnome-terminal from within matlab and look at "env":
env | grep Matlab
which gives
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/MatlabR2010a/sys/os/glnxa64:/opt/MatlabR2010a/bin/glnxa64:/opt/MatlabR2010a/extern/lib/glnxa64:/opt/MatlabR2010a/runtime/glnxa64:/opt/MatlabR2010a/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/amd64/native_threads:/opt/MatlabR2010a/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/a md64/server:/opt/MatlabR2010a/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/amd64
Ok so the LD_LIBRARY_PATH is bad.
Trick: write a poltergeist script and run it from gnome-terminal, Launch it from Matlab with:
!./ RunStuffThatLinksElsewhere
where is a script with something like:
source ~/.bashrc
gnome-terminal --command="${1}"
so an easy test is to try it with "eog", this hack gets around the link issue and lets you run it from within matlab...
setenv('foo',num2str(some_value) )
!LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" && ./my_binary -f $foo
disp('done with external program!')
I solved this problem by replacing the version of with a newer version from my system (I use ubuntu 12.04).
First find the system version of
From the command line type:
My system version of libstdc was
Then replace the matlab libstdc version with a link to the system libstdc.
From the command line type (replace [....] with you settings):
cd [matlab_dir]/sys/os/glnx86
ln -s [your_system_version_of_libstdc]
I recently ran into the same problem. My solution also uses a poltergeist script like other answers. The script is as follows (
eval "$#"
It basically resets the library path and subsequently evaluates the call given by the arguments to the script. From within matlab I then call in this manner:
system([pwd,'/ echo hello world!']);
The advantage to this approach is that you can dynamically modify the call command within matlab. As far as I know this is not possible using the bang syntax in the currently provided answers.