libSpotify-based client slow, but Spotify's own client fast - libspotify

I've run into some weird issues with libSpotify. It seems that any libSpotify-based client will take ages to process requests (sometimes 20 seconds for a simple search, seconds for loading one single image, etc..) sent to Spotify servers, whereas Spotify's own desktop client for Windows works extremely well on the same system, processing requests and loading images in near realtime.
Even the demo app provided with libSpotify, called spshell, exhibits massive problems:
Did anyone experience similar problems and/or knows the cause?

Magically works again since today, no clue why.


Coffescripts not receiving data from broadcasted message relay job

Here's the code:
How to ensure the javascripts/channels/ is loading and receive: (data) works? Console.log data is not loading
I posted the problem the other day. It comes from a tutorial, but somewhere after continuing work on my project, I'm not sure where the bug came up,
But the message relay job posts on the server, and my config.yml has redis with redis up and running.
There have been similar bugs, but I've worked through those solutions and it's not enough. The received: (data) console log doesn't arrive in the js console of the browser.
The App subscriptions seem to all be in order according to the tutorial, I bet it's a really simple fix.
My messaging system still works, so it's not crucial to the project, but it's a difference of having the chat system work in realtime versus with a 4 second page-refresh delay.
The last problem I had was not including jquery for my other coffeescripts, so I'm guessing the channels coffeescripts is probably a one line fix.

Server response time is too long ?Entity FrameWork and C# (code first approach)

Well, I browsed through the answers but none of them could solve the problem. When I hit the url for the first time, it takes very long time to boot up. The server response time is close to 30 sec (waiting time TTFB in chrome developer tool).
The subsequent requests are surprisingly faster. I don't think there's problem with the server side code as all the calls are taking this much time.
I don't think this is related to front end either as those contents are downloaded almost immediately.
Here's the link to my website

Facebook graph API suddenly going very slow

I'm not really sure what's going on, but today I've noticed that the facebook api is working extremely slow for me.
At first I though it was a bug in my code, but I tried the Graph API Explorer, and even that's causing timeout errors half the time (just using /me):
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 504 (Server timeout)
I don't think its my internet connection, since everything else seems to be working quickly, and is giving me good results.
Is my problem somehow fixable or is this just some sort of freak occurance?
Has this happened for anyone else?
Do I need to consider the case that it will take exceedingly long in my application to recieve a response?
I currently have a registration page that waits for a FB.api response (with a spinner gif) before displaying the form. I could use a timeout to wait a few seconds and show it if the api doesn't respond, but I'd really rather not have to use this same sort of logic in every api call that my application depends on...
EDIT: its spontaneously fixed itself now. still no clue what happened.
You can check facebook api live status with this URL
today at 11:13pm: API issues We're currently experiencing a problem
that may result in high API latency and timeouts. We are working on a
fix now.

Slow Page Load Times - Long 'Wait' Period According to Pingdom

My page load times have been wildly fluctuating, and sometimes it takes so long to serve a page that I get a server timed out error, even during relatively quiet times of day for my site.
I have been using pingdom to check page load times and to try and find where the problem lies.
It seems when a page loads normally (in approx 6 seconds), there is a 1.63 second 'Wait' Time for the main html file, before it starts receiving the file.
You can see this here:!/GEoqJlVdZ/
But 2 minutes later, when the same page is taking 17 seconds to load, there is an 11.7 second Wait Time before starting to receive this same html file.
You can see an example here:!/he2L5Jhgz/
Do you know what can cause this difference in the Wait times because it seems this is the reason my site has been so slow recently.
Accoring to the Waterfall chart, there is nothing else happening, so why the Wait?
Is it more likely to be a code or server issue?
I found some useful info here How to reduce server "Wait" time?
Any advice is much appreciated.
You need a tool that can dig into the backend performance, something like New Relic might help - they do a free month trial.
There's obviously some variation in performance going on but whether it's related to load or other factors is really hard to discern without digging deeply.
You should try new relic anyway, it will still give you a good answer even on an ASP classic site. I have used it on windows servers before to figure out why an app was running slow.

java Web Start is running slower than normal application running

I'm having trouble with Web Start.
There is no problem if I start the application from IntelliJ.
With Web Start it's working ok most of the time but at a point I'm loading 10000 records from database and there it's getting very slow.
What can I do?
It is possible that running as a WebStart application, your application has diferent memory settings. You should attempt to tweak those (as described here) and see if that makes a difference with application performance.
Other than that, you should profile your application to see where the delays occur (which parts of the application, what kind of operations, constantly or intermittently etc.)