Format Matlab data to only have digits after the decimal place - matlab

I used dlmwrite to output some data in the following form:
-1.7693255974E+00,-9.7742420654E-04, 2.1528647648E-04,-1.4866241234E+00
What I really want is the following format:
-.1769325597E+00, -.9774242065E-04, .2152864764E-04, -.1486624123E+00
A space is required before each number, followed by a sign, if the number is negative, and the number format is comma delimited, in exponential form to 10 significant digits.
Just in case Matlab is not able to write to this format (-.1769325597E+00), what is it called specifically so that I can research other means of solving my problem?

Although this feels morally wrong, one can use regular expressions to move the decimal point. This is what the function
myFormat = #(x) regexprep(sprintf('%.9e', 10*x), '(\d)\.', '\.$1');
does. The input value is multiplied by 10 prior to formatting, to account for the point being moved. Example: myFormat(-pi^7) returns -.3020293228e+04.
The above works for individual numbers. The following version is also able to format arrays, providing comma separators. The second regexprep removes the trailing comma.
myArrayFormat = #(x) regexprep(regexprep(sprintf('%.9e, ', 10*x), '(\d)\.', '\.$1'), ', $', '');
Example: myArrayFormat(1000*rand(1,5)-500) returned
-.2239749230e+03, .1797026769e+03, .1550980040e+03, -.3373882648e+03, -.3810023184e+03
For individual numbers, myArrayFormat works identically to myFormat.


Output numbers in exponential notation with a predefined exponent

I have a set of integer values, for example:
V = [26767559, 6022443, 9923637]; % etc.
For my application, it is convenient to represent them as <rounded_mantissa>E5 (that is, some_val*105), so for the above examples I want to get:
N = ["268E5", "60E5", "99E5"]; % I won't mind if it's E+05
At the moment, I'm using one of several conceivable workarounds to achieve this output,
N = round(V*1E-5) + "E5";
but I'd like to know if it's possible to specify the formatSpec of sprintf, num2str (etc.) such that it would output numbers with a specific value for the exponent (in this case, 5), without performing division (like in num2str(round(V/1E5).','%3uE5')).
I'm using R2018a.
You can at least remove the use of round, then I don't think there's any further short-hand because it's just a single division...
N = num2str( V/1e5, '%.0fE5' )
The .0 precision operator will force the 0 decimal place rounding for you anyway.
You can only specify the number of digits (significant or after the decimal point) using the formatSpec property, so unless you've got fixed numbers of digits (which you don't) you won't be able to use that alone.

How can i get 6 digits after comma (matlab)?

I read from text some comma seperated values.
I write script below;
get_in = zeros(lendata,2);
nums = str2num(line); % auto comma seperation.(two points)
for x=1:2
it automatically round numbers. For example;
(first row convert to "-8.6186 , 41.1414")
How can i ignore round operation?
I want to get 6 digits after comma.
I tried "str2double" after split line with comma delimeter.
I tried import data tool
But it always rounded to 4 digits, too.
As one of the replies has already said, the values aren't actually rounded, just the displayed values (for ease of reading them). As suggested, if you just enter 'format long' into the command window that should help.
The following link might help with displaying individual values to certain decimal places though:
It suggests using the sprintf function. For example sprintf(%4.6,data) would display the value of 'data' to 6 decimal places.

Remove commas and decimal places from number field

I am trying to add two zero place holders in front of a field without changing the actual values involved. The field is an order number that is being pulled from MOMs. So right now that fields' formula is {cms.ORDERNO}.
When I try '00'+{cms.ORDERNO} the field displays 001,254.00. How can I remove the decimals and comma so it displays 001254?
The usual trick is to pad with plenty of extra digits on the left and then only take the six you really want from the right. This would handle any order number ranging from 1 to 999999.
right("000000" + totext({cms.ORDERNO}, "0"), 6)
When you don't specify a format string, as you tried, it uses default settings which usually come from Windows. By the way, if I recall correctly cstr() and totext() are equivalent for the most part but totext() has more options.
You should also be able to specify "000000" as the format string to produce the left-padded zeroes. Sadly I don't have Crystal Reports installed or I'd check it out for you to be sure. If this is the case then you probably don't need a formula if you just want to use the formatting options for the field on the canvas. If you do use a formula it's still simple.
totext({cms.ORDERNO}, "000000")
You definitely want to use the Replace formula a few times for this. The formula below converts ORDERNO into string, removes any commas and trailing decimal places, then adds the two zeroes at the beginning:
`00` + REPLACE(REPLACE(CSTR({cms.ORDERNO}),".00",""),",","")
So for example, if cms.ORDERNO is 1,254.00 the output from this formula would be 001254
I know this is older, but better solutions exists and I ran across this same issue. ToText has what you need built right in.
"00" + ToText({cms.ORDERNO}, 0, "")
From the Crystal Documentation:
ToText (x, y, z)
x is a Number or Currency value to be converted into a text string; it
can be a whole or fractional value.
y is a whole number indicating the number of decimal places to carry
the value in x to (This argument is optional.).
z is a single character text string indicating the character to be
used to separate thousands in x. Default is the character specified in
your International or Regional settings control panel. (This argument
is optional.)

How can i write a number values in powers of 10? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the Small "e" in Scientific Notation / Double in Matlab
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
How can I write a number/Integer value to power of 10, e.g. 1000 as 10^3? I am writing code whose output is a string of very large numbers. My output in longEng format is:
I want these results to be in a format of power of 10, so that I can easily do arithmetic operations for my next function.
you can write format shortE and see you output like this:
If you only want to print the data in scientific format, the Matlab itself can do this for you.
If you can to obtain the scientific notation form as
a * 10^b,
i.e., obtain the coefficient a and the exponent b, you can first obtain the b as:
b = floor(log10(abs(x)));
then the a as:
a = x * 10^(-b);
from my understanding you wish to take your number e.g. 4.40710646596169e+018 and split it up into:
4.40710646596169 and 018 once you have them separated you you can perform operations as you wish.
You can even join them back to look like: 4.40710646596169^018 if you so desire (although to look like that they would be strings and therefore mathematical operations on the number would be NAN).
Since e represents to the power 10 and is present in all numbers you listed this is a simple process with many solutions, here is one.
% format long is very important otherwise it will appear to you that you have
%lost precision. MATLAB hides precision from view to save screen space and to
%produce less confusing results to the viewer. (the precision is still there but
%with format long you will be able to see it.
format long
x = 4.40710646596169e+018;
%convert your number into a string, this will allow you to split the number based
%on the always present e+ 'delimiter' (not really a delimiter but looks like one')
s = num2str(x);
%use strsplit to perform the split in the required place. it will output a 1x2
D = strsplit(s, {'e+'});
%extract each cell to a separate variable. in fact D{1} can be directly used for
%the input of the next function.
D11 = D{1};
D22 = D{2};
%convert the separated strings back into numbers with double precision (keep
%maintin value accuracy)
D1 = str2double(D11)
D2 = str2double(D22)
in order to do this operation on an entire column vector it is simply a matter of using a for loop to iterate through all the numbers you have.

What are the valid formats for numbers in MATLAB?

What are the valid formats are for numbers in MATLAB? The following seem to be valid:
x=0000.00; % Trailing and leading zeros seem to be irrelevant
Are there other valid general number specifications? I can't find this in the documentation.
I believe this is the regex of floating-point number formats, valid in MATLAB:
Compiled from here, and slightly modified for MATLAB:
added 'd' exponent character (as is common in FORTRAN, MATLAB's ancestor)
added uppercase exponent characters
added extra case in the required order before and after the decimal symbol
I'm pretty sure the locale can mess this up, e.g., the decimal separator . might be set to , as is common here in Europe. Oh well.
The regex in words:
string start, followed by
zero or more consecutive sign symbols, followed by
non-zero length string of consecutive integers, OR
possibly zero-length string of consecutive integers, followed by a dot, followed by non-zero length string of consecutive integers, OR
non-zero length string of consecutive integers, followed by a dot, followed by a possibly zero-length string of consecutive integers
optionally followed by the exponent part:
one of e, E, d or D.
zero or one sign symbols, followed by
non-zero length string of consecutive integers
followed by string terminator
Note that this is for non-complex floating point values. For complex values, you'd have to
use the regex once for the real, once for the imaginary part
append [ij]{1} to the imaginary part (only lower case)
take care of spacing (\s*) and a [+-]{1} in between the two parts
take care of the fact that the imaginary part may appear alone, but the real part may not appear with a trailing [+-]{1}, but no imaginary part.