Clear onComplete functions list in Promise - scala

This snippet
val some = Promise[Int]()
val someFuture = some.future
someFuture.onSuccess {case i => println(i)}
someFuture.onComplete {case iTry => List(println(iTry.get*2), println(iTry.get*3))}
creates promise with list of 3 callbacks(List[CallbackRunnable]) on complete. Is there a way to clear this List or rewrite it?

This is kind of technically possible. But definitely not in the way that you want. If we execute a Future (or Promise) in one ExecutionContext, and the callback in another, we can kill the callback's ExecutionContext so that it can't complete. This works in the REPL (throws an exception somewhere), but is terrible idea to actually try in real code:
import scala.concurrent._
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
val ex1 = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1)
val ex2 = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1)
val ec1 = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(ex1)
val ec2 = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(ex2)
val f = Future { Thread.sleep(30000); println("done") }(ec1) // start in one ExecutionContext
f.onComplete { case t => println("onComplete done") }(ec2) // start callback in another ExecutionContext
f.onComplete { case t => println("onComplete change") }(ec1) // start another callback in the original ExecutionContext
The first onComplete will not run (an exception is thrown in the background, which may or may not cause horrible things to happen elsewhere), but the second one does. But this is truly terrible, so don't do it.
Even if there was a construct to clear callbacks, it wouldn't be a good idea to use it.
someFuture.onComplete { case result => // do something important }
someFuture.clearCallbacks() // imaginary method to clear the callbacks
someFuture.onComplete { case result =>> // do something else }
The execution of this hypothetical code is non-deterministic. someFuture could complete before clearCallbacks is called, meaning both callbacks would get called, instead of just the second. But if it hasn't run yet, then only one callback will fire. There wouldn't be a nice way of determining that, which would lead to some truly horrible bugs.


For Comprehension of Futures - Kicking off new thread inside comprehension and disregarding result

I'm trying to use a for comprehension to both run some futures in order and merged results, but also kick off a separate thread after one of those futures completes and not care about the result (basically used to fire some logging info)
I've played around a bit with this with some thread sleeps and it looks like whatever i'm throwing inside the for block will end up blocking the thread.
private def testFunction(): EitherT[Future, Error, Response] =
for {
firstRes <- EitherT(client.getFirst())
secondRes <- EitherT(client.getSecond())
// Future i want to run on a separate async thread outside the comprehension
_ = runSomeLogging(secondRes)
thirdRes <- EitherT(client.getThird(secondRes.value))
} yield thirdRes
def runSomeLogging(): Future[Either[Error, Response]] =
So this above code will wait the 10 seconds before returning the thirdRes result. My hope was to kick off the runSomeLogging function on a separate thread after the secondRes runs. I thought the usage of = rather than <- would cause that, however it doesn't.
The way I am able to get this to work is below. Basically I run my second future outside of the comprehension and use .onComplete on the previous future to only run my logging if certain conditions were meant from the above comprehension. I only want to run this logging function if the secondRes function is successful in my example here.
private def runSomeLogging(response: SecondRes) =
response.value.onComplete {
case Success(either) =>
_ => { },
response => { logThing() }
case _ =>
private def testFunction(): EitherT[Future, Error, Response] =
val res = for {
firstRes <- EitherT(client.getFirst())
secondRes <- EitherT(client.getSecond())
thirdRes <- EitherT(client.getThird(secondRes.value))
} yield thirdRes
return res
This second example works fine and does what I want, it doesn't block the for comprehension for 10 seconds from returning. However, because there are dependencies of this running for certain pieces of the comprehension, but not all of them, I was hoping there was a way to kick off the job from within the for comprehension itself but let it run on its own thread and not block the comprehension from completing.
You need a function that starts the Future but doesn't return it, so the for-comprehension can move on (since Future's map/flatMap functions won't continue to the next step until the current Future resolves). To accomplish a "start and forget", you need to use a function that returns immediately, or a Future that resolves immediately.
// this function will return immediately
def runSomeLogging(res: SomeResult): Unit = {
// since startLoggingFuture uses Future.apply, calling it will start the Future,
// but we ignore the actual Future by returning Unit instead
// this function returns a future that takes 10 seconds to resolve
private def startLoggingFuture(res: SomeResult): Future[Unit] = Future {
// note: please don't actually do Thread.sleep in your Future's thread pool
Thread.sleep(10000)"Got result $res")
Then you could put e.g.
_ = runSomeLogging(res)
_ <- Future { runSomeLogging(res) }
in your for-comprehension.
Note, Cats-Effect and Monix have a nice abstraction for "start but ignore result", with io.start.void and task.startAndForget respectively. If you were using IO or Task instead of Future, you could use .start.void or .startAndForget on the logging task.

Await for a Sequence of Futures with timeout without failing on TimeoutException

I have a sequence of scala Futures of same type.
I want, after some limited time, to get a result for the entire sequence while some futures may have succeeded, some may have failed and some haven't completed yet, the non completed futures should be considered failed.
I don't want to use Await each future sequentially.
I did look at this question: Scala waiting for sequence of futures
and try to use the solution from there, namely:
private def lift[T](futures: Seq[Future[T]])(implicit ex: ExecutionContext) = { Success(_) }.recover { case t => Failure(t) })
def waitAll[T](futures: Seq[Future[T]])(implicit ex: ExecutionContext) =
futures: Seq[Future[MyObject]] = ...
val segments = Await.result(waitAll(futures), waitTimeoutMillis millis)
but I'm still getting a TimeoutException, I guess because some of the futures haven't completed yet.
and that answer also states,
Now Future.sequence(lifted) will be completed when every future is completed, and will represent successes and failures using Try.
But I want my Future to be completed after the timeout has passed, not when every future in the sequence has completed. What else can I do?
If I used raw Future (rather than some IO monad which has this functionality build-in, or without some Akka utils for exactly that) I would hack together utility like:
// make each separate future timeout
object FutureTimeout {
// separate EC for waiting
private val timeoutEC: ExecutorContext = ...
private def timeout[T](delay: Long): Future[T] = Future {
blocking {
throw new Exception("Timeout")
def apply[T](fut: Future[T], delat: Long)(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext
): Future[T] = Future.firstCompletedOf(Seq(
and then
.map(FutureTimeout(_, delay))
.recover { case e => Failure(e) }
Since each future would terminate at most after delay we would be able to collect them into one result right after that.
You have to remember though that no matter how would you trigger a timeout you would have no guarantee that the timeouted Future stops executing. It could run on and on on some thread somewhere, it's just that you wouldn't wait for the result. firstCompletedOf just makes this race more explicit.
Some other utilities (like e.g. Cats Effect IO) allow you to cancel computations (which is used in e.g. races like this one) but you still have to remember that JVM cannot arbitrarily "kill" a running thread, so that cancellation would happen after one stage of computation is completed and before the next one is started (so e.g. between .maps or .flatMaps).
If you aren't afraid of adding external deps there are other (and more reliable, as Thread.sleep is just a temporary ugly hack) ways of timing out a Future, like Akka utils. See also other questions like this.
Here is solution using monix
import monix.eval.Task
import monix.execution.Scheduler
val timeoutScheduler = Scheduler.singleThread("timeout") //it's safe to use single thread here because timeout tasks are very fast
def sequenceDiscardTimeouts[T](tasks: Task[T]*): Task[Seq[T]] = {
.map(t => // Map to success so we can collect the value
.executeOn(timeoutScheduler) //This is needed to run timesouts in dedicated scheduler that won't be blocked by "blocking"/io work if you have any
.onErrorRecoverWith { ex =>
Task.pure(Failure(ex)) //It's assumed that any error is a timeout. It's possible to "catch" just timeout exception here
.map { res =>
res.collect { case Success(r) => r }
Testing code
implicit val mainScheduler = Scheduler.fixedPool(name = "main", poolSize = 10)
def slowTask(msg: String) = {
Task.sleep(Random.nextLong(1000).millis) //Sleep here to emulate a slow task
.map { _ =>
val app = sequenceDiscardTimeouts(
val started: Long = System.currentTimeMillis()
println(s"Done in ${System.currentTimeMillis() - started} millis")
This will print an output different for each run but it should look like following
Done in 564 millis
Please note the usage of two separate schedulers. This is to ensure that timeouts will fire even if the main scheduler is busy with business logic. You can test it by reducing poolSize for main scheduler.

How to read only Successful values from a Seq of Futures

I am learning akka/scala and am trying to read only those Futures that succeeded from a Seq[Future[Int]] but cant get anything to work.
I simulated an array of 10 Future[Int] some of which fail depending on the value FailThreshold takes (all fail for 10 and none fail for 0).
I then try to read them into an ArrayBuffer (could not find a way to return immutable structure with the values).
Also, there isn't a filter on Success/Failure so had to run an onComplete on each future and update buffer as a side-effect.
Even when the FailThreshold=0 and the Seq has all Future set to Success, the array buffer is sometimes empty and different runs return array of different sizes.
I tried a few other suggestions from the web like using Future.sequence on the list but this throws exception if any of future variables fail.
import akka.pattern.ask
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future, Promise}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.{Timeout, Failure, Success}
case object AskNameMessage
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5, SECONDS)
val FailThreshold = 0
class HeyActor(num: Int) extends Actor {
def receive = {
case AskNameMessage => if (num<FailThreshold) {Thread.sleep(1000);sender ! num} else sender ! num
class FLPActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case t: IndexedSeq[Future[Int]] => {
val b = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Int]
t.foldLeft( b ){ case (bf,ft) =>
ft.onComplete { case Success(v) => bf += ft.value.get.get }
val system = ActorSystem("AskTest")
val flm = (0 to 10).map( (n) => system.actorOf(Props(new HeyActor(n)), name="futureListMake"+(n)) )
val flp = system.actorOf(Props(new FLPActor), name="futureListProcessor")
// val delay = akka.pattern.after(500 millis, using=system.scheduler)(Future.failed( throw new IllegalArgumentException("DONE!") ))
val delay = akka.pattern.after(500 millis, using=system.scheduler)(Future.successful(0))
val seqOfFtrs = (0 to 10).map( (n) => Future.firstCompletedOf( Seq(delay, flm(n) ? AskNameMessage) ).mapTo[Int] )
flp ! seqOfFtrs
The receive in FLPActor mostly gets
Vector(Future(Success(0)), Future(Success(1)), Future(Success(2)), Future(Success(3)), Future(Success(4)), Future(Success(5)), Future(Success(6)), Future(Success(7)), Future(Success(8)), Future(Success(9)), Future(Success(10)))
but the array buffer b has varying number of values and empty at times.
Can someone please point me to gaps here,
why would the array buffer have varying sizes even when all Future have resolved to Success,
what is the correct pattern to use when we want to ask different actors with TimeOut and use only those asks that have successfully returned for further processing.
Instead of directly sending the IndexedSeq[Future[Int]], you should transform to Future[IndexedSeq[Int]] and then pipe it to the next actor. You don't send the Futures directly to an actor. You have to pipe it.
HeyActor can stay unchanged.
val seqOfFtrs = (0 to 10).map( (n) => Future.firstCompletedOf( Seq(delay, flm(n) ? AskNameMessage) ).mapTo[Int] )
do a recover, and use Future.sequence to turn it into one Future:
val oneFut = Future.sequence(>{ case (ex: Throwable) => None})).map(_.flatten)
If you don't understand the business with Some, None, and flatten, then make sure you understand the Option type. One way to remove values from a sequence is to map values in the sequence to Option (either Some or None) and then to flatten the sequence. The None values are removed and the Some values are unwrapped.
After you have transformed your data into a single Future, pipe it over to FLPActor:
oneFut pipeTo flp
FLPActor should be rewritten with the following receive function:
def receive = {
case printme: IndexedSeq[Int] => println(printme)
In Akka, modifying some state in the main thread of your actor from a Future or the onComplete of a Future is a big no-no. In the worst case, it results in race conditions. Remember that each Future runs on its own thread, so running a Future inside an actor means you have concurrent work being done in different threads. Having the Future directly modify some state in your actor while the actor is also processing some state is a recipe for disaster. In Akka, you process all changes to state directly in the primary thread of execution of the main actor. If you have some work done in a Future and need to access that work from the main thread of an actor, you pipe it to that actor. The pipeTo pattern is functional, correct, and safe for accessing the finished computation of a Future.
To answer your question about why FLPActor is not printing out the IndexedSeq correctly: you are printing out the ArrayBuffer before your Futures have been completed. onComplete isn't the right idiom to use in this case, and you should avoid it in general as it isn't good functional style.
Don't forget the import akka.pattern.pipe for the pipeTo syntax.

Scala: Future in action

I'm confused about how Scala Future works. Can someone explain what's wrong with code:
import scala.concurrent._
val numbers = List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
def showNumbers() = {
val futueNumber = future {
showNumbers.filter((a: Int) => a % 2 == 0)
futueNumber onSuccess {
case resultList => resultList
I expect to receive a result:
But REPL outputs:
res1: scala.concurrent.Future[List[Int]] = scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise#3644febc
Please, give me a short hint, how to fix this
The simple answer is that you need to await the future for you example to work:
val result = Await.result(futureNumber, 1.second)
However, the purpose of future's is not to block on asynchronous work, as Await does, but instead to use the result of the future when becomes available.
The key to using future is understanding that it does not actually hold the value of your computation, but rather is promise that at some point in the future, it will provide that value.
The usual use case is a request coming into a server that requires some work, which may take some time and itself wait on IO, like this:
def receiveMsg(msg: String, caller: Caller) = {
doSomeAsyncWork(msg).map(response => caller.send(response)
I.e. you are called with an object that has a send method that you want to call when doSomeAsyncWork is done, but you don't want to block the current thread until that future completes. Instead you map the future, which means that response => caller.send(response) will be called for you when doSomeAsyncWork is done.
futureNumber is of type Future[List[Int]], since you defined it as such in
val futureNumber = future {
showNumbers.filter((a: Int) => a % 2 == 0)
Therefore, when you print futureNumber, that is what gets printed. The variable does not get reassigned to the future value! If you want to print the value of the future, you need to do it inside the onSucess callback:
futureNumber onSuccess {
case resultList => println(resultList)
Alternatively, you can block waiting for the future with
import duration._
val theList = scala.concurrent.Await.result(futureNumber, 10 seconds)
Although this might not work if done in the REPL.
The whole point of the Future type is that it acts as a marker that alerts you to the presence of concurrency and should help you handle it better.

scala's for yield comprehension used with Future. How to wait until future has returned?

I have a function which provides a Context:
def buildContext(s:String)(request:RequestHeader):Future[Granite.Context] = {
.... // returns a Future[Granite.Context]
I then have another function which uses a Context to return an Option[Library.Document]:
def getDocument(tag: String):Option[Library.Document] = {
val fakeRequest = play.api.test.FakeRequest().withHeaders(CONTENT_TYPE -> "application/json")
val context = buildContext(tag)(fakeRequest)
val maybeDoc = context.getDocument //getDocument is defined on Granite.Context to return an Option[Library.Document]
How would this code take into account if the Future has returned or not? I have seen for/yield used to wait for the return but I always assumed that a for/yield just flatmaps things together and has nothing really to do with waiting for Futures to return. I'm kinda stuck here and don't really no the correct question to ask!
The other two answers are misleading. A for yield in Scala is a compiler primitive that gets transformed into map or flatMap chains. Do not use Await if you can avoid it, it's not a simple issue.
You are introducing blocking behaviour and you have yet to realise the systemic damage you are doing when blocking.
When it comes to Future, map and flatMap do different things:
is executed when the future completes. It's an asynchronous way to do a type safe mapping.
val f: Future[A] = someFutureProducer
def convertAToB(a: A): B = {..}
f map { a => convertAToB(a) }
is what you use to chain things:
someFuture flatMap {
_ => {
The equivalent of the above is:
for {
result1 <- someFuture
result2 <- someOtherFuture
} yield result2
In Play you would use Async to handle the above:
Async { => Ok("Got result: " + i))
I misunderstood your usage of Play. Still, it doesn't change anything. You can still make your logic asynchronous.
someFuture onComplete {
case Success(result) => // doSomething
case Failure(err) => // log the error etc
The main difference when thinking asynchronously is that you always have to map and flatMap and do everything else inside Futures to get things done. The performance gain is massive.
The bigger your app, the bigger the gain.
When using a for-comprehension on a Future, you're not waiting for it to finish, you're just saying: when it is finished, use it like this, and For-comprehension returns another Future in this case.
If you want to wait for a future to finish, you should use the Await as follows:
val resultContext = Await.result(context , timeout.duration)
Then run the getDocument method on it as such:
val maybeDoc = resultContext.getDocument
The usual way to work with Futures however is to wait until the last moment before you Await. As pointed out by another answer here, Play Framework does the same thing by allowing you to return Future[Result]. So, a good way to do things would be to only use for-comprehensions and make your methods return Futures, etc, until the last moment when you want to finally return your result.
You can use scala.concurrent.Await for that:
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.Await
def getDocument(tag: String):Option[Library.Document] = {
val fakeRequest = play.api.test.FakeRequest().withHeaders(CONTENT_TYPE -> "application/json")
val context = Await.result(buildContext(tag)(fakeRequest), 42.seconds)
val maybeDoc = context.getDocument
But Await will block thread while future is not completed, so would be better either make buildContext a synchronous operation returning Granite.Context, or make getDocument async too, returning Future[Option[Library.Document]].
Once you are in a future you must stay in the future or you must wait until the future arrives.
Waiting is usually a bad idea because it blocks your execution, so you should work in the future.
Basically you should change your getDocument method to return a Future to something like getDocument(tag: String):Future[Option[Library.Document]]
Then using map ro flatMap, you chain your future calls:
return buildContext(tag)(fakeRequest).map(_.getDocument)
If buildContext fails, map will wrap the Failure
Then call
getDocument("blah").onComplete {
case Success(optionalDoc) => ...
case Failure(e) =>...