Implement autocapitalisation in Swift - swift

I searched about autocapitalisation of a word in Swift on internet as well as on this site. I found the solutions but the solution is working for me. can you help me with this?
I have set capitalisation property of through text box property. screenshot is as follows:
I did the same thing through program also as follows, but nothing works for me:
txtabc.autocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationType.Words;

You have set your keyboard type as Name Phone Pad, which does not support auto-capitalization.
From UITextInputTraits Protocol Reference:
Some keyboard types do not support auto-capitalization. Specifically, this option is ignored if the value in the keyboardType property is set to UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad, UIKeyboardTypePhonePad, or UIKeyboardTypeNamePhonePad.
You could try with some other keyboard types and it should work properly.


Swift WKWebView continuous spell checking

We have an embedded HTML form type editor in a macOS app that needs to be filled by the user. We are using WKWebView with Swift and it's all working fine but we are not able to get the spell check working in WKWebView. I mean it does work and corrects some words but doesn't show red dotted underline on misspelled words like WebView.
WebView shows dotted redline where WKWebView does not. Found that WebView has property as isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled but no such property is available in WKWebView.
My simple requirement to highlight misspelled words, please help if there's anything available.
I did not found it yet: so far no such property is available in WKWebView.
From apple
Description Daniel Bates 2018-08-21 11:23:20 PDT
We should render misspelled words with the spelling correction dots in
iOS WebKit (i.e. when using WKWebView). Currently we only support this
in iOS WebKit Legacy (i.e. when using UIWebView).

Caret cursor color and size

How do I change the size and colour of the flashing cursor in my textfield using my storyboard for my Mac app.
I assume I have to connect it into the view controller script (control drag) and edit some uitextfield color parameter for the cursor?
But I don't seem to be getting anywhere fast. I am working in swift 2.2 with Mac app Storyboards. Like Ulysses and Taskpaper.
In Swift 3:
Change YOURTEXTFIELD to your textfield and you are set:
(YOURTEXTFIELD.value(forKey: "textInputTraits") as AnyObject).setValue(, forKey: "insertionPointColor")
Search for _drawInsertionPointInRect that's the private method that you need. Though you also need some other stuff I think... but it's all mixed into my code so I can't say for sure what it all is. Anyway search for _drawInsertionPointInRect and you'll get to some explanations.

Default to numbers view on textfield focus

I am trying to make a UITextField default to the numbers view of the keyboard on focus, the same as e.g. the "Zip" field in the iPhones contacts/addressbook app. I know the KEYBOARD_* constants of the Ti.UI module, none of those seem to do the trick though, as I do not want to disallow alpha characters
I just want the numbers to be auto focused.
The field will be to describe a value, which in most cases will be a monetary value, and therefore a number, but in some cases it may be something like "2 pieces".
I am working with Titanium SDK 2, iOS 5.1, iOS Simulator on OS X 10.7.
Thanks for any help!
here it is
read here more about it
It's actually the Keyboard UIKeyboardTypeNumbersAndPunctuation. The reason it wasn't working was that I wrote keyBoardType instead of keyboardType. My bad.

Cannot type using non-QWERTY keyboards on iOS

My iPhone app can't seem to use soft keyboards that doesn't use the US-like QWERTY layout. That is when I set the keyboard to French or Germany, even text fields cannot take in text and an error message No input manager class for input mode error is shown in the console (when debugged under Xcode). Switching to the Emoji keyboard also shows the same problem. But the problem doesn't occur on QWERTY keyboard layouts, like Dutch and Indonesian keyboards.
The all cases are consistent and reproducible both the device (iPhone 4) and the iPhone simulator.
These are error messages in the Xcode's debugger console
When the keyboard is set to French:
No input manager class for input mode: fr_FR
When the keyboard is set to Germany:
No input manager class for input mode: de_DE
When the keyboard is set to Emoji:
No input manager class for input mode: emoji
My app's deployment target is iOS 3.1.3 (I'm still supporting 1st gen devices) but the development environment is Xcode 4.3.1 and iOS 5.1 Simulator. (I don't know whether this is relevant but just in case).
Anybody can help how to fix this?
Thanks in advance.
In my case, this was caused by my swizzling -[NSBundle infoDictionary] and returning a copy of the original dictionary.
I did this to be able to change info dictionary values at runtime (specifically, providing a non-shortened bundle display name to replace the shortened value used on the home screen).
The fix was to not return a copy of the info dictionary, but with some more reflection magic handle each key obtained from the dictionary:
Not sure if this answer will help you but I found it from this link:
Anyway here is what I am talking about:
Like UIKeyboardLayoutClass, this field also can be referred using the
same "=xxx" syntax. You can also write the class name of your own
input manager class here.
If this field is missing, no input managers will be used.
Hopefully this will help you!

How to check spelling entered in textview?

I have one UITextview in which user enter text. after that i take that text as a string and display it in another textview and want the words which are grammatically incorrect.
How to do that?
Use the UITextChecker class that's been available since ios 3.2: Apple Documentation
iOS system only provide spell checking while the user is inputting text. If the user choose to type in the wrong word or words, iOS cannot help. If you want to perform your own spell checking, you will have to include your own spell checking library.
GNU Aspell is a Free and Open Source spell checker designed to eventually replace Ispell. It can either be used as a library or as an independent spell checker.
Aspell Spell Checker on iPhone? was asked a few years ago here on SO. I am not sure if they ever got it working.
Use autocorrectionType property of UITextInputTraits protocol which is implemented by UITextView
#property(nonatomic) UITextAutocorrectionType autocorrectionType
Use it as below
To disable
myTxtview.autocorrectionType = UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo;
To enable
myTxtview.autocorrectionType = UITextAutocorrectionTypeYes;
In Apple Documentation
You can use Correction option under Text Input Traits in TextField Attributes using Interface Builder. It will take care of Valid English words.
